992 resultados para Pietro, da Cortona, 1597-1669.


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The molecular and crystal structures of three compounds, representing the repeating units of the -bend ribbon (an approximate 310-helix, with an intramolecular hydrogen-bonding donor every two residues), have been determined by x-ray diffraction. They are Boc-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, Z-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, and Z-L-Hyp-Aib-NHMe (Aib, -aminoisobutyric acid; Bzl, benzyl; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl; Hyp, hydroxyproline Hib, -hydroxyisobutyric acid; Z, benzyloxycarbonyl). The two former compounds are folded in a -bend conformation: type III (III) for Boc-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, while type II (II) for the Z analogue. Conversely, the structure of Z-L-Hyp-Aib-NHMe, although not far from a type II -bend, is partially open.


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We propose a quantity called information ambiguity that plays the same role in the worst-case information-theoretic nalyses as the well-known notion of information entropy performs in the corresponding average-case analyses. We prove various properties of information ambiguity and illustrate its usefulness in performing the worst-case analysis of a variant of distributed source coding problem.


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Imbalance is not only a direct major cause of downtime in wind turbines, but also accelerates the degradation of neighbouring and downstream components (e.g. main bearing, generator). Along with detection, the imbalance quantification is also essential as some residual imbalance always exist even in a healthy turbine. Three different commonly used sensor technologies (vibration, acoustic emission and electrical measurements) are investigated in this work to verify their sensitivity to different imbalance grades. This study is based on data obtained by experimental tests performed on a small scale wind turbine drive train test-rig for different shaft speeds and imbalance levels. According to the analysis results, electrical measurements seem to be the most suitable for tracking the development of imbalance.


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This paper describes a theoretical model for the growth of titanium oxide by thermal oxidation of titanium. It is shown that this model can explain the formation of layers of different oxides of titanium and the changes in these layers with variations in the conditions of oxidation. Some experimental X-ray diffraction results which support the model are also given.


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C~0H~gN5Os.2H20, Mr=325.32, monoclinic,P2~, a = 12.029 (2), b=4.904 (2), c=13.215 (2) A, fl= 107.68 (2) ° , F= 743 (1) A 3, Z= 2,D m = 1-45, D x = 1.45 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A,fl= 1.01mm -1, F(000)=348, T=293K. The final R value for 1277 observed reflections 110 >_ 3tr(Io)l is 0.031. The dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The arginyl side-chain conformation is similar to that found in arginyl-glutamic acid [Pandit, Seshadri & Viswamitra (1983). Acta Cryst. C39, 1669-16721. The guanidyl group forms a pair of hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the backbone carboxyl group. The crystal structure is also stabilized by -bonding interactions involving both water molecules.


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The isothermal sections of the phase diagram for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 1073 and 1223 K have been determined. Several compositions in the ternary system were quenched after equilibration, and the phases present were identified by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron probe microanalysis. Two ternary compounds Ca2CuO3 and Cao.8&uO1.9s were identified at 1073 K. However, only Ca2CuO3 was found to be stable at 1223 K. The thermodynamic properties of the two ternary compounds were determined using solid-state cells incorporating either an oxide or a fluoride solid electrolyte. The results for both types of cells were internally consistent. The compound C ~ O . ~ & U Ow~h.i~ch~ c, a n also be represented as Ca15Cu18035h, as been identified in an earlier investigation as Cao.828CuOz. Using a novel variation of the galvanic cell technique, in which the emf of a cell incorporating a fluoride electrolyte is measured as a function of the oxygen potential of the gas phase in equilibrium with the condensed phase electrodes, it has been confirmed that the compound Cao.828CuO1.93 (Ca15Cu18035d) oes not have significant oxygen nonstoichiometry. Phase relations have been deduced from the thermodynamic data as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 873, 1073, and 1223 K.


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We report a reversible phase transformation of platelet-shaped ZnS nanostructures between wurtzite (WZ) and zinc blende (ZB) phases by reversible insertion/ ejection of dopant Mn(II) ions induced by a thermocyclic process. In a reaction flask loaded with WZ ZnS platelets and Mn molecular precursors, during heating Mn ions are incorporated and change the phase of the host nanostructures to ZB; during cooling Mn ions are spontaneously ejected, returning the host nanoplatelets to the original WZ phase. These reversible changes are monitored for several cycles with PL, EPR, XRD, and HRTEM. Interestingly, the (0001) WZ platelets transform to (110) ZB following a nucleation and growth process triggered by a local increase/depletion of the Mn2+ concentration in the nanocrystals.


