986 resultados para Plaque vulnérable


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Two biological aerated filters (BAF) were setup for ammonia removal treatment of the circulation water in a marine aquaculture. One of the BAFs was bioaugmented with a heterotrophic nitrifying bacterium, Lutimonas sp. H10, where the ammonia removal was not improved and the massive inoculation was even followed by a nitrification breakdown from day 9 to 18. The nitrification was remained stable in control BAF operated under the same conditions. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted probes and cultivable method revealed that Lutimonas sp. H10 almost disappeared from the bioaugomented BAF within 3 d, and this was mainly due to the infection of a specific phage as revealed by flask experiment, plaque assay and transmission electron observation. Analyses of 16S rRNA gene libraries showed that bacterial groups from two reactors evolved differently and an overgrowth of protozoa was observed in the bioaugmented BAR Therefore, phage infection and poor biofilm forming ability of the inoculated strain are the main reasons for bioaugmentation failure. In addition, gazing by protozoa of the bacteria might be the reason for the nitrification breakdown in bioaugmented BAF during day 9-18.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) are one of the key players in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The origin of neointimal VSMC has thus become a prime focus of research. VSMC originate from multiple progenitors cell types. In embryo the well-defined sources of VSMC include; neural crest cells, proepicardial cells and EPC. In adults, though progenitor cells from bone marrow (BM), circulation and tissues giving rise to SMC have been identified, no progress has been made in terms of isolating highly proliferative clonal population of adult stem cells with potential to differentiate into SMC. Smooth muscle like stem progenitor cells (SMSPC) were isolated from cardiopulmonary bypass filters of adult patients undergoing CABG. Rat SMSPC have previously been isolated by our group from the bone marrow of Fischer rats and also from the peripheral blood of monocrotaline induced pulmonary hypertension (MCT-PHTN) animal model. Characterization of novel SMSPC exhibited stem cell characteristics and machinery for differentiation into SMC. The expression of Isl-1 on SMSPC provided unique molecular identity to these circulating stem progenitor cells. The functional potential of SMSPC was determined by monitoring adoptive transfer of GFP+ SMSPC in rodent models of vascular injury; carotid injury and MCT-PHTN. The participation of SMSPC in vascular pathology was confirmed by quantifying the peripheral blood, and engrafted levels of SMSPC using RT-PCR. In terms of translating into clinical practice, SMSPC could be a good tool for detecting the atherosclerotic plaque burden. The current study demonstrates the existence of novel adult stem progenitor cells in circulation, with the potential role in vascular pathology.


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Introduction: There is accumulating evidence of an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis patients. A combination of both traditional cardiovascular risks and rheumatoid specific factors appear to be responsible for driving this phenomenon. Rheumatoid arthritis has been an orphan of cardiologists in the past and rheumatologists themselves are not good at CVD screening. Identifying the extent of preclinical atherosclerosis in RA patients will help us to appreciate the magnitude of this serious problem in an Irish population. Methods: We undertook a cross-sectional study of 63 RA patients and 48 OA controls and compared the 2 groups with respect to 1) traditional CV risks factors, 2) serum biomarkers of inflammation, including CRP, TNFα, IL6 and PAI-1, 3) carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), carotid plaque and ankle-brachial index (ABI) as markers of pre-clinical atherosclerosis, 4) biochemical and ultrasonic measures of endothelial dysfunction and 5) serum and echocardiographic measures of diastolic dysfunction. Within the RA group, we also investigated for associations between markers of inflammation, subclinical atherosclerosis and diastolic dysfunction. Results: Prevalence of traditional CV risks was similar in the RA and OA groups. A number of biomarkers of inflammation were significantly higher in the RA group: CRP, fibrinogen, IL- 2, -4, -6, TNFα. PAI-1, a marker of thrombosis, correlated with disease activity and subclinical atherosclerosis in RA patients. With regard to subclinical atherosclerosis measures, RA patients had a significantly lower ABI than OA patients. Carotid plaque and cIMT readings were similar in RA and OA patients. Assessment of endothelial function revealed that RA patients had significantly higher concentrations of adhesion molecules, in particular sero-positive RA patients and RA smokers. Adhesion molecule concentrations were associated with markers of diastolic dysfunction in RA. Urine PCR, another marker of endothelial dysfunction also correlated with diastolic dysfunction in RA. Assessment of endothelial function with flow mediated dilatation (FMD) found no difference between the RA and OA groups. Disease activity scores in RA patients were associated with endothelial dysfunction, as assessed by FMD. Conclusions: We did not find significant differences in measures of subclinical atherosclerosis, flow mediated dilatation or diastolic function between RA and OA patients. This is most likely in part due to the fact that there is increasing evidence that OA has an inflammatory component to its pathogenesis and is associated with metabolic syndrome and increased CV risk. We reported a significant association between urinary PCR and measures of diastolic dysfunction. Urinary PCR may be a useful screening tool for diastolic dysfunction in RA. The association between RA disease activity and measures of vascular function supports the theory that the excess cardiovascular burden in RA is linked to uncontrolled inflammation.


