349 resultados para Palestine


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes index.


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The Palestinian region is changing rapidly, with both economic and cultural consequences. One way of approaching this very political process is thru the concept of landscape. By viewing the region as a multiprocessual, dynamic landscape the analysis allows for a holistic read where historical and contemporary projections, interpretations and notions of power are fused. This thesis draws on the scholarly fields of humanistic landscape research and aerial image interpretation as well as theories of orientalism and power. A case study of two regions of the West Bank is performed; interviews and observations provide localized knowledge that is then used in open-access image interpretation. By performing image interpretations this thesis explores the power embedded in mapping and the possible inclinations the development towards open-access geospatial analytic tools could have on the functions of power in the Palestinian landscape. By investigating the spatial configuration of the Palestinian landscape and tracing its roots this thesis finds four major themes that are particularly pivotal in the processual change of the Palestinian landscape: the Israeli/Palestinian time-space, the blurring of the conflict, the dynamics of the frontier region and the orientalist gaze.


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Discussion of how archaeology today can illuminate the world of the Bible, specifically the Israelite settlement in Canaan, and how it is possible to reconstruct the lost background of the Israelite cults.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This paper discusses the German Greens' recent policy on Israel and Palestine, from the beginning of the first red-green federal government to the present. It looks at Green Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer's diplomatic role in the Middle East, and the Greens' current very mild policy with regards to Israel, especially when compared to earlier Green attitudes to the region. This is explained with reference to both the continuing relevance of German history to German foreign policy, and the constraints that participation in the federal coalition - and supplying Germany's Foreign Minister - place on the Greens. The influence of history and power on the German Greens is further illustrated by a comparison of German Green attitudes to Israel with the US Greens' much more critical position.


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A growing literature in peace and conflict studies assesses the relationship between women and nonviolence. Numerous national liberation fronts and academic critiques assess how women participate in nonviolent resistance from Tibet and West Papua to Palestine and Eritrea. However, many liberation struggles that include female nonviolent resistance remain undocumented, and this article aims to delve into one case study in particular. The article examines the nonviolent roles adopted by women in the East Timorese liberation struggle, a national liberation movement in which the participation of female combatants was low but nonviolent participation by women in the resistance movement overall was high. However, the consequences for such women was, and remains, shaped by the overarching patriarchal structures of both the Indonesian occupiers and East Timorese society itself Female nonviolent resistance was met with highly violent responses from Indonesian troops, especially in the form of rape and sexual exploitation. Yet, this study also found that women acting under religious auspices faced less violent responses overall. Interviews with East Timorese women are used to reveal some of the sexual dynamics of nonviolent action and reprisal. This material is placed in the context of theoretical work on gender, violence and nonviolence.


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The ability to make rapid measurements on small samples using laser fluorination enhances the potential of oxygen isotopes in the investigation of early inorganic materials and technologies. delta O-18 and Sr-87/Sr-86 values are presented for glass from two primary production sites, four secondary production sites and a consumer site in the Near East, dating from Late Antiquity to the medieval period. delta O-18 is in general slightly less effective than Sr-87/Sr-86 in discriminating between sources, as the spread of measured values from a single source is somewhat broader relative to the available range. However, while Sr-87/Sr-86 is derived predominantly from either the lime-bearing fraction of the glass-making sand or the plant ash used as a source of alkali, delta O-18 derives mainly from the silica. Thus the two measurements can provide complementary information. A comparison of delta O-18 for late Roman - Islamic glasses made on the coast of Syria-Palestine with those of previously analysed glasses from Roman Europe suggests that the European glasses are relatively enriched in O-18. This appears to contradict the view that most Roman glass was made using Levantine sand and possible interpretations are discussed.


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A presente tese prope uma interpretao exegtica da profecia de Jr 30-31 na perspectiva social. Jr 30-31 forma uma unidade literria no livro de Jeremias, composta por subunidades que podem ser designadas de percopes. Grande parte das expectativas salvficas deste trecho literrio devem ser atribudas literatura originria do livro, e provm das articulaes sociais engendradas por Jeremias no fim do sculo 7 e incio do sculo 6 a.C. em prol dos empobrecidos da antiga sociedade palestina Israel/Norte e de Jud/Sul. Os primeiros ditos salvficos de Jr 30-31 surgiram na poca de Josias (Jr 30,10-11.18-21; 31,2-5). Nessa poca, originaram-se as expectativas de salvao dirigidas para as populaes israelitas do Norte. Outro intenso surgimento das expectativas salvficas aconteceu nos anos imediatamente posteriores queda de Jud, em 587 a.C., quando Jeremias novamente direcionou uma palavra de esperana aos pobres do Israel/Norte, e incluiu tambm em sua mensagem aqueles que permaneceram na terra de Jud/Sul depois do saque babilnico. Nesse cenrio podem ser localizadas as seguintes percopes: 30,3.5-7.12-17; 31,15.16-20.21-22.27-28.31-34. A presente tese supe que, de modo geral, Jr 30-31 seja uma reconfirmao da desmilitarizao e da desurbanizao de Jerusalm ocorridas naquele perodo, j que esse novo cenrio poltico e econmico favoreceu os desprestigiados da Palestina. O tribalismo o moto das expectativas salvficas da literatura jeremiana original. No engendramento de uma nova sociedade, retribalizada, livre do jugo monrquico e dos imperialismos, Jr 30-31 defendem a posse da terra aos camponeses que sofreram espoliaes do imprio assrio e dos reis judatas. Com a queda do Estado de Jud, os empobrecidos poderiam retomar suas vidas e possuir a terra como meio de produo e subsistncia. A relao entre as palavras de salvao e o tribalismo tambm pode ser notado em outros trechos do livro de Jeremias. A estruturao verbal proponente de destruio e reconstruo de 31,28 pode ser encontrada em Jr 1,10; 18,7.9; 24,6; 42,10 e 45,4. As promessas de salvao contidas em Jr 1,10, 31,27-28 e 42,10 anunciam a continuidade da vida na terra de Jud depois da catstrofe de 587 a.C. Essa ideia tambm pode ser percebida em Jr 23,5-6, 30,8-9. Em Jr 24,6, por sua vez, l-se uma promessa para os exilados de Jud, que viviam na Babilnia sob o sistema tribal. Em Jr 3,6-13.19-25; 4,1-2, as expectativas salvficas de Jeremias apresentam o caminho para a reorganizao social atravs da converso para Jav.


