756 resultados para Pion interferometry
表面形貌干涉测量技术是一种高精度的非接触式测量技术,在工业生产和科学研究中具有广泛的应用。提出一种实时测量表面形貌的正弦相位调制干涉测量新技术。该技术用激光二极管作光源,用自制的高速图像传感器探测干涉信号,通过信号处理电路实时解相得到被测表面所对应的相位分布,实时分析相位获得物体表面形貌。该技术消除了光强和部分外界干扰的影响,提高了系统的测量精度。楔形光学平板表面形貌的测量结果表明,测量点为60×60个的情况下,测量时间小于8.2 ms,重复测量精度(RMS)为4.3 nm。
正弦相位调制(SPM)干涉测量技术用于表面形貌测量时, 需要帧速高于300 frame/s的图像传感器, 同时要求调制信号频率与图像传感器帧速成确定的整数倍关系。提出一种基于低速CCD(30 frame/s)的帧速可调的高速图像传感技术, 通过控制每帧像素总数提高CCD帧速, 研制出一种高帧速图像传感器, 帧速可达300~1600 frame/s, 且每帧大小连续可调。将该CCD传感器用于正弦相位调制干涉泰曼-格林干涉仪, 测量镀膜玻璃板表面形貌, 当CCD图像传感器的帧速与调制信号频率呈16, 8, 4
在正弦相位调制(SPM)干涉仪中,若调制频率或者采样频率发生变化将使干涉信号出现频谱泄漏,减小了谐波分量的幅值,在测量结果中引入了误差。对频谱泄漏的产生及其对测量精度的影响进行了理论分析,获得了频谱泄漏引入测量误差的计算方法。实验测得频率漂移量在-0.3~0.3 Hz内,得到的频谱泄漏引入的误差为0.3~7.9 nm,当超出这个范围时,频谱泄漏误差将迅速增长。实验结果与模拟分析结果一致。
An FFT-based two-step phase-shifting (TPS) algorithm is described in detail and implemented by use of experimental interferograms. This algorithm has been proposed to solve the TPS problem with random phase shift except pi. By comparison with the visibility-function-based TPS algorithm, it proves that the FFT-based algorithm has obvious advantages in phase extracting. Meanwhile, we present a pi-phase-shift supplement to the TPS algorithm, which combines the two interferograms and demodulates the phase map by locating the extrema of the combined fringes after removing the respective backgrounds. So combining this method and FFT-based one, one could really implement the TPS with random phase shift. Whereafter, we systematically compare the TPS with single-interferogram analysis algorithm and conventional three-step phase-shifting one. The results demonstrate that the FFT-based TPS algorithm has a satisfactory accuracy. At last, based on the polarizing interferometry, a schematic setup of two-channel TPS interferometer with random phase shift is suggested to implement the simultaneous collection of interferograms. (c) 2007 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.
Doubled femtosecond laser pulses in-line are needed in the collinear pump-probe technique, collinear second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG FROG) and the spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), etc. Normally, it is generated by using a Michelson's structure. In this paper, we proposed a novel structure with two-layered reflective Dammann gratings and the reflective mirrors to generate doubled femtosecond laser pulses in line without transmission optical elements. Angular dispersion and spectral spatial walk-off are both compensated. In addition, this structure can also compress the positive chirped pulse, which cannot be realized with a Michelson's structure. By adopting triangular grating and blazed gratings, the efficiency of the system would in principle be increased as the Michelson's scheme. Experiments demonstrated that this method should be an alternative approach for generation of the double compressed pulses of femtosecond laser for practical applications. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In this thesis we are concerned with finding representations of the algebra of SU(3) vector and axial-vector charge densities at infinite momentum (the "current algebra") to describe the mesons, idealizing the real continua of multiparticle states as a series of discrete resonances of zero width. Such representations would describe the masses and quantum numbers of the mesons, the shapes of their Regge trajectories, their electromagnetic and weak form factors, and (approximately, through the PCAC hypothesis) pion emission or absorption amplitudes.
We assume that the mesons have internal degrees of freedom equivalent to being made of two quarks (one an antiquark) and look for models in which the mass is SU(3)-independent and the current is a sum of contributions from the individual quarks. Requiring that the current algebra, as well as conditions of relativistic invariance, be satisfied turns out to be very restrictive, and, in fact, no model has been found which satisfies all requirements and gives a reasonable mass spectrum. We show that using more general mass and current operators but keeping the same internal degrees of freedom will not make the problem any more solvable. In particular, in order for any two-quark solution to exist it must be possible to solve the "factorized SU(2) problem," in which the currents are isospin currents and are carried by only one of the component quarks (as in the K meson and its excited states).
In the free-quark model the currents at infinite momentum are found using a manifestly covariant formalism and are shown to satisfy the current algebra, but the mass spectrum is unrealistic. We then consider a pair of quarks bound by a potential, finding the current as a power series in 1/m where m is the quark mass. Here it is found impossible to satisfy the algebra and relativistic invariance with the type of potential tried, because the current contributions from the two quarks do not commute with each other to order 1/m3. However, it may be possible to solve the factorized SU(2) problem with this model.
