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本文以多环芳烃污染土壤为研究对象,以菲(Phe)、芘(Pyr)和苯并[a]芘(BaP)为目标污染物,以建立生态、经济、高效污染土壤修复技术为目标,在研究植物与微生物联合修复多环芳烃污染土壤效果的基础上,重点研究了植物与微生物联合修复污染土壤过程中多环芳烃的去除机制。 研究结果表明:种植苜蓿和黑麦草能够促进土壤中多环芳烃的去除,提高土壤中多环芳烃的去除率。植物根际土壤中多环芳烃的去除速度快于于非根际土壤。在植物与高效降解菌联合作用过程中,植物的存在强化了菌剂对土壤中多环芳烃的去除作用。苜蓿和黑麦草与高效降解菌的联合作用使菲、芘和苯并[a]芘去除率分别比对照土壤提高了26.64%、30.41%、32.04%和26.93%、27.43%、30.15%。 植物根和茎叶中菲、芘和苯并[a]芘的含量与土壤污染物浓度正相关,但其吸收积累作用对土壤中多环芳烃去除的贡献率小于0.34%。植物对土壤多环芳烃污染的修复作用主要源于植物生长显著提高了根际微生物的降解活性。 植物根际微生物的数量和土壤酶活性显著高于非根际土壤。植物根系的存在提高了土壤中微生物的数量和酶活性,从而提高了土壤中PAHs的去除率。这是根际土壤中多环芳烃去除的主要机制。 模拟根际修复,研究了添加根系分泌物对土壤中芘降解的影响。添加20mg/kg根系分泌物土壤中细菌数量为未添加根系分泌物土壤的19.43-36.29倍,真菌为3.05-6.60倍,土壤中芘的半衰期比未添加根系分泌物处理减少10.91天。植物根系分泌物是影响根际修复的一个重要原因。


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A sol-gel coating method for the preparation of extractive phase on bars used in sorptive microextraction is described. The extraction phase of poly(dimethylsiloxane) is partially crosslinked with the sol-gel network, and the most part is physically incorporated in the network. Three aging steps at different temperatures are applied to complete the crosslinking process. Thirty-micrometer-thick coating layer is obtained by one coating process. The improved coating shows good thermal stability up to 300degreesC. Spiked aqueous samples containing n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organophosphorus pesticides were analyzed by using the sorptive bars and GC. The results demonstrate that it is suitable for both aploar and polar analytes. The detection limit for chrysene is 7.44 ng/L, 0.74 ng/L for C-19 and 0.9 ng/L for phorate. The extraction equilibration can be reached in less than 15 min by supersonic extraction with the bars of 30 mum coating layer. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This approach is undertaken to examine the correlation ability of the general a(N)-index (GAI) to predict chromatographic behavior. The test is performed on various types of organophosphorus compounds. The results demonstrate that the GAI possesses a good correlation with chromatographic properties.


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多环芳烃是环境中一种普遍存在的有机污染物。目前国内水体已受到了多环芳烃的严重污染,因而研究开发治理有机污染物的有效方法对于沿海生态系统的恢复具有重要意义。但现在对水体尤其是海洋环境中的多环芳烃植物修复仍知之甚少。 本课题在实验室中研究了海带对两种多环芳烃(菲和芘)不同浓度下的吸收及降解,并对代谢过程进行了初步探索。海带对多环芳烃的吸收及代谢与多环芳烃的初始浓度及种类有关。 多环芳烃浓度较低(<0.2mg/l)时,海带对多环芳烃具有很强的吸收及代谢能力。0.1mg/l多环芳烃中,加入海带后对菲和芘的去除效率分别为:99.88-99.89%和94-96.5%;而不加海带的对照液中菲和芘的去除效率分别为46.9%和44.7%。有约51.34%的菲、45.7%的芘被海带完全去除,证实了海带对多环芳烃的代谢。检测到了海带对芘的代谢产物二氢二醇芘,说明海带对多环芳烃的代谢过程为双加氧酶催化;且有少量二氢二醇芘的配合物生成,但结合物结构尚不确定。 高浓度的多环芳烃对海带具有极大危害,强烈抑制了海带生长,破坏了其色素体。海带体内的叶绿素-a及类胡萝卜素含量随时间、多环芳烃浓度而下降;过氧化物酶(POD)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)受激后活性升高,能对植物的生长起到一定的保护作用; POD能参与到藻体对多环芳烃的第一步氧化过程。 总之,海带能在一定浓度范围内(低于0.2mg/l)吸收、降解多环芳烃,能用来对多环芳烃污染海域进行植物修复。研究也表明高浓度的多环芳烃对海带的生长有强烈抑制作用。将来还应对海带对多环芳烃的具体代谢路径,以及代谢产物的生态影响进行进一步的研究。


