331 resultados para Portman, Anneli
"Descriptive catalogues of the prints of Rembrandt": p. 266.
Top Row: Robyn Albrecht, Brea Anne Aldorfer, Elizabeth Andersen, Jamie Anderson, TaNea Andrews, Julie Badgero, Margarita Barrientes, Jessica Barton, Jennifer Baughman, Catherine Baxter, Jeff Bell, Jessica Bellardi, Sarah Bethel, Melissa Black, Sherese Black
Row 2: Daniela Bordei, Hannah Burgess, Tonya Melton, Patricia Kelly, Tanina Media, Lenette Whitehead, Suzanne Begeny, Jasmine Beale, Martha Richard, Stephanie A. Shafer, Sarah Wilson, Staci Byrd, Jennifer Cheng
Row 3: Rebecca Cohrs, Jeana Cox, Regina Cox, Emalee Danforth, Susan Daron, Kara Dazarow, Marites de la Fuente, Abigail Devine, Carrie Dickson, Christopher Ducher
Row 4: Jennifer Flynn, Elizabeth Foster, Nicole Gatesy, Michelle Gaudreau, Melissa Hagan, christa Hamilton, Christina Hazergian, Crystal Herwat, Rebecca Hunnicutt, Emily Johnston
Row 5: Valerie Jons, Rani Khan, Anne Konczak, Teresa Konopka, Joanne Pohl, Nola Pender, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Margaret Calarco, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Jan L. Lee, Jill LaDronka, Shane LaGore, Melanie LaPierre, Stacy lamb
Row 6: Kathleen Laughlin, Holly Leupp, Emily Lewellen, Victoria Lilga, Bethany Lusher, Nancy Ma, Lindsay Mahlstedt, K. Luba Manko, Beverley Marchant, Anne Marlatt, Martha Mason, Deborah McConnell, Robin Meganck, Jill Messina
Row 7: Patricia Milne, Yvonne Moran, Melissa Myer, Bradley Niese, Brooke Oakley, Kristy Opasik, Amanda O'Reilly, Elisabeth Paulson, Nancy Pavelek, Johnnie Peoples, Melissa Perry, Elissa Pocze, Michelle Ponikvar, Victoria Portman, Shelley Reeves
Row 8: Michael Rempel, Jill Richert, Jennifer N. Rish, Rebekah Royce, Kristan Schoenfeld, Shawn Schofield, Holly Setterington, Heidi Sprunk, Emily Staugaard, Rachel Stevens, Linda Suh, Tiffany Sylvertooth, Kimberly Taylor-Vincent, Arik Theeke
Row 9: Kim Thomas, Stephanie Thompson, Patricia Tillman, Leigh Tooman-Letson, Ryan Upson, Nicole Vance, Jacquelynne Walsh, Jill Weirich, Monica White, Anthony Worley, Heide Wright, Kelly Yager, Marichal Young
Twenty large-paper copies privately printed. Cf. Martin.
Second language acquisition is a field that has fascinated linguists for numerous years and is a topic that is very much connected to how English teachers in Sweden try to teach the English language to the students in their classrooms. In 2009 Sundqvist examined what possible effects extramural English could have on learners' oral proficiency and their vocabulary. In her study she found out that extramural English “is an independent variable and a possible path to progress in English” (Sundqvist, 2009, p. i). In 2014, three Swedish secondary- and upper secondary school teachers started a project for the Erasmus+. These three teachers tried to create better teaching conditions and to come up with new methods for teaching English. During their investigation they noticed that students who had only been in Sweden for four years or less, seemed to get less exposed to English in their spare time than native Swedish students, which created a disadvantage for them. Since the time when these two studies were carried out, the number of immigrants has increased drastically, which creates the need for further investigation within this area of second language acquisition. In this study, I therefore investigate how much and in what way students come in contact with the English language outside of school. I also examine if there are any differences between native Swedish students versus non-native Swedish students and if so, how this might affect the students and their grades in English. The study was conducted through the use of questionnaires and through observations of different teaching situations, including the participating teachers' methods and the participating students' reactions. The results show that there are differences between native- and non-native students when it comes to extramural English activities. The results also show that these differences seem to affect the students' grades in English, in favour of the native Swedish students. The native students tend to spend more time on extramural English activities, especially in connection to the Internet and computer games, than the non-native students. These results indicate that something needs to be done in order to compensate for the non-native students' disadvantage.
