550 resultados para Pavements, Bituminous


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Elemental carbon (EC) or black carbon (BC) in the atmosphere has a strong influence on both climate and human health. In this study, radiocarbon (14C) based source apportionment is used to distinguish between fossil fuel and biomass burning sources of EC isolated from aerosol filter samples collected in Beijing from June 2010 to May 2011. The 14C results demonstrate that EC is consistently dominated by fossil-fuel combustion throughout the whole year with a mean contribution of 79% ± 6% (ranging from 70% to 91%), though EC has a higher mean and peak concentrations in the cold season. The seasonal molecular pattern of hopanes (i.e., a class of organic markers mainly emitted during the combustion of different fossil fuels) indicates that traffic-related emissions are the most important fossil source in the warm period and coal combustion emissions are significantly increased in the cold season. By combining 14C based source apportionment results and picene (i.e., an organic marker for coal emissions) concentrations, relative contributions from coal (mainly from residential bituminous coal) and vehicle to EC in the cold period were estimated as 25 ± 4% and 50 ± 7%, respectively, whereas the coal combustion contribution was negligible or very small in the warm period.


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Carbon cycling is an important but poorly understood process on passive continental margins. In this study, we use the ionic and stable isotopic composition of interstitial waters and the petrology, mineralogy, and stable isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates collected from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 174A (Sites 1071 and 1072) to constrain the origin of the carbonates and the evolution of methane on the outer New Jersey shelf. The pore fluids of the New Jersey continental shelf are characterized by (1) a fresh-brackish water plume, and (2) organic matter degradation reactions, which proceed through sulfate reduction. However, only minor methanogenesis occurs. The oxygen isotopic composition of the pore fluids supports a meteoric origin of the low salinity fluids. Authigenic carbonates are found in nodules, thin (~1-cm) layers, and carbonate cemented pavements. Siderite is the most common authigenic carbonate, followed by dolomite and calcite. The oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates, i.e. 1.3-6.5 per mil PeeDee Belemnite (PDB), indicates an origin in marine pore fluids. The carbon isotopic composition of dolomite cements range from -16.4 to -8.8 per mil PDB, consistent with formation within the zone of sulfate reduction. Siderite d13C values show a greater range (-17.67-16.4 per mil), but are largely positive (mean=2.8 per mil) and are interpreted to have formed throughout the zone of methanogenesis. In contrast, calcite d13C values are highly negative (as low as -41.7 per mil)and must have formed from waters with a large component of dissolved inorganic carbon derived from methane oxidation. Pore water data show that despite complete sulfate reduction, methanogenesis appears not to be an important process presently occurring in the upper 400 m of the outer New Jersey shelf. In contrast, the carbon isotopic composition of the siderites and calcites document an active methanogenic zone during their formation. The methane may have been either oxidized or vented from shelf sediments, perhaps during sea-level fluctuations. If this unaccounted and variable methane flux is an areally important process during Neogene sea-level fluctuations, then it likely plays an important role in long-term carbon cycling on passive continental margins


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Most current methods of reconstructing past sea levels within Antarctica rely on radiocarbon dating. However, radiocarbon dating is limited by the availability of material for dating and problems inherent with radiocarbon reservoirs in Antarctic marine systems. Here we report on the success of a new approach to dating raised beach deposits in Antarctica for the purpose of reconstructing past sea levels. This new approach is the use of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz-grains obtained from the underside of cobbles within raised beaches and boulder pavements. We obtained eight OSL dates from three sites along the shores of Maxwell Bay in the South Shetland Islands of the Antarctic Peninsula. These dates are internally consistent and fit well with previously published radiocarbon ages obtained from the same deposits. In addition, when the technique was applied to a modern beach, it resulted in an age of zero. Our results suggest that this method will provide a valuable tool in the reconstruction of past sea levels in Antarctica and other coarse-grained beach deposits across the globe.


