952 resultados para Organic acids


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Irradiation is being progressively considered as a versatile and effective conservation technique [1]. Based on this premise, our research group has been investigating the effects of different irradiation conditions in several food matrices. Aromatic plants are among the food products that require suitable conservation technologies to expand their use [2]. The effects of irradiation on the four species (Aloysia citrodora, Melissa officinalis, Melittis melissophyllum and Mentha piperita) studied herein were previously evaluated. In the present study, the same species were treated with different doses of electron-beam irradiation (0, 1 and 10 kGy) and several parameters were evaluated. The individual sugars profile was determined by HPLCRI, fatty acids by GC-FID, organic acids by HPLC-PDA and tocopherols by HPLCfluorescence. In general, the evaluated parameters remained practically unchanged, regardless of plant species or the irradiation dose. Regarding the profile of sugars, the major change was a decrease in the content of disaccharides. The most notable variations in organic acids were observed in plant species with the highest content in these molecules, especially the decrease observed in the samples of M. officinalis and M. melissophyllum. Among the tocopherols, the α and β isoforms were more susceptible to radiation, while the application of 1 kGy tended to increase the levels of tocopherols in Aloysia citrodora, while 10 kGy had the same effect on M. melissophyllum. M. piperita sample showed the highest levels of tocopherols, regardless of the dose applied. Finally, with regard to the fatty acids content, the irradiated samples showed higher percentages of monounsaturated fatty acids than the control samples. In general, analyzing the results taking into account the effects described, it can be concluded that the application of irradiation with electron beam at doses 1 and 10 kGy is an effective way to retain biomolecules profile of the studied species.


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In recent years the interest in naturally occurring compounds has been increasing worldwide. Indeed, many of the bioactive compounds currently used as medicines have been synthesized based on the structure of natural compounds [1]. In order to obtain bioactive fractions and subsequently isolated compounds derived from natural matrices, several procedures have been carried out. One of these is to separate and assess the concentration of the active compound(s) present in the samples, a step in which the chromatographic techniques stand out [2]. In the present work the mushroom Sui/Ius granulatus (L.) Roussel was chemically characterized by chromatographic techniques coupled to different detectors, in order to evaluate the presence of nutritional and/or bioactive molecules. Some hydrophilic compounds, namely free sugars, were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI), and organic and phenolic acids were assessed by HPLC coupled to a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA). Regarding lipophilic compounds, fatty acids weredetermined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and tocopherols by HPLC-fluorescence detection. Mannitol and trehalose were the main free sugars detected. Different organic acids were also identified (i.e. oxalic, quinic and fumaric acids), as well as phenolic acids (i.e. gallic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and the related compound cinnamic acid. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids were the prevailing fatty acids and a-, ~- and ~-tocopherol were the isoforms of vitamin E detected in the samples. Since this species proved to be a source of biologically active compounds, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antioxidant activity was measured through the reducing power, free radical's scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition of its methanolic extract, and the antimicrobial activity was also tested in Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and iri different fungi. S. granulatus presented antioxidant properties in all the performed assays, and proved to inhibit the growth of different bacterial and fungal strains. This study is a first step for classifying S. granulatus as a functional food, highlighting the potential of mushrooms as a source of nutraceutical and biologically active compounds.


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Nowadays the rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical products, the increase in life expectancy as well as the demand for an improved quality of life, has led to an increased concern about food intake and an emergence of new concepts of nutrition [1]. Mushrooms have been pointed out as an excellent option to include in a healthy diet, due to their nutritional value [2] associated with their bioactive properties [3]. The current study presents the chemical profile of two edible species, Leccinum molle (Ban) Ban and Leccinum vulpinum Watling, harvested in the outskirts of Bragan9a (Northeastern Portugal), regarding their content in nutrients and nonnutrients. Individual profiles of sugars and fatty acids were obtained by HPLC-RI and GC-FID, respectively. Tocopherols were analysed by HPLC-fluorescence, and the non-nutrients (i.e., phenolic and other organic acids) by HPLC-PDA. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts obtained from both species was assessed with different assays (e.g. reducing power, radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and their hepatotoxicity was evaluated in primary cell cultures obtained from porcine liver, PLP2. Generally, both Leccinum species revealed similar nutrient profiles, with low fat levels, fructose, mannitol and trehalose as the foremost free sugars, and higher percentages of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in comparison with saturated fatty acids. The presence of bioactive compounds was also detected, namely phenolic (e.g., gallic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and organic acids (e.g., citric and fumaric acids). Both species presented antioxidant properties, being L. vulpinum the species which showed the most promising results (higher contents of total phenolic acids and lower ECso values in all the performed assays). Neither of the extracts presented toxicity against the liver primary cells PLP2, up to maximal concentration tested (Giso > 400 μg/ml).


