979 resultados para Perfused-rat-liver


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After birth, most of insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGFs) circulate as a ternary complex formed by the association of IGF binding protein 3-IGF complexes with a serum protein called acid-labile subunit (ALS). ALS retains the IGF binding protein-3-IGF complexes in the vascular compartment and extends the t1/2 of IGFs in the circulation. Synthesis of ALS occurs mainly in liver after birth and is stimulated by growth hormone. To study the basis for this regulation, we cloned and characterized the mouse ALS gene. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences indicated that the gene is composed of two exons separated by a 1126-bp intron. Exon 1 encodes the first 5 amino acids of the signal peptide and contributes the first nucleotide of codon 6. Exon 2 contributes the last 2 nt of codon 6 and encodes the remaining 17 amino acids of the signal peptide as well as the 580 amino acids of the mature protein. The polyadenylylation signal, ATTAAA, is located 241 bp from the termination codon. The cDNA and genomic DNA diverge 16 bp downstream from this signal. Transcription initiation was mapped to 11 sites over a 140-bp TATA-less region. The DNA fragment extending from nt -805 to -11 (ATG, +1) directed basal and growth hormone-regulated expression of a luciferase reporter plasmid in the rat liver cell line H4-II-E. Finally, the ALS gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 17 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.


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In a search for regulatory proteins that interact with the leucine zipper motif of c-Fos in the yeast two-hybrid screen, we have identified a protein (FZA-B) that has extensive sequence similarity to SUG1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that FZA-B can functionally substitute for SUG1 in yeast and that FZA-B interacts with Fos proteins in vitro through their leucine zippers. In rat liver and in HeLa cells, FZA-B is present in the 26S proteasome complex, as is c-Fos. Immobilized antibody raised against an FZA-B-specific peptide depleted peptidase activity, proteasomal proteins, FZA-B, and c-Fos from a 26S proteasome preparation. FZA-B is found predominantly in the nuclear fraction of COS cells expressing an FZA-B transgene and in the nuclear 26S proteasome of HeLa cells. We conclude that FZA-B is the mammalian homolog of SUG1 (mSug1) and that it is present in the nuclear 26S proteasome of cells. Our results suggest that mSug1 may be involved in the degradation of c-Fos and other transcription factors.


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The membrane association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) plays an important role in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular endothelium. Previously, we have shown that in cultured endothelial cells and in intact blood vessels, eNOS is found primarily in the perinuclear region of the cells and in discrete regions of the plasma membrane, suggesting trafficking of the protein from the Golgi to specialized plasma membrane structures. Here, we show that eNOS is found in Triton X-100-insoluble membranes prepared from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells and colocalizes with caveolin, a coat protein of caveolae, in cultured bovine lung microvascular endothelial cells as determined by confocal microscopy. To examine if eNOS is indeed in caveolae, we purified luminal endothelial cell plasma membranes and their caveolae directly from intact, perfused rat lungs. eNOS is found in the luminal plasma membranes and is markedly enriched in the purified caveolae. Because palmitoylation of eNOS does not significantly influence its membrane association, we next examined whether this modification can affect eNOS targeting to caveolae. Wild-type eNOS, but not the palmitoylation mutant form of the enzyme, colocalizes with caveolin on the cell surface in transfected NIH 3T3 cells, demonstrating that palmitoylation of eNOS is necessary for its targeting into caveolae. These data suggest that the subcellular targeting of eNOS to caveolae can restrict NO signaling to specific targets within a limited microenvironment at the cell surface and may influence signal transduction through caveolae.


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The possible relationship of selenium to immunological function which has been suggested for decades was investigated in studies on selenium metabolism in human T cells. One of the major 75Se-labeled selenoproteins detected was purified to homogeneity and shown to be a homodimer of 55-kDa subunits. Each subunit contained about 1 FAD and at least 0.74 Se. This protein proved to be thioredoxin reductase (TR) on the basis of its catalytic activities, cross-reactivity with anti-rat liver TR antibodies, and sequence identities of several tryptic peptides with the published deduced sequence of human placental TR. Physicochemical characteristics of T-cell TR were similar to those of a selenocysteine (Secys)-containing TR recently isolated from human lung adenocarcinoma cells. The sequence of a 12-residue 75Se-labeled tryptic peptide from T-cell TR was identical with a C-terminal-deduced sequence of human placental TR except that Secys was present in the position corresponding to TGA, previously thought to be the termination codon, and this was followed by Gly-499, the actual C-terminal amino acid. The presence of the unusual conserved Cys-Secys-Gly sequence at the C terminus of TR in addition to the redox active cysteines of the Cys-Val-Asn-Val-Gly-Cys motif in the FAD-binding region may account for the peroxidase activity and the relatively low substrate specificity of mammalian TRs. The finding that T-cell TR is a selenoenzyme that contains Se in a conserved C-terminal region provides another example of the role of selenium in a major antioxidant enzyme system (i.e., thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase), in addition to the well-known glutathione peroxidase enzyme system.


