369 resultados para Peptidase


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Plant proteolysis is a metabolic process where specific enzymes called peptidases degrade proteins. In plants, this complex process involves broad metabolic networks and different sub-cellular compartments. Several types of peptidases take part in the proteolytic process, mainly cysteine-, serine-, aspartyl- and metallo- peptidases. Among the cysteine-peptidases, the papain-like or C1A peptidases (family C1, clan CA) are extensively present in land plants and are classified into catepsins L-, B-, H- and Flike. The catalytic mechanism of these C1A peptidases is highly conserved and involves the three amino acids Cys, His and Asn in the catalytic triad, and a Gln residue which seems essential for maintaining an active enzyme conformation. These proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors, which comprise an N-terminal signal peptide, a propeptide, and the mature protein. In barley, we have identified 33 cysteine-peptidases from the papain-like family, classifying them into 8 different groups. Five of them corresponded to cathepsins L-like (5 subgroups), 1 cathepsin B-like group, 1 cathepsin F-like group and 1 cathepsin H-like group. Besides, C1A peptidases are the specific targets of the plant proteinaceous inhibitors known as phytocystatins (PhyCys). The cystatin inhibitory mechanism is produced by a tight and reversible interaction with their target enzymes. In barley, the cystatin gene family is comprised by 13 members. In this work we have tried to elucidate the role of the C1A cysteine-peptidases and their specific inhibitors (cystatins) in the germination process of the barley grain. Therefore, we selected a representative member of each group/subgroup of C1A peptidases (1 cathepsin B-like, 1 cathepsin F-like, 1 cathepsin H-like and 5 cathepsins L-like). The molecular characterization of the cysteine-peptidases was done and the peptidase-inhibitor interaction was analyzed in vitro and in vivo. A study in the structural basis for specificity of pro-peptide/enzyme interaction in barley C1A cysteine-peptidases has been also carried out by inhibitory assays and the modeling of the three-dimensional structures. The barley grain maturation produces the accumulation of storage proteins (prolamins) in the endosperm which are mobilized during germination to supply the required nutrients until the photosynthesis is fully established. In this work, we have demonstrated the participation of the cysteine-peptidases and their inhibitors in the degradation of the different storage protein fractions (hordeins, albumins and globulins) present in the barley grain. Besides, transgenic barley plants overexpressing or silencing cysteine-peptidases or cystatins were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley immature embryos to analyze their physiological function in vivo. Preliminary assays were carried out with the T1 grains of several transgenic lines. Comparing the knock-out and the overexpressing lines with the WT, alterations in the germination process were detected and were correlated with their grain hordein content. These data will be validated with the homozygous grains that are being produced through the double haploid technique by microspore culture. Resumen La proteólisis es un proceso metabólico por el cual se lleva a cabo la degradación de las proteínas de un organismo a través de enzimas específicas llamadas proteasas. En plantas, este complejo proceso comprende un entramado de rutas metabólicas que implican, además, diferentes compartimentos subcelulares. En la proteólisis participan numerosas proteasas, principalmente cisteín-, serín-, aspartil-, y metalo-proteasas. Dentro de las cisteín-proteasas, las proteasas tipo papaína o C1A (familia C1, clan CA) están extensamente representadas en plantas terrestres, y se clasifican en catepsinas tipo L, B, H y F. El mecanismo catalítico de estas proteasas está altamente conservado y la triada catalítica formada por los aminoácidos Cys, His y Asn, y a un aminoácido Gln, que parece esencial para el mantenimiento de la conformación activa de la proteína. Las proteasas C1A se sintetizan como precursores inactivos y comprenden un péptido señal en el extremo N-terminal, un pro-péptido y la proteína madura. En cebada hemos identificado 33 cisteín-proteasas de tipo papaína y las hemos clasificado filogenéticamente en 8 grupos diferentes. Cinco de ellos pertenecen a las catepsinas tipo L (5 subgrupos), un grupo a las catepsinas tipo-B, otro a las catepsinas tipo-F y un último a las catepsinas tipo-H. Las proteasas C1A son además las dianas específicas de los inhibidores protéicos de plantas denominados fitocistatinas. El mecanismo de inhibición de las cistatinas está basado en una fuerte interacción reversible. En cebada, se conoce la familia génica completa de las cistatinas, que está formada por 13 miembros. En el presente trabajo se ha investigado el papel de las cisteín-proteasas de cebada y sus inhibidores específicos en el proceso de la germinación de la semilla. Para ello, se seleccionó una proteasa representante de cada grupo/subgrupo (1 catepsina tipo- B, 1 tipo-F, 1 tipo-H, y 5 tipo-L, una por cada subgrupo). Se ha llevado a cabo su caracterización molecular y se ha analizado la interacción enzima-inhibidor tanto in vivo como in vitro. También se han realizado estudios sobre las bases estructurales que demuestran la especificidad en la interacción enzima/propéptido en las proteasas C1A de cebada, mediante ensayos de inhibición y la predicción de modelos estructurales de la interacción. Finalmente, y dado que durante la maduración de la semilla se almacenan proteínas de reserva (prolaminas) en el endospermo que son movilizadas durante la germinación para suministrar los nutrientes necesarios hasta que la nueva planta pueda realizar la fotosíntesis, en este trabajo se ha demostrado la participación de las cisteínproteasas y sus inhibidores en la degradación de las diferentes tipos de proteínas de reserva (hordeinas, albúmins y globulinas) presentes en el grano de cebada. Además, se han obtenido plantas transgénicas de cebada que sobre-expresan o silencian cistatinas y cisteín-proteasas con el fin de analizar la función fisiológica in vivo. Se han realizado análisis preliminares en las semillas T1 de varias líneas tránsgenicas de cebada y al comparar las líneas knock-out y las líneas de sobre-expresión con las silvestres, se han detectado alteraciones en la germinación que están además correlacionadas con el contenido de hordeinas de las semillas. Estos datos serán validados en las semillas homocigotas que se están generando mediante la técnica de dobles haploides a partir del cultivo de microesporas.