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黑碳和多环芳烃都是燃烧产生的污染物,并广泛存在于土壤及海洋特别是近海沉积物中。由于黑碳和多环芳烃对环境及生态系统具有不同的影响途径和危害,多年来一直受到环境研究者的极大重视。本文对我国近海几个海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的含量、分布及来源进行了研究,并首次对各海区表层沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的相关性进行了分析。 数据显示,中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中黑碳的浓度范围为0.1 - 2.45 mg/gdw,占总有机碳浓度的1 - 41%,具有较大的空间差异。渤海湾表层沉积物中黑碳浓度最高(平均为2.18 mg/gdw),占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的27 - 41%。相比之下,北黄海、胶州湾和南海珠江口及其邻近海区表层沉积物中黑碳浓度较低,分别占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的6%、8%和5%。黑碳的分布主要受其来源的影响,陆地来源和河流输入是中国近岸海区表层沉积物中黑碳的重要来源。该研究显示黑碳在沉积物中的埋藏可能代表我国近海各海区碳循环中的一个重要碳汇。 中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中多环芳烃的浓度范围为47.5 – 3673.5 ng/g(均为干重),亦具有很大的空间差异。渤海湾中多环芳烃的浓度最高(82.9 – 3673.5 ng/g),反映了该地区受人类污染严重的特征。在三个海区表层沉积物中,单组分多环芳烃的分布也具有明显不同的特征,渤海湾主要以5、6环的多环芳烃为主,而北黄海和南海珠江口及其邻近海区3、4环多环芳烃的浓度较高。基于多环芳烃的单组分分布特征和一些特殊指数,可以得到渤海湾表层沉积物中的多环芳烃以木材、煤的不完全燃烧来源为主,而北黄海海区和南海珠江口及其邻近海区的多环芳烃显示出木材、煤的燃烧和石油燃烧的混合来源。 中国近海表层沉积物中黑碳浓度与多环芳烃的浓度并不存在很好的相关性,这说明中国近海表层沉积物中的黑碳和多环芳烃具有不同的来源,且在沉积物中的埋藏受控于不同的地球化学作用。