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We report a reversible phase transformation of platelet-shaped ZnS nanostructures between wurtzite (WZ) and zinc blende (ZB) phases by reversible insertion/ ejection of dopant Mn(II) ions induced by a thermocyclic process. In a reaction flask loaded with WZ ZnS platelets and Mn molecular precursors, during heating Mn ions are incorporated and change the phase of the host nanostructures to ZB; during cooling Mn ions are spontaneously ejected, returning the host nanoplatelets to the original WZ phase. These reversible changes are monitored for several cycles with PL, EPR, XRD, and HRTEM. Interestingly, the (0001) WZ platelets transform to (110) ZB following a nucleation and growth process triggered by a local increase/depletion of the Mn2+ concentration in the nanocrystals.


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Key points center dot Active calcium signal propagation occurs when an initial calcium trigger elicits calcium release through endoplasmic reticulum (ER) receptors. A high concentration of the calcium trigger in thin-calibre dendrites would suppress release of calcium through hippocampal inositol trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs). center dot Could the high-density expression of A-type K+ channels in thin-calibre dendrites be a mechanism for inhibiting this suppression, thereby restoring the utility of the ER as a substrate for active calcium propagation? center dot Quantitative analyses involving experimentally constrained models reveal a bell-shaped dependence of calcium released through InsP3Rs on the A-type K+ channel density, during the propagation of a calcium wave. center dot A-type K+ channels regulated the relative contribution of ER calcium to the induction of synaptic plasticity in the presence of model metabotropic glutamate receptors. center dot These results identify a novel form of interaction between active dendrites and the ER membrane and suggest that A-type K+ channels are ideally placed for inhibiting the suppression of InsP3Rs in thin-calibre dendrites. Abstract The A-type potassium current has been implicated in the regulation of several physiological processes. Here, we explore a role for the A-type potassium current in regulating the release of calcium through inositol trisphosphate receptors (InsP3R) that reside on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. To do this, we constructed morphologically realistic, conductance-based models equipped with kinetic schemes that govern several calcium signalling modules and pathways, and constrained the distributions and properties of constitutive components by experimental measurements from these neurons. Employing these models, we establish a bell-shaped dependence of calcium release through InsP3Rs on the density ofA-type potassium channels, during the propagation of an intraneuronal calcium wave initiated through established protocols. Exploring the sensitivities of calcium wave initiation and propagation to several underlying parameters, we found that ER calcium release critically depends on dendritic diameter and that wave initiation occurred at branch points as a consequence of a high surface area to volume ratio of oblique dendrites. Furthermore, analogous to the role ofA-type potassium channels in regulating spike latency, we found that an increase in the density ofA-type potassium channels led to increases in the latency and the temporal spread of a propagating calcium wave. Next, we incorporated kinetic models for the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) signalling components and a calcium-controlled plasticity rule into our model and demonstrate thatthe presence of mGluRs induced a leftward shift in a BienenstockCooperMunro-like synaptic plasticity profile. Finally, we show that the A-type potassium current could regulate the relative contribution of ER calcium to synaptic plasticity induced either through 900 pulses of various stimulus frequencies or through theta burst stimulation. Our results establish a novel form of interaction between active dendrites and the ER membrane, uncovering a powerful mechanism that could regulate biophysical/biochemical signal integration and steer the spatiotemporal spread of signalling microdomains through changes in dendritic excitability.


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A new methodology has been developed for synthesizing lanthanide trifluoride (LnF(3)) nanoparticles using a simple diffusion technique. The approach uses a lanthanide based hydrogel matrix to control the kinetics of the reaction, which also acts as a stabilizing platform, thus enabling the room temperature, in situ synthesis of finely sized (3-5 nm), monodisperse nanoparticles that were found to form in an ordered pattern on the gel fibers.