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In this work, the purification and characterization of an extracellular elicitor protein, designated AsES, produced by an avirulent isolate of the strawberry pathogen Acremonium strictum, are reported. The defense eliciting activity present in culture filtrates was recovered and purified by ultrafiltration (cutoff, 30 kDa), anionic exchange (Q-Sepharose, pH 7.5), and hydrophobic interaction (phenyl-Sepharose) chromatographies. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of the purified active fraction revealed a single spot of 34 kDa and pI 8.8. HPLC (C2/C18) and MS/MS analysis confirmed purification to homogeneity. Foliar spray with AsES provided a total systemic protection against anthracnose disease in strawberry, accompanied by the expression of defense-related genes (i.e. PR1 and Chi2-1). Accumulation of reactive oxygen species (e.g. H2O2 and O2̇̄) and callose was also observed in Arabidopsis. By using degenerate primers designed from the partial amino acid sequences and rapid amplification reactions of cDNA ends, the complete AsES-coding cDNA of 1167 nucleotides was obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence showed significant identity with fungal serine proteinases of the subtilisin family, indicating that AsES is synthesized as a larger precursor containing a 15-residue secretory signal peptide and a 90-residue peptidase inhibitor I9 domain in addition to the 283-residue mature protein. AsES exhibited proteolytic activity in vitro, and its resistance eliciting activity was eliminated when inhibited with PMSF, suggesting that its proteolytic activity is required to induce the defense response. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a fungal subtilisin that shows eliciting activity in plants. This finding could contribute to develop disease biocontrol strategies in plants by activating its innate immunity.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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The genome of the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida harbours a complete set of xcp genes for a type II protein secretion system (T2SS). This study shows that expression of these genes is induced under inorganic phosphate (Pi ) limitation and that the system enables the utilization of various organic phosphate sources. A phosphatase of the PhoX family, previously designated UxpB, was identified, which was produced under low Pi conditions and transported across the cell envelope in an Xcp-dependent manner demonstrating that the xcp genes encode an active T2SS. The signal sequence of UxpB contains a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) motif as well as a lipobox, and both processing by leader peptidase II and Tat dependency were experimentally confirmed. Two different tat gene clusters were detected in the P.?putida genome, of which one, named tat-1, is located adjacent to the uxpB and xcp genes. Both Tat systems appeared to be capable of transporting the UxpB protein. However, expression of the tat-1 genes was strongly induced by low Pi levels, indicating a function of this system in survival during Pi starvation.