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BACKGROUND: West Virginia has the worst oral health in the United States, but the reasons for this are unclear. This pilot study explored the etiology of this disparity using culture-independent analyses to identify bacterial species associated with oral disease. METHODS: Bacteria in subgingival plaque samples from twelve participants in two independent West Virginia dental-related studies were characterized using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM) analysis. Unifrac analysis was used to characterize phylogenetic differences between bacterial communities obtained from plaque of participants with low or high oral disease, which was further evaluated using clustering and Principal Coordinate Analysis. RESULTS: Statistically different bacterial signatures (P<0.001) were identified in subgingival plaque of individuals with low or high oral disease in West Virginia based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Low disease contained a high frequency of Veillonella and Streptococcus, with a moderate number of Capnocytophaga. High disease exhibited substantially increased bacterial diversity and included a large proportion of Clostridiales cluster bacteria (Selenomonas, Eubacterium, Dialister). Phylogenetic trees constructed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that Clostridiales were repeated colonizers in plaque associated with high oral disease, providing evidence that the oral environment is somehow influencing the bacterial signature linked to disease. CONCLUSIONS: Culture-independent analyses identified an atypical bacterial signature associated with high oral disease in West Virginians and provided evidence that the oral environment influenced this signature. Both findings provide insight into the etiology of the oral disparity in West Virginia.


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Our long-term goal is the detection and characterization of vulnerable plaque in the coronary arteries of the heart using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheters. Vulnerable plaque, characterized by a thin fibrous cap and a soft, lipid-rich necrotic core is a precursor to heart attack and stroke. Early detection of such plaques may potentially alter the course of treatment of the patient to prevent ischemic events. We have previously described the characterization of carotid plaques using external linear arrays operating at 9 MHz. In addition, we previously modified circular array IVUS catheters by short-circuiting several neighboring elements to produce fixed beamwidths for intravascular hyperthermia applications. In this paper, we modified Volcano Visions 8.2 French, 9 MHz catheters and Volcano Platinum 3.5 French, 20 MHz catheters by short-circuiting portions of the array for acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI) applications. The catheters had an effective transmit aperture size of 2 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively. The catheters were connected to a Verasonics scanner and driven with pushing pulses of 180 V p-p to acquire ARFI data from a soft gel phantom with a Young's modulus of 2.9 kPa. The dynamic response of the tissue-mimicking material demonstrates a typical ARFI motion of 1 to 2 microns as the gel phantom displaces away and recovers back to its normal position. The hardware modifications applied to our IVUS catheters mimic potential beamforming modifications that could be implemented on IVUS scanners. Our results demonstrate that the generation of radiation force from IVUS catheters and the development of intravascular ARFI may be feasible.


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Los agrietamientos poligonales representan una forma común de modelado granítico cuyo origen y evolución continúa en fase de estudio, no existiendo una sistematización de estas estructuras diversas. Algunos autores explican su origen por procesos geodinámicos internos, relacionándolo con movimientos de planos de fractura en estados tardíos de consolidación magmática. Otros autores atribuyen su formación y desarrollo a factores externos relacionados con el régimen climático. La gran variedad de agrietamientos poligonales requiere la utilización de un número mayor de variables para definir los distintos orígenes, y las posibles interrelaciones entre los factores externos e internos, así como para explicar la evolución de dichas estructuras y avanzar en la clasificación de los patrones concretos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a sistematizar los mecanismos que intervienen en el desarrollo de agrietamientos poligonales. Para ello se estudian únicamente agrietamientos poligonales formados sobre planos de fractura verticales o subverticales. En particular se establecen relaciones entre la presencia de agrietamientos poligonales y la red de fracturación, la altura de aparición, la orientación e inclinación de la pared, la morfología de las placas y la profundidad de incisión de las grietas perimetrales. Por otra parte, establece relaciones entre procesos geodinámicos internos y procesos de meteorización externos.