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A l’heure actuelle, les biocarburants renouvelables et qui ne nuit pas à l'environnement sont à l'étude intensive en raison de l'augmentation des problèmes de santé et de la diminution des combustibles fossiles. H2 est l'un des candidats les plus prometteurs en raison de ses caractéristiques uniques, telles que la densité d'énergie élevée et la génération faible ou inexistante de polluants. Une façon attrayante pour produire la H2 est par les bactéries photosynthétiques qui peuvent capter l'énergie lumineuse pour actionner la production H2 avec leur système de nitrogénase. L'objectif principal de cette étude était d'améliorer le rendement de H2 des bactéries photosynthétiques pourpres non sulfureuses utilisant une combinaison de génie métabolique et le plan des expériences. Une hypothèse est que le rendement en H2 pourrait être améliorée par la redirection de flux de cycle du Calvin-Benson-Bassham envers du système de nitrogénase qui catalyse la réduction des protons en H2. Ainsi, un PRK, phosphoribulose kinase, mutant « knock-out » de Rhodobacter capsulatus JP91 a été créé. L’analyse de la croissance sur des différentes sources de carbone a montré que ce mutant ne peut croître qu’avec l’acétate, sans toutefois produire d' H2. Un mutant spontané, YL1, a été récupéré qui a retenu l'cbbP (codant pour PRK) mutation d'origine, mais qui avait acquis la capacité de se développer sur le glucose et produire H2. Une étude de la production H2 sous différents niveaux d'éclairage a montré que le rendement d’YL1 était de 20-40% supérieure à la souche type sauvage JP91. Cependant, il n'y avait pas d'amélioration notable du taux de production de H2. Une étude cinétique a montré que la croissance et la production d'hydrogène sont fortement liées avec des électrons à partir du glucose principalement dirigés vers la production de H2 et la formation de la biomasse. Sous des intensités lumineuses faibles à intermédiaires, la production d'acides organiques est importante, ce qui suggère une nouvelle amélioration additionnel du rendement H2 pourrait être possible grâce à l'optimisation des processus. Dans une série d'expériences associées, un autre mutant spontané, YL2, qui a un phénotype similaire à YL1, a été testé pour la croissance dans un milieu contenant de l'ammonium. Les résultats ont montré que YL2 ne peut croître que avec de l'acétate comme source de carbone, encore une fois, sans produire de H2. Une incubation prolongée dans les milieux qui ne supportent pas la croissance de YL2 a permis l'isolement de deux mutants spontanés secondaires intéressants, YL3 et YL4. L'analyse par empreint du pied Western a montré que les deux souches ont, dans une gamme de concentrations d'ammonium, l'expression constitutive de la nitrogénase. Les génomes d’YL2, YL3 et YL4 ont été séquencés afin de trouver les mutations responsables de ce phénomène. Fait intéressant, les mutations de nifA1 et nifA2 ont été trouvés dans les deux YL3 et YL4. Il est probable qu'un changement conformationnel de NifA modifie l'interaction protéine-protéine entre NifA et PII protéines (telles que GlnB ou GlnK), lui permettant d'échapper à la régulation par l'ammonium, et donc d'être capable d'activer la transcription de la nitrogénase en présence d'ammonium. On ignore comment le nitrogénase synthétisé est capable de maintenir son activité parce qu’en théorie, il devrait également être soumis à une régulation post-traductionnelle par ammonium. Une autre preuve pourrait être obtenue par l'étude du transcriptome d’YL3 et YL4. Une première étude sur la production d’ H2 par YL3 et YL4 ont montré qu'ils sont capables d’une beaucoup plus grande production d'hydrogène que JP91 en milieu d'ammonium, qui ouvre la porte pour les études futures avec ces souches en utilisant des déchets contenant de l'ammonium en tant que substrats. Enfin, le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec la bactérie photosynthétique, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 a été examiné. La production d'éthanol avec fermentation utilisant des ressources renouvelables microbiennes a été traitée comme une technique mature. Cependant, la plupart des études du reformage de l'éthanol à H2 se sont concentrés sur le reformage chimique à la vapeur, ce qui nécessite généralement une haute charge énergetique et résultats dans les émissions de gaz toxiques. Ainsi le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec des bactéries photosynthétiques, qui peuvent capturer la lumière pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques de cette réaction, semble d’être plus prometteuse. Une étude précédente a démontré la production d'hydrogène à partir d'éthanol, toutefois, le rendement ou la durée de cette réaction n'a pas été examiné. Une analyse RSM (méthode de surface de réponse) a été réalisée dans laquelle les concentrations de trois facteurs principaux, l'intensité lumineuse, de l'éthanol et du glutamate ont été variés. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 2 moles de H2 peuvent être obtenus à partir d'une mole d'éthanol, 33% de ce qui est théoriquement possible.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de aditivos na ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.) sobre a composição químico-bromatológica das silagens, o comportamento ingestivo, o consumo voluntário e a digestibilidade em bovinos de corte. Utilizaram-se cinco novilhos da raça Nelore providos de cânula ruminal, alocados em delineamento quadrado latino 5 ´ 5 e alimentados com dietas com 65% de volumoso na MS. Foram avaliadas cinco silagens (base úmida): controle - cana-de-açúcar sem aditivos; uréia - cana-de-açúcar + 0,5% uréia; benzoato - cana-de-açúcar + 0,1% de benzoato de sódio; LP - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com Lactobacillus plantarum (1 ´ 10(6) ufc/g MV); LB - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com L. buchneri (3,6 ´ 10(5) ufc/g forragem). A forragem foi armazenada em silos do tipo poço por 90 dias antes do fornecimento aos animais. A composição químico-bromatológica da cana-de-açúcar foi alterada após a ensilagem, em relação à cana-de-açúcar original, com redução no teor de carboidratos solúveis e na digestibilidade in vitro e elevação relativa nos teores de FDN e FDA. Os teores de etanol (0,30% da MS) e ácidos orgânicos (0,99% de ácido lático e 2,31% de acético) foram baixos e semelhantes entre as silagens. Os aditivos aplicados na ensilagem não promoveram alterações no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente da MS (7,2 kg/dia e 63,6%, respectivamente). O comportamento ingestivo dos animais também não foi alterado, com tempos médios de 230,6; 519,6 e 672,8 minutos/dia despendidos com ingestão de ração, ruminação e ócio, respectivamente. Os aditivos acrescidos à cana-de-açúcar promoveram pequenas alterações na maioria das variáveis avaliadas.


