332 resultados para Olavo Bilac


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The natural and anthropogenic changes that are occurring at the coastal zone around the world represent the greatest problem to society in this century. This problem becomes more evident due to high density of coastal cities, to growing tourist-estate speculation of those areas and to climate change that tend to trigger and accelerate the erosive processes that operating in the littoral. In this context, it‟s possible perceive ever more a significant increase of problems associated to the coastal erosion and retreat of cliffs in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where this study area of this search is located. The area is located in the coastal zone of the city of Baía Formosa/RN, in south-eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and has a extension of about 1200 meters along the Porto beach. The main objective of this study is to analyze the stability of these cliffs in this region. Through field investigations, testings and computational analysis using the Finite Element Method and Equilibrium Limit Methods. The area was divided into four sections, and were applied checklists, and also realized characterization tests and direct shear tests with materials obtained along these sections. In this manner, it was found that the segments of cliff in this coastal zone have heights around 4 meters to 14 meters and inclinations of approximately 40° to 90°.However the constituents soils of the cliffs were classified, in general terms in accordance to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as clayey sands or silty sands, clays of low plasticity, clayey gravels and poorly graduaded sands. The most variegated and clayey soils belong to base of the cliff. The stability analysis showed that the safety factors ranged in section 01, from 1.92 to 4.93, in the section 02, from 1.00 to 1.43, in the section 03, from 1.36 to 1.75 , and section 04, from 1.00 to 3.64. Thus, the sections 02 and 03 were considered more unstable. However, the section 03 can be considered as the most critical section due to the absence of coastal protection structures and the narrow strip of beach.


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The piles are one of the most important types of solution adopted for the foundation of buildings. They are responsible for transmitting to the soil in deepe r and resistant layers loads from structures. The interaction of the foundation element with the soil is a very important variable, making indispensable your domain in order to determine the strength of the assembly and establish design criteria for each c ase of application of the pile. In this research analyzes were performed f rom experiments load tests for precast concrete piles and inve stigations of soil of type SPT, a study was performed for obtaining the ultimate load capacity of the foundation through methods extrapolation of load - settlement curve , semi - empirical and theoretic . After that, were realized comparisons between the different methods used for two types of soil a granular behavior and other cohesive. For obtaining soil paramet ers to be used i n the methods were established empirical correlations with the standard penetration number (NSPT). The charge - settlement curves of the piles are also analyzed. In the face of established comparisons was indicated the most reliable semiempirical method Déco urt - Quaresma as the most reliable for estimating the tensile strength for granular and cohesive soils. Meanwhile, among the methods studied extrapolation is recommended method of Van der Veen as the most appropriate for predicting the tensile strength.


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Mining is an activity of great economic and social value, assisting in the development of the country. However, it can be extremely harmful to the environment if no proper waste management study exists as mitigation measure its effects. Sample some of these harmful effects are pollution: water, through the seepage of waste into the groundwater; soil; of fauna and flora; sound (due to the noise of machines); visual from the residue stored in the open, changing the local landscape; and air. One way to mitigate environmental impacts caused by mining is the proper management of their waste through their use on highways. To that end, this paper proposes to give an appropriate destination to grit coming from the beneficiation of scheelite, due to mining activity from mining group Tomaz Salustino in Brejuí mine, located in the city of Currais Novos in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work was developed in four stages. The first comprised the chemical and mineralogical tests, DRX and FRX in which they sought to discover the composition of the material studied. The next step involved the physical characteristics of the waste by means of specific tests and grinding the solid mass, LL and LP. The third stage included the specific tests applied to the pavement, with the compaction test and test Index Support California. Finally, the fourth stage was the mechanical characterization, represented by direct shear tests, both in the flooded condition and not in flooded condition. The technical feasibility of using the modified energie compacted in layers of subbase power has been verified. In normal and intermediate energies is feasible to use less noble as layers as the subgrade. The incorporation of the waste in layers of road pavements provide an alternative to conventionally used in paving aggregates, providing a proper disposal of tailings from scheelite, as well as environmental preservation


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The solution of partial differential equation of seepage problems is difficult to find analytically, especially for situations that involve great complexity. To overcome this problem, software based on finite differences and finite elements are usually used. This work presents the use of a finite element software, the GEO5, to solve the seepage problem at a dam of very complex section, the dam Eng. Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves, which at the end of its construction suffered rupture of the upstream slope at the central dam and then went through a process of reconstruction and auscultation. The analyses were performed for the operating condition of the reservoir, with an established flow. A numerical model was developed based on the level readings of the reservoir water and their piezometric readings as a proposal for the evaluation and future behavior prediction of the dam on established flow conditions. The use of constitutive models with the aid of computer systems is reflected in a way to predict future risk situations so they can be prevented


