353 resultados para Piotr Bienkowski
If the people of Scotland favour independence, the split will create high level of uncertainty, and this component of risk will be extremely difficult to deal with.
Wydział Chemii: Zakład Syntezy i Struktury Związków Organicznych
Wydział Fizyki: Zakład Teorii Ciała Stałego
The current understanding of Arctic ecosystems is deeply rooted in the classical view of a bottom-up controlled system with strong physical forcing and seasonality in primary-production regimes. Consequently, the Arctic polar night is commonly disregarded as a time of year when biological activities are reduced to a minimum due to a reduced food supply. Here, based upon a multidisciplinary ecosystem-scale study from the polar night at 79 degrees N, we present an entirely different view. Instead of an ecosystem that has entered a resting state, we document a system with high activity levels and biological interactions across most trophic levels. In some habitats, biological diversity and presence of juvenile stages were elevated in winter months compared to the more productive and sunlit periods. Ultimately, our results suggest a different perspective regarding ecosystem function that will be of importance for future environmental management and decision making, especially at a time when Arctic regions are experiencing accelerated environmental change [1].
W artykule przestawiono dotychczasowe rozwinięcia koncepcji narracji historycznej w perspektywie idealizacyjnej teorii nauki oraz przedstawiono propozycje nowych rozwinięć o wymiar perswazyjny i aksjologiczny.
Participation of unincorporated associations in court and administrative proceedings is a tool of public participation which is a part of basic principles of performance of a democratic country and a civil society. By means of abiding by those principles administrative bodies and courts respect the rule of law and it becomes a standard. The rule of public participation can be as well treated as a part of the basic civil rights stipulated in the Constitution. By respecting the right of unincorporated associations to participate in court and administrative proceedings in environmental protection-related cases the goals and functions of environmental protection law can be accomplished.
Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Współczesna polska humanistyka wobec wyzwań naukometrii” finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki, numer decyzji 0057/NPHR3/H11/82/2014
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
Celem artykułu jest krytyczna rekonstrukcja stanu refleksji metodologicznej w kwestii interdyscyplinarnej współpracy między naukami historycznymi i psychoiogicznymi.
Wydział Fizyki
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.