840 resultados para Old Believers
Aims: To describe overweight or eating disorders in primary care consultations of Swiss children or adolescents and analyze responses by physicians. Methods: 150 to 200 primary care physicians participating in the Swiss Sentinel Surveillance Network in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health register their consultations over one year for selected health conditions. We describe reports of consultations where overweight or eating disorders were identified in subjects aged 2-20 years by physicians, patients or their relatives, or referring professionals, between 29.12.2007 and 15.2.2008. Results: 189 consultations were registered in the first 7 weeks of declaration. A short majority concerned female (58%) and 12-20 years old (53%) patients. Half were reported by pediatricians, one third by general practitioners and the remaining minority by internists. The sample included two thirds of Swiss-German and one third of Swiss-French cases. In the male subgroup aged 2-20 and in female children aged 2-11, almost all reported consultations were characterized by overweight. Among female teenagers, underweight was reported in 29% whilst overweight was recorded in 60%. Anorexia was noted in 68% of reported consultations of underweight female teenagers. In underweight patients, advice given by physicians frequently covered both nutrition and physical activity (38%) or nutrition only (29%), while no specific recommendations were recorded for the remaining third. In case of overweight, for one half of consultations patients received both nutritional and physical activity recommendations, for 12% nutritional only, and for one quarter patients were not advised in these domains. No specific treatment was usually proposed to overweight patients (65%), except when bulimia was diagnosed; in such case, one third of patients were proposed a psychological/psychiatric treatment, whereas both psychological and pharmacological treatments were frequently offered for underweight teenagers. Therapy was most often motivated by physicians (50%) or by relatives (44%), more rarely by patients themselves (7%). Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate that in some primary care consultations of young patients with overweight or eating disorders, advice was not given on nutrition and physical activity. This observation needs to be later confirmed with the totality of the consultations registered in 2008 and reasons will be further investigated.
Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.
With a life expectancy at the age of 65 of around 20 years, damaging health risk behaviours of young-old adults have become a target for preventive actions. Such risk factors necessitate an accurate understanding of the present and past socioeconomic conditions associated with health risk behaviours. The aim of our study is to assess the impact of certain life events as well as economic and environmental factors on health risk behaviours. We included 1309 participants of the Lausanne Cohort Lc65+ aged 65-70 years and employed logistic regression analyses, with individuals nested within areas. The results illustrate the influences of socioeconomic factors from childhood to young-old age. Life experiences in adulthood and economic resources in young-old age are both associated with unfavourable health behaviours. Neighbourhood is a modest determinant as well, particularly regarding alcohol consumption. Therefore, prevention against health risk behaviours should focus on population subgroups defined on the basis of their socioeconomic and living contexts.
In the context of demographic evolution, psychiatric care needs increase steadily in most western countries. Given the financial limitations, it is mandatory to establish appropriate care priorities in order to avoid psychiatric hospitalisations by assisting care providers, general practionners and nurses, at home or in the nursing homes. A crisis team has been established 18 months ago within the Division of old age psychiatry in Lausanne. The care program included immediate assistance in the community, assessement, crisis counseling, medication consultation and referral for psychiatric services providing an alternative to hospitalization. The first results indicate that this intervention is well accepted by the users and correspond to a real need.
Schmidtea mediterranea (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) is found in scattered localities on a few islands and in coastal areas of the western Mediterranean. Although S. mediterranea is the object of many regeneration studies, little is known about its evolutionary history. Its present distribution has been proposed to stem from the fragmentation and migration of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate during the formation of the western Mediterranean basin, which implies an ancient origin for the species. To test this hypothesis, we obtained a large number of samples from across its distribution area. Using known and new molecular markers and, for the first time in planarians, a molecular clock, we analysed the genetic variability and demographic parameters within the species and between its sexual and asexual populations to estimate when they diverged. Results: A total of 2 kb from three markers (COI, CYB and a nuclear intron N13) was amplified from ~200 specimens. Molecular data clustered the studied populations into three groups that correspond to the west, central and southeastern geographical locations of the current distribution of S. mediterranea. Mitochondrial genes show low haplotype and nucleotide diversity within populations but demonstrate higher values when all individuals are considered. The nuclear marker shows higher values of genetic diversity than the mitochondrial genes at the population level, but asexual populations present lower variability than the sexual ones. Neutrality tests are significant for some populations. Phylogenetic and dating analyses show the three groups to be monophyletic, with the west group being the basal group. The time when the diversification of the species occurred is between ~20 and ~4 mya, although the asexual nature of the western populations could have affected the dating analyses. Conclusions: S. mediterranea is an old species that is sparsely distributed in a harsh habitat, which is probably the consequence of the migration of the Corsica-Sardinia block. This species probably adapted to temperate climates in the middle of a changing Mediterranean climate that eventually became dry and hot. These data also suggest that in the mainland localities of Europe and Africa, sexual individuals of S. mediterranea are being replaced by asexual individuals that are either conspecific or are from other species that are better adapted to the Mediterranean climate.