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Authigenic carbonates associated with cold seeps provide valuable archives of changes in the long-term seepage activity. To investigate the role of shallow-buried hydrates on the seepage strength and fluid composition we analysed methane-derived carbonate precipitates from a high-flux hydrocarbon seepage area ("Batumi seep area") located on the south-eastern Black Sea slope in ca. 850 m. In a novel approach, we combined computerized X-ray tomography (CT) with mineralogical and isotope geochemical methods to get additional insights into the three-dimensional internal structure of the carbonate build-ups. X-ray diffractometry revealed the presence of two different authigenic carbonate phases, i.e. pure aragonitic rims associated with vital microbial mats and high-Mg calcite cementing the hemipelagic sediment. As indicated by the CT images, the initial sediment has been strongly deformed, first plastic then brittle, leading to brecciation of the progressively cemented sediment. The aragonitic rims on the other hand, represent a presumably recent carbonate growth phase since they cover the already deformed sediment. The stable oxygen isotope signature indicates that the high-Mg calcite cement incorporated pore water mixed with substantial hydrate water amounts. This points at a dominant role of high gas/fluid flux from decomposing gas hydrates leading to the deformation and cementation of the overlying sediment. In contrast, the aragonitic rims do not show an influence of 18O-enriched hydrate water. The differences in d18O between the presumably recent aragonite precipitates and the older high-Mg cements suggest that periods of hydrate dissociation and vigorous fluid discharge alternated with times of hydrate stability and moderate fluid flow. These results indicate that shallow-buried gas hydrates are prone to episodic decomposition with associated vigorous fluid flow. This might have a profound impact on the seafloor morphology resulting e.g. in the formation of carbonate pavements and pockmark-like structures but might also affect the local carbon cycle.


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Carbonate precipitates recovered from 2,000 m water depth at the Dolgovskoy Mound (Shatsky Ridge, north eastern Black Sea) were studied using mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker analyses. The carbonates differ in shape from simple pavements to cavernous structures with thick microbial mats attached to their lower side and within cavities. Low d13C values measured on carbonates (-41 to -32 per mill V-PDB) and extracted lipid biomarkers indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) played a crucial role in precipitating these carbonates. The internal structure of the carbonates is dominated by finely laminated coccolith ooze and homogeneous clay layers, both cemented by micritic high-magnesium calcite (HMC), and pure, botryoidal, yellowish low-magnesium calcite (LMC) grown in direct contact to microbial mats. d18O measurements suggest that the authigenic HMC precipitated in equilibrium with the Black Sea bottom water while the yellowish LMC rims have been growing in slightly 18O-depleted interstitial water. Although precipitated under significantly different environmental conditions, especially with respect to methane availability, all analysed carbonate samples show lipid patterns that are typical for ANME-1 dominated AOM consortia, in the case of the HMC samples with significant contributions of allochthonous components of marine and terrestrial origin, reflecting the hemipelagic nature of the primary sediment.


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Compared to mid-latitude deserts, the properties, formation and evolution of desert pavements and the underlying vesicular layer in Antarctica are poorly understood. This study examines the desert pavements and the vesicular layer from seven soil chronosequences in the Transantarctic Mountains that have developed on two contrasting parent materials: sandstone-dolerite and granite-gneiss. The pavement density commonly ranges from 63 to 92% with a median value of 80% and does not vary significantly with time of exposure or parent material composition. The dominant size range of clasts decreases with time of exposure, ranging from 16-64 mm on Holocene and late Quaternary surfaces to 8-16 mm on surfaces of middle Quaternary and older age. The proportion of clasts with ventifaction increases progressively through time from 20% on drifts of Holocene and late Quaternary age to 35% on Miocene-aged drifts. Desert varnish forms rapidly, especially on dolerite clasts, with nearly 100% cover on surfaces of early Quaternary and older age. Macropitting occurs only on clasts that have been exposed since the Miocene. A pavement development index, based on predominant clast-size class, pavement density, and the proportion of clasts with ventifaction, varnish, and pits, readily differentiated pavements according to relative age. From these findings we judge that desert pavements initially form from a surficial concentration of boulders during till deposition followed by a short period of deflation and a longer period of progressive chemical and physical weathering of surface clasts. The vesicular layer that underlies the desert pavement averages 4 cm in thickness and is enriched in silt, which is contributed primarily by weathering rather than eolian deposition. A comparison is made between desert pavement properties in mid-latitude deserts and Antarctic deserts.