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When respiring rat liver mitochondria are incubated in the presence of Fe(III) gluconate, their DNA (mtDNA) relaxes from the supercoiled to the open circular form dependent on the iron dose. Anaerobiosis or antioxidants fail to completely inhibit the unwinding. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy imaging, in concert with backscattered electron detection, pinpoints nanometer-range iron colloids bound to mtDNA isolated from iron-exposed mitochondria. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron detection imaging permits simultaneous detailed visual analysis of DNA topology, iron dose-dependent mtDNA unwinding, and assessment of iron colloid formation on mtDNA strands.


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The experiments reported here were designed to test the hypothesis that the two-electron quinone reductase DT-diaphorase [NAD(P)H:(quinone-acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC] functions to maintain membrane-bound coenzyme Q (CoQ) in its reduced antioxidant state, thereby providing protection from free radical damage. DT-diaphorase was isolated and purified from rat liver cytosol, and its ability to reduce several CoQ homologs incorporated into large unilamellar vesicles was demonstrated. Addition of NADH and DT-diaphorase to either large unilamellar or multilamellar vesicles containing homologs of CoQ, including CoQ9 and CoQ10, resulted in the essentially complete reduction of the CoQ. The ability of DT-diaphorase to maintain the reduced state of CoQ and protect membrane components from free radical damage as lipid peroxidation was tested by incorporating either reduced CoQ9 or CoQ10 and the lipophylic azoinitiator 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) into multilamellar vesicles in the presence of NADH and DT-diaphorase. The presence of DT-diaphorase prevented the oxidation of reduced CoQ and inhibited lipid peroxidation. The interaction between DT-diaphorase and CoQ was also demonstrated in an isolated rat liver hepatocyte system. Incubation with adriamycin resulted in mitochondrial membrane damage as measured by membrane potential and the release of hydrogen peroxide. Incorporation of CoQ10 provided protection from adriamycin-induced mitochondrial membrane damage. The incorporation of dicoumarol, a potent inhibitor of DT-diaphorase, interfered with the protection provided by CoQ. The results of these experiments provide support for the hypothesis that DT-diaphorase functions as an antioxidant in both artificial membrane and natural membrane systems by acting as a two-electron CoQ reductase that forms and maintains the antioxidant form of CoQ. The suggestion is offered that DT-diaphorase was selected during evolution to perform this role and that its conversion of xenobiotics and other synthetic molecules is secondary and coincidental.


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We report the isolation and characterization of a new selenoprotein from a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line, NCI-H441. Cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum and 0.1 microM [75Se]selenite. A 75Se-labeled protein was isolated from sonic extracts of the cells by chromatography on DE-23, phenyl-Sepharose, heparin-agarose, and butyl-Sepharose. The protein, a homodimer of 57-kDa subunits, was shown to contain selenium in the form of selenocysteine; hydrolysis of the protein alkylated with either iodoacetate or 3-bromopropionate yielded Se-carboxymethyl-selenocysteine or Se-carboxyethyl-selenocysteine, respectively. The selenoprotein showed two isoelectric points at pH 5.2 and pH 5.3. It was distinguished from selenoprotein P by N-glycosidase assay and by the periodate-dansylhydrazine test, which indicated no detectable amounts of glycosyl groups on the protein. The selenoprotein contains FAD as a prosthetic group and catalyzes NADPH-dependent reduction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and reduction of insulin in the presence of thioredoxin (Trx). The specific activity was determined to be 31 units/mg by DTNB assay. Apparent Km values for DTNB, Escherichia coli Trx, and rat Trx were 116, 34, and 3.7 microM, respectively. DTNB reduction was inhibited by 0.2 mM arsenite. Although the subunit composition and catalytic properties are similar to those of mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TR), the human lung selenoprotein failed to react with anti-rat liver TR polyclonal antibody in immunoblot assays. The selenocysteine-containing TR from the adenocarcinoma cells may be a variant form distinct from rat liver TR.


