933 resultados para Popular parties
Aquest treball analitza la festa popular a través de l'estudi de cas de la festa major de Sant Pere Pescador: es presenta una manifestació concreta de la cultura popular i tradicional a partir d'una pràctica quotidiana. Exposem allò que dóna significat a la festa major, quin paper hi juga a la creació d'identitat i com la gent se l'ha fet seva.
Drawing on a dialogical approach inspired by Bakhtin, we start from the assumptionthat a concrete discussion is an intermingling between dialogue in praesentia and dialogue inabsentia, and we refer to the notion of 'enunciative positioning' to account for the variousrelations that a speaker may express towards the voices that he or she invokes. Our data arebased on a first therapeutic interview between a therapist, a mother and a child in a counselingcenter for children and adolescents. We identify the various voices invoked in this interviewand show that three levels of discursive process were involved: (a) the speakers invokedabsent speakers; (b) at the same time they developed their own discourse on the basis of theirinterlocutors' discourse which (c) itself drew on absent speakers or voices. We highlight thevarious discursive processes through which the speakers integrate their own voice into absentvoices, or integrate a distant voice so that it loses its property of being a distant (andborrowed) voice. As a theoretical and methodological contribution to dialogism, our resultsshow that absent voices and their specific intermingling with hic et nunc exchanges were amajor resource for therapeutic changes.
En aquest treball s’estudia, des d’una perspectiva etnopaleontològica, la denominació popular aplicada pels habitants de la Vall de Sóller al braquiòpode fòssil Terabratula davidsoni Haime 1855, fòssil del període Juràssic, descrit pel geòleg francès Jules Haime al segle XIX al jaciment de Muleta de ca s’Hereu i que apareix a diversos indrets de la zona de Sóller. També es fa una revisió de l’estat actual del coneixement sobre la presència d’aquest fòssil a l’illa de Mallorca, a la vegada que se’n proposa una revisió taxonòmica.