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Senescence-associated proteolysis in plants is a crucial process to relocalize nutrients from leaves to growing or storage tissues. The massive net degradation of proteins involves broad metabolic networks, different subcellular compartments, and several types of proteases and regulators. C1A cysteine proteases, grouped as cathepsin L-, B-, H-, and F-like according to their gene structures and phylogenetic relationships, are the most abundant enzymes responsible for the proteolytic activity during leaf senescence. Besides, cystatins as specific modulators of C1A peptidase activities exert a complex regulatory role in this physiological process. This overview article covers the most recent information on C1A proteases in leaf senescence in different plant species. Particularly, it is focussed on barley, as the unique species where the whole gene family members of C1A cysteine proteases and cystatins have been analysed.


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Although cellular proteins degraded by proteasomes are the source of most antigenic peptides presented on major histocompatibility complex class I molecules, it is unknown whether the eight- to nine-residue peptides that fit in the binding groove of class I molecules are directly produced by proteasomes alone in vivo. If the eight-residue peptide SIINFEKL from chicken ovalbumin is extended by one or several residues at its C terminus and microinjected into cells or expressed from a minigene, it is processed and presented on major histocompatibility complex class I. However, processing and presentation are inhibited by proteasome inhibitors, such as lactacystin. In contrast, when SIINFEKL is extended by 2 to 25 residues at its N terminus, its presentation is not blocked by proteasome inhibitors. N-terminal processing also can occur when the extended peptide is cotranslationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, two different proteolytic steps in the generation of an chicken ovalbumin-presented peptide can be distinguished. Cleavage by the proteasome defines the proper C terminus, whereas distinct peptidase(s) in the cytosol or endoplasmic reticulum may generate the appropriate N terminus from extended peptides.


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The influenza C virus CM2 protein is a small glycosylated integral membrane protein (115 residues) that spans the membrane once and contains a cleavable signal sequence at its N terminus. The coding region for CM2 (CM2 ORF) is located at the C terminus of the 342-amino acid (aa) ORF of a colinear mRNA transcript derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6. Splicing of the colinear transcript introduces a translational stop codon into the ORF and the spliced mRNA encodes the viral matrix protein (CM1) (242 aa). The mechanism of CM2 translation was investigated by using in vitro and in vivo translation of RNA transcripts. It was found that the colinear mRNA derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6 serves as the mRNA for CM2. Furthermore, CM2 translation does not depend on any of the three in-frame methionine residues located at the beginning of CM2 ORF. Rather, CM2 is a proteolytic cleavage product of the p42 protein product encoded by the colinear mRNA: a cleavage event that involves the recognition and cleavage of an internal signal peptide presumably by signal peptidase resident in the endoplasmic reticulum. Alteration of the predicted signal peptidase cleavage site by mutagenesis blocked generation of CM2. The other polypeptide species resulting from the cleavage of p42, designated p31, contains the CM1 coding region and an additional C-terminal 17 aa (formerly the CM2 signal peptide). Protein p31, in comparison to CM1, displays characteristics of an integral membrane protein.