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自然界水体(如地下水、湖泊、河流及海洋)中的天然有机质(NOM)因具有显著的生态及环境功能而受到人们的广泛关注。NOM作为全球碳循环的主要组成部分,是水体中异养型微生物生长所需碳及能量的重要来源。此外,NOM对湖泊生态系统中的多种物理、化学过程具有不同程度的影响:NOM中的有机酸对淡水体系的酸度具有控制作用而且对酸沉降有一定的缓冲作用;NOM通过减弱可见光及紫外线照射从而影响淡水系统的光化学环境,这一方面降低了水体中自养生物的繁衍速度,同时保护水生生物免受有害的紫外线辐射。更为重要的是,NOM能够影响环境中污染物的命运,比如重金属离子和疏水性有机污染物与天然有机质结合后,其迁移途径、溶解度、生物可利用性及毒性受到明显的控制,这样其对环境中生物的危害性减弱。多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类对环境危害极大的疏水性有机污染物,多数PAHs对有机体具有毒性和致癌性而被美国环保署(EPA)列为优先处理的污染物。因此,确定NOM-PAHs反应的强弱,即PAHs在NOM中的分配系数(Kdoc)以及NOM的物化特性对Kdoc的影响对于预测PAHs毒性和生物可利用性大小、了解NOM-PAHs相互作用的机理及确立污染预测模型具有十分重大的意义。前人的研究结果表明,多环芳烃与天然有机质相互作用的分配系数Kdoc的与PAHs的疏水度(即Kow大小)、NOM的物化特性(如芳香度、脂肪碳含量、分子量及极性等)和水化学参数(pH、离子强度等)有很大的相关性。然而,许多学者在NOM的物化特性对分配系数的影响方面存有较大分歧。前人在研究天然有机质与多环芳烃之间的相互作用时所用的NOM多为腐殖质,即水体NOM中的疏水性组分,而其中的亲水性组分与PAHs的结合作用文献中却鲜见提及,因此人们对其结合作用的特性如反应机理和结合作用强弱等的了解十分有限。 本论文利用XAD树脂分离技术把红枫湖水体中天然有机质分成了疏水性酸、碱、中性物质和亲水性酸、碱、中性物质等六种有机组分。同时运用元素分析、有机碳分析仪、紫外-可见分光光度,高效液相体积排阻色谱、三维荧光光谱和荧光偏振技术等现代分析方法,对各有机组分的物理、化学特性进行了表征。荧光光谱技术被用于研究水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性和分子构型的影响以及测定Amherst腐殖酸(Amherst HA)、垃圾渗滤液富里酸(LF FA)和红枫湖NOM有机组分与多环芳烃苝、菲和蒽的结合系数(分配系数、条件稳定常数)并探讨了影响分配系数的各种因素和NOM与多环芳烃相互作用的机理。本论文的获得的主要结果如下: 1. 在水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性及分子构型的影响方面: 在NOM与PAHs相互作用过程中,腐殖质的分子构型起着关键性的作用,而其分子构型又受到其本身的浓度、溶液的pH和离子强度等水化学参数的影响。本论文运用三维荧光光谱和荧光偏振技术研究了水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性的影响,并由此推断其分子构型变化情况。实验结果表明随着腐殖质浓度、溶液的pH和离子强度的改变,腐殖质荧光特性(如荧光强度、荧光峰位和荧光偏振值等)出现不同程度的变化,揭示了腐殖质分子构型的改变。因此,本实验结果有利于深入了解腐殖质的分子构型及其对吸附PAHs的重要影响,对理解NOM的环境行为具有一定的理论价值。 2. 运用荧光猝灭滴定法研究Amherst HA和红枫湖NOM有机组分对多环芳烃苝、菲和蒽的吸附作用,结果表明NOM对多环芳烃的吸附能力与其中芳香结构单元有很强的相关性,logKdoc值与NOM在280 nm处的摩尔吸收(ε280)和分子量有线性度较高的正比关系,而C/H原子比值对不饱和碳含量(芳香度)并没有很好的指示作用。同时,脂肪碳(0-50 ppm)中的聚亚甲基碳对吸附PAHs也有很大的贡献,而有机组分的极性与分配系数有明显的负相关性。不同种类的多环芳烃与NOM有机组分的结合能力有很大的差异,这取决于不同PAHs的疏水度大小。本研究结果有利于弥合前人在NOM物化特性对PAHs吸附能力的影响方面的分歧,揭示了NOM的组成和结构在与PAHs等疏水性有机污染物相互作用方面的重要影响。 3. 在结合机理方面,苝与NOM有机组分结合的Stern-Volmer图具有较高的线性度,这表明其结合机理以疏水反应(或分配)为主,而菲和蒽与有机组分相互作用的吸附等温线显示较多的非线性特征表明极性反应为主要反应机理,结合过程以吸附为主。在红枫湖NOM有机组分中,疏水性组分显示对PAHs较高的结合能力,同时疏水性组分与PAHs相互作用的吸附等温线具有较高的线性度。这一结果揭示了不同种类的PAHs和各NOM有机组分之间结合机理的差异,加深了人们对NOM与PAHs相互作用机理的认识。 4. 前人在研究pH、离子强度等水化学参数对分配系数的影响方面得到的结果多有矛盾之处,同时,对实验结果的解释也不尽相同。本实验结果表明分配系数随pH增加而下降;离子强度对分配系数的影响比较复杂,就总体趋势而言,增加离子强度有利于对PAHs吸附能力的提高,这一结果初步揭示了水化学参数对PAHs分配系数的影响,丰富了人们对其影响机理的认识。 5. 运用荧光偏振技术测定了蒽与Amherst HA、LF FA和红枫湖NOM有机组分的条件稳定常数,结果如下:随着NOM浓度增加,蒽的荧光偏振值不断下降,这表明蒽的分子构型由平面线性向圆柱状转变。在所有NOM样品中,土壤源的Amherst HA与蒽结合的条件稳定常数最大(pH 4时logK=5.6,pH 6时 logK=5.4);就NOM有机组分而言,疏水性组分的logK变化范围在pH 6时为(4.4-5.2),而亲水性组分为(4.3-4.8),这表明疏水性组分具有相对较高的蒽吸附能力。实验结果有利于了解PAHs与NOM相互作用前后的分子构型变化情况,揭示了不同的NOM有机组分在吸附PAHs过程中的差异。