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Vascular smooth muscle cell migration is a significant contributor to many aspects of heart disease, and specifically atherosclerosis. Tissue damage in the arteries can result in the formation of a fatty streak. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) can then migrate to this site to form a fibrous cap, stabilizing the fatty plaque. Since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, this function of SMC is an essential area of study. The formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles were studied in this project as indicators that cell migration is occurring. The roles of the proteins p53, Rac, caldesmon and PTEN were investigated with regards to these actin-based structures. The tumour suppressor p53 is often reported to cause apoptosis, senescence or cell cycle arrest when stress is placed on a cell, but has recently been shown to regulate cell migration as well. It was determined in this project that p53 could inhibit the formation of both lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. It was also shown that this could occur directly through an inhibition of the GTPase Rac. Previous studies have shown that p53 can upregulate caldesmon, a protein which is known to bind to and stabilize actin filaments while inhibiting Arp2/3-mediated branching. It was confirmed that p53 could upregulate caldesmon, and that caldesmon could inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. The phosphorylation of caldesmon by p21-associated kinase (PAK) or extracellular signal-related kinase (Erk) was shown to effectively reverse the ability of caldesmon to inhibit these structures. The role of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) was also studied with regards to this signalling pathway. PTEN was shown to inhibit lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles through its lipid phosphatase activity. It was concluded that p53 can inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles in vascular SMC, and that this occurs through Rac, caldesmon and PTEN.


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Blood-brain barrier (BBB) hyperpermeability in multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with lesion pathogenesis and has been linked to pathology in microvascular tight junctions (TJs). This study quantifies the uneven distribution of TJ pathology and its association with BBB leakage. Frozen sections from plaque and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) in 14 cases were studied together with white matter from six neurological and five normal controls. Using single and double immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, the TJ-associated protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) was examined across lesion types and tissue categories, and in relation to fibrinogen leakage. Confocal image data sets were analysed for 2198 MS and 1062 control vessels. Significant differences in the incidence of TJ abnormalities were detected between the different lesion types in MS and between MS and control white matter. These were frequent in oil-red O (ORO)+ active plaques, affecting 42% of vessel segments, but less frequent in ORO- inactive plaques (23%), NAWM (13%), and normal (3.7%) and neurological controls (8%). A similar pattern was found irrespective of the vessel size, supporting a causal role for diffusible inflammatory mediators. In both NAWM and inactive lesions, dual labelling showed that vessels with the most TJ abnormality also showed most fibrinogen leakage. This was even more pronounced in active lesions, where 41% of vessels in the highest grade for TJ alteration showed severe leakage. It is concluded that disruption of TJs in MS, affecting both paracellular and transcellular paths, contributes to BBB leakage. TJ abnormality and BBB leakage in inactive lesions suggests either failure of TJ repair or a continuing pathological process. In NAWM, it suggests either pre-lesional change or secondary damage. Clinically inapparent TJ pathology has prognostic implications and should be considered when planning disease-modifying therapy


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Tissue microarrays assembled from control and multiple sclerosis (MS) brain tissue have been used to assess the expression patterns and cellular distribution of two antigens, the proinflammatory cytokine osteopontin and the inducible heat shock protein alpha B -crystallin, which have previously been implicated in MS pathogenesis. Tissue cores were taken from paraffin-embedded donor blocks containing chronic active or chronic inactive plaques and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) in seven MS cases, and white matter (WM) in five control cases. Expression patterns of both proteins were assessed against myelin density and microglial activation in the different tissue categories. Both proteins showed increased expression in all categories of MS tissue compared with control WM. The results indicate progressive up-regulation of expression of osteopontin with increased plaque activity, while elevation of alpha B-crystallin expression in MS tissue was independent of demyelination. In MS NAWM a significant correlation was observed between high levels of expression of osteopontin and alpha B -crystallin. Osteopontin expression was predominantly confined to astrocytes throughout MS tissues. alpha B -crystallin was expressed on astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and occasionally on demyelinated axons. Taken together, these data indicate a wider distribution of osteopontin and alpha B -crystallin in MS tissues than previously described and support their proposed role in MS pathogenesis.