The factorized problem can be solved exactly in the case where all mesons have the same mass, using a covariant formulation in terms of an internal Lorentz group. For a more realistic, nondegenerate mass there is difficulty in covariantly solving even the factorized problem; one model is described which almost works but appears to require particles of spacelike 4-momentum, which seem unphysical.
Although the search for a completely satisfactory model has been unsuccessful, the techniques used here might eventually reveal a working model. There is also a possibility of satisfying a weaker form of the current algebra with existing models.
We propose a novel method of one-shot parallel complex Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography using a spatial carrier frequency for full range imaging. The spatial carrier frequency is introduced into the 2-D spectral interferogram in the lateral direction by using a tilted reference wavefront. This spatial-carrier- contained 2-D spectral interferogram is recorded with one shot of a 2-D CCD camera, and is Fourier-transformed in the lateral direction to obtain a 2-D complex spectral interferogram by a spatial-carrier technique. A full-range tomogram is reconstructed from the 2-D complex spectral interferogram. The principle of this method is confirmed by cross-sectional imaging of a glass slip object. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
A review is presented of the statistical bootstrap model of Hagedorn and Frautschi. This model is an attempt to apply the methods of statistical mechanics in high-energy physics, while treating all hadron states (stable or unstable) on an equal footing. A statistical calculation of the resonance spectrum on this basis leads to an exponentially rising level density ρ(m) ~ cm-3 eβom at high masses.
In the present work, explicit formulae are given for the asymptotic dependence of the level density on quantum numbers, in various cases. Hamer and Frautschi's model for a realistic hadron spectrum is described.
A statistical model for hadron reactions is then put forward, analogous to the Bohr compound nucleus model in nuclear physics, which makes use of this level density. Some general features of resonance decay are predicted. The model is applied to the process of NN annihilation at rest with overall success, and explains the high final state pion multiplicity, together with the low individual branching ratios into two-body final states, which are characteristic of the process. For more general reactions, the model needs modification to take account of correlation effects. Nevertheless it is capable of explaining the phenomenon of limited transverse momenta, and the exponential decrease in the production frequency of heavy particles with their mass, as shown by Hagedorn. Frautschi's results on "Ericson fluctuations" in hadron physics are outlined briefly. The value of βo required in all these applications is consistently around [120 MeV]-1 corresponding to a "resonance volume" whose radius is very close to ƛπ. The construction of a "multiperipheral cluster model" for high-energy collisions is advocated.
A number of recent experiments have suggested the possibility of a highly inelastic resonance in K+p scattering. To study the inelastic K+p reactions, a 400 K exposure has been taken at the L.R.L. 25 inch bubble chamber. The data are spread over seven K+ momenta between 1.37 and 2.17 GeV/c.
Cross-sections have been measured for the reaction K+p → pK°π+ which is dominated by the quasi-two body channels K∆ and K*N. Both these channels are strongly peripheral, as at other momenta. The decay of the ∆ is in good agreement with the predictions of the rho-photon analogy of Stodolsky and Sakurai. The data on the K*p channel show evidence of both pseudo scalar and vector exchange.
Cross-sections for the final state pK+π+π- shows a strong contribution from the quasi-two body channel K*∆. This reaction is also very peripheral even at threshold. The decay angular distributions indicate the reaction is dominated as at higher momenta by a pion exchange mechanism. The data are also in good agreement with the quark model predictions of Bialas and Zalewski for the K* and ∆ decay.
Apresentamos um estudo preliminar da produção difrativa de mésons utilizando dados obtidos da colisão próton-próton, a energias de centro de massa de 7 TeV, com o experimento CMS-LHC. O trabalho inclui o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de reconstrução dos mésons D* através do canal de decaimento D*->D0 + pion (lento) ->K+pion, a medida da eficiência de detecção e reconstrução, e uma análise do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa dessas partículas, particularmente, das lacunas de rapidez. Para isso, foi utilizada uma luminosidade integrada de 3,171pb^(-1) de dados coletados no ano de 2010. As análises com os dados experimentais foram comparadas com os resultados obtidos com geradores de Monte Carlo PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 e POMPYT.
A new dual-frequency laser displacement measurement interferometer with nanometer precision has been developed. An eight-pass optical subdivision technology is proposed to improve resolution based on commercial interferometers. A static positioning error measuring method has been used to examine the precision and repeatability of the laser interferometer. An optical resolution of 1.24 nm and an accuracy of nanometer scale have been achieved.
为了减少由于加速度所导致的激光双频干涉仪测量误差,引入二阶多普勒频移,建立了由被测物体加速度所引起的测量误差的理论模型。仿真结果表明,在0.4s时间内0.6g加速度所引起的累积误差可达2.5 nm左右,这对于纳米精度的测量是不应忽视的; 初速度不为零时加速运动会引起更大的误差,而减速运动所引起的误差则相对小。通过实验验证,所测的误差变化趋势与理论模拟比较吻合。