The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women.
Emergency Department Use by oldest-old Patients Between 2005 And 2010 in a Swiss University Hospital
Introduction: Population ageing challenges Emergency Departments (ED) with a population shift toward higher age groups. Patients aged 85+, represent the fastest growing segment, leading to more prevalent complex situations within ED. Method: Retrospective analysis of 56'162 ED visits of patients at the University of Lausanne Medical Center (CHUV), from 2005 to 2010. Results: ED visits of 65+ patients increased from 8'228 to 10'390/year, representing 6 patients/day more (+26%). 85+ Patients increased by +46% vs +20% for the 65-84 (+20% ED visits of people 18-64y). Median age of the 65+ ED patients increased from 78.7 to 79.3 years. 85+ patients were more likely than 65-84y patients to come from a NH setting (13% vs 4%) and to be hospitalised (70% vs 59%). Median length of stay difference between both age groups extended from 2 hours 08 min in 2005 to 2 hours 45 min in 2010. First reason to visit ED was fall/injury for 85+ patients (27%; 65-84: 18%) and a cardiovascular disorder for patients aged 65-84y (18%; 85+: 16%). Part of high degree of emergency cases (42%) and readmission to ED within 30 days (8%) were similar for both age classes (similar proportions in 2005 and 2010 for these 3 issues). Conclusion: Patients aged 85+ are the fastest growing group admitted to ED. Compared to younger counterparts, they use more ED ressources and the differences are increaseing overtime. ED addressing specific needs of geriatric patients would improve their care and lead to a better use of available resources.
Rational learning theories postulate that information channels and cognitive biases such as individual optimism may influence an individual¿s assessment of the risk of undesired events, especially with regard to those that have a cumulative nature. This is the case with disability in old age, which may take place upon survival to an advanced age, and such factors have been regarded as responsible for certain individual behaviours (for example, the limited incidence of insurance purchase). This paper examines the determinants of individual perceptions with regard to disability in old age and longevity. The cumulative nature of such perceptions of risk is tested, and potential biases are identified, including `optimism¿ and a set of information determinants. Empirical evidence from a representative survey of Catalonia is presented to illustrate these effects. The findings from this research suggest a significant overestimation of disability in old age, yet this is not the case with longevity. Furthermore, individual perceptions with regard to disability in old age, unlike those with regard to longevity, exhibit on aggregate an `optimistic bias¿ and, are perceived as `cumulative risks¿. Gender influences the perceived risk of disability in old age at a population level but not at the individual level, and the opposite holds true for age. Finally, self-reported health status is the main variable behind risk perceptions at both the individual and population level.
The Thyon metagranite is located in the frontal part of the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, in the western Penninic Alps. It is intrusive in a polymetamorphic banded volcanic complex as leucocratic concordant sills with pseudoaplitic rims. A distinct metamorphic schistosity is defined by dark-green Fe-rich biotite. Abundant mesoperthites, chess-board albite and low microcline are presumably related to magmatic stages and/or greenschist-facies metamorphic retrogression. Major, trace element and REE geochemistry, zircon typology, Y and Nb-bearing accessory minerals such as fergusonite and euxenite, all point to a metaluminous to peraluminous alkaline A-type granite. High-precision U-Pb zircon dating yielded a sub-concordant age of 500 +3/-4 Ma. The Thyon metagranite is the third record of a Cambro-Ordovician alkaline magmatic activity in the Alps. As A-type granitic magmatism is common in post-orogenic to anorogenic extensional tectonic regime, the Thyon intrusion could mark the transition between the Cadomian and the Caledonian orogenies.
Ten years ago, the first cellular receptor for the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the highly pathogenic Lassa virus (LASV) was identified as alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG), a versatile receptor for proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Biochemical analysis of the interaction of alpha-DG with arenaviruses and ECM proteins revealed a strikingly similar mechanism of receptor recognition that critically depends on specific sugar modification on alpha-DG involving a novel class of putative glycosyltransferase, the LARGE proteins. Interestingly, recent genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations revealed evidence for positive selection of a locus within the LARGE gene in populations from Western Africa, where LASV is endemic. While most enveloped viruses that enter the host cell in a pH-dependent manner use clathrin-mediated endocytosis, recent studies revealed that the Old World arenaviruses LCMV and LASV enter the host cell predominantly via a novel and unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the virus is rapidly delivered to endosomes via an unusual route of vesicular trafficking that is largely independent of the small GTPases Rab5 and Rab7. Since infection of cells with LCMV and LASV depends on DG, this unusual endocytotic pathway could be related to normal cellular trafficking of the DG complex. Alternatively, engagement of arenavirus particles may target DG for an endocytotic pathway not normally used in uninfected cells thereby inducing an entry route specifically tailored to the pathogen's needs.