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The proteasome is responsible for degradation of substrates of the ubiquitin pathway. 20S proteasomes are cylindrical particles with subunits arranged in a stack of four heptameric rings. The outer rings are composed of α subunits, and the inner rings are composed of β subunits. A well-characterized archaeal proteasome has a single type of each subunit, and the N-terminal threonine of the β subunit is the active-site nucleophile. Yeast proteasomes have seven different β subunits and exhibit several distinct peptidase activities, which were proposed to derive from disparate active sites. We show that mutating the N-terminal threonine in the yeast Pup1 β subunit eliminates cleavage after basic residues in peptide substrates, and mutating the corresponding threonine of Pre3 prevents cleavage after acidic residues. Surprisingly, neither mutation has a strong effect on cell growth, and they have at most minor effects on ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. We show that Pup1 interacts with Pup3 in each β subunit ring. Our data reveal that different proteasome active sites contribute very differently to protein breakdown in vivo, that contacts between particular subunits in each β subunit ring are critical for active-site formation, and that active sites in archaea and different eukaryotes are highly similar.


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Assembly of several inner membrane proteins—leader peptidase (Lep), a Lep derivative (Lep-inv) that inserts with an inverted topology compared with the wild-type protein, the phage M13 procoat protein, and a procoat derivative (H1-procoat) with the hydrophobic core of the signal peptide replaced by a stretch from the first transmembrane segment in Lep—has been studied in vitro and in Escherichia coli strains that are conditional for the expression of either the 54 homologue (Ffh) or 4.5S RNA, which are the two components of the E. coli signal recognition particle (SRP), or SecE, an essential core component of the E. coli preprotein translocase. Membrane insertion has also been tested in a SecB null strain. Lep, Lep-inv, and H1-procoat require SRP for correct assembly into the inner membrane; in contrast, we find that wild-type procoat does not. Lep and, surprisingly, Lep-inv and H1-procoat fail to insert properly when SecE is depleted, whereas insertion of wild-type procoat is unaffected under these conditions. None of the proteins depend on SecB for assembly. These observations indicate that inner membrane proteins can assemble either by a mechanism in which SRP delivers the protein at the preprotein translocase or by what appears to be a direct integration into the lipid bilayer. The observed change in assembly mechanism when the hydrophobicity of the procoat signal peptide is increased demonstrates that the assembly of an inner membrane protein can be rerouted between different pathways.


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CD26 is a T cell activation antigen known to bind adenosine deaminase and have dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity. Cross-linking of CD26 and CD3 with immobilized mAbs can deliver a costimulatory signal that contributes to T cell activation. Our earlier studies revealed that cross-linking of CD26 induces its internalization, the phosphorylation of a number of proteins involved in the signaling pathway, and subsequent T cell proliferation. Although these findings suggest the importance of internalization in the function of CD26, CD26 has only 6 aa residues in its cytoplasmic region with no known motif for endocytosis. In the present study, we have identified the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGFIIR) as a binding protein for CD26 and that mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) residues in the carbohydrate moiety of CD26 are critical for this binding. Activation of peripheral blood T cells results in the mannose 6 phosphorylation of CD26. In addition, the cross-linking of CD26 with an anti-CD26 antibody induces not only capping and internalization of CD26 but also colocalization of CD26 with M6P/IGFIIR. Finally, both internalization of CD26 and the T cell proliferative response induced by CD26-mediated costimulation were inhibited by the addition of M6P, but not by glucose 6-phosphate or mannose 1-phosphate. These results indicate that internalization of CD26 after cross-linking is mediated in part by M6P/IGFIIR and that the interaction between mannose 6-phosphorylated CD26 and M6P/IGFIIR may play an important role in CD26-mediated T cell costimulatory signaling.


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We recently have shown that selective growth of transplanted normal hepatocytes can be achieved in a setting of cell cycle block of endogenous parenchymal cells. Thus, massive proliferation of donor-derived normal hepatocytes was observed in the liver of rats previously given retrorsine (RS), a naturally occurring alkaloid that blocks proliferation of resident liver cells. In the present study, the fate of nodular hepatocytes transplanted into RS-treated or normal syngeneic recipients was followed. The dipeptidyl peptidase type IV-deficient (DPPIV−) rat model for hepatocyte transplantation was used to distinguish donor-derived cells from recipient cells. Hepatocyte nodules were chemically induced in Fischer 344, DPPIV+ rats; livers were then perfused and larger (>5 mm) nodules were separated from surrounding tissue. Cells isolated from either tissue were then injected into normal or RS-treated DPPIV− recipients. One month after transplantation, grossly visible nodules (2–3 mm) were seen in RS-treated recipients transplanted with nodular cells. They grew rapidly, occupying 80–90% of the host liver at 2 months, and progressed to hepatocellular carcinoma within 4 months. By contrast, no liver nodules developed within 6 months when nodular hepatocytes were injected into the liver of recipients not exposed to RS, although small clusters of donor-derived cells were present in these animals. Taken together, these results directly point to a fundamental role played by the host environment in modulating the growth and the progression rate of altered cells during carcinogenesis. In particular, they indicate that conditions associated with growth constraint of the host tissue can drive tumor progression in vivo.


