962 resultados para PD-1 (Programmed death-1)


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Intranasal inoculation of equid herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) Brazilian strains A4/72 and A9/92 induced an acute and lethal infection in four different inbred mouse strains. Clinical and neurological signs appeared between the 2nd and 3rd day post inoculation (dpi) and included weight loss, ruffled fur, a hunched posture, crouching in corners, nasal and ocular discharges, dyspnoea, dehydration and increased salivation. These signs were followed by increased reactivity to external stimulation, seizures, recumbency and death. The virus was recovered consistently from the brain and viscera of all mice with neurological signs. Histopathological changes consisted of leptomeningitis, focal haemorrhage, ventriculitis, neuronal degeneration and necrosis, neuronophagia, non-suppurative inflammation, multifocal gliosis and perivascular infiltration of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated that EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 replicated in neurons of the olfactory bulb, the cortex and the hippocampus. In contrast, mice inoculated with the EHV-1 Brazilian strain A3/97 showed neither weight loss nor apparent clinical or neurological signs; however, the virus was recovered consistently from their lungs at 3 dpi. These three EHV-1 strains showed distinct degrees of virulence and tissue tropism in mice. EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 exhibited a high degree of central nervous system tropism with neuroinvasion and neurovirulence. EHV-1 strain A3/97 was not neurovirulent despite being detected in the brains of infected BALB/c nude mice. These findings indicate that several inbred mouse strains are susceptible to neuropathogenic EHV-1 strains and should be useful models for studying the pathogenesis and mechanisms contributing to EHV-induced myeloencephalopathy in horses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a new method for the preparation of sodium 4-[5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-oxo-penta-1,4-dienyl]-2-methoxy-phenolate, DM-1, and 3-oxo-penta-1,4-dienyl-bis (2-methoxy-phenolate), DM-2. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antitumor effects of DM-1 in adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment. Mice bearing mammary adenocarcinomas (Ehrlich ascites tumors) were treated with paclitaxel alone, DM-1 alone, and paclitaxel + DM-1. Tumor samples were used to perform cytological analysis by the Papanicolaou method and apoptosis analysis by annexin V and phosphorylated caspase 3. The paclitaxel + DM-1 group had decreased tumor areas and tumor volumes, and the frequency of metastasis was significantly reduced. This caused a decrease in cachexia, which is usually caused by the tumor. Furthermore, treatment with paclitaxel + DM-1 and DM-1 alone increased the occurrence of apoptosis up to 40% in tumor cells, which is 35% more than in the group treated with paclitaxel alone. This cell death was mainly caused through phosphorylated caspase 3 (11% increase in paclitaxel + DM-1 compared to the paclitaxel group), as confirmed by reduced malignancy criteria in the ascitic fluid. DM-1 emerges as a potential treatment for breast cancer and may act as an adjuvant in chemotherapy, enhancing antitumor drug activity with reduced side effects.


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Background: Metastasis is the main factor responsible for death in breast cancer patients. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, known as tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), and the membrane-associated MMP inhibitor (RECK), are essential for the metastatic process. We have previously shown a positive correlation between MMPs and their inhibitors expression during breast cancer progression; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this coordinate regulation remain unknown. In this report, we investigated whether TGF-beta 1 could be a common regulator for MMPs, TIMPs and RECK in human breast cancer cell models. Methods: The mRNA expression levels of TGF-beta isoforms and their receptors were analyzed by qRT-PCR in a panel of five human breast cancer cell lines displaying different degrees of invasiveness and metastatic potential. The highly invasive MDA-MB-231 cell line was treated with different concentrations of recombinant TGF-beta 1 and also with pharmacological inhibitors of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. The migratory and invasive potential of these treated cells were examined in vitro by transwell assays. Results: In general, TGF-beta 2, T beta RI and T beta RII are over-expressed in more aggressive cells, except for T beta RI, which was also highly expressed in ZR-75-1 cells. In addition, TGF-beta 1-treated MDA-MB-231 cells presented significantly increased mRNA expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, TIMP-2 and RECK. TGF-beta 1 also increased TIMP-2, MMP-2 and MMP-9 protein levels but downregulated RECK expression. Furthermore, we analyzed the involvement of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2, representing two well established Smad-independent pathways, in the proposed mechanism. Inhibition of p38MAPK blocked TGF-beta 1-increased mRNA expression of all MMPs and MMP inhibitors analyzed, and prevented TGF-beta 1 upregulation of TIMP-2 and MMP-2 proteins. Moreover, ERK1/2 inhibition increased RECK and prevented the TGF-beta 1 induction of pro-MMP-9 and TIMP-2 proteins. TGF-beta 1-enhanced migration and invasion capacities were blocked by p38MAPK, ERK1/2 and MMP inhibitors. Conclusion: Altogether, our results support that TGF-beta 1 modulates the mRNA and protein levels of MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-9) as much as their inhibitors (TIMP-2 and RECK). Therefore, this cytokine plays a crucial role in breast cancer progression by modulating key elements of ECM homeostasis control. Thus, although the complexity of this signaling network, TGF-beta 1 still remains a promising target for breast cancer treatment.