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Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)


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The effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the postharvest quality of fresh-cut watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) stored at 4 ºC for 7 d was studied. A portion of watercress was immediately analyzed (non-stored control) and the remaining fresh material was stored packaged under atmospheres enriched with N2, Ar, air, or vacuum. The analyzed parameters included colour, total soluble solids, pH, macronutrients, the individual profiles of sugars, organic acids, tocopherols and fatty acids, and total phenolics and flavonoids. Furthermore, four in vitro assays were performed to evaluate the antioxidant activity. After assessing the effect on individual quality parameters, it was possible to conclude that air was the less efficient atmosphere in preserving quality attributes of the non-stored control samples during cold storage. In turn, Ar-enriched MAP was the most suitable choice to preserve the overall postharvest quality. The present study also highlighted the nutritional and antioxidant properties of watercress, as well as the interest of its inclusion in human diets.


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Wild mushrooms are mainly collected during the rainy season and valued as a nutritious food and sources of natural medicines and nutraceuticals. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and bioactive properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity) of Polyporus squamosus from two different origins, Portugal and Serbia. The sample from Portugal showed higher contents of as protein (17.14 g/100 g), fat (2.69 g/100 g), ash (3.15 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (77.02 g/100 g); the same sample gave the highest antioxidant activity: highest reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and lipid peroxidation inhibition in both β-carotene/linoleate and TBARS assay. These results could be related to its higher content in total tocopherols (1968.65 μg/100 g) and phenolic compounds (1.29 mg/100 g). Both extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against all the tested organisms. The samples from Serbia gave higher overall antibacterial activity and showed excellent antibiofilm activity (88.30 %). Overall, P. squamosus methanolic extracts possessed antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm and anti-quorum sensing activity, and without toxicity for liver cells. This investigation highlights alternatives to be explored for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study provides important results for the chemical and bioactive properties, especially antimicrobial activity of the mushroom P. squamosus. Moreover, to the authors’ knowledge this is the first report on sugars, organic acids, and individual phenolic compounds in P. squamosus.


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The phytochemical profiles and bioactivities of red, white and pink globe amaranth (Gomphrena haageana K., Gomphrena globosa var. albiflora and Gomphrena sp., respectively), much less studied than the purple species (G. globosa L.), were compared. The chemical characterization of the samples included the analysis of macronutrients and individual profiles of sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols, and phenolic compounds. Their bioactivity was evaluated by determining the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities; the absence of cytotoxicity was also determined. Red and pink samples showed the highest sugar content. Otherwise, the white sample gave the highest level of organic acids, and together with the pink one showed the highest tocopherol and PUFA levels. Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside was the major flavonol in white and pink samples, whereas a tetrahydroxy-methylenedioxyflavone was the major compound in the red variety, which revealed a different phenolic profile. The pink globe amaranth hydromethanolic extract revealed the highest antioxidant activity, followed by those of red and white samples. The anti-inflammatory activity was more relevant in red and pink varieties. None of the samples presented toxicity in liver cells. Overall, these samples can be used in bioactive formulations against inflammatory processes and in free radical production.