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Uniformly carbon-covered alumina (CCA) was prepared via the carbonization of sucrose highly dispersed on the alumina surface. The CCA samples were characterized by XRD, XPS, DTA-TG, UV Raman, nitrogen adsorption experiments at 77 K, and rhodamine B (RB) adsorption in aqueous media. UV Raman spectra indicated that the carbon species formed were probably conjugated olefinic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be considered molecular subunits of a graphitic plane. The N(2) adsorption isotherms, pore size distributions, and XPS results indicated that carbon was uniformly dispersed on the alumina surface in the as-prepared CCA. The carbon coverage and number of carbon layers in CCA could be controlled by the tuning of the sucrose content in the precursor and impregnation times. RB adsorption isotherms suggested that the monolayer adsorption capacity of RB on alumina increased drastically for the sample with uniformly dispersed carbon. The as-prepared CCA possessed the texture of alumina and the surface properties of carbon or both carbon and alumina depending on the carbon coverage.


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Subteratogenic and other low-level chronic exposures to toxicant mixtures are an understudied threat to environmental and human health. It is especially important to understand the effects of these exposures for contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) a large group of more than 100 individual compounds, which are important environmental (including aquatic) contaminants. Aquatic sediments constitute a major sink for hydrophobic pollutants, and studies show PAHs can persist in sediments over time. Furthermore, estuarine systems (namely breeding grounds) are of particular concern, as they are highly impacted by a wide variety of pollutants, and estuarine fishes are often exposed to some of the highest levels of contaminants of any vertebrate taxon. Acute embryonic exposure to PAHs results in cardiac teratogenesis in fish, and early life exposure to certain individual PAHs and PAH mixtures cause heart alterations with decreased swimming capacity in adult fish. Consequently, the heart and cardiorespiratory system are thought to be targets of PAH mixture exposure. While many studies have investigated acute, teratogenic PAH exposures, few studies have longitudinally examined the impacts of subtle, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposures, which are arguably more broadly applicable to environmental contamination scenarios. The goal of this dissertation was to highlight the later-life consequences of early-life exposure to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex, environmentally relevant PAH mixture.