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Nowadays the Distance Learning (DL) is in its fifth generation and New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) mediate it. In this technological context it is then called Distance e-Learning (DeL). DeL has also in the e-books a potential interactive tool to the collaborative learning. So, this study was accomplished with the purpose of analyzing the e-books developed by SEDIS – Secretaria de Educação a Distância (Department of Distance Learning). This study was performed in two phases: Firstly it was done an exploratory study to check out the reading and the handling of digital e-learning material available to the student-users. These e-books are obtainable on SEDIS Moodle platform. Secondly, it was performed some analysis of an e-book sample by means of the heuristic evaluation. This research aims both to identify potential problems and give some suggestions to solve them. At last it is presented a final report with diagnosis and suggestions for a more applicable design in order to optimize the e-book by means of the distance e-learning usability guidelines


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The coastline from Rio Grande do Norte state is characterized for the presence of dunes and cliffs. The latter consist of slopes with height up to 40 meters and inclinations ranging from 30° to 90° wich horizontal. Thus, this dissertation had as objective the evaluation of the stability of cliff from Ponta do Pirambu in Tibau do Sul/RN, and the realization of a parametric study on the stability of a homogeneous cliff considering as variables the material's cohesion, the cliff height and the slope inclination. The study in Ponta do Pirambu considered yet the possibility of the existence of a colluvial cover with thickness ranging from 0.50 to 5.00 meters. The analyzes were performed by Bishop method, using GEO5 software. In parametric analysis were produced graphics that relate height cliff with the inclination, to safety factors equals to 1.00 and 1.50; besides graphics where it is possible easily get the lowest safety factor as from the cohesion, cliff height and its inclination. It was concluded that these graphs are very useful to preliminary analyzes, for the definition of critical areas in risk mappings in areas of cliffs and for determination of an equation for obtaining the lowest safety factor function of the strength parameters and of slope geometry. Regarding the cliff from Ponta do Pirambu, the results showed that the cliff is subject to superficial landslides located in the points where may there be the presence of colluvium with thicknesses greater than two meters. However, the cliff remains stable presenting the global safety factor equal or superior to 2.50 in the saturated condition.


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The main inputs to the hippocampus arise from the entorhinal cortex (EC) and form a loop involving the dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 hippocampal subfields and then back to EC. Since the discovery that the hippocampus is involved in memory formation in the 50's, this region and its circuitry have been extensively studied. Beyond memory, the hippocampus has also been found to play an important role in spatial navigation. In rats and mice, place cells show a close relation between firing rate and the animal position in a restricted area of the environment, the so-called place field. The firing of place cells peaks at the center of the place field and decreases when the animal moves away from it, suggesting the existence of a rate code for space. Nevertheless, many have described the emergence of hippocampal network oscillations of multiple frequencies depending on behavioral state, which are believed to be important for temporal coding. In particular, theta oscillations (5-12 Hz) exhibit a spatio-temporal relation with place cells known as phase precession, in which place cells consistently change the theta phase of spiking as the animal traverses the place field. Moreover, current theories state that CA1, the main output stream of the hippocampus, would interplay inputs from EC and CA3 through network oscillations of different frequencies, namely high gamma (60-100 Hz; HG) and low gamma (30-50 Hz; LG), respectively, which tend to be nested in different phases of the theta cycle. In the present dissertation we use a freely available online dataset to make extensive computational analyses aimed at reproducing classical and recent results about the activity of place cells in the hippocampus of freely moving rats. In particular, we revisit the debate of whether phase precession is due to changes in firing frequency or space alone, and conclude that the phenomenon cannot be explained by either factor independently but by their joint influence. We also perform novel analyses investigating further characteristics of place cells in relation to network oscillations. We show that the strength of theta modulation of spikes only marginally affects the spatial information content of place cells, while the mean spiking theta phase has no influence on spatial information. Further analyses reveal that place cells are also modulated by theta when they fire outside the place field. Moreover, we find that the firing of place cells within the theta cycle is modulated by HG and LG amplitude in both CA1 and EC, matching cross-frequency coupling results found at the local field potential level. Additionally, the phase-amplitude coupling in CA1 associated with spikes inside the place field is characterized by amplitude modulation in the 40-80 Hz range. We conclude that place cell firing is embedded in large network states reflected in local field potential oscillations and suggest that their activity might be seen as a dynamic state rather than a fixed property of the cell.


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The different characteristics and needs of mobile device users, the situations in which these devices are operated and the limitations and characteristics of these devices are all factors which influence usability and ergonomics; two elements highly required for achieving successful interaction between users and devices. This research aims to identify characteristics of interface design for apps in mobile device applications, focussing on design, visual publishing and content editing, and the actual process of creation of these interfaces, with a view to guarantee quality interaction through touch technology, in observance of service limitations, the opportunities offered by the devices and the application requirements. The study will examine the interface of the mobile device application titled “Brasil 247” which provides news broadcasts using the concept of usability and ergonomics mainly in the field of adaptation, searching and browsing informative articles, as well as clarifying the processes and techniques necessary to carry out interaction tests which seek to evaluate the usability of interface.