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Since 1954 the Blake Plateau has interested the geophysical group at Woods HOle. Early cruises gathered data on this region incidental to other work. It became apparent that the area was worthy of more intense study. Questions about the bathymetry and underlying structure had been raised. This is a report of the most recent cruise undertaken to study the northern portion of the Plateau. It is intended to summarize the data collected and to be useful as art aid to investigators in preparation of manuscripts for publication.


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The purpose of the cruise was to map the manganese rich pavements of the Blake Plateau area which had been extensively investigated by ships of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution since 1956. From August until September 1965, 112 sites were sampled from R/V Gosnold on a joint USGS-WHOI expedition. At most of the stations on the Blake pavement, large slabs of manganese were recovered along with phosphate rich nodules.


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The purpose of the expedition was to test new techniques to determine thickness, distribution and quality of mineral deposits on the Blake Plateau with special reference to manganese nodules and manganese-phosphate pavements.


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Bitumen modification by polyethylene addition usually improves the mechanical properties of the binder and, therefore, the behavior in service of the bituminous mix: thermal susceptibility and rutting can be diminished, whilst the resistance to low temperature cracking may increase. To achieve this improvement it is necessary a good compatibility between the base bitumen and the polyethylene. Low compatibility between bitumen and polyethylene can lead to phase separation: the polymer- asphalt incompatibility translates into a deterioration of ultimate properties. The object of this research project was to determine if these problems can be diminished by using certain compatibilizer agents, e.g. an aromatic extract from the oil refinery. Compatibility and stability of the polyethylene modified bitumen were studied using conventional test methods and dynamic shear reometer (DSR). Blends of bitumen and polyethylene were prepared with neat bitumen (PMB) or bitumen with compatibilizer as component of the binder (PMBC) and then compared. The experimental results show that “colloid instability index”(IC) is a parameter that can be used to control the compatibility between bitumen and polyethylene. From polyethylene point of view, one of the parameters that govern is the “melt flow index” (MFI). Experimental results show that PMBC formulated with low IC bitumen and hi gh MFI lineal polyethylene can be considered as stable binder.


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Effective remediation of contaminated sites with oils, heavy metals and other chemical agents is one of the most important environmental problems all over the world. Contaminated soils by petroleum from different sites and origins, might contaminate groundwater aquifers and then be spread by rain. Many years and the requirement of remedial techniques may be needed to remediate them. However, previous experiences show the uselessness of these methods for the solution of all problems. As any case of soil contamination is different, specific studies with relevant factors at financial aspects, legal limits and waste and soil characteristics are needed. In this work, a study of the use of bitumen asphalt emulsion to remediate contaminated soils by crude oils is exposed. By means of the soil stabilization technology, using the contaminated soils as aggregates and the tailor made emulsion as binder, the feasibility of the mix application to produce stable and resistant pavements is demonstrated


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Seamounts, submarine banks, volcanoes and undercurrent channels are prominent geomorphic features that have become an important target for minerals research and exploration with the goal of future exploitation. Polymetallic ferromanganese deposits are common types of mineralization on these settings. Co-rich ferromanganese crusts are important as potential resources of Mn and Co, but also Ti, Ni, Tl, REEs, PGEs, and other metals. Many seamounts and channels along the Atlantic Spanish continental margin are known to hold mineral deposits but are poorly studied. This work presents and briefly describes the most recent activities of the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME) on exploration and investigation of ferromanganese deposits along the Atlantic Spanish continental margin. Different submarine areas from the northwestern margin of the Iberian Peninsula to the west off Canary Islands have been surveyed by geophysical, sampling and underwater observations from 89 to 4000 m water depth. The mineral deposits cover a large diversity of submarine geological and geomorphical features: mud volcanoes and diapirs related to hydrocarbon seeps, seamounts associated with hot spot volcanism, hydrothermal vents in active magmatic volcanoes, structural basement highs and banks or contourite channels. Considering the collected dataset, we present the preliminary results of the study of these mineral deposits, including ferromanganese nodules and crusts and phosphate pavements and nodules, which can be considered as potential sources of raw materials.