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A protein complex involved in apolipoprotein B (apoB) RNA editing, referred to as AUX240 (auxiliary factor containing p240), has been identified through the production of monoclonal antibodies against in vitro assembled 27S editosomes. The 240-kDa protein antigen of AUX240 colocalized with editosome complexes on immunoblots of native gels. Immunoadsorbed extracts were impaired in their ability to assemble editosomes beyond early intermediates and in their ability to edit apoB RNA efficiently. Supplementation of adsorbed extract with AUX240 restored both editosome assembly and editing activities. Several proteins, in addition to p240, ranging in molecular mass from 150 to 45 kDa coimmunopurify as AUX240 under stringent wash conditions. The activity of the catalytic subunit of the editosome APOBEC-1 and mooring sequence RNA binding proteins of 66 and 44 kDa could not be demonstrated in AUX240. The data suggest that p240 and associated proteins constitute an auxiliary factor required for efficient apoB RNA editing. We propose that the role of AUX240 may be regulatory and involve mediation or stabilization of interactions between APOBEC-1 subunits and editing site recognition proteins leading the assembly of the rat liver C/U editosome.


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Polyclonal antibodies were prepared against synthetic peptides corresponding to four different extramembrane segments of the rat glucagon receptor. The antibodies bound specifically to native glucagon receptor as judged by immunofluorescence microscopy of cultured cells expressing a synthetic gene for the receptor. Antibodies to peptides designated PR-15 and DK-12 were directed against amino acid residues 103-117 and 126-137, respectively, of the extracellular N-terminal tail. Antibody to peptide KD-14 was directed against residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop, and antibody to peptide ST-18, against the intracellular C-terminal tail, residues 468-485. The DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not the PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, could effectively block binding of 125I-labeled glucagon to its receptor in liver membranes. Incubation of these antibodies with rat liver membranes resulted in both a decrease in the maximal hormonal binding capacity and an apparent decrease in glucagon affinity for its receptor. These effects were abolished in the presence of excess specific peptide antigen. In addition, DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, interfered with glucagon-induced adenylyl cyclase activation in rat liver membranes and behaved as functional glucagon antagonists. These results demonstrate that DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies are pharmacologically active glucagon antagonists and strongly suggest that residues 126-137 of the N-terminal tail and residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop contain determinants of ligand binding and may comprise the primary ligand-binding site on the glucagon receptor.


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A computational model is presented that can be used as a tool in the design of safer chemicals. This model predicts the rate of hydrogen-atom abstraction by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Excellent correlations between biotransformation rates and the calculated activation energies (delta Hact) of the cytochrome P450-mediated hydrogen-atom abstractions were obtained for the in vitro biotransformation of six halogenated alkanes (1-fluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1-difluoro-1,2,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1-trifluro-2,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-2-chloroethane, 1,1,1,2,2,-pentafluoroethane, and 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) with both rat and human enzyme preparations: In(rate, rat liver microsomes) = 44.99 - 1.79(delta Hact), r2 = 0.86; In(rate, human CYP2E1) = 46.99 - 1.77(delta Hact), r2 = 0.97 (rates are in nmol of product per min per nmol of cytochrome P450 and energies are in kcal/mol). Correlations were also obtained for five inhalation anesthetics (enflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, methoxyflurane, and isoflurane) for both in vivo and in vitro metabolism by humans: In[F(-)]peak plasma = 42.87 - 1.57(delta Hact), r2 = 0.86. To our knowledge, these are the first in vivo human metabolic rates to be quantitatively predicted. Furthermore, this is one of the first examples where computational predictions and in vivo and in vitro data have been shown to agree in any species. The model presented herein provides an archetype for the methodology that may be used in the future design of safer chemicals, particularly hydrochlorofluorocarbons and inhalation anesthetics.


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Quinone reductase [NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC], also called DT diaphorase, is a homodimeric FAD-containing enzyme that catalyzes obligatory NAD(P)H-dependent two-electron reductions of quinones and protects cells against the toxic and neoplastic effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen species arising from one-electron reductions. These two-electron reductions participate in the reductive bioactivation of cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as mitomycin C in tumor cells. Thus, surprisingly, the same enzymatic reaction that protects normal cells activates cytotoxic drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. The 2.1-A crystal structure of rat liver quinone reductase reveals that the folding of a portion of each monomer is similar to that of flavodoxin, a bacterial FMN-containing protein. Two additional portions of the polypeptide chains are involved in dimerization and in formation of the two identical catalytic sites to which both monomers contribute. The crystallographic structures of two FAD-containing enzyme complexes (one containing NADP+, the other containing duroquinone) suggest that direct hydride transfers from NAD(P)H to FAD and from FADH2 to the quinone [which occupies the site vacated by NAD(P)H] provide a simple rationale for the obligatory two-electron reductions involving a ping-pong mechanism.


