976 resultados para Power electronics Study and teaching.


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Despite their small size, some insects, such as crickets, can produce high amplitude mating songs by rubbing their wings together. By exploiting structural resonance for sound radiation, crickets broadcast species-specific songs at a sharply tuned frequency. Such songs enhance the range of signal transmission, contain information about the signaler's quality, and allow mate choice. The production of pure tones requires elaborate structural mechanisms that control and sustain resonance at the species-specific frequency. Tree crickets differ sharply from this scheme. Although they use a resonant system to produce sound, tree crickets can produce high amplitude songs at different frequencies, varying by as much as an octave. Based on an investigation of the driving mechanism and the resonant system, using laser Doppler vibrometry and finite element modeling, we show that it is the distinctive geometry of the crickets' forewings (the resonant system) that is responsible for their capacity to vary frequency. The long, enlarged wings enable the production of high amplitude songs; however, as a mechanical consequence of the high aspect ratio, the resonant structures have multiple resonant modes that are similar in frequency. The drive produced by the singing apparatus cannot, therefore, be locked to a single frequency, and different resonant modes can easily be engaged, allowing individual males to vary the carrier frequency of their songs. Such flexibility in sound production, decoupling body size and song frequency, has important implications for conventional views of mate choice, and offers inspiration for the design of miniature, multifrequency, resonant acoustic radiators.


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In this work we present a statistical approach inspired by stylometry -measurement of author style- to study the characteristics of machine translators. Our approach quantifies the style of a translator in terms of the properties derived from the distribution of stopwords in its output - a standard approach in modern stylometry. Our study enables us to match translated text to the source machine translator that generated them. Also, the stylometric closeness of human generated text to that generated by machine translators provides handles to assess the quality of machine translators.


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This paper presents the details of crack growth study and remaining life assessment of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Flexural fatigue tests have been conducted on HSC, HSC1 and UHSC beams under constant amplitude loading with a stress ratio of 0.2. It is observed from the studies that (i) the failure patterns of HSC1 and UHSC beams indicate their ductility as the member was intact till the crack propagated up to 90% of the beam depth and (ii) the remaining life decreases with increase of notch depth (iii) the failure of the specimen is influenced by the frequency of loading. A ``Net K'' model has been proposed by using non-linear fracture mechanics principles for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. SIF (K) has been computed by using the principle of superposition. SIP due to the cohesive forces applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been obtained through Green's function approach by applying bi-linear tension softening relationship to consider the cohesive the stresses acting ahead of the crack tip. Remaining life values have been have been predicted and compared with the corresponding experimental values and observed that they are in good agreement with each other.


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Power converters burn-in test consumes large amount of energy, which increases the cost of testing, and certification, in medium and high power application. A simple test configuration to test a PWM rectifier induction motor drive, using a Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) to circulate power back to the grid for burn-in test is presented. The test configuration makes use of only one power electronic converter, which is the converter to be tested. The test method ensures soft synchronization of DFIM and Squirrel Cage Induction Machine (SCIM). A simple volt per hertz control of the drive is sufficient for conducting the test. To synchronize the DFIM with SCIM, the rotor terminal voltage of DFIM is measured and used as an indication of speed mismatch between DFIM and SCIM. The synchronization is done when the DFIM rotor voltage is at its minimum. Analysis of the DFIM characteristics confirms that such a test can be effectively performed with smooth start up and loading of the test setup. After synchronization is obtained, the speed command to SCIM is changed in order to load the setup in motoring or regenerative mode of operation. The experimental results are presented that validates the proposed test method.


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Classical control and one cycle control of current are popular methods used to modulate pulses in active rectifiers for ac-dc power conversion. One cycle control has lower control complexity and can be implemented using linear analog circuits when compared with the classical approach. However, it also suffers from problems such as instability and offsets in current that is severe at light load conditions. A control strategy for bidirectional boost rectifiers based on one cycle control of charge is proposed for that overcomes these limitations. The integral of sensed current, which represents charge, is compared with a non-linear carrier, which is modified for ac-dc power conversion. This generates the gating signals for the switching devices. The modifications required for the control law governing one cycle control of charge is derived in the paper. Detailed simulation studies are carried out to compare one cycle control of current with the proposed method for ac-dc power conversion, which are validated on a laboratory hardware prototype.


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This paper presents an analysis and comparison between two circuit topologies of the 3-phase, 3-level unity power factor (Vienna) rectifier on the basis of packaging issues and semiconductor power losses. The analysis indicates the suitability of one particular circuit variant due to restrictions on switching frequency at higher power levels. A comparison is also done between hysteresis and carrier based PWM strategies for current control of the rectifier, along with experimental evaluation of the control strategies on a hardware prototype of the rectifier. The comparison indicates that the carrier based modulation strategy is better suited for use with higher order filters that are utilized in high power applications.