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Abstract Background Metastasis is the main factor responsible for death in breast cancer patients. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, known as tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), and the membrane-associated MMP inhibitor (RECK), are essential for the metastatic process. We have previously shown a positive correlation between MMPs and their inhibitors expression during breast cancer progression; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this coordinate regulation remain unknown. In this report, we investigated whether TGF-β1 could be a common regulator for MMPs, TIMPs and RECK in human breast cancer cell models. Methods The mRNA expression levels of TGF-β isoforms and their receptors were analyzed by qRT-PCR in a panel of five human breast cancer cell lines displaying different degrees of invasiveness and metastatic potential. The highly invasive MDA-MB-231 cell line was treated with different concentrations of recombinant TGF-β1 and also with pharmacological inhibitors of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. The migratory and invasive potential of these treated cells were examined in vitro by transwell assays. Results In general, TGF-β2, TβRI and TβRII are over-expressed in more aggressive cells, except for TβRI, which was also highly expressed in ZR-75-1 cells. In addition, TGF-β1-treated MDA-MB-231 cells presented significantly increased mRNA expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, TIMP-2 and RECK. TGF-β1 also increased TIMP-2, MMP-2 and MMP-9 protein levels but downregulated RECK expression. Furthermore, we analyzed the involvement of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2, representing two well established Smad-independent pathways, in the proposed mechanism. Inhibition of p38MAPK blocked TGF-β1-increased mRNA expression of all MMPs and MMP inhibitors analyzed, and prevented TGF-β1 upregulation of TIMP-2 and MMP-2 proteins. Moreover, ERK1/2 inhibition increased RECK and prevented the TGF-β1 induction of pro-MMP-9 and TIMP-2 proteins. TGF-β1-enhanced migration and invasion capacities were blocked by p38MAPK, ERK1/2 and MMP inhibitors. Conclusion Altogether, our results support that TGF-β1 modulates the mRNA and protein levels of MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-9) as much as their inhibitors (TIMP-2 and RECK). Therefore, this cytokine plays a crucial role in breast cancer progression by modulating key elements of ECM homeostasis control. Thus, although the complexity of this signaling network, TGF-β1 still remains a promising target for breast cancer treatment.


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Abstract Background Advanced glycation end products (AGE) alter lipid metabolism and reduce the macrophage expression of ABCA-1 and ABCG-1 which impairs the reverse cholesterol transport, a system that drives cholesterol from arterial wall macrophages to the liver, allowing its excretion into the bile and feces. Oxysterols favors lipid homeostasis in macrophages and drive the reverse cholesterol transport, although the accumulation of 7-ketocholesterol, 7alpha- hydroxycholesterol and 7beta- hydroxycholesterol is related to atherogenesis and cell death. We evaluated the effect of glycolaldehyde treatment (GAD; oxoaldehyde that induces a fast formation of intracellular AGE) in macrophages overloaded with oxidized LDL and incubated with HDL alone or HDL plus LXR agonist (T0901317) in: 1) the intracellular content of oxysterols and total sterols and 2) the contents of ABCA-1 and ABCG-1. Methods Total cholesterol and oxysterol subspecies were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and HDL receptors content by immunoblot. Results In control macrophages (C), incubation with HDL or HDL + T0901317 reduced the intracellular content of total sterols (total cholesterol + oxysterols), cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol, which was not observed in GAD macrophages. In all experimental conditions no changes were found in the intracellular content of other oxysterol subspecies comparing C and GAD macrophages. GAD macrophages presented a 45% reduction in ABCA-1 protein level as compared to C cells, even after the addition of HDL or HDL + T0901317. The content of ABCG-1 was 36.6% reduced in GAD macrophages in the presence of HDL as compared to C macrophages. Conclusion In macrophages overloaded with oxidized LDL, glycolaldehyde treatment reduces the HDL-mediated cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol efflux which is ascribed to the reduction in ABCA-1 and ABCG-1 protein level. This may contribute to atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus.