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This study describes the formulation, characterisation and preliminary clinical evaluation of mucoadhesive, semi-solid formulations containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC, 1-5%, w/w), polyvinylpyrrolidine (PVP, 2 or 3%, w/w), poly carbophil (PC, 1 or 3%, w/w) and tetracycline (5%, w/w, as the hydrochloride). Each formulation was characterised in terms of drug release, hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness (using a texture analyser in texture profile analysis mode), syringeability (using a texture analyser in compression mode) and adhesion to a mucin disc (measured as a detachment force using the texture analyser in tensile mode). The release exponent for the formulations ranged from 0.78+/-0.02 to 1.27+/-0.07, indicating that drug release was non-diffusion controlled. Increasing the concentrations of each polymeric component significantly increased the time required for 10 and 30% release of the original mass of tetracycline, due to both increased viscosity and, additionally, the unique swelling properties of the formulations. Increasing concentrations of each polymeric component also increased the hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, syringeability and mucoadhesion of the formulations. The effects on product hardness, compressibility and syringeability may be due to increased product viscosity and, hence, increased resistance to compression. Similarly, the effects of these polymers on adhesiveness/mucoadhesion highlight their mucoadhesive nature and, importantly, the effects of polymer state (particularly PC) on these properties. Thus, in formulations where the neutralisation of PC was maximally suppressed, adhesiveness and mucoadhesion were also maximal. Interestingly, statistical interactions were primarily observed between the effects of HEC and PC on drug release, mechanical and mucoadhesive properties. These were explained by the effects of HEC on the physical state of PC, namely swollen or unswollen. In the preliminary clinical evaluation, a formulation was selected that offered an appropriate balance of the above physical properties and contained 3% HEC, 3% PVP and 1% PC, in addition to tetracycline 5% (as the hydrochloride). The clinical efficacy of this (test) formulation was compared to an identical tetracycline-devoid (control) formulation in nine periodontal pockets (greater than or equal to 5 mm depth). One week following administration of the test formulation, there was a significant improvement in periodontal health as identified by reduced numbers of sub-gingival microbial pathogens. Therefore, it can be concluded that, when used in combination with mechanical plaque removal, the tetracycline-containing semi-solid systems described in this study would augment such therapy by enhancing the removal of pathogens, thus improving periodontal health. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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One way to restore physiological blood flow to occluded arteries involves the deformation of plaque using an intravascular balloon and preventing elastic recoil using a stent. Angioplasty and stent implantation cause unphysiological loading of the arterial tissue, which may lead to tissue in-growth and reblockage; termed “restenosis.” In this paper, a computational methodology for predicting the time-course of restenosis is presented. Stress-induced damage, computed using a remaining life approach, stimulates inflammation (production of matrix degrading factors and growth stimuli). This, in turn, induces a change in smooth muscle cell phenotype from contractile (as exists in the quiescent tissue) to synthetic (as exists in the growing tissue). In this paper, smooth muscle cell activity (migration, proliferation, and differentiation) is simulated in a lattice using a stochastic approach to model individual cell activity. The inflammation equations are examined under simplified loading cases. The mechanobiological parameters of the model were estimated by calibrating the model response to the results of a balloon angioplasty study in humans. The simulation method was then used to simulate restenosis in a two dimensional model of a stented artery. Cell activity predictions were similar to those observed during neointimal hyperplasia, culminating in the growth of restenosis. Similar to experiment, the amount of neointima produced increased with the degree of expansion of the stent, and this relationship was found to be highly dependant on the prescribed inflammatory response. It was found that the duration of inflammation affected the amount of restenosis produced, and that this effect was most pronounced with large stent expansions. In conclusion, the paper shows that the arterial tissue response to mechanical stimulation can be predicted using a stochastic cell modeling approach, and that the simulation captures features of restenosis development observed with real stents. The modeling approach is proposed for application in three dimensional models of cardiovascular stenting procedures.