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A DC micro-grid essentially consists of power ports, bidirectional power converter and a controller structure that enables the control of dynamic power flow. In this paper, a prototype of a micro-grid structure using a recently proposed multi-winding transformer based power converter has been implemented. The power converter topology is further extended to multiple transformer cores in order to form a growing micro-grid structure. Additionally, modifications have been made in order to incorporate a battery charge controller with the main power circuit. All the other advantages of the power converter and its control scheme are still preserved.


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This paper proposes a new 3 level common mode voltage eliminated inverter using an inverter structure formed by cascading a H-Bridge with a three-level flying capacitor inverter. The three phase space vector polygon formed by this configuration and the polygon formed by the common-mode eliminated states have been discussed. The entire system is simulated in Simulink and the results are experimentally verified. This system has an advantage that if one of devices in the H-Bridge fails, the system can still be operated as a normal 3 level inverter mode at full power. This inverter has many advantages like use of single DC-supply, making it possible for a back to back grid-tied converter application, improved reliability etc.


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This paper presents the modelling and analysis of voltage stability at AC commutation bus in LCC (Line commutated converters) based multi-infeed HVDC system. The paper also presents the analysis of effects of various operating control modes in HVDC as well as location of disturbance on the voltage stability of the system under study. A new method of modelling the LCC converters as time varying admittance at the AC commutation bus is also presented in this paper. In this paper, the modelling of STATCOM for provision of dynamic voltage support at one of the AC buses of the HVDC system is presented. The reactive power injected by STATCOM is controlled by regulating the voltage of the AC bus to which STATCOM is connected. The case study also discusses the effects of various possible combinations of location of STATCOM and disturbance considered, on the voltage stability of the multi-infeed HVDC system.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited onto p-Si substrates held at room temperature by reactive Direct Current (DC) magnetron sputtering at various sputter powers in the range 80-200W. The as-deposited TiO2 films were annealed at a temperature of 1023K. The post-annealed films were characterized for crystallographic structure, chemical binding configuration, surface morphology and optical absorption. The electrical and dielectric properties of Al/TiO2/p-Si structure were determined from the capacitance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that the as-deposited films were amorphous in nature. After post-annealing at 1023K, the films formed at lower powers exhibited anatase phase, where as those deposited at sputter powers >160W showed the mixed anatase and rutile phases of TiO2. The surface morphology of the films varied significantly with the increase of sputter power. The electrical and dielectric properties on the air-annealed Al/TiO2/p-Si structures were studied. The effect of sputter power on the electrical and dielectric characteristics of the structure of Al/TiO2/p-Si (metal-insulator-semiconductor) was systematically investigated. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Presented is an experimental study on the performance of an oil-gas multiphase transportation system, especially on the multiphase flow patterns, multiphase pumping and multiphase metering of the system. A dynamic simulation analysis is conducted to deduce simulation parameters of the system and similarity criteria under simplified conditions are obtained. The reliability and feasibility of two-phase flow experiment with oil and natural gas simulated by water and air are discussed by using the similarity criteria.


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In this paper the Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) process of gaseous H-2-O-2 mixture and Mach reflection of gaseous detonation wave on a wedge have been conducted experimentally. The cellular pattern of DDT process and Mach reflection were obtained from experiments with wedge angle theta = 10(0) similar to 40(0) and initial pressure of gaseous mixture 16kPa similar to 26.7kPa. The 2-D numerical simulations of DDT process and Mach reflection of detonation wave were performed by using the simplified ZND model and improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) method. The numerical cellular structures were compared with the cellular patterns of soot track. Compared results were shown that it is satisfactory. The characteristic comparisons on Mach reflection of air shock wave and detonation wave were carried also out and their differences were given.


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Rice cultivation at any level in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (existing or expanded) compels the need to quantify surface and subsurface loads of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), disinfection byproduct precursors (DBPPs) and nitrogen. This information can be used to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce export of these constituents in order to improve drinking water quality. Although rice cultivation in the Delta is relatively limited, several factors outside of this research could contribute to increased rice acreage in the Delta: • Recently developed rice varieties seem more suitable for the Delta climate than earlier varieties which required warmer conditions; • Previous economic analyses (Appendix A.10) suggest rice is more profitable than corn, a dominant land use in the Delta; • Recent studies on wetlands at Twitchell Island suggest rice production can help mitigate oxidative subsidence (Miller et al. 2000); • The different oxidative states that result from flooding in rice as compared to those found in crops that require drained soils may help control crop specific weeds and nematodes when rice is incorporated into a crop rotation; and • Providing flooded conditions during a greater part of the year than other crops may benefit water birds. ... (PDF contains 249 pages)