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Fragments of small interlobular bile ducts averaging 20 microns in diameter can be isolated from rat liver. These isolated bile duct units form luminal spaces that are impermeant to dextran-40 and expand in size when cultured in 10 microM forskolin for 24-48 hr. Secretion is Cl- and HCO3- dependent and is stimulated by forskolin > dibutyryl cAMP > secretion but not by dideoxyforskolin, as assessed by video imaging techniques. Secretin stimulates Cl-/HCO3- exchange activity, and intraluminal pH increases after forskolin administration. These studies establish that small polarized physiologically intact interlobular bile ducts can be isolated from rat liver. These isolated bile duct units should be useful preparations for assessing the transport properties of small bile duct segments, which are the primary site of injury in cholestatic liver disorders, known as "vanishing bile duct syndromes."


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Although only 44% identical to human karyopherin alpha 1, human karyopherin alpha 2 (Rch1 protein) substituted for human karyopherin alpha 1 (hSRP-1/NPI-1) in recognizing a standard nuclear localization sequence and karyopherin beta-dependent targeting to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells. By immunofluorescence microscopy of methanol-fixed cells, karyopherin beta was localized to the cytoplasm and the nuclear envelope and was absent from the nuclear interior. Digitonin permeabilization of buffalo rat liver cells depleted their endogenous karyopherin beta. Recombinant karyopherin beta can bind directly to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells at 0 degree C (docking reaction). In contrast, recombinant karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2 did not bind unless karyopherin beta was present. Likewise, in an import reaction (at 20 degrees C) with all recombinant transport factors (karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, karyopherin beta, Ran, and p10) import depended on karyopherin beta. Localization of the exogenously added transport factors after a 30-min import reaction showed karyopherin beta at the nuclear envelope and karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, Ran, and p10 in the nuclear interior. In an overlay assay with SDS/PAGE-resolved and nitrocellulose-transferred proteins of the nuclear envelope, 35S-labeled karyopherin beta bound to at least four peptide repeat-containing nucleoporins--Nup358, Nup214, Nup153, and Nup98.


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It was previously proposed that the activation of rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase (EC by cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation of Ser-16 is due to the introduction of the negatively charged phosphate group. To explore the validity of this proposal, we have applied site-directed mutagenesis to specifically replace Ser-16 with negatively charged amino acids, glutamic and aspartic; with polar uncharged amino acids, asparagine and glutamine; with the positively charged amino acid lysine; and with the nonpolar hydrophobic amino acid alanine. The wild-type and mutant enzymes were purified to homogeneity, and the importance of Ser-16 in the activation of phenylalanine hydroxylase was examined by comparing the state of activation of the phosphorylated form of the wild-type hydroxylase with that of the mutants. The kinetic studies carried out on the wild-type phosphorylated hydroxylase showed that all the activation could be accounted for by an increase in Vmax with no change in Km for either phenylalanine or the pterin cofactor. Replacement of Ser-16 with a negatively charged residue, glutamate of aspartate, resulted in the activation of the hydroxylase by 2- to 4-fold, whereas replacement with glutamine, asparagine, lysine, or alanine resulted in a much more modest increase. Further, lysolecithin was found to stimulate the phosphorylated hydroxylase and the mutant enzymes S16E and S16D by a factor of 6-7. In contrast, the mutants S16Q, S16N, and S16A all showed the same magnitude of activation as the wild-type with lysolecithin. Therefore, this study demonstrates that activation of the enzyme by phosphorylation of Ser-16 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase is due to the introduction of negative charge(s) and strongly suggests the involvement of electrostatic interaction between the regulatory and catalytic domains of the hydroxylase.


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NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR; NADPH:ferrihemoprotein reductase, EC catalyzes the transfer of electrons to all known microsomal cytochromes P450. CPR is unique in that it is one of only two mammalian enzymes known to contain both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), the other being the various isoforms of nitric oxide synthase. Similarities in amino acid sequence and in functional domain arrangement with other key flavoproteins, including nitric oxide synthase, make CPR an excellent prototype for studies of interactions between two flavin cofactors. We have obtained diffraction-quality crystals of rat liver CPR, expressed in Escherichia coli and solubilized by limited proteolysis with trypsin. The crystals were grown in Hepes buffer (pH 7.0), containing polyethylene glycol 4500 and NaCl. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 103.3 A, b = 116.1 A, and c = 120.4 A. If we assume that there are two molecules of the 72-kDa CPR polypeptide per asymmetric unit, the calculated value of Vm is 2.54 A3/Da.