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This work presents the chemical profile of two edible species of mushrooms from the genus Leccinum: Leccinum molle (Bon) Bon and Leccinum vulpinum Watling, both harvested on the outskirts of Bragança (Northeastern Portugal). Both species were prepared and characterized regarding their content in nutrients (i.e., free sugars, fatty acids and vitamins), non-nutrients (i.e., phenolic and other organic acids) and antioxidant activity. To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies on the chemical characterization and bioactivity of these species have been undertaken. Accordingly, this study intends to increase the available information concerning edible mushroom species, as well as to highlight another important factor regarding the conservation of the mycological resources--their potential as sources of nutraceutical/pharmaceutical compounds. Overall, both species revealed similar nutrient profiles, with low fat levels, fructose, mannitol and trehalose as the foremost free sugars, and high percentages of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They also revealed the presence of bioactive compounds, namely phenolic (e.g., gallic acid, protocatechuic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid) and organic acids (e.g., citric and fumaric acids) and presented antioxidant properties.


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Antitumor, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of basil were studied, along with its characterization in phenolic compounds, organic acids and soluble sugars. The results placed basil as a valuable candidate for functionalization and conservation of food products, maintaining their nutritional properties, while increasing their shelf life and potential health effects. The basil leaves were then incorporated in "Serra da Estrela Cheese", either in its dehydrated form or as a decoction. The cheeses were then subject to a nutritional evaluation, being characterized for their fatty acids, minerals and CIE color parameters. To assess the combined effects of plant incorporation and storage time, a 2-way ANOVA was used to process the results, further analysed through a linear discriminant analysis. Overall, basil leaves provided antioxidant activity to the cheeses, reduced the moisture, and preserved the unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. Comparing both incorporation types, the decoctions had a higher functionalizing and conservative effect.


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abuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora. Mart) is a highly perishable fruit native to Brazil, which is consumed both fresh and industrially processed in the form of juices, jams, wines and distilled liqueurs. This processing generates a large amount of waste by-products, which represent approximately 50% of the fruit weight. The by-products are of interest for obtaining valuable bioactive compounds that could be used as nutraceuticals or functional ingredients. In this study, fermented and non-fermented jabuticaba pomaces were studied regarding their hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds, as well as their antioxidant properties, including: soluble sugars, organic acids and tocopherols (using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to refraction index, diode array and fluorescence detector, respectively); phenolics and anthocyanins, (using liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection, and mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization); and fatty acids (using gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection). The analytical data demonstrated that jabuticaba pomaces are a rich source of bioactive compounds such as tocopherols, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds (namely hydrolyzable tannins and anthocyanins) with antioxidant potential. Therefore, jabuticaba pomace may have good potential as a functional ingredient in the fabrication of human foods and animal feed.


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The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is the berry fruit most consumed worldwide and is well-known for its delicate flavour and nutritional properties. However, fruit quality attributes have been lost or reduced after years of traditional breeding focusing mainly on agronomical traits. To face the obstacles encountered in the improvement of cultivated crops, new technological tools, such as genomics and high throughput metabolomics, are becoming essential for the identification of genetic factors responsible of organoleptic and nutritive traits. Integration of “omics” data will allow a better understanding of the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the accumulation of metabolites involved in the flavour and nutritional value of the fruit. To identify genetic components affecting/controlling? fruit metabolic composition, here we present a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using a 95 F1 segregating population derived from genotypes ‘1392’, selected for its superior flavour, and ‘232’ selected based in high yield (Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2011; Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2012). Metabolite profiling was performed on red stage strawberry fruits using gas chromatography hyphenated to time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which is a rapid and highly sensitive approach, allowing a good coverage of the central pathways of primary metabolism. Around 50 primary metabolites, including sugars, sugars derivatives, amino and organic acids, were detected and quantified after analysis in each individual of the population. QTL mapping was performed on the ‘232’ x ‘1392’ population separately over two successive years, based on the integrated linkage map (Sánchez-Sevilla et al., 2015). First, significant associations between metabolite content and molecular markers were identified by the non-parametric test of Kruskal-Wallis. Then, interval mapping (IM), as well as the multiple QTL method (MQM) allowed the identification of QTLs in octoploid strawberry. A permutation test established LOD thresholds for each metabolite and year. A total of 132 QTLs were detected in all the linkage groups over the two years for 42 metabolites out of 50. Among them, 4 (9.8%) QTLs for sugars, 9 (25%) for acids and 7 (12.7%) for amino acids were stable and detected in the two successive years. We are now studying the QTLs regions in order to find candidate genes to explain differences in metabolite content in the different individuals of the population, and we expect to identify associations between genes and metabolites which will help us to understand their role in quality traits of strawberry fruit.