963 resultados para PRT ERP
When a firm decides to implement ERP softwares, the resulting consequences can pervade all levels, includ- ing organization, process, control and available information. Therefore, the first decision to be made is which ERP solution must be adopted from a wide range of offers and vendors. To this end, this paper describes a methodology based on multi-criteria factors that directly affects the process to help managers make this de- cision. This methodology has been applied to a medium-size company in the Spanish metal transformation sector which is interested in updating its IT capabilities in order to obtain greater control of and better infor- mation about business, thus achieving a competitive advantage. The paper proposes a decision matrix which takes into account all critical factors in ERP selection.
Como un agente más del ecosistema híper-referenciado nacido de la revolución digital, el arquitecto contemporáneo crea nuevos significados a partir de la recomposición de fragmentos y símbolos existentes. El uso crítico de referencias nutre una metodología de proyecto basada en la adición de nuevos significados a formas ya producidas. En este contexto, el uso de recursos formales relacionados con obras mediáticas se manifiesta como un mecanismo proyectual de gran relevancia Se trata de recursos ‘prêt à former’, soluciones formales capaces de insertar cualquier obra en el lenguaje contemporáneo. PALABRAS CLAVE: forma, prêt à former, moda, repetición, postproducción, copia In a context dominated by the presence of references, the contemporary architect introduces new meanings into existing symbols. The critical use of fragments nourishes a design methodology based on the transformation of previously produced forms. Thus, the utilization of formal resources related to well-known buildings proves itself as a very important design tool. These are ‘prêt à former’ resources; formal solutions capable of inserting any project into the contemporary language. KEYWORDS: form, prêt à former, fashion, repetition, postproduction, copy
credits: Constanze Couzens, Kevin Rosenberger, Frances Weiß, Patrick Wirz [editor], Catharina Zschieck ; Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster for Very Large Business Applications, Very Large Business Applications Lab
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"June 1980."
El Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT) tuvo su origen en la fusión de Palabra Obrera y el Frente Indoamericanista Popular (FRIP). Fundado el 25 de mayo de 1965, se escindirá en dos organizaciones diferentes (el PRT-La Verdad y el PRT-El Combatiente) a comienzos de 1968. Este trabajo indaga tanto los orígenes de la organización como las discusiones que llevaron a su ruptura, así como presenta un primer análisis del material recabado hasta el momento sobre el PRT-La Verdad existente en el Archivo de la DIPBA
Objectives Ecstasy is a recreational drug whose active ingredient, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), acts predominantly on the serotonergic system. Although MDMA is known to be neurotoxic in animals, the long-term effects of recreational Ecstasy use in humans remain controversial but one commonly reported consequence is mild cognitive impairment particularly affecting verbal episodic memory. Although event-related potentials (ERPs) have made significant contributions to our understanding of human memory processes, until now they have not been applied to study the long-term effects of Ecstasy. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of past Ecstasy use on recognition memory for both verbal and non-verbal stimuli using ERPs. Methods We compared the ERPs of 15 Ecstasy/polydrug users with those of 14 cannabis users and 13 non-illicit drug users as controls. Results Despite equivalent memory performance, Ecstasy/polydrug users showed an attenuated late positivity over left parietal scalp sites, a component associated with the specific memory process of recollection. Conlusions This effect was only found in the word recognition task which is consistent with evidence that left hemisphere cognitive functions are disproportionately affected by Ecstasy, probably because the serotonergic system is laterally asymmetrical. Experimentally, decreasing central serotonergic activity through acute tryptophan depletion also selectively impairs recollection, and this too suggests the importance of the serotonergic system. Overall, our results suggest that Ecstasy users, who also use a wide range of other drugs, show a durable abnormality in a specific ERP component thought to be associated with recollection.
In the Thatcher illusion, a face with inverted eyes and mouth looks abnormal when upright but not when inverted. Behavioral studies have shown that thatcherization of an upright face disrupts perceptual processing of the local configuration. We recorded high-density EEG from normal observers to study ERP correlates of the illusion during the perception of faces and nonface objects, to determine whether inversion and thatcherization affect similar neural mechanisms. Observers viewed faces and houses in four conditions (upright vs. inverted, and normal vs. thatcherized) while detecting an oddball category (chairs). Thatcherization delayed the N170 component over occipito-temporal cortex to faces, but not to houses. This modulation matched the illusion as it was larger for upright than inverted faces. The P1 over medial occipital regions was delayed by face inversion but unaffected by thatcherization. Finally, face thatcherization delayed P2 over occipito-temporal but not over parietal regions, while inversion affected P2 across categories. All effects involving thatcherization were face-specific. These results indicate that effects of face inversion and feature inversion (in thatcherized faces) can be distinguished on a functional as well as neural level, and that they affect configural processing of faces in different time windows. © 2006 Elsevier Inc.
This paper provides an account of the way Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems change over time. These changes are conceptualized as a biographical accumulation that gives the specific ERP technology its present character, attributes and historicity. The paper presents empirics from the implementation of an ERP package within an Australasian organization. Changes to the ERP take place as a result of imperatives which arise during the implementation. Our research and evidence then extends to a different time and place where the new release of the ERP software was being 'sold' to client firms in the UK. We theorize our research through a lens based on ideas from actor network theory (ANT) and the concept of biography. The paper seeks to contribute an additional theorization for ANT studies that places the focus on the technological object and frees it from the ties of the implementation setting. The research illustrates the opportunistic and contested fabrication of a technological object and emphasizes the stability as well as the fluidity of its technologic. Copyright © 2007 SAGE.
We investigated which evoked response component occurring in the first 800 ms after stimulus presentation was most suitable to be used in a classical P300-based brain-computer interface speller protocol. Data was acquired from 275 Magnetoencephalographic sensors in two subjects and from 61 Electroencephalographic sensors in four. To better characterize the evoked physiological responses and minimize the effect of response overlap, a 1000 ms Inter Stimulus Interval was preferred to the short (