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
Introduction Ongoing ocean warming and acidification increasingly affect marine ecosystems, in particular around the Antarctic Peninsula. Yet little is known about the capability of Antarctic notothenioid fish to cope with rising temperature in acidifying seawater. While the whole animal level is expected to be more sensitive towards hypercapnia and temperature, the basis of thermal tolerance is set at the cellular level, with a putative key role for mitochondria. This study therefore investigates the physiological responses of the Antarctic Notothenia rossii after long-term acclimation to increased temperatures (7°C) and elevated PCO2 (0.2 kPa CO2) at different levels of physiological organisation. Results For an integrated picture, we analysed the acclimation capacities of N. rossii by measuring routine metabolic rate (RMR), mitochondrial capacities (state III respiration) as well as intra- and extracellular acid-base status during acute thermal challenges and after long-term acclimation to changing temperature and hypercapnia. RMR was partially compensated during warm- acclimation (decreased below the rate observed after acute warming), while elevated PCO2 had no effect on cold or warm acclimated RMR. Mitochondrial state III respiration was unaffected by temperature acclimation but depressed in cold and warm hypercapnia-acclimated fish. In both cold- and warm-exposed N. rossii, hypercapnia acclimation resulted in a shift of extracellular pH (pHe) towards more alkaline values. A similar overcompensation was visible in muscle intracellular pH (pHi). pHi in liver displayed a slight acidosis after warm normo- or hypercapnia acclimation, nevertheless, long-term exposure to higher PCO2 was compensated for by intracellular bicarbonate accumulation. Conclusion The partial warm compensation in whole animal metabolic rate indicates beginning limitations in tissue oxygen supply after warm-acclimation of N. rossii. Compensatory mechanisms of the reduced mitochondrial capacities under chronic hypercapnia may include a new metabolic equilibrium to meet the elevated energy demand for acid-base regulation. New set points of acid-base regulation under hypercapnia, visible at the systemic and intracellular level, indicate that N. rossii can at least in part acclimate to ocean warming and acidification. It remains open whether the reduced capacities of mitochondrial energy metabolism are adaptive or would impair population fitness over longer timescales under chronically elevated temperature and PCO2.
Mitochondrial plasticity plays a central role in setting the capacity for acclimation of aerobic metabolism in ectotherms in response to environmental changes. We still lack a clear picture if and to what extent the energy metabolism and mitochondrial enzymes of Antarctic fish can compensate for changing temperatures or PCO2 and whether capacities for compensation differ between tissues. We therefore measured activities of key mitochondrial enzymes (citrate synthase (CS), cytochrome c oxidase (COX)) from heart, red muscle, white muscle and liver in the Antarctic fish Notothenia rossii after warm- (7 °C) and hypercapnia- (0.2 kPa CO2) acclimation vs. control conditions (1 °C, 0.04 kPa CO2). In heart, enzymes showed elevated activities after cold-hypercapnia acclimation, and a warm-acclimation-induced upward shift in thermal optima. The strongest increase in enzyme activities in response to hypercapnia occurred in red muscle. In white muscle, enzyme activities were temperature-compensated. CS activity in liver decreased after warm-normocapnia acclimation (temperature-compensation), while COX activities were lower after cold- and warm-hypercapnia exposure, but increased after warm-normocapnia acclimation. In conclusion, warm-acclimated N. rossii display low thermal compensation in response to rising energy demand in highly aerobic tissues, such as heart and red muscle. Chronic environmental hypercapnia elicits increased enzyme activities in these tissues, possibly to compensate for an elevated energy demand for acid-base regulation or a compromised mitochondrial metabolism, that is predicted to occur in response to hypercapnia exposure. This might be supported by enhanced metabolisation of liver energy stores. These patterns reflect a limited capacity of N. rossii to reorganise energy metabolism in response to rising temperature and PCO2.
Bakgrund: Vilken roll har företag i vårt samhälle? Vilken funktion ska de fylla? Är företagens funktion att vara vinstmaximerande och enbart se till sitt eget bästa, eller har de ett större ansvar och skyldigheter mot samhället? Dessa frågor har diskuterats under lång tid och bilden av företag och företagande förändras kontinuerligt i takt med att samhället förändras. Tankarna om att företag har ett socialt ansvar, vid sidan av det ekonomiska, har spridit sig över världen och frågor som har dykt upp är om det finns någon motsättning mellan socialt ansvar och företagens vinstintresse. Eller kan det vara så att socialt ansvarstagande kan leda till ökad lönsamhet? Syfte: Att genom en empirisk undersökning ge en förklaring om svenska noterade bolags rapporterade arbete med CSR har en positiv inverkan på dess lönsamhet. Metod: För att uppnå syftet valdes en deduktiv kvantitativ metod för att kunna göra en statistisk generalisering. Det rapporterade CSR-arbetet operationaliseras med hjälp av Folksams rapport "Index för ansvarsfullt företagande" och lönsamhet mäts via avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA) samt vinstmarginal. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av multipla regressionsanalyser. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att företags rapporterade CSR-arbete har en positiv inverkan på svenska noterade företags lönsamhet, både mätt i avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA) och vinstmarginal.