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En los últimos años, debido a la creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y el cambio climático, uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad es el uso eficiente y económico de energía así como la necesidad correspondiente de reducir los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Las tecnologías de mezclas semicalientes se han convertido en un nuevo e importante tema de investigación en el campo de los materiales para pavimentos ya que ofrece una solución potencial para la reducción del consumo energético y las emisiones de GEI durante la producción y puesta en obra de las mezclas bituminosas. Por otro lado, los pavimentos que contienen polvo de caucho procedente de neumático fuera de uso, al hacer uso productos de desecho, ahorran energía y recursos naturales. Estos pavimentos ofrecen una resistencia mejorada a la formación de roderas, a la fatiga y a la fisuración térmica, reducen los costes de mantenimiento y el ruido del tráfico así como prolongan la vida útil del pavimento. Sin embargo, estas mezclas presentan un importante inconveniente: la temperatura de fabricación se debe aumentar en comparación con las mezclas asfálticas convencionales, ya que la incorporación de caucho aumenta la viscosidad del ligante y, por lo tanto, se producen mayores cantidades de emisiones de GEI. En la presente Tesis, la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes con aditivos orgánicos (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B, Licomont) se incorporó a la de betunes de alta viscosidad modificados con caucho (15% y 20% de caucho) con la finalidad de dar una solución a los inconvenientes de mezclas con caucho gracias a la utilización de aditivos reductores de la viscosidad. Para este fin, se estudió si sería posible obtener una producción más sostenible de mezclas con betunes de alto contenido en caucho sin afectar significativamente su nivel de rendimiento mecánico. La metodología aplicada para evaluar y comparar las características de las mezclas consistió en la realización de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio para betunes y mezclas con caucho y con aditivos de mezclas semicalientes y de un análisis del ciclo de vida híbrido de la producción de mezclas semicalientes teniendo en cuenta la papel del aditivo en la cadena de suministro con el fin de cuantificar con precisión los beneficios de esta tecnología. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la incorporación de los aditivos permite reducir la viscosidad de los ligantes y, en consecuencia, las temperaturas de producción y de compactación de las mezclas. Por otro lado, aunque la adición de caucho mejoró significativamente el comportamiento mecánico de los ligantes a baja temperatura reduciendo la susceptibilidad al fenómeno de fisuración térmica, la adición de las ceras aumentó ligeramente la rigidez. Los resultados del estudio reológico mostraron que la adición de porcentajes crecientes de caucho mejoraban la resistencia del pavimento con respecto a la resistencia a la deformación permanente a altas temperaturas y a la fisuración térmica a bajas temperaturas. Además, se observó que los aditivos mejoran la resistencia a roderas y la elasticidad del pavimento al aumentar el módulo complejo a altas temperaturas y al disminuir del ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el estudio reológico confirmó que los aditivos estudiados aumentan ligeramente la rigidez a bajas temperaturas. Los ensayos de fluencia llevados a cabo con el reómetro demostraron una vez más la mejora en la elasticidad y en la resistencia a la deformación permanente dada por la adición de las ceras. El estudio de mezclas con caucho y aditivos de mezclas semicalientes llevado a cabo demostró que las temperaturas de producción/compactación se pueden disminuir, que las mezclas no experimentarían escurrimiento, que los aditivos no cambian significativamente la resistencia conservada y que cumplen la sensibilidad al agua exigida. Además, los aditivos aumentaron el módulo de rigidez en algunos casos y mejoraron significativamente la resistencia a la deformación permanente. Asimismo, a excepción de uno de los aditivos, las mezclas con ceras tenían la misma o mayor resistencia a la fatiga en comparación con la mezcla control. Los resultados del análisis de ciclo de vida híbrido mostraron que la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes es capaz de ahorrar significativamente energía y reducir las emisiones de GEI, hasta un 18% y 20% respectivamente, en comparación con las mezclas de control. Sin