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In this study, we report on the accuracy, precision and clinical acceptability of the five blood glucose meters available in India. Glucose levels of 100 blood samples were measured with each meter, at IISc health centre laboratory under same conditions and the results were compared with laboratory reference standard. In order to calculate the coefficient of variation (CV), each sample was tested three times. None of the glucometer showed 100 % compliance on CV measure. In terms of accuracy, none of the glucometer satisfied the most stringent ADA-1994 standard. In general all the glucometers showed improved accuracy with respect to the most relaxed ISO 1597:2003 standard. The Clarke error grid analysis was performed to assess the clinical acceptability of the glucometers. All five glucometers had more than 90 % of test results in Zone A and B. Bland-Altman analysis indicates that all glucometers show a positive bias, indicating that the measured values tend to be higher than the laboratory reference standard.


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A systematically numerical study of the sinusoidally oscillating viscous flow around a circular cylinder was performed to investigate vortical instability by solving the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The transition from two- to three-dimensional flow structures along the axial direction due to the vortical instability appears, and the three-dimensional structures lie alternatively on the two sides of the cylinder. Numerical study has been taken for the Keulegan-Carpenter( KC) numbers from 1 to 3.2 and frequency parameters from 100 to 600. The force behaviors are also studied by solving the Morison equation. Calculated results agree well with experimental data and theoretical prediction.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar la reacción de tres variedades de café (Coffea arabíca L.); Caturra Rojo, Catuaí Amarillo y Pacamara y dos lineas de Catimor (T-8667 y T-5175) al ataque de Rhízoctonía solani Kühn, fueron realizados experimentos en semillero y vivero, durante mayo de 1994 a enero de 1995, en las áreas del Centro Experimental de Café del Norte-UNICAFE. En semillero, se estudio el efecto de los substratos suelo y arena, además fueron evaluadas las variables: emergencia, índice de severidad y peso seco. En vivero se estudiaron los substratos suelo y suelo + pulpa en proporción 7:3, evaluandose incidencia, índice de severidad, altura, número de hojas y el peso seco. Los resultados mostraron que el Catimor T-5175 presentó resistencia horizontal tanto en semillero como en vivero, mientras Catuaí Amarillo fue altamente susceptible en semillero y vivero. Las variedades Caturra Rojo, Pacamara y Catimor T-8667 fueron susceptibles al patógeno. En semillero, la enfermedad se desarrolló con la misma intensidad tanto en suelo como arena. En Catuaí Amarillo, la pulpa de café disminuyó el crecimiento de la enfermedad, alcanzando la máxima incidencia a los 91 días después del transplante, mientras que en suelo a los 63 días después del trasplante.


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Durante la época de primera (junio a septiembre de 1995) se llevó a cabo el presente experimento en la finca experimental La Compañía, localizada en el municipio de San Mareos, Carazo. Los objetivos perseguidos fueron evaluar la influencia de dos sistemas de labranza y tres métodos de control de malezas sobre el comportamiento de la malezas y el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de maíz. (Zea mays L.), así como analizar desde el punto de vista económico la factibilidad de los tratamientos evaluados. Los factores incluidos en el experimento fueron establecidos en diseño de parcelas divididas con distribución en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones, constituyéndose en la parcela principal , la labranza del suelo (cero y mínima) y los controles de malezas en las sub-parcelas, estos fueron: paraquat más chapia(pre-emergente y control mecánico a los 28 dias después de la siembra), paraquat (pro-emergente) y paraquat más paraquat (pre-emergente y post-emergente). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el sistema de labranza cero presentó la mayor abundancia, cobertura y biomasa de malezas. El método de control de malezas que reflejó el mejor efecto sobre las malezas fue el control a base de pre más post-emergente, el cual obtuvo los menores valores en abundancia, diversidad, cobertura y biomasa de malezas. Los mejores resultados en cuanto a rendimiento se obtuvieron con labranza cero y control a base de pre-emergente más chapia. En lo que respecta a variables de crecimiento del cultivo, los sistemas de labranzas y controles de malezas no manifestaron diferencias significativas sobre las variables en estudio. El sistema de labranza que ofrece mayores beneficios netos y mejores rendimientos fue labranza cero. En cuanto a los controles de malezas, el mejor rendimiento y mejor rentabilidad se obtuvo con el control a base de pre-emergente más chapia.