984 resultados para Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 1922-1975. Édipo rei


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The Rational-Experiential Inventory REI (Pacini and Epstein, 1999) is a self-administered test comprising two scales measuring the attitude of respondents towards two thinking styles respectively referred to as the rational and the experiential thinking styles. Two validation studies were conducted using a new French-language version of the REI. The first study confirms the validity of the French translation. The second study, which is concerned with the REI's construct validity, assesses the questionnaire's capacity to discriminate between a group of smokers and a group of non-smokers. Both studies give generally satisfactory results. In particular, the advantages of using the two-dimensional REI rather than the better known Need For Cognition scale (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) are made quite clear.


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This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.


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Ha sido elaborado un programa para ordenador de tipo medio que permite calcular las posiciones equivalentes de los átomos de la unidad asimétrica en la celda fundamental, las distancias y ángulos inter e intra-moleculares, así como sus desviaciones standard, y los planos medios que determinan los átomos de la unidad asimétrica o parte de ella. Estos cálculos los efectúa a partir de los parámetros de la red y de las coordenadas, con sus desviaciones standard.


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En el presente trabajo se estudia la síntesis de la reacción en el estado sólido entre el Pbs(PO4)a y el PbCla y la influencia de la temperatura sobre dicha reacción. La fase sintetizada, sometiendo la mezcla a diferentes tiempos de calefacción y a diversos intervalos de temperaturas, ha sido estudiada mediante difracción de rayos X.


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Summary: [Biogenic amines] : [part] II. : foodborne intoxications caused by biogenic amines in Finland during 1975-1994


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[cat] El primer govern feixista d’Itàlia va aplicar una política de privatització a gran escala entre 1922 i 1925. El govern va privatitzar el monopoli estatal de llumins, el monopoli estatal d’assegurances de vida, va vendre la major part de la xarxa i serveis de telefònica pública a empreses privades, va reprivatitzar el major productor de productes metàl·lics, i va atorgar concessions a empreses privades per construir i explotar autopistes de peatge. Tot i que algunes consideracions ideològiques van poder tenir alguna influència, la privatització va ser usada sobre tot com un instrument polític per construir confiança amb els grans industrials i per augmentar el suport al govern i al Partito Nazionale Fascista. La privatització també va contribuir a equilibrar el pressupost públic, qüestió aquesta que va ser el principal objectiu de la primera fase de la política econòmica feixista.


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Numérisation partielle de reliure


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According to prevailing ecological theory one would expect the most stable vegetation on sites which are least disturbed (Odum 1971). According to theory one would also expect the most diversity of species on undisturbed sites (Odum 1971). This stable and diverse community would be produced over a period of many years through a process of plant succession where annual herbs are replaced by perennial herbs and finally woody plants would come to dominate and perpetuate the community. Another ecological theory holds that the complexity (structure and species diversity) of a plant community is dependent upon the amount of disturbance to which it is subjected (Woodwell, 1970). According to this theory the normal succession of a plant community through its various stages may be arrested at some point depending upon the nature and severity of the disturbance. In applying these theories to roadside vegetation it becomes apparent that mass herbicide spraying and extensive mowing of roadsides has produced a relatively simple and unstable vegetation. It follows that if disturbances were reduced not only would the roadside plant community increase in stability but maintenance costs and energy usage would be reduced. In this study we have investigated several aspects of reduced disturbances on roadside vegetation. Research has centered on the effectiveness of spot spraying techniques on noxious weed control, establishment of native grass cover where ditch cleaning and other disturbance has left the bare soil exposed and the response of roadside vegetation when released from annual mass spraying.