This reports summarises research that began in March 2014 and was completed in October 2015 by an experienced inter-disciplinary research team from the Centre for Social Justice and Change and Psycho-Social Research Group, School of Social Sciences, the University of East London (UEL) and included Dr Yang Li from the Centre for Geo-Information Studies, UEL, for the first phase of the study. Tottenham ‘Thinking Space’ (TTS) was a pilot therapeutic initiative based in local communities and delivered by the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust and funded by the London Borough of Haringey Directorate of Public Health. TTS aimed to improve mental health and enable and empower local communities. TTS was situated within a mental health agenda that was integral to Haringey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2015 and aimed to encourage people to help themselves and each other and develop confident communities. On the one hand TTS was well-suited to this agenda, but, on the other, participants were resistant to, and were trying to free themselves from labelling that implied ‘mental health difficulties’. A total of 243 meetings were held and 351 people attended 1,716 times. The majority of participants attended four times or less, and 33 people attended between 5 and 10 times and 39 people attended over 10 times. Attending a small number of times does not necessarily mean that the attendee was not helped. Attendees reflected the ethnic diversity of Tottenham; 29 different ethnic groups attended. The opportunity to meet with people from different cultural backgrounds in a safe space was highly valued by attendees. Similarly, participants valued the wide age range represented and felt that they benefited from listening to inter-generational experiences. The majority of participants were women (72%) and they were instrumental in initiating further Thinking Spaces, topic specific meetings, the summer programme of activities for mothers and young children and training to meet their needs. The community development worker had a key role in implementing the initiative and sustaining its growth throughout the pilot period. We observed that TTS attracted those whose life experiences were marked by personal struggle and trauma. Many participants felt safe enough to disclose mental health difficulties (85% of those who completed a questionnaire). Participants also came seeking a stronger sense of community in their local area. Key features of the meetings are that they are democratic, non-judgemental, respectful, and focussed on encouraging everyone to listen and to try to understand. We found that the therapeutic method was put in place by high quality facilitators and health and personal outcomes for participants were consistent with those predicted by the underpinning psychoanalytical and systemic theories. Outcomes included a reduction in anxieties and improved personal and social functioning; approximately two thirds of those who completed a questionnaire felt better understood, felt more motivated and more hopeful for the future. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents also felt good about contributing to their community, said that they were more able to cooperate with others and accepting of other cultures, and had made new friends. Participants typically had a better understanding of their current situation and how to take positive action; of those who completed a questionnaire, over half felt more confident to seek support for a personal issue and to contact services. Members of TTS supported each other and instilled hope and build community-mindedness that reduced social isolation.
Suomessa esi- ja perusopetuksessa otettiin 1.1.2011 käyttöön uusi oppimisen kolmiportainen tukimalli, joka korostaa kaikkien lasten oikeutta oppimiseen ja koulunkäyntiin aivan tavallisilla luokilla. Tuen malli muotoutui vuoden 2010 perusopetuslakimuutoksessa. Tukimallin jokaiseen eri vaiheeseen kuuluu kiinteästi tuen toteuttamiseen liittyviä asiakirjoja. Niihin kirjataan lapsen tukeen liittyvät asiat. Asiakirjoja ovat: pedagoginen arvio, oppimissuunnitelma, pedagoginen selvitys sekä henkilökohtainen oppimisen järjestämistä koskeva suunnitelma (HOJKS). Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia asiakirjojen käytettävyyttä esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheessa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia kokemuksia esi- ja alkuopettajilla on kolmiportaisen tuen asiakirjoista sekä niiden vaikutuksista heidän yhteistyöhönsä. Tutkimukseen osallistui viisi esiopettajaa ja viisi alkuopettajaa. Tutkimus suoritettiin teemahaastatteluna fenomenologista lähestymistapaa noudattaen. Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan esi- ja alkuopettajat kokivat, että kolmiportaisen tuen asiakirjoihin kirjattu tieto vaikuttaa positiivisesti lapsen saamaan tukeen. Asiakirjat ohjaavat tukea tarvitsevan lapsen oppimisen polkua inkluusioperiaatteen mukaisesti kohti omaa lähikoulua. Opettajat näkivät kuitenkin asiakirjoihin liittyviä epäkohtia. Asiakirjat olivat epäselviä ja eri kunnissa hyvin erilaisia. Esiopettajat kokivat niiden kirjaamisen työläänä ja osittain turhana, sillä heillä ei ollut tietoa, lukevatko alkuopettajat heidän esiopetuksesta lähettämiään asiakirjoja. Tuen eri asteiden ”rajapinnat” olivat opettajille epäselviä. Ei ollut selvää, milloin esimerkiksi oppimissuunnitelma oli aiheellista kirjoittaa. Alkuopettajien mielestä lasten pulmia oli vaikea ennakoida, koska eri esiopettajat kirjasivat samoja asioita eri tavalla. Asiakirjoihin liittyvät yhteistyö- ja siirtokäytänteet eivät myöskään olleet selviä. Tutkimus osoitti, että kolmiportaisen tuen asiakirjoja pitäisi esiopetuksessa selkeyttää ja yhdenmukaistaa. Esimiesten tulisi antaa yhtenevät ohjeet asiakirjojen kirjaamis- ja siirtokäytänteisiin: kuka tekee mitä ja millä ajalla. Erityisopettajien työpanosta asiakirjojen suhteen tulisi myös tarkentaa. Opettajien lisäkoulutukseen oli selkeästi tarvetta.
NGL-projekt vid Högskolan Dalarna inom språkavdelningen som handlar om webbaserade digitala prov.
NGL-projekt vid Högskolan Dalarna inom språkavdelningen som handlar om pedagogiska metoder i nätbaserad språkundervisning.