978 resultados para Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-1494.
Oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria were isolated from a mariculture farm in China, and accounted for 32.23% and 5.63% of the total culturable microbes of the sea cucumber and the sea urchin rearing waters respectively. Marine vibrios, especially strains related to Vibrio splendidus or V. tasmaniensis, were the most abundant resistant isolates. For oxytetracycline resistance, tet(A), tet(B) and tet(D) genes were detected in both sea cucumber and sea urchin rearing ponds. The dominant resistance type for V. tasmaniensis-like strains was the combination of both tet(A) and tet(B) genes, while the major resistance type for V. splendidus-like strains was a single tet(D) gene. Most of the sea cucumber tet-positive isolates harbored a chloramphenicol-resistance gene, either cat IV or cat II, while only a few sea urchin tet-positive isolates harbored a cat gene, actually cat IV. The coexistence of tet and cat genes in the strains isolated from the mariculture farm studied was helpful in explaining some of the multi-resistance mechanisms. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Based on Th-230-U-238 disequilibrium and major element data from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs), this study calculates mantle melting parameters, and thereby investigates the origin of Th-230 excess. (Th-230/U-238) in global MORBs shows a positive correlation with Fe-8, P (o), Na-8, and F-melt (Fe-8 and Na-8 are FeO and Na2O contents respectively after correction for crustal fractionation relative to MgO = 8 wt%, P (o)=pressure of initial melting and F (melt)=degree of melt), while Th-230 excess in OIBs has no obvious correlation with either initial mantle melting depth or the average degree of mantle melting. Furthermore, compared with the MORBs, higher (Th-230/U-238) in OIBs actually corresponds to a lower melting degree. This suggests that the Th-230 excess in MORBs is controlled by mantle melting conditions, while the Th-230 excess in OIBs is more likely related to the deep garnet control. The vast majority of calculated initial melting pressures of MORBs with excess Th-230 are between 1.0 and 2.5 GPa, which is consistent with the conclusion from experiments in recent years that D (U)> D (Th) for Al-clinopyroxene at pressures of > 1.0 GPa. The initial melting pressure of OIBs is 2.2-3.5 GPa (around the spinel-garnet transition zone), with their low excess Ra-226 compared to MORBs also suggesting a deeper mantle source. Accordingly, excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs may be formed respectively in the spinel and garnet stability field. In addition, there is no obvious correlation of K2O/TiO2 with (Th-230/U-238) and initial melting pressure (P (o)) of MORBs, so it is proposed that the melting depth producing excess Th-230 does not tap the spinel-garnet transition zone. OIBs and MORBs in both (Th-230/U-238) vs. K2O/TiO2 and (Th-230/U-238) vs. P (o) plots fall in two distinct areas, indicating that the mineral phases which dominate their excess Th-230 are different. Ce/Yb-Ce curves of fast and slow ridge MORBs are similar, while, in comparison, the Ce/Yb-Ce curve for OIBs shows more influence from garnet. The mechanisms generating excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs are significantly different, with formation of excess Th-230 in the garnet zone only being suitable for OIBs.