embargo, en algunos de los casos estudiados, debido a la presencia de la cera, la temperatura de fabricación debe reducirse en un promedio de 8 ºC antes de que los beneficios de la reducción de emisiones y el consumo de combustible puedan ser obtenidos. Los principales sectores contribuyentes a los impactos ambientales generados en la fabricación de mezclas semicalientes fueron el sector de los combustibles, el de la minería y el de la construcción. Due to growing concerns over global warming and climate change in recent years, one of the most important challenges facing our society is the efficient and economic use of energy, and with it, the corresponding need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology has become an important new research topic in the field of pavement materials as it offers a potential solution for the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions during the production and placement of asphalt mixtures. On the other hand, pavements containing crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders save energy and natural resources by making use of waste products. These pavements offer an improved resistance to rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking; reduce traffic noise and maintenance costs and prolong pavement life. These mixtures, however, present one major drawback: the manufacturing temperature is higher compared to conventional asphalt mixtures as the rubber lends greater viscosity to the binder and, therefore, larger amounts of GHG emissions are produced. In this dissertation the WMA technology with organic additives (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B and Licomont) was applied to CRM binders (15% and 20% of rubber) in order to offer a solution to the drawbacks of asphalt rubber (AR) mixtures thanks to the use of fluidifying additives. For this purpose, this study sought to determine if a more sustainable production of AR mixtures could be obtained without significantly affecting their level of mechanical performance. The methodology applied in order to evaluate and compare the performance of the mixtures consisted of carrying out several laboratory tests for the CRM binders and AR mixtures with WMA additives (AR-WMA mixtures) and a hybrid input-output-based life cycle assessment (hLCA) of the production of WMA. The results of the study indicated that the incorporation of the organic additives were able to reduce the viscosity of the binders and, consequently, the production and compaction temperatures. On the other hand, although the addition of rubber significantly improved the mechanical behaviour of the binders at low temperatures reducing the susceptibility to thermal cracking phenomena, the addition of the waxes slightly increased the stiffness. Master curves showed that the addition of increasing percentages of rubber improved the resistance of the pavement regarding both resistance to permanent deformation at high temperatures and thermal cracking at low temperatures. In addition, the waxes improved the rutting resistance and the elasticity as they increased the complex modulus at high temperatures and decreased the phase angle. Moreover, master curves also attest that the WMA additives studied increase the stiffness at low temperatures. The creep tests carried out proved once again the improvement in the elasticity and in the resistance to permanent deformation given by the addition of the waxes. The AR-WMA mixtures studied have shown that the production/compaction temperatures can be decreased, that the mixtures would not experience binder drainage, that the additives did not significantly change the retained resistance and fulfilled the water sensitivity required. Furthermore, the additives increased the stiffness modulus in some cases and significantly improved the permanent deformation resistance. Except for one of the additives, the waxes had the same or higher fatigue resistance compared to the control mixture. The results of the hLCA demonstrated that the WMA technology is able to significantly save energy and reduce GHG emissions, up to 18% and 20%, respectively, compared to the control mixtures. However, in some of the case studies, due to the presence of wax, the manufacturing temperature at the asphalt plant must be reduced by an average of 8ºC before the benefits of reduced emissions and fuel usage can be obtained. The results regarding the overall impacts generated using a detailed production layer decomposition indicated that fuel, mining and construction sectors are the main contributors to the environmental impacts of manufacturing WMA mixtures.