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A imagem de Jav em Juzes 5 constitui-se nas primeiras impresses que o Israel antigo teve do seu Deus. Ela desenha a sada de Jav de sua antiga morada no Sinai para adentrar na terra da Palestina, a fim de lutar por seu povo contra a opresso canania. O perodo tribal foi o momento formativo desse antigo conceito de Jav no Antigo Testamento. Grupos israelitas reformularam o conceito de Jav promulgado pela tradio do Sinai, afirmando, assim, que Jav no mais o Deus esttico e teofnico, morador de uma montanha, mas o Deus de Israel . E a migrao da divindade de um monte para um campo de batalha no representa meramente a caminhada dessa divindade, mas representa o caminhar dos vrios estgios em que Israel conceituou seu Deus. Decisivo nessas novas articulaes teolgicas foi o campo de batalha, que foi o moto da celebrao Jav ressalvada em Juzes 5. Jav celebrado por seu agir histrico! A histria a mediadora entre Jav e seu povo. Ela a via pela qual se pronuncia sobre Jav. Assim, as novas conjunturas histricas requerem novas formulaes sobre Deus. A antiga memria blica de Jav contida em Juzes 5 perpassa a histria da religio de Israel, podendo ser observada tambm em Habacuque 3,3-6. Esse um texto do sculo VII a.C. Assim, detectamos uma memria corrente na histria da religio de Israel, que comeou nos momentos antecedentes da formao da monarquia (Juzes 5) e ainda pode ser notada em Habacuque, no sculo VII a.C. Nesse desenrolar da religio de Israel, a memria blica sobre Jav esteve sujeita a vrias mutaes. Mas, essencialmente, manteve sua proposta: tornar os sujeitos da opresso promulgada pelos imprios em agentes de transformao social. O conceito blico de Jav patrocinou as revoltas contra o despotismo social, sendo, portanto, uma forma de resistncia dos grupos desprestigiados da sociedade, em Israel e Jud


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O presente trabalho analisa o papel da religio no conflito entre Israel e Palestina, principalmente no contexto da implantao do Estado de Israel, em 1948. A anlise toma como delimitao histrica do conflito o perodo de 1896 a 1948, quando ocorre a migrao das primeiras levas de judeus para os territrios palestinos. A pergunta inicial sobre como judeus e muulmanos se relacionavam nos primeiros anos de imigrao at a criao do Estado de Israel. O problema principal a ser esclarecido como a construo cultural ocidental em relao aos palestinos interferiu no conflito, principalmente no que tange tomada da terra e construo de um novo pas dentro de um j existente, socialmente, religiosamente e culturalmente. Finalmente a pesquisa pergunta pela repercusso do conflito entre israelenses e palestinos no campo religioso protestante, principalmente entre grupos conservadores e fundamentalistas deste ramo do cristianismo. A pesquisa totalmente bibliogrfica e toma como referncia as teorias ps-coloniais para debater a histria do territrio, no que se refere aos aspectos religiosos do conflito.


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The construction industry is susceptible to extreme weather events (EWEs) due to most of its activities being conducted by manual workers outdoors. Although research has been conducted on the effects of EWEs, such as flooding and snowfall, limited research has been conducted on the effects of heatwaves and hot weather conditions. Heatwaves present a somewhat different risk profile to construction, unlike EWEs such as flooding and heavy snowfall that present physical obstacles to work onsite. However, heatwaves have affected the construction industry in the UK, and construction claims have been made due to adverse weather conditions. With heatwaves being expected to occur more frequently in the coming years, the construction industry may suffer unlike any other industry during the summer months. This creates the need to investigate methods that would allow construction activities to progress during hot summer months with minimal effect on construction projects. Hence, the purpose of this paper. Regions such as the Middle East and the UAE in particular flourish with mega projects, although temperatures soar to above 40C in the summer months. Lessons could be learnt from such countries and adapted in the UK. Interviews have been conducted with a lead representative of a client, a consultant and a contractor, all of which currently operate on UAE projects. The key findings include one of the preliminary steps taken by international construction companies operating in the UAE. This involves restructuring their entire regional team by employing management staff from countries such as Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and their labour force from the sub-continent such as India and Pakistan. This is not only due to the cheap wage rate but also to the ability to cope and work in such extreme hot weather conditions. The experience of individuals working in the region allows for future planning, where the difference in labour productivity during the extreme hot weather conditions is known, allowing precautionary measures to be put in place.