羊栖菜是重要的大型经济海藻之一,在食品、医药、化工领域都有广泛应用。本研究对羊栖菜养殖生产中常见的品系“鹿丰1号”及另外2种品系进行了DNA指纹分析及遗传变异的研究,构建了遗传指纹图谱,分析了不同种群的遗传关系,为羊栖菜的种质鉴定及遗传选育提供了理论依据。 运用RAPD分子标记技术,对5个羊栖菜的种群中共125个个体进行了分析,从300个引物中筛选出12条随机扩增引物共扩增135个位点,多态位点比率为84.4%。从中选择了4个多态性位点,构建了5种羊栖菜DNA指纹图谱,并获得了“鹿丰1号”SCAR标记。另外,进行了5种羊栖菜种群的遗传背景的分析,结果表明“鹿丰1号”与品系2可以明显的与野生种群分开。根据Dice常数计算所得的5个种群的遗传距离在0.1116-0.2563之间。 运用ISSR分子标记技术,对5个种群的125个羊栖菜个体进行分析,通过90条引物的筛选,获得10条ISSR引物,扩增出92个位点,多态位点比率为67.4%。5个种群的遗传距离在0.0863-0.1454之间。 本研究以铜藻作为外群,通过2种遗传标记分析,证明铜藻与5种羊栖菜种群的遗传距离均远远大于其种群之间的遗传距离;另外,“鹿丰1号”不同年份的种群之间的遗传距离均为其中的最小值,相关结果对羊栖菜遗传选育和种质鉴定等有参考价值。
卵泡抑素(Follistatin)是1987年由Robertson和Ueno分别从牛和猪的卵泡液中分离出的一种富含半胱氨酸的糖基化单链多肽。FS对不同类型的细胞有广泛的调节作用,具有多方面的生物学作用。本研究克隆到牙鲆Follistatin基因,并利用RT-PCR和原位杂交对其在胚胎及成体中的表达进行了分析,并对其启动子进行了组织特异性分析。 1. Follistatin基因组全长4.3 kb左右,其中启动子区长约1 kb。与cDNA序列的比较显示该基因含有5个外显子和4个内含子,内含子和外显子的交界处严格遵守GT…AG规则。Follistatin基因编码了一个含有323个氨基酸的蛋白质前体,该蛋白质前体含有信号肽区域、N-端结构域、Follistatin结构域Ⅰ、Follistatin结构域Ⅱ、Follistatin结构域Ⅲ和C-端结构域。蛋白比较分析表明Follistatin与其他物种的Follistatin的同源性较高,其结构域保守性更高。 三级预测结果显示:在空间构型上,牙鲆Follistatin基因与斑马鱼Follistatin基因完全一致。在序列上高度保守的半胱氨酸在空间上两两相对,它们可能对维持Follistatin蛋白的空间结构起着重要的作用 2. RT-PCR方法和原位杂交方法研究Follistatin基因在牙鲆胚胎中的表达情况结果显示:Follistatin基因在受精后26 hrs开始在中胚层细胞处表达,其后在受精后28、30、32、34、36、38、40、42 hrs等时期Follistatin基因持续表达,并在体节腹部部位、头部,背部体节等部位表达。以MyoD为对照而进行的双色原位杂交结果显示:Follistatin与MyoD在胚胎的体节处表达有重叠区域,对双色原位杂交样品进行的冰冻切片实验结果显示:两个基因的表达区域交叉,互相混合,表明Follistatin基因也在肌肉前体细胞中表达,但并不在所有的前体细胞中表达,Follistatin可能在肌肉发育早期起一定的作用。成体组织中,Follitatin基因在体肾、肠、心脏、头肾、脾中有表达,而在肌肉中没有表达。 3.启动子序列分析结果表明:牙鲆启动子存在AP-1、C/EBP、SP1、USF、E47、MyoD等转录因子的潜在结合位点。显微注射结果显示:该基因启动子能够使绿色荧光蛋白表达在斑马鱼的胚胎肌肉组织中。
本文通过胶州湾围隔实验、微藻培养实验研究了海洋微藻产生溶解有机物的三维荧光特性,并初步利用经验正交函数对三维荧光光谱图进行了主成分分析,通过东海取样研究了东海荧光溶解有机物的时空分布特征,并对荧光溶解有机物的来源进行了分析。得到了一些初步结论: 胶州湾围隔实验中不同营养盐培养结果表明浮游植物可产生类蛋白和类腐殖质荧光,类蛋白荧光峰由类酪氨酸(tyrosine-like)荧光峰和类色氨酸(tryptophan-like)荧光峰组成,主要位置为Exmax/Emmax=270nm/290~310nm,Exmax/Emmax= 270~290/320~350的荧光峰强度比较弱;在Exmax/Emmax=250~260/380~480nm(A峰)、Exmax/Emmax=310~320/380~420nm(C峰)和Exmax/Emmax=330~350/420~480nm(M峰)位置均出现零散的类腐殖质荧光峰,其中以A峰为主。类酪氨酸荧光强度明显高于类腐殖质荧光强度。浮游植物量降低时,类酪氨酸荧光强度与叶绿素a浓度呈明显的负相关。硅藻和甲藻产生的类酪氨酸和类色氨酸荧光强度之间具有较好的相关性,两者来源相似, 并且甲藻与硅藻相比能够产生更多的类蛋白荧光物质。不同环境下类腐殖质混合物的组分比例不同,甲藻生长环境下相对于硅藻具有较低的A:C比值。 在实验室培养中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium mimutum)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)及海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)的实验结果表明,微藻在生长过程中产生出荧光溶解有机物,中肋骨条藻为代表的硅藻主要产生类腐殖质荧光物质,而甲藻在指数增长期主要产生类蛋白荧光物质。进入消亡期后类蛋白荧光和类腐殖质荧光强度迅速增大,原因可能是衰老、死亡藻细胞的破碎释放出大量的荧光有机物质所致,此外还有细菌对非荧光有机物进一步降解。