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Esta tesis presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada sobre la inertización de cenizas volantes procedentes de residuos sólidos urbanos y su posterior encapsulación en distintas matrices de mortero. Durante el proceso de inertización, se ha logrado la inertización de éste residuo tóxico y peligroso (RTP) y también su valorización como subproducto. De esta forma se dispone de nueva “materia prima” a bajo coste y la eliminación de un residuo tóxico y peligroso con la consiguiente conservación de recursos naturales alternativos. La caracterización química de las cenizas analizadas refleja que éstas presentan altas concentraciones de cloruros, Zn y Pb. Durante la investigación se ha desarrollado un proceso de inertización de las cenizas volantes con bicarbonato sódico (NaHCO3) que reduce en un 99% el contenido en cloruros y mantiene el pH en valores óptimos para que la concentración de los metales pesados en el lixiviado sea mínima debido a su estabilización en forma de carbonatos insolubles. Se han elaborado morteros con cuatro tipos distintos de cementos (CEM-I, CEM-II, CAC y CSA) incorporando cenizas volantes inertizadas en una proporción igual a un 10% en peso del árido utilizado. Los morteros ensayados abarcan distintas dosificaciones tanto en la utilización de áridos con distintos diámetros (0/2 y 0/4), como en la relación cemento/árido (1/1 y 1/3). Se han obtenido las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de estos morteros mediante ensayos de Trabajabilidad, Estabilidad Dimensional, Carbonatación, Porosidad y Resistencias Mecánicas. De igual forma, se presentan resultados de ensayos de lixiviación de Zn, Pb, Cu y Cd, sobre probetas monolíticas de los morteros con los mejores comportamientos físico/mecánicos, donde se ha analizado el contenido en iones de dichos metales pesados lixiviados mediante determinación voltamperométrica de redisolución anódica Se concluye que todos los morteros ensayados son técnicamente aceptables, siendo los más favorables los elaborados con Cemento de Sulfoaluminato de Calcio (CSA) y con Cemento de Aluminato de Calcio (CAC). En este último caso, se mejoran las resistencias a compresión de los morteros de referencia en más de un 48%, y las resistencias a flexión en más de un 67%. De igual forma, los ensayos de lixiviado revelan la completa encapsulación de los iones de Zn y la mitigación en el lixiviado de los iones de Pb. Ambos morteros podrían ser perfectamente validos en actuaciones en las que se necesitase un producto de fraguado rápido, altas resistencias iniciales y compensación de las retracciones con una elevada estabilidad dimensional. En base a esto, el material podría ser utilizado como mortero de reparación en viales y pavimentos que requiriesen altas prestaciones, tales como: soleras industriales, pistas de aterrizaje, aparcamientos, etc. O bien, para la confección de elementos prefabricados sin armaduras estructurales, dada su elevada resistencia a flexión. ABSTRACT This dissertation presents the results of a research on inerting fly ash from urban solid waste and its subsequent encapsulation in mortar matrixes. The inerting of this hazardous toxic waste, as well as its valorization as a by-product has been achieved. In this way, a new "raw material" is available through a simple process and the toxic and hazardous waste is eliminated, and consequently, conservation of alternative natural resources is strengthened. Chemical analysis of the ashes analyzed shows high concentrations of soluble chlorides, Zn and Pb. An inerting process of fly ash with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has been developed which reduces 99% the content of chlorides and maintains pH at optimal values, so that the concentration of heavy metals in the leachate is minimum, due to its stabilization in the form of insoluble carbonates. Mortars with four different types of cements (CEM-I, CEM-II, CAC and CSA) have been developed by the addition of inertized fly ash in the form of carbonates, in the proportion of 10% in weight of the aggregates used. The samples tested include different proportions in the use of aggregates with different sizes (0/2 and 0/4), and in the cement/aggregate ratio (1/1 and 1/3). Physical/mechanical properties of these mortars have been studied through workability, dimensional stability, carbonation, porosity and mechanic strength tests. Leaching tests of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd ions are also being performed on monolithic samples of the best behavioral mortars. The content in leachated heavy metal ions is being analyzed through stripping voltammetry determination. Conclusions drawn are that the tested CAC and CSA cement mortars present much better behavior than those of CEM-I and CEM-II cement. The results are especially remarkable for the CAC cement mortars, improving reference mortars compression strengths in more than 48%, and also bending strengths in more than 67%. Leaching tests confirm that the encapsulation of Zn and Pb is achieved and leachate of both ions is mitigated within the mortar matrixes. For the above stated reasons, it might be concluded that mortars made with calcium aluminate cements or calcium sulfoaluminate with the incorporation of treated fly ash, may be perfectly valid for uses in which a fast-curing product, with high initial strength and drying shrinkage compensation with a high dimensional stability is required. Based on this, the material could be used as repair mortar for structures, roads and industrial pavements requiring high performance, such as: industrial floorings, landing tracks, parking lots, etc. Alternatively, it could also be used in the manufacture of prefabricated elements without structural reinforcement, given its high bending strength.