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In a search for regulatory proteins that interact with the leucine zipper motif of c-Fos in the yeast two-hybrid screen, we have identified a protein (FZA-B) that has extensive sequence similarity to SUG1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that FZA-B can functionally substitute for SUG1 in yeast and that FZA-B interacts with Fos proteins in vitro through their leucine zippers. In rat liver and in HeLa cells, FZA-B is present in the 26S proteasome complex, as is c-Fos. Immobilized antibody raised against an FZA-B-specific peptide depleted peptidase activity, proteasomal proteins, FZA-B, and c-Fos from a 26S proteasome preparation. FZA-B is found predominantly in the nuclear fraction of COS cells expressing an FZA-B transgene and in the nuclear 26S proteasome of HeLa cells. We conclude that FZA-B is the mammalian homolog of SUG1 (mSug1) and that it is present in the nuclear 26S proteasome of cells. Our results suggest that mSug1 may be involved in the degradation of c-Fos and other transcription factors.


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Proteins anchored to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety are found in all eukaryotes. After NH2-terminal peptide cleavage of the nascent protein by the signal peptidase, a second COOH-terminal signal peptide is cleaved with the concomitant addition of the GPI unit. The proposed mechanism of the GPI transfer is a transamidation reaction that involves the formation of an activated carbonyl intermediate (enzyme-substrate complex) with the ethanolamine moiety of the preassembled GPI unit serving as a nucleophile. Other nucleophilic acceptors like hydrazine (HDZ) and hydroxylamine have been shown to be possible alternate substrates for GPI. Since GPI has yet to be purified, the use of readily available nucleophilic substitutes such as HDZ and hydroxylamine is a viable alternative to study COOH-terminal processing by the putative transamidase. As a first step in developing a soluble system to study this process, we have examined the amino acid requirements at the COOH terminus for the transamidation reaction using HDZ as the nucleophilic acceptor instead of GPI. The hydrazide-forming reaction shows identical amino acid requirement profiles to that of GPI anchor addition. Additionally, we have studied other parameters relating to the kinetics of the transamidation reaction in the context of rough microsomal membranes. The findings with HDZ provide further evidence for the transamidase nature of the enzyme and also provide a starting point for development of a soluble assay.


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A human cDNA sequence homologous to human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK; EC was identified in the GenBank sequence data base. The longest open reading frame encoded a protein that was 48% identical to dCK at the amino acid level. The cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to encode a protein with the same substrate specificity as described for the mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK; EC The N terminus of the deduced amino acid sequence had properties characteristic for a mitochondrial translocation signal, and cleavage at a putative mitochondrial peptidase cleavage site would give a mature protein size of 28 kDa. Northern blot analysis determined the length of dGK mRNA to 1.3 kbp with no cross-hybridization to the 2.8-kbp dCK mRNA. dGK mRNA was detected in all tissues investigated with the highest expression levels in muscle, brain, liver, and lymphoid tissues. Alignment of the dGK and herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase amino acid sequences showed that five regions, including the substrate-binding pocket and the ATP-binding glycine loop, were also conserved in dGK. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a cloned mitochondrial nucleoside kinase and the first demonstration of a general sequence homology between two mammalian deoxyribonucleoside kinases. Our findings suggest that dCK and dGK are evolutionarily related, as well as related to the family of herpes virus thymidine kinases.