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Abstract Background Cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis postulates that tumors are maintained by a self-renewing CSC population that is also capable of differentiating into non-self-renewing cell populations that constitute the bulk of tumor. Stem cells renewal and differentiation can be directly influenced by the oxygen levels of determined tissues, probably by the reduction of oxidative DNA damage in hypoxic regions, thus leading to a friendlier microenvironment, regarding to clonal expansion and for resistance to chemotherapeutic regimens. Furthermore, there have been strong data indicating a pivotal role of hypoxic niche in cancer stem cells development. There are evidence that hypoxia could drive the maintenance of CSC, via HIF-1α expression, but it still to be determined whether hypoxia markers are expressed in breast tumors presenting CD44+CD24-/low immunophenotype. Methods Immunohistochemical analysis of CD44+CD24-/low expression and its relationship with hypoxia markers and clinical outcome were evaluated in 253 samples of breast ductal carcinomas. Double-immunolabeling was performed using EnVision Doublestain System (Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA). Slides were then scanned into high-resolution images using Aperio ScanScope XT and then, visualized in the software Image Scope (Aperio, Vista, CA, USA). Results In univariate analysis, CD44+CD24-/low expression showed association with death due to breast cancer (p = 0.035). Breast tumors expressing CD44+CD24-/low immunophenotype showed relationship with HIF-1α (p = 0.039) and negativity for HER-2 (p = 0.013). Conclusion Considering that there are strong evidences that the fraction of a tumour considered to be cancer stem cells is plastic depending upon microenvironmental signals, our findings provide further evidence that hypoxia might be related to the worse prognosis found in CD44+CD24-/low positive breast tumors.


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Abstract Background The main focus of several studies concerned with cancer progression and metastasis is to analyze the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to interact and quickly adapt with their environment. Integrins, a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, play a major role in invasive and metastatic processes. Integrins are involved in cell adhesion in both cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions, and particularly, β1 integrin is involved in proliferation and differentiation of cells in the development of epithelial tissues. This work aimed to investigate the putative role of β1 integrin expression on survival and metastasis in patients with breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). In addition, we compared the expression of β1 integrin in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Methods Through tissue microarray (TMA) slides containing 225 samples of IDC and 67 samples of DCIS, β1 integrin expression was related with several immunohistochemical markers and clinicopathologic features of prognostic significance. Results β1 integrin was overexpressed in 32.8% of IDC. In IDC, β1 integrin was related with HER-2 (p = 0.019) and VEGF (p = 0.011) expression and it had a significant relationship with metastasis and death (p = 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the overexpression of this protein is very significant (p = 0.002) in specific survival (number of months between diagnosis and death caused by the disease). There were no correlation between IDC and DCIS (p = 0.559) regarding β1 integrin expression. Conclusions Considering that the expression of β1 integrin in breast cancer remains controversial, specially its relation with survival of patients, our findings provide further evidence that β1 integrin can be a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancer. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/6652215267393871


