950 resultados para PROTEIN-PRODUCTION
Background: Mushroom polysaccharides play an important role in functional foods because they exhibit biological modulator properties such as antitumour, antiviral and antibacterial activities. The present study involved the production, purification and characterisation of intracellular and extracellular free and protein-bound polysaccharides from Pleurotus ostreatus and the investigation of their growth-inhibitory effect on human carcinoma cell lines. Results: Several fermentation parameters were obtained: batch polysaccharide productivities of 0.013 +/- 8.12 x 10-5 and 0.037 +/- 0.0005 g L-1 day-1 for intracellular and extracellular polysaccharides respectively, a maximum biomass concentration of 9.35 +/- 0.18 g L-1, Pmax = 0.935 +/- 0.018 g L-1 day-1, µmax = 0.218 +/- 0.02 day-1, YEP/X = 0.040 +/- 0.0015 g g-1 and YIP/X = 0.014 +/- 0.0003 g g-1. Some polysaccharides exhibited superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of 50-200 units. Fourier transform infrared analysis of the polysaccharides revealed absorption bands characteristic of such biological macromolecules. Cytotoxicity assays showed that both intracellular and extracellular polysaccharides exhibited antitumour activity towards several tested human carcinoma cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion - The polysaccharides of P. ostreatus exhibited high SOD-like activity, which strongly supports their biological effect on tumour cell lines. The extracellular polysaccharides presented the highest antitumour activity towards the RL95 carcinoma cell line and should be further investigated as an antitumour agent.
A strain of Pleurotus ostreatus was grown in tomato pomace as sole carbon source for production of laccase. The culture of P. ostreatus revealed a peak of laccase activity (147 U/L of fermentation broth) on the 4th day of culture with a specific activity of 2.8 U/mg protein. Differential chromatographic behaviour of laccase was investigated on affinity chromatographic matrices containing either urea, acetamide, ethanolamine or IDA as affinity ligands. Laccase exhibited retention on such affinity matrices and it was purified on a Sepharose 6B-BDGE-urea column with final enzyme recoveries of about 60%, specific activity of 6.0 and 18.0 U/mg protein and purification factors in the range of 14-46. It was also possible to demonstrate that metal-free laccase did not adsorb to Sepharose 6B-BDGE-urea column which suggests that adsorption of native laccase on this affinity matrix was apparently due to the specific interaction of carbonyl groups available on the matrix with the active site Cu (II) ions of laccase. The kinetic parameters (V (max), K (m) , K (cat), and K (cat)/K (m) ) of the purified enzyme for several substrates were determined as well as laccase stability and optimum pH and temperature of enzyme activity. This is the first report describing the production of laccase from P. ostreatus grown on tomato pomace and purification of this enzyme based on affinity matrix containing urea as affinity ligand.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Systems Biology at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry
Although a variety of nanoparticles (NPs) functionalized with amphotericin B, an antifungal agent widely used in the clinic, have been studied in the last years their cytotoxicity profile remains elusive. Here we show that human endothelial cells take up high amounts of silica nanoparticles (SNPs) conjugated with amphotericin B (AmB) (SNP-AmB) (65.4 12.4 pg of Si per cell) through macropinocytosis while human fibroblasts internalize relatively low amounts (2.3 0.4 pg of Si per cell) because of their low capacity for macropinocytosis. We further show that concentrations of SNP-AmB and SNP up to 400 mg/mL do not substantially affect fibroblasts. In contrast, endothelial cells are sensitive to low concentrations of NPs (above 10 mg/mL), in particular to SNP-AmB. This is because of their capacity to internalize high concentration of NPs and high sensitivity of their membrane to the effects of AmB. Low-moderate concentrations of SNP-AmB (up to 100 mg/mL) induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), LDH release, high expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IL-8, IL-6, G-CSF, CCL4, IL-1b and CSF2) and high expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) at gene and protein levels. High concentrations of SNP-AmB (above 100 ug/mL) disturb membrane integrity and kill rapidly human cells(60% after 5 h). This effect is higher in SNP-AmB than in SNP.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
RESUMO: Clostridium difficile é presentemente a principal causa de doença gastrointestinal associada à utilização de antibióticos em adultos. C. difficile é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, obrigatoriamente anaeróbica, capaz de formar endósporos. Tem-se verificado um aumento dos casos de doença associada a C. difficile com sintomas mais severos, elevadas taxas de morbilidade, mortalidade e recorrência, em parte, devido à emergência de estirpes mais virulentas, mas também devido à má gestão do uso de antibióticos. C. difficile produz duas toxinas, TcdA e TcdB, que são os principais fatores de virulência e responsáveis pelos sintomas da doença. Estas são codificadas a partir do Locus de Patogenicidade (PaLoc) que codifica ainda para um regulador positivo, TcdR, uma holina, TcdE, e um regulador negativo, TcdC. Os esporos resistentes ao oxigénio são essenciais para a transmissão do organismo e recorrência da doença. A expressão dos genes do PaLoc ocorre em células vegetativas, no final da fase de crescimento