798 resultados para Online Colour
Amb la revolució digital van apareixe noves eines informàtiques i plataformes q donen lloc a les jnteraccions en línea, com les xarxes socials i Blogs, aquestes han canviat la manera de comunicació entre les marques i les seves audiències. L' indústria de la moda no ha estat inmune a aquestes transformacions i ha estat adaptar-se al nou format. La recerca presenta una estructura deductiva: Moda Marca Moda- Marques de Moda Espanyola i altres exemples-cas moda- estudio maneta de comunicació online i offline. En aquest últim apartat mostra els resultats de l'anàlisi de les accions comunicatives quotidianes de Marca de Moda Mango, en un període determinat de temps. L'estudi conclou q les accions online i offline és completamenten, es relacionen entre si, evolucionen i donen lloc a una nova forma de comunicació
El presente proyecto de investigación se presenta como trabajo final del Máster en Estudis Avançats en Comunicació Social y pretende sentar las bases de la futura tesis doctoral. Se plantea una investigación que tiene como objetivo determinar la capacidad que tuvo el uso de las redes digitales de comunicación para modificar la esfera pública durante la primavera árabe en Túnez y el posterior proceso de Transición llevado a cabo. Para ello la investigación se aborda desde tres conceptos clave: el pluralismo mediático, la relevancia mediàtica y los procesos comunicativos. La investigación se abordará triangulando los métodos cuantitativo y cualitativo y se propone como técnica el anàlisis de contenido sobre la nueva legislación tunecina en materia de Políticas de Comunicación, así como del contenido generado por los usuarios en las redes digitales de comunicación y las noticias de medios de referencia online árabes (3) y occidentales (4) en relación con el objeto de estudio.
O presente trabalho de Memória intitulado “Publicidade na Internet: Análise comparativa da publicidade nos sites de três jornais online em Cabo Verde”, realiza-se no âmbito da de licenciatura em Ciências da Comunicação variante publicidade na Universidade conclusão Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. m meio importante publicidade. Pretende-se determinar que recursos da Internet estão a ser Objectiva-se com este trabalho, compreender até que ponto a Internet é u para a veiculação de aproveitados e aplicados pelos anunciantes em Cabo Verde para fazerem as suas online e que tipos serviços os jornais oferecem aos seus clientes ou anunciantes. A anális será feita tendo como base os parâmetros como os tipos de publicidade online, as suas form de comércio e os tipos de interactividade oferecida. Será efectuada uma an publicidade online feita actualmente em Cabo Verde, confrontando com como meio publicitário e com alguns estudos desenvolvidos anteriorment em Cabo Verde. divulgações e as álise crítica sobre a o potencial da web e sobre este assunto
Avui en dia, Internet permet ampliar l'horitzó d'alguns serveis, donant-los un altre caire més versàtil i còmode pel client final. El fet de posar a disposició del client un servei com el de la dietètica i la nutrició 24 hores al dia i 7 dies a la setmana, sense que perdi el seu valor i continui sent individualitzat, ofereix al client un coaching en aquest terreny i, al negoci, una altra visió del mateix. Així doncs, el principal objectiu és desenvolupar un lloc web, on l'usuari final pugui rebre una valoració dietètica i nutricional del seu estat actual de manera automàtica i, a la vegada, se li aportin els punts on pot millorar i una dieta escaient. Tot i així, la figura del professional en dietètica participarà del procés, ja que sempre existiran casos més complicats que d'altres.
Sumário O presente trabalho de Memória intitulado “Publicidade na Internet: Análise comparativa da publicidade nos sites de três jornais online em Cabo Verde”, realiza-se no âmbito da conclusao de licenciatura em Ciências da Comunicação variante publicidade na Universidade conclusão Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. m meio importante publicidade. Pretende-se determinar que recursos da Internet estão a ser Objectiva-se com este trabalho, compreender até que ponto a Internet é u para a veiculação de aproveitados e aplicados pelos anunciantes em Cabo Verde para fazerem as suas online e que tipos serviços os jornais oferecem aos seus clientes ou anunciantes. A anális será feita tendo como base os parâmetros como os tipos de publicidade online, as suas form de comércio e os tipos de interactividade oferecida. Será efectuada uma an publicidade online feita actualmente em Cabo Verde, confrontando com como meio publicitário e com alguns estudos desenvolvidos anteriorment em Cabo Verde. divulgações e as álise crítica sobre a o potencial da web e sobre este assunto em Cabo Verde.
Botiga virtual en format web, feta amb arquitectura J2EE i treballada amb Struts2. S'ha utilitzat el PostgreSQL per tractar les dades en taules i HTML pel disseny de les pàgines web.