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Sigma (σ) receptors are well established as a non-opioid, non-phencyclidine, and haloperidol-sensitive receptor family with its own binding profile and a characteristic distribution in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as in endocrine, immune, and some peripheral tissues. Two σ receptors subtypes, termed σ1 and σ2, have been pharmacologically characterized, but, to date, only the σ1 has also been cloned. Activation of σ1 receptors alter several neurotransmitter systems and dopamine (DA) neurotrasmission has been often shown to constitute an important target of σ receptors in different experimental models; however the exact role of σ1 receptor in dopaminergic neurotransmission remains unclear. The DA transporter (DAT) modulates the spatial and temporal aspects of dopaminergic synaptic transmission and interprer the primary mechanism by wich dopaminergic neurons terminate the signal transmission. For this reason present studies have been focused in understanding whether, in cell models, the human subtype of σ1 (hσ1) receptor is able to directly modulate the human DA transporter (hDAT). In the first part of this thesis, HEK-293 and SH-SY5Y cells were permanently transfected with the hσ1 receptor. Subsequently, they were transfected with another plasmid for transiently expressing the hDAT. The hDAT activity was estimated using the described [3H]DA uptake assay and the effects of σ ligands were evaluated by measuring the uptaken [3H]DA after treating the cells with known σ agonists and antagonists. Results illustrated in this thesis demonstrate that activation of overexpressed hσ1 receptors by (+)-pentazocine, the σ1 agonist prototype, determines an increase of 40% of the extracellular [3H]DA uptake, in comparison to non-treated controls and the σ1 antagonists BD-1047 and NE-100 prevent the positive effect of (+)-pentazocine on DA reuptake DA is likely to be considered a neurotoxic molecule. In fact, when levels of intracellular DA abnormally invrease, vescicles can’t sequester the DA which is metabolized by MAO (A and B) and COMT with consequent overproduction of oxygen reactive species and toxic catabolites. Stress induced by these molecules leads cells to death. Thus, for the second part of this thesis, experiments have been performed in order to investigate functional alterations caused by the (+)-pentazocine-mediated increase of DA uptake; particularly it has been investigated if the increase of intracellular [DA] could affect cells viability. Results obtained from this study demonstrate that (+)-pentazocine alone increases DA cell toxicity in a concentration-dependent manner only in cells co-expressing hσ1 and hDAT and σ1 antagonists are able to revert the (+)-pentazocine-induced increase of cell susceptibility to DA toxicity. In the last part of this thesis, the functional cross-talking between hσ1 receptor and hDAT has been further investigated using confocal microscopy. From the acquired data it could be suggested that, following exposure to (+)-pentazocine, the hσ1 receptors massively translocate towards the plasma membrane and colocalize with the hDATs. However, any physical interaction between the two proteins remains to be proved. In conclusion, the presented study shows for the first time that, in cell models, hσ1 receptors directly modulate the hDAT activity. Facilitation of DA uptake induced by (+)-pentazocine is reflected on the increased cell susceptibility to DA toxicity; these effects are prevented by σ1 selective antagonists. Since numerous compounds, including several drugs of abuse, bind to σ1 receptors and activating them could facilitate the damage of dopaminergic neurons, the reported protective effect showed by σ1 antagonists would represent the pharmacological basis to test these compounds in experimental models of dopaminergic neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. Parkinson’s Disease).


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Preface: The improvements of the social-environmental conditions, and medical cares and the quality of life caused a general improvement of the health status of the population, with a consequent reduction of the overall morbidity and mortality, resulting in an increase of life expectancy that has rose dramatically in the last century. Stroke represents the 3rd cause of death and 1st cause of disability in Europe and in Italy. Aim: The aim of this research is to explore the prevalence of stroke in 1.176 90+ Italian sibs, collected from the north, centre and south of the peninsula, and examine the presence of functional and cognitive disability in the stroke affected sibs. Materials and Methods: We divided our sample in three main categories a)Stroke free(960 subjects, 88.72%), b)Young age stroke, reported age of Stroke incidence < 85 y.o.(42 subjects, 3.88%), c)Old age stroke, reported age of Stroke incidence ≥ 85y.o.(80 subjects, 7.39%). We examine cognitive impairment using the MMSE and functional disability using the ADL scale, the chair stand and hand-grip test. The three groups for each test have been analysed according the following parameters: age at interview, sex, ability to understand the questions, can the participant walk 500 m without help, smoke habit, alcohol daily consumption, presence of serious memory impairments (e.g. dementia), Daily Exercise or daily light housework, History of arthritis. Results: After performing mulrivariate analysis, amazingly the young ictus group had worst performance in all the cognitive and functional variables.