A unique population of Fundulus heteroclitus (the Atlantic killifish or mummichog, hereafter referred to as killifish), has adapted to creosote-based polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found at the Atlantic Wood Industries (AW) Superfund site in the southern branch of the Elizabeth River, VA, USA. This killifish population survives in a site heavily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs from former creosote operations. They have developed resistance to the acute toxicity and teratogenic effects caused by the mixture of PAHs in sediment from the site. The primary goal of this dissertation was to compare and contrast later-life outcomes of early-life, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposure in both the Atlantic Wood killifish (AW) and a naïve reference population of killifish from King’s Creek (KC; a relatively uncontaminated tributary of the Severn River, VA). Killifish from both populations were exposed to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex PAH-sediment extract, Elizabeth River Sediment Extract (ERSE), made by collecting sediment from the AW site. Fish were reared over a 5-month period in the laboratory, during which they were examined for a variety of molecular, physiological and behavioral responses.

The central aims of my dissertation were to determine alterations to embryonic gene expression, larval swimming activity, adult behavior, heart structure, enzyme activity, and swimming/cardiorespiratory performance following subteratogenic exposure to ERSE. I hypothesized that subteratogenic exposure to ERSE would impair cardiac ontogenic processes in a way that would be detectable via gene expression in embryos, and that the misregulation of cardiac genes would help to explain activity changes, behavioral deficits, and later-life swimming deficiencies. I also hypothesized that fish heart structure would be altered. In addition, I hypothesized that the AW killifish population would be resistant to developmental exposures and perform normally in later life challenges. To investigate these hypotheses, a series of experiments were carried out in PAH-adapted killifish from Elizabeth River and in reference killifish. As an ancillary project to the primary aims of the dissertation, I examined the toxicity of weaker aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonists in combination with fluoranthene (FL), an inhibitor of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1). This side project was conducted in both Danio rerio (zebrafish) and the KC and AW killifish.

Embryonic gene expression was measured in both killifish populations over an ERSE dose response with multiple time points (12, 24, 48, and 144 hours post exposure). Genes known to play critical roles in cardiac structure/development, cardiac function, and angiogenesis were elevated, indicating cardiac damage and activation of cardiovascular repair mechanisms. These data helped to inform later-life swimming performance and cardiac histology studies. Behavior was assessed during light and dark cycles in larvae of both populations following developmental exposure to ERSE. While KC killifish showed activity differences following exposure, AW killifish showed no significant changes even at concentrations that would cause overt cardiac toxicity in KC killifish. Juvenile behavior experiments demonstrated hyperactivity following ERSE exposure in KC killifish, but no significant behavioral changes in AW killifish. Adult swimming performance via prolonged critical swimming capacity (Ucrit) demonstrated performance costs in the AW killifish. Furthermore, swimming performance decline was observed in KC killifish following exposure to increasing dilutions of ERSE. Lastly, cardiac histology suggested that early-life exposure to ERSE could result in cardiac structural alteration and extravasation of blood into the pericardial cavity.

Responses to AHR agonists resulted in a ranking of relative potency for agonists, and determined which agonists, when combined with FL, caused cardiac teratogenesis. These experiments showed interesting species differences for zebrafish and killifish. To probe mechanisms responsible for cardiotoxicity, a CYP1A-morpholino and a AHR2-morpholino were used to mimic FL effects or attempt to rescue cardiac deformities respectively. Findings suggested that the cardiac toxicity elicited by weak agonist + FL exposure was likely driven by AHR-independent mechanisms. These studies stand in contrast to previous research from our lab showing that moderate AHR agonist + FL caused cardiac toxicity that can be partially rescued by AHR-morpholino knockdown.

My findings will form better characterization of mechanisms of PAH toxicity, and advance our understanding of how subteratogenic mixtures of PAHs exert their toxic action in naïve killifish. Furthermore, these studies will provide a framework for investigating how subteratogenic exposures to PAH mixtures can impact aquatic organismal health and performance. Most importantly, these experiments have the potential to help inform risk assessment in fish, mammals, and potentially humans. Ultimately, this research will help protect populations exposed to subtle PAH-contamination.