Rapport de synthèse : L'article qui fait l'objet de ma thèse évalue une nouvelle approche pédagogique pour l'apprentissage de certains chapitres de physiopathologie. Le dispositif pédagogique se base sur l'alternance d'apprentissage ex-cathedra et de l'utilisation d'un site web comprenant des vignettes cliniques. Lors de la consultation de ces-dernières, l'étudiant est invité à demander des examens de laboratoire dont il pourrait justifier la pertinence selon le cas clinique étudié. La nouveauté du procédé réside dans le fait que, préalablement à son cours ex-cathedra, l'enseignant peut consulter les statistiques de demandes de laboratoire et ainsi orienter son cours selon les éléments mal compris par les étudiants. A la suite du cours ex-cathedra, les étudiants peuvent consulter sur internet la vignette clinique complète avec des explications. A l'issue de tout le cours, une évaluation auprès des étudiants a été conduite. Le procédé a été mis en place durant deux années consécutives et l'article en discute notamment les résultats. Nous avons pu conclure que cette méthode innovatrice d'enseignement amène les étudiants à mieux se préparer pour les cours ex-cathedra tout en permettant à l'enseignant d'identifier plus précisément quelles thématiques étaient difficiles pour les étudiants et donc d'ajuster au mieux son cours. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à créer ce dispositif d'apprentissage, à créer l'application web des vignettes cliniques et à l'implanter durant deux années consécutives. J'ai ensuite analysé les données des évaluations et écrit l'article que j'ai présenté à la revue 'Medical Teacher'. Après quelques corrections et précisions demandées par le comité de lecture, l'article a été accepté et publié. Ce travail a débouché sur une seconde version de l'application web qui est actuellement utilisée lors du module 3.1 de 3è année à l'Ecole de Médecine à Lausanne. Summary : Since the early days of sexual selection, our understanding of the selective forces acting on males and females during reproduction has increased remarkably. However, despite a long tradition of experimental and theoretical work in this field and relentless effort, numerous questions remain unanswered and many results are conflicting. Moreover, the interface between sexual selection and conservation biology has to date received little attention, despite existing evidence for its importance. In the present thesis, I first used an empirical approach to test various sexual selection hypotheses in a population of whitefish of central Switzerland. This precise population is characterized by a high prevalence of gonadal alterations in males. In particular, I challenged the hypothesis that whitefish males displaying peculiar gonadal features are of lower genetic quality than other seemingly normal males. Additionally, I also worked on identifying important determinant of sperm behavior. During a second theoretical part of my work, which is part of a larger project on the evolution of female mate preferences in harvested fish populations, I developed an individual-based simulation model to estimate how different mate discrimination costs affect the demographical behavior of fish populations and the evolutionary trajectories of female mate preferences. This latter work provided me with some insight on a recently published article addressing the importance of sexual selection for harvesting-induced evolution. I built upon this insight in a short perspective paper. In parallel, I let some methodological questions drive my thoughts, and wrote an essay about possible synergies between the biological, the philosophical and the statistical approach to biological questions.
Gestión del proyecto para la creación de una plataforma online de intercambio, compra o venta de ayudas técnicas para personas con discapacidad entre particulares.
The absolute K magnitudes and kinematic parameters of about 350 oxygen-rich Long-Period Variable stars are calibrated, by means of an up-to-date maximum-likelihood method, using HIPPARCOS parallaxes and proper motions together with radial velocities and, as additional data, periods and V-K colour indices. Four groups, differing by their kinematics and mean magnitudes, are found. For each of them, we also obtain the distributions of magnitude, period and de-reddened colour of the base population, as well as de-biased period-luminosity-colour relations and their two-dimensional projections. The SRa semiregulars do not seem to constitute a separate class of LPVs. The SRb appear to belong to two populations of different ages. In a PL diagram, they constitute two evolutionary sequences towards the Mira stage. The Miras of the disk appear to pulsate on a lower-order mode. The slopes of their de-biased PL and PC relations are found to be very different from the ones of the Oxygen Miras of the LMC. This suggests that a significant number of so-called Miras of the LMC are misclassified. This also suggests that the Miras of the LMC do not constitute a homogeneous group, but include a significant proportion of metal-deficient stars, suggesting a relatively smooth star formation history. As a consequence, one may not trivially transpose the LMC period-luminosity relation from one galaxy to the other.
In many bird populations, individuals display one of several genetically inherited colour morphs. Colour polymorphism can be maintained by several mechanisms one of which being frequency-dependent selection with colour morphs signalling alternative mating strategies. One morph may be dominant and territorial, and another one adopt a sneaky behaviour to gain access to fertile females. We tested this hypothesis in the barn owl Tyto alba in which coloration varies from reddish-brown to white. This trait is heritable and neither sensitive to the environment in which individuals live nor to body condition. In Switzerland, reddish-brown males were observed to feed their brood at a higher rate and to produce more offspring than white males. This observation lead us to hypothesize that white males may equalise fitness by investing more effort in extra-pair copulations. This hypothesis predicts that lighter Coloured males produce more extra-pair young, have larger testes and higher levels of circulating testosterone. However, our results are not consistent with these three predictions. First, paternity analyses of 54 broods with a total of 211 offspring revealed that only one young was not sired by the male that was feeding it. Second, testes size was not correlated with male plumage coloration suggesting that white males are not sexually more active. Finally, in nestlings at the time of feather growth testosterone level was not related to plumage coloration suggesting that this androgen is not required for the expression of this plumage trait. Our study therefore indicates that in the barn owl colour polymorphism plays no role in the probability of producing extra-pair young.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Online “Steals”: Internet Counterfeiting and Piracy
The figurative painter accesses very complex levels of knowledge. To produce a painting requires, first, a deep analysis of the image of the reality and, afterwards, the study of the reconstruction of this reality. This is not about a process of copying, but a process of the comprehension of the concepts that appear in the representation. The drawing guides us in the process of the production of the surface and in the distribution of the colours that, after all, are the data with which the vision mechanism builds the visual reality. Knowing the colour and its behaviour have always been a requirement for the figurative painter. From that knowledge we can draw wider conclusions.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Be Wary of Online Payday Loans