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Krebs stellt eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in Europa dar. Grundlage für eine langfristige Verbesserung des Behandlungserfolgs ist ein molekulares Verständnis der Mechanismen, welche zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Proteasen nicht nur eine wichtige Rolle, sondern stellen auch bei vielerlei Erkrankungen bereits anerkannte Zielstrukturen derzeitiger Behandlungsstrategien dar. Die Protease Threonin Aspartase 1 (Taspase1) spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung von Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL)-Fusionsproteinen und somit bei der Entstehung aggressiver Leukämien. Aktuelle Arbeiten unterstreichen zudem die onkologische Relevanz von Taspase1 auch für solide Tumore. Die Kenntnisse über die molekularen Mechanismen und Signalnetzwerke, welche für die (patho)biologischen Funktionen von Taspase1 verantwortlich sind, stellen sich allerdings noch immer als bruchstückhaft dar. Um diese bestehenden Wissenslücken zu schließen, sollten im Rahmen der Arbeit neue Strategien zur Inhibition von Taspase1 erarbeitet und bewertet werden. Zusätzlich sollten neue Einsichten in evolutionären Funktionsmechanismen sowie eine weitergehende Feinregulation von Taspase1 erlangt werden. Zum einen erlaubte die Etablierung und Anwendung eines zellbasierten Taspase1-Testsystem, chemische Verbindungen auf deren inhibitorische Aktivität zu testen. Überraschenderweise belegten solch zelluläre Analysen in Kombination mit in silico-Modellierungen eindeutig, dass ein in der Literatur postulierter Inhibitor in lebenden Tumorzellen keine spezifische Wirksamkeit gegenüber Taspase1 zeigte. Als mögliche Alternative wurden darüber hinaus Ansätze zur genetischen Inhibition evaluiert. Obwohl publizierte Studien Taspase1 als ααββ-Heterodimer beschreiben, konnte durch Überexpression katalytisch inaktiver Mutanten kein trans-dominant negativer Effekt und damit auch keine Inhibition des wildtypischen Enzyms beobachtet werden. Weiterführende zellbiologische und biochemische Analysen belegten erstmalig, dass Taspase1 in lebenden Zellen in der Tat hauptsächlich als Monomer und nicht als Dimer vorliegt. Die Identifizierung evolutionär konservierter bzw. divergenter Funktionsmechanismen lieferte bereits in der Vergangenheit wichtige Hinweise zur Inhibition verschiedenster krebsrelevanter Proteine. Da in Drosophila melanogaster die Existenz und funktionelle Konservierung eines Taspase1-Homologs postuliert wurde, wurde in einem weiteren Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit die evolutionäre Entwicklung der Drosophila Taspase1 (dTaspase1) untersucht. Obwohl Taspase1 als eine evolutionär stark konservierte Protease gilt, konnten wichtige Unterschiede zwischen beiden Orthologen festgestellt werden. Neben einem konservierten autokatalytischen Aktivierungsmechanismus besitzt dTaspase1 verglichen mit dem humanen Enzym eine flexiblere Substraterkennungs-sequenz, was zu einer Vergrößerung des Drosophila-spezifischen Degradoms führt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen des Weiteren, dass zur Definition und Vorhersage des Degradoms nicht nur proteomische sondern auch zellbiologische und bioinformatische Untersuchungen geeignet und notwendig sind. Interessanterweise ist die differentielle Regulation der dTaspase1-Aktivität zudem auf eine veränderte intrazelluläre Lokalisation zurückzuführen. Das Fehlen von in Vertebraten hochkonservierten aktiven Kernimport- und nukleolären Lokalisationssignalen erklärt, weshalb dTaspase1 weniger effizient nukleäre Substrate prozessiert. Somit scheint die für die humane Taspase1 beschriebene Regulation von Lokalisation und Aktivität über eine Importin-α/NPM1-Achse erst im Laufe der Entwicklung der Vertebraten entstanden zu sein. Es konnte also ein bislang unbekanntes evolutionäres Prinzip identifiziert werden, über welches eine Protease einen Transport- bzw. Lokalisations-basierten Mechanismus zur Feinregulation ihrer Aktivität „von der Fliege zum Menschen“ nutzt. Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur dynamischen Funktionsmodulation bieten post-translationale Modifikationen (PTMs) der Proteinsequenz, zu welcher Phosphorylierung und Acetylierung zählen. Interessanterweise konnte für die humane Taspase1 über den Einsatz unabhängiger Methoden einschließlich massenspektrometrischer Analysen eine Acetylierung durch verschiedene Histon-Acetyltransferasen (HATs) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Modifikation erfolgt reversibel, wobei vor allem die Histon-Deacetylase HDAC1 durch Interaktion mit Taspase1 die Deacetylierung der Protease katalysiert. Während Taspase1 in ihrer aktiven Konformation acetyliert vorliegt, kommt es nach Deacetylierung zu einer Reduktion ihrer enzymatischen Aktivität. Somit scheint die Modulation der Taspase1-Aktivität nicht allein über intra-proteolytische Autoaktivierung, Transport- und Interaktionsmechanismen, sondern zudem durch post-translationale Modifikationen gesteuert zu werden. Zusammenfassend konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entscheidende neue Einblicke in die (patho)biologische Funktion und Feinregulation der Taspase1 gewonnen werden. Diese Ergebnisse stellen nicht nur einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines verbesserten Verständnis der „Taspase1-Biologie“, sondern auch zur erfolgreichen Inhibition und Bewertung der krebsrelevanten Funktion dieser Protease dar.