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Aim: To characterize and map temporal changes in the biological and clinical phenotype during a 21-day experimental gingivitis study. Materials and Methods: Experimental gingivitis was induced over 21 days in healthy human volunteers (n = 56), after which normal brushing was resumed (resolution phase). Gingival and plaque indices were assessed. Gingival crevicular fluid was collected from four paired test and contra-lateral control sites in each volunteer during induction (Days 0, 7, 14 and 21) and resolution (Days 28 and 42) of experimental gingivitis. Fluid volumes were measured and a single analyte was quantified from each site-specific, 30s sample. Data were evaluated by analysis of repeated measurements and paired sample tests. Results: Clinical indices and gingival crevicular fluid volumes at test sites increased from Day 0, peaking at Day 21 (test/control differences all p


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In this study, the physicochemical properties and preliminary in vivo clinical performance of formulations containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC; 3, 5, 10% w/w, poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP; 3, 5% w/w), polycarbophil (PC; 1, 3, 5% w/w), and flurbiprofen (5% w/w) were examined. Flurbiprofen release into PBS pH 7.4 was performed at 37 degrees C. The mechanical properties (hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, initial stress) and syringeability of formulations were determined using a texture analyzer in texture profile analysis (TPA) and compression modes, respectively. In general, the time required for release of 10 and 30% of the original mass of flurbiprofen (t(10%), t(30%)) increased as the concentration of each polymeric component increased. However, in the presence of either 5 or 10% HEC and 5% PC, increased PVP concentration decreased both t(10%), t(30%) due to excessive swelling land disintegration) of these formulations. Increased concentrations of HEC, PVP, and PC significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, work of syringe expression, and initial stress due to the effects of these polymers on formulation viscoelasticity. Similarly, increased concentrations of PC (primarily), HEC, and PVP increased formulation adhesiveness-due to the known bioadhesive properties of these polymers. Clinical efficacies of formulations containing 3% HEC, 3% PVP, 3% PC, and either 0% (control) of 5% (test) flurbiprofen, selected to offer optimal drug release and mechanical properties, were evaluated and clinically compared in an experimental gingivitis model. The test (flurbiprofen-containing) formulation significantly reduced gingival inflammation, as evaluated using the gingival index, and the gingival crevicular fluid volume, whereas, these clinical parameters were generally increased in volunteers who had received the control formulation. There were no observed differences in the plaque indices of the two subject groups, confirming that the observed differences in gingival inflammation could not be accredited to differences in plaque accummulation. This study has shown both the applicability of the in vitro methods used, particularly TPA, for the rational selection of formulations for clinical evaluation and, additionally, the clinical benefits of the topical application of a bioadhesive semisolid flurbiprofen-containing formulation for the treatment of experimental gingivitis.


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The potential application of phage therapy for the control of bacterial biofilms has received increasing attention as resistance to conventional antibiotic agents continues to increase. The present study identifies antimicrobial synergy between bacteriophage T4 and a conventional antibiotic, cefotaxime, via standard plaque assay and, importantly, in the in vitro eradication of biofilms of the T4 host strain Escherichia coli 11303. Phage-antibiotic synergy (PAS) is defined as the phenomenon whereby sub-lethal concentrations of certain antibiotics can substantially stimulate the host bacteria's production of virulent phage. Increasing sub-lethal concentrations of cefotaxime resulted in an observed increase in T4 plaque size and T4 concentration. The application of PAS to the T4 one-step growth curve also resulted in an increased burst size and reduced latent period. Combinations of T4 bacteriophage and cefotaxime significantly enhanced the eradication of bacterial biofilms when compared to treatment with cefotaxime alone. The addition of medium (10(4) PFU mL(-1) ) and high (10(7) PFU mL(-1) ) phage titres reduced the minimum biofilm eradication concentration value of cefotaxime against E. coli ATCC 11303 biofilms from 256 to 128 and 32 µg mL(-1) , respectively. Although further investigation is needed to confirm PAS, this study demonstrates, for the first time, that synergy between bacteriophage and conventional antibiotics can significantly improve biofilm control in vitro.