塔玛亚历山大藻、微小亚历山大藻、东海原甲藻及海洋原甲藻的类蛋白荧光强度在消亡后期由于细菌降解或光降解等因素而降低。同属微藻产生的荧光物质相似,例如塔玛亚历山大藻与微小亚历山藻、东海原甲藻与海洋原甲藻,但具体荧光峰位置有所不同。利用经验正交函数能够对三维荧光光谱谱图进行主成份分析。 在利用三维荧光光谱法研究长江口海域台风前后不同站位荧光溶解有机物荧光特性及分布特征的结果表明,长江口海区主要的荧光溶解有机物荧光峰为T峰、S峰和A峰。风前和风后的类色氨酸分别来源于相似物质。风前,在表层浮游植物能够产生类蛋白荧光物质,而底层类蛋白荧光物质不受浮游植物的影响,长江冲淡水能够带来部分类蛋白荧光物质;表层的类腐殖质不受浮游植物的影响,而底层的浮游植物在降解过程中能够产生一部分类腐殖质,并且长江冲淡水对表层和底层的类腐殖质来源均有很大贡献。风后,表层的类色氨酸与叶绿素a浓度不呈相关性,而底层却呈正相关,另外表层和底层的类色氨酸均受到长江冲淡水的影响;表层和底层的类腐殖质与叶绿素a均没有相关性,但受陆源影响显著,长江冲淡水能带来类腐殖质。
采用动力学通量箱与高时间分辨率大气自动测汞仪联用技术对万山汞矿区不同季节、不同地表与大气界面间汞交换通量和大气汞含量进行了测定. 结果显示,受人为活动和地表强烈释汞的影响,万山地区大气汞含量高出背景区1~3 个数量级,在冶炼厂附近平均值可达1 10118 ng/ m3 ,最低平均值达1718 ng/ m3 ,显示万山汞矿区已遭受较严重的大气汞污染. 万山汞矿区土壤与大气界面汞交换非常强烈,土壤向大气的释汞通量最高可达27 827 ng/ (m2·h) ,大气汞干沉降通量最高可达9 434ng/ (m2·h) . 万山汞矿区土壤与大气汞交换通量主要受光照强度、大气汞含量影响. 光照在土壤释汞过程中起促进作用,而较高的大气汞含量则抑制了土壤向大气的释放,并导致大气汞强烈的干沉降. 不同的地表类型对地表释汞影响较大,植被覆盖土壤释汞通量显著低于无植被覆盖地区,而冶炼后的矿渣堆则成为大气汞的净源.
This paper consists of two major parts. First, we present the outline of a simple approach to very-low bandwidth video-conferencing system relying on an example-based hierarchical image compression scheme. In particular, we discuss the use of example images as a model, the number of required examples, faces as a class of semi-rigid objects, a hierarchical model based on decomposition into different time-scales, and the decomposition of face images into patches of interest. In the second part, we present several algorithms for image processing and animation as well as experimental evaluations. Among the original contributions of this paper is an automatic algorithm for pose estimation and normalization. We also review and compare different algorithms for finding the nearest neighbors in a database for a new input as well as a generalized algorithm for blending patches of interest in order to synthesize new images. Finally, we outline the possible integration of several algorithms to illustrate a simple model-based video-conference system.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilidade dos métodos praticados no Laboratório de Biotecnologia Vegetal da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, incluindo o teste da reprodutividade das bandas, para acessar a variabilidade genética entre plantas de sacaca por meio de marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD ("Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA").
Propagação do guaranazeiro. Produção de mudas. Implantação. Tratos culturais. Podas. Colheita. Despolpamento. Torrefação. Comercialização. Usos.