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The role of N-myc downstream regulated gene-1 (NDRG1) in cancer has recently gained interest, as potential regulator of cell death and tumor suppressor. Although its normal function in the pancreas is largely unknown, loss of NDRG1 expression is associated with a more aggressive tumor phenotype and poor outcome in pancreatic cancer patients.


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Background Prognostic models have been developed for patients infected with HIV-1 who start combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in high-income countries, but not for patients in sub-Saharan Africa. We developed two prognostic models to estimate the probability of death in patients starting ART in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods We analysed data for adult patients who started ART in four scale-up programmes in Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, and Malawi from 2004 to 2007. Patients lost to follow-up in the first year were excluded. We used Weibull survival models to construct two prognostic models: one with CD4 cell count, clinical stage, bodyweight, age, and sex (CD4 count model); and one that replaced CD4 cell count with total lymphocyte count and severity of anaemia (total lymphocyte and haemoglobin model), because CD4 cell count is not routinely measured in many African ART programmes. Death from all causes in the first year of ART was the primary outcome. Findings 912 (8·2%) of 11 153 patients died in the first year of ART. 822 patients were lost to follow-up and not included in the main analysis; 10 331 patients were analysed. Mortality was strongly associated with high baseline CD4 cell count (≥200 cells per μL vs <25; adjusted hazard ratio 0·21, 95% CI 0·17–0·27), WHO clinical stage (stages III–IV vs I–II; 3·45, 2·43–4·90), bodyweight (≥60 kg vs <45 kg; 0·23, 0·18–0·30), and anaemia status (none vs severe: 0·27, 0·20–0·36). Other independent risk factors for mortality were low total lymphocyte count, advanced age, and male sex. Probability of death at 1 year ranged from 0·9% (95% CI 0·6–1·4) to 52·5% (43·8–61·7) with the CD4 model, and from 0·9% (0·5–1·4) to 59·6% (48·2–71·4) with the total lymphocyte and haemoglobin model. Both models accurately predict early mortality in patients starting ART in sub-Saharan Africa compared with observed data. Interpretation Prognostic models should be used to counsel patients, plan health services, and predict outcomes for patients with HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa.


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Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer have persistent, long-term risk of breast-cancer recurrence and death. Therefore, trials assessing endocrine therapies for this patient population need extended follow-up. We present an update of efficacy outcomes in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study at 8·1 years median follow-up.


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Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with spinal muscular atrophy, also known as PCH1, is a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by generalized muscle weakness and global developmental delay commonly resulting in early death. Gene defects had been discovered only in single patients until the recent identification of EXOSC3 mutations in several families with relatively mild course of PCH1. We aim to genetically stratify subjects in a large and well-defined cohort to define the clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlation.


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In recent years sphingolipids have emerged as important signaling molecules regulating fundamental cell responses such as cell death and differentiation, proliferation and aspects of inflammation. Especially ceramide has been a main focus of research since it possesses pro-apoptotic capacity in many cell types. A counterplayer of ceramide was found in sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which is generated from ceramide by the consecutive actions of ceramidase and sphingosine kinase. S1P can potently induce cell proliferation via binding to and activation of the Edg family of receptors which have now been renamed as S1P receptors. Obviously, a delicate balance between ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate determines whether cells undergo apoptosis or proliferate, two cell responses that are critically involved in tumor development. Directing the balance in favor of ceramide, i.e. by inhibiting ceramidase or sphingosine kinase activities may support the pro-apoptotic action of ceramide and thus may have beneficial effects in cancer therapy. This review will summarize novel insights into the regulation of sphingolipid formation and their potential involvement in tumor development. Finally, we will pinpoint potential new targets for tumor therapy.