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Neuroscientists have a variety of perspectives with which to classify different parts of the brain. With the rise of genetic-based techniques such as optogenetics, it is increasingly important to identify whether a group of cells, defined by morphology, function or anatomical location possesses a distinct pattern of expression of one or more genetic promoters. This would allow for better ways to study of these genetically defined subpopulations of neurons. In this work, I present a theoretical discussion and threeexperimental studies in which this was the main question being addressed. Paper I discusses the issues involved in selecting a promoter to study structures and subpopulations in the Ventral Tegmental Area. Paper II characterizes a subpopulation of cells in the Ventral Tegmental Area that shares the expression of a promoter and is anatomically very restricted, and induces aversion when stimulated. Paper III utilizes a similar strategy to investigate a subpopulation in the subthalamic nucleus that expresses PITX2 and VGLUT2 which, when inactivated, causes hyperlocomotion. Paper IV exploits the fact that a previously identified group of cells in the ventral hippocampus expresses CHRNA2, and indicates that this population may be necessary and sufficient for the establishment of the theta rhythm (2-8 Hz) in the Local Field Potential of anesthetized mice. All of these studies were guided by the same strategy of characterizing and studying the role of a genetically defined subpopulation of cells, and they demonstrate the different ways in which this approach can generate new discoveries.


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This study reports recommendations for a tactile and graphic wayfinding system aiming to offer more orientability and mobility for visually impaired people (blindness and low vision) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Parnamirim Campus. It was necessary to focus on visual impaired people and approach concepts like orientation and accessibility at the built environment. In order to provide the comprehension of a complex social phenomenon and preserve the meaningful characteristics of the events, this research has developed a single case study in which elements of Post Occupation Evaluation have been used. Its purpose was to allow not only a technical analysis, but also the user perception about the space in use. The chosen tool to collect the user’s opinions and considerations was the Walk Together Method. The collected and analyzed information has demonstrated that, although Parnamirim Campus has implemented some interventions in relation to the spatial accessibility, they are still not enough to create an environment which arranges safety and autonomy for the visual impaired people and the other ones who attend there. This study suggests that it happened because the engineering interventions at the Campus have been based on Brazilian technical standards NBR 9050:2004, which is proper for the physical impaired people, but it does not offer enough information to respond to all the specific needs demanded by all the classifications of visual impairment.


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This study reports recommendations for a tactile and graphic wayfinding system aiming to offer more orientability and mobility for visually impaired people (blindness and low vision) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Parnamirim Campus. It was necessary to focus on visual impaired people and approach concepts like orientation and accessibility at the built environment. In order to provide the comprehension of a complex social phenomenon and preserve the meaningful characteristics of the events, this research has developed a single case study in which elements of Post Occupation Evaluation have been used. Its purpose was to allow not only a technical analysis, but also the user perception about the space in use. The chosen tool to collect the user’s opinions and considerations was the Walk Together Method. The collected and analyzed information has demonstrated that, although Parnamirim Campus has implemented some interventions in relation to the spatial accessibility, they are still not enough to create an environment which arranges safety and autonomy for the visual impaired people and the other ones who attend there. This study suggests that it happened because the engineering interventions at the Campus have been based on Brazilian technical standards NBR 9050:2004, which is proper for the physical impaired people, but it does not offer enough information to respond to all the specific needs demanded by all the classifications of visual impairment.


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OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.


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Journal impact factors have become an important criterion to judge the quality of scientific publications over the years, influencing the evaluation of institutions and individual researchers worldwide. However, they are also subject to a number of criticisms. Here we point out that the calculation of a journal’s impact factor is mainly based on the date of publication of its articles in print form, despite the fact that most journals now make their articles available online before that date. We analyze 61 neuroscience journals and show that delays between online and print publication of articles increased steadily over the last decade. Importantly, such a practice varies widely among journals, as some of them have no delays, while for others this period is longer than a year. Using a modified impact factor based on online rather than print publication dates, we demonstrate that online-to-print delays can artificially raise a journal’s impact factor, and that this inflation is greater for longer publication lags. We also show that correcting the effect of publication delay on impact factors changes journal rankings based on this metric. We thus suggest that indexing of articles in citation databases and calculation of citation metrics should be based on the date of an article’s online appearance, rather than on that of its publication in print.


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[EN]The uncertainty associated with natural magnitudes and processes is conspicuous in water resources and groundwater evaluation. This uncertainty has an essential component and a part that can be reduced to some extent by increasing knowledge, improving monitoring coverage, continuous elaboration of data and accuracy and addressing the related economic and social aspects involved. Reducing uncertainty has a cost that may not be justified by the improvement that is obtainable, but that has to be known to make the right decisions. With this idea, this paper contributes general comments on the evaluation of groundwater resources in the semiarid Canary Islands and on some of the main sources of uncertainty, but a full treatment is not attempted, nor how to reduce it.


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OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.