exponencial, e em células em esporulação. Neste trabalho construímos dois mutantes de eliminação em fase dos genes tcdR e tcdE. Mostrámos que a auto-regulação do gene tcdR não é significativa. No entanto, tcdR é sempre necessário para a expressão dos genes presentes no PaLoc. Trabalho anterior mostrou que, com a exceção de tcdC, os demais genes do PaLoc são expressos no pré-esporo. Mostrámos aqui que TcdA é detectada à superfície do esporo maduro e que a eliminação do tcdE não influencia a acumulação de TcdA no meio de cultura ou em associação às células ou ao esporo. Estas observações têm consequências para o nosso entendimento do processo infecioso: sugeremque o esporo possa ser também um veículo para a entrega da toxina nos estágios iniciais da infecção, que TcdA possa ser libertada durante a germinação do esporo, e que o esporo possa utilizar o mesmo receptor reconhecido por TcdA para a ligação à mucosa do cólon.---------------------------ABSTRACT: Clostridium difficile is currently the major cause of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal diseases in adults. This is a Gram-positive bacterium, endospore-forming and an obligate anaerobe that colonizes the gastrointestinal tract. Recent years have seen a rise in C. difficile associated disease (CDAD) cases, associated with more severe disease symptoms, higher rates of morbidity, mortality and recurrence, which were mostly caused due to the emergence of “hypervirulent” strains but also due to changing patterns of antibiotics use. C. difficile produces two potent toxins, TcdA and TcdB, which are the main virulence factors and the responsible for the disease symptoms. These are codified from a Pathogenicity Locus (PaLoc), composed also by the positive regulator, TcdR, the holin-like protein, TcdE, and a negative regulator, TcdC. Besides the toxins, the oxygen-resistant spores are also essential for transmission of the organism through diarrhea; moreover, spores can accumulate in the environment or in the host, which will cause disease recurrence. The expression of the PaLoc genes occurs in vegetative cells, at the end of the exponential growth phase, and in sporulating cells. In this work, we constructed two in-frame deletion mutants of tcdR and tcdE. We showed that the positive auto regulation of tcdR is not significant. However, tcdR is always necessary for the expression of the PaLoc genes. A previous work showed that, except tcdC, all the PaLoc genes are expressed in the forespore. Here, we detected TcdA at the spore surface. Furthermore, we showed that the in-frame deletion of tcdE does not affect the accumulation of TcdA in the culture medium or in association with cells or spores. This data was important for us to conclude about the infeccious process: it suggests that the spore may be the vehicle for the delivery of TcdA in early stages of infection, that TcdA may be released during spores germination and that this spore may use the same receptor recognized by TcdA to bind to the colonic mucosa.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) consist in organic salts that are liquid at/or near room temperature. Since ILs are entirely composed of ions, the formation of ion pairs is expected to be one essential feature for describing solvation in ILs. In recent years, protein - ionic liquid (P-IL) interactions have been the subject of intensive studies mainly because of their capability to promote folding/unfolding of proteins. However, the ion pairs and their lifetimes in ILs in P-IL thematic is dismissed, since the action of ILs is therefore the result of a subtle equilibrium between anion-cation interaction, ion-solvent and ion-protein interaction. The work developed in this thesis innovates in this thematic, once the design of ILs for protein stabilisation was bio-inspired in the high concentration of organic charged metabolites found in cell milieu. Although this perception is overlooked, those combined concentrations have been estimated to be ~300 mM among the macromolecules at concentrations exceeding 300 g/L (macromolecular crowding) and transient ion-pair can naturally occur with a potential specific biological role. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new bio-ILs with a detectable ion-pair and understand its effects on protein structure and stability, under crowding environment, using advanced NMR techniques and calorimetric techniques. The choline-glutamate ([Ch][Glu]) IL was synthesized and characterized. The ion-pair was detected in water solutions using mainly the selective NOE NMR technique. Through the same technique, it was possible to detect a similar ion-pair promotion under synthetic and natural crowding environments. Using NMR spectroscopy (protein diffusion, HSQC experiments, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the model protein GB1 (production and purification in isotopic enrichment media) it was studied in the presence of [Ch][Glu] under macromolecular crowding conditions (PEG, BSA, lysozyme). Under dilute condition, it is possible to assert that the [Ch][Glu] induces a preferential hydration by weak and non-specific interactions, which leads to a significant stabilisation. On the other hand, under crowding environment, the [Ch][Glu] ion pair is promoted, destabilising the protein by favourable weak hydrophobic interactions , which disrupt the hydration layer of the protein. However, this capability can mitigates the effect of protein crowders. Overall, this work explored the ion-pair existence and its consequences on proteins in conditions similar to cell milieu. In this way, the charged metabolites found in cell can be understood as key for protein stabilisation.
Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) protein belongs to the family of protein tyrosine phos-phatase. Mutations on the phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) protein are highly observed in diverse types of human tumors, being mostly identified on the phosphatase domain of the protein. Although PTEN is a modular protein composed by a phosphatase domain and a C2 domain for mem-brane anchoring, this work aimed at developing a minimal version of PTEN´s phosphatase domain. The minimal version (Small Domain) comprises a 28 residue peptide, with the PTEN 8-mer catalytic peptide accommodated between a α-helix and β-turn as observed in PTEN native structure. Firstly, a de novo prediction of the Small Domain´s secondary structure was carried out by molecular modeling tools. The stability of the predicted structures were then evaluated by Molecular Dynamics. Automated molecular docking of PTEN natural substrate PIP3, its analogue (Inositol) and a PTEN inhibitor (L-tar-tare) were performed with the modeled structure, and PTEN used as a positive control. The gene en-coding for Small Domain was designed and cloned into an expression vector at N-terminal of Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP) encoding gene. The fusion protein was then expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Different expression conditions have been explored for the production of the fusion protein to minimize the formation of inclusion bodies.
Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniae
This study focuses on the optimization of cheese whey formulated media for the production of hyaluronic acid HA by Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Culture media containing whey (W; 2.1 g/L) or whey hydrolysate (WH; 2.4 g/L) gave the highest HA productions. Both W and WH produced high yields on protein consumed, suggesting cheese whey is a good nitrogen source for S. zooepidemicus production of HA. Polysaccharide concentrations of 4.0 g/L and 3.2 g/L were produced in W and WH in a further scale-up to 5 L bioreactors, confirming the suitability of the low-cost nitrogen source. Cheese whey culture media provided high molecular weight (> 3000 kDa) HA products. This study revealed replacing the commercial peptone by the low-cost alternative could reduce HA production costs by up to a 70%compared to synthetic media.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Celular e Saúde).
Lipid nanoballoons integrating multiple emulsions of the type water-in-oil-in-water enclose, at least in theory, a biomimetic aqueous-core suitable for housing hydrophilic biomolecules such as proteins, peptides and bacteriophage particles. The research effort entertained in this paper reports a full statistical 23x31 factorial design study (three variables at two levels and one variable at three levels) to optimize biomimetic aqueous-core lipid nanoballoons for housing hydrophilic protein entities. The concentrations of protein, lipophilic and hydrophilic emulsifiers, and homogenization speed were set as the four independent variables, whereas the mean particle hydrodynamic size (HS), zeta potential (ZP) and polydispersity index (PI) were set as the dependent variables. The V23x31 factorial design constructed led to optimization of the higher (+1) and lower (-1) levels, with triplicate testing for the central (0) level, thus producing thirty three experiments and leading to selection of the optimized processing parameters as 0.015% (w/w) protein entity, 0.75% (w/w) lipophilic emulsifier (soybean lecithin) and 0.50% (w/w) hydrophilic emulsifier (poloxamer 188). In the present research effort, statistical optimization and production of protein derivatives encompassing full stabilization of their three-dimensional structure, has been attempted via housing said molecular entities within biomimetic aqueous-core lipid nanoballoons integrating a multiple (W/O/W) emulsion.