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Calanoid copepod nauplii hatched from intertidal sediment samples from 3 British estuaries, the Exe, the Humber and the Mersey. The Exe Estuary is exposed to low levels of urban and agricultural pollution but the Humber and Mersey are subject to more extensive urban and industrial pollution. Samples were taken from the Humber and the Exe in April and November 1995 and from the Mersey and the Exe in June and October 1995. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the sediments were measured as an index of pollution. The PAH concentrations in sediment were lowest in the Exe (mean <100 mu g/g dry weight) with most values >200 mu g/g dry weight in the Humber and some >300 mu g/g dry weight in the Mersey. Many more nauplii hatched from incubated sediments from the Exe than from the more polluted estuaries in April, June and November but larger numbers of nauplii hatched from the samples from the Mersey than from the Exe in October. Eggs were extracted from the samples taken in October and November and incubated; 92% of those from the Exe, 48% of those from the Humber and 14% of those from the Mersey hatched. This is consistent with reduction in viability of eggs with increased pollution. The viability of copepod eggs from sediments appears to have potential as a technique for in situ bioassay of fine sediments.


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An immunohistochemical method using antibodies against polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dioxins was developed on frozen tissue sections of the earthworm Eisenia andrei exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) (0.1, 10, 50 ppm) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) (0.01, 0.1, 2 ppb) in spiked standard soils. The concentrations of B[a]P and TCDD in E. andrei exposed to the same conditions were also measured using analytical chemical procedures. The results demonstrated that tissues of worms exposed to even minimal amount of B[a]P and TCDD reacted positively and specifically to anti-PAHs and -dioxins antibody. Immunofluorescence revealed a much more intense staining for the gut compared to the body wall; moreover, positively immunoreactive amoeboid coelomocytes were also observed, i.e. cells in which we have previously demonstrated the occurrence of genotoxic damage. The double immunolabelling with antibodies against B[a]P/TCDD and the lysosomal enzyme cathepsin D demonstrated the lysosomal accumulation of the organic xenobiotic compounds, in particular in the cells of the chloragogenous tissue as well as in coelomocytes, involved into detoxification and protection of animals against toxic chemicals. The method described is timesaving, not expensive and easily applicable.


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Sediment contaminants were monitored in Milford Haven Waterway (MHW) since 1978 (hydrocarbons) and 1982 (metals), with the aim of providing surveillance of environmental quality in one of the UK’s busiest oil and gas ports. This aim is particularly important during and after large-scale investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. However, methods inevitably have changed over the years, compounding the difficulties of coordinating sampling and analytical programmes. After a review by the MHW Environmental Surveillance Group (MHWESG), sediment hydrocarbon chemistry was investigated in detail in 2010. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) contributed their MHW data for 2007 and 2012, collected to assess the condition of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) designated under the European Union Habitats Directive. Datasets during 2007-2012 have thus been more comparable. The results showed conclusively that a MHW-wide peak in concentrations of sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals and other contaminants occurred in late 2007. This was corroborated by independent annual monitoring at one centrally-located station with peaks in early 2008 and 2011. The spatial and temporal patterns of recovery from the 2007 peak, shown by MHW-wide surveys in 2010 and 2012, indicate several probable causes of contaminant trends, as follows: atmospheric deposition, catchment runoff, sediment resuspension from dredging, and construction of two LNG terminals and a power station. Adverse biological effects predictable in 2007 using international sediment quality guidelines, were independently tested by data from monitoring schemes of more than a decade duration in MHW (starfish, limpets), and in the wider SAC (grey seals). Although not proving cause and effect, many of these potential biological receptors showed a simultaneous negative response to the elevated 2007 contamination following intense dredging activity in 2006. Wetland bird counts were typically at a peak in the winter of 2005-2006 previous to peak dredging. In the following winter 2006-2007, shelduck in Pembroke River showed their lowest winter count, and spring 2007 was the largest ever drop in numbers of broods across MHW between successive breeding seasons. Wigeon counts in Pembroke River were again low in late 2012 after further dredging nearby. These results are strongly supported by PAH data reported previously from invertebrate bioaccumulation studies in MHW 2007-2010, themselves closely reflecting sediment