370 resultados para OPTIMALITY
Over the past 30 years, numerous attempts to understand the relationship between offspring size and fitness have been made, and it has become clear that this critical relationship is strongly affected by environmental heterogeneity. For marine invertebrates, there has been a long-standing interest in the evolution of offspring size, but there have been very few empirical and theoretical examinations of post-metamorphic offspring size effects, and almost none have considered the effect of environmental heterogeneity on the offspring size/fitness relationship. We investigated the post-metamorphic effects of offspring size in the field for the colonial marine invertebrate Botrylloides violaceus. We also examined how the relationship between offspring size and performance was affected by three different types of intraspecific competition. We found strong and persistent effects of offspring size on survival and growth, but these effects depended on the level and type of intraspecific competition.. Generally, competition strengthened the advantages of increasing maternal investment. Interestingly, we found that offspring size determined the outcome of competitive interaction: juveniles that had more maternal investment were more likely to encroach on another juvenile's territory. This suggests that mothers have the previously unrecognized potential to influence the outcome of competitive interactions in benthic marine invertebrates. We created a simple optimality model, which utilized the data generated from our field experiments, and found that increasing intraspecific competition resulted in an increase,in predicted optimal size. Our results suggest that the relationship between offspring size and fitness is highly variable in the marine environment and strongly dependent on the density of conspecifics.
In early generation variety trials, large numbers of new breeders' lines need to be compared, and usually there is little seed available for each new line. A so-called unreplicated trial has each new line on just one plot at a site, but includes several (often around five) replicated check or control (or standard) varieties. The total proportion of check plots is usually between 10% and 20%. The aim of the trial is to choose some good performing lines (usually around 1/3 of those tested) to go on for further testing, rather than precise estimation of their mean yield. Now that spatial analyses of data from field experiments are becoming more common, there is interest in an efficient layout of an experiment given a proposed spatial analysis. Some possible design criteria are discussed, and efficient layouts under spatial dependence are considered.
In early generation variety trials, large numbers of new breeders' lines (varieties) may be compared, with each having little seed available. A so-called unreplicated trial has each new variety on just one plot at a site, but includes several replicated control varieties, making up around 10% and 20% of the trial. The aim of the trial is to choose some (usually around one third) good performing new varieties to go on for further testing, rather than precise estimation of their mean yields. Now that spatial analyses of data from field experiments are becoming more common, there is interest in an efficient layout of an experiment given a proposed spatial analysis and an efficiency criterion. Common optimal design criteria values depend on the usual C-matrix, which is very large, and hence it is time consuming to calculate its inverse. Since most varieties are unreplicated, the variety incidence matrix has a simple form, and some matrix manipulations can dramatically reduce the computation needed. However, there are many designs to compare, and numerical optimisation lacks insight into good design features. Some possible design criteria are discussed, and approximations to their values considered. These allow the features of efficient layouts under spatial dependence to be given and compared. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The distribution of finished products from depots to customers is a practical and challenging problem in logistics management. Better routing and scheduling decisions can result in higher level of customer satisfaction because more customers can be served in a shorter time. The distribution problem is generally formulated as the vehicle routing problem (VRP). Nevertheless, there is a rigid assumption that there is only one depot. In cases, for instance, where a logistics company has more than one depot, the VRP is not suitable. To resolve this limitation, this paper focuses on the VRP with multiple depots, or multi-depot VRP (MDVRP). The MDVRP is NP-hard, which means that an efficient algorithm for solving the problem to optimality is unavailable. To deal with the problem efficiently, two hybrid genetic algorithms (HGAs) are developed in this paper. The major difference between the HGAs is that the initial solutions are generated randomly in HGA1. The Clarke and Wright saving method and the nearest neighbor heuristic are incorporated into HGA2 for the initialization procedure. A computational study is carried out to compare the algorithms with different problem sizes. It is proved that the performance of HGA2 is superior to that of HGA1 in terms of the total delivery time.
A chip shooter machine for electronic component assembly has a movable feeder carrier, a movable X–Y table carrying a printed circuit board (PCB), and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads. This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to optimize the sequence of component placements and the arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously for a chip shooter machine, that is, the component scheduling problem. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total assembly time. The GA developed in the paper hybridizes different search heuristics including the nearest-neighbor heuristic, the 2-opt heuristic, and an iterated swap procedure, which is a new improved heuristic. Compared with the results obtained by other researchers, the performance of the HGA is superior in terms of the assembly time. Scope and purpose When assembling the surface mount components on a PCB, it is necessary to obtain the optimal sequence of component placements and the best arrangement of component types to feeders simultaneously in order to minimize the total assembly time. Since it is very difficult to obtain the optimality, a GA hybridized with several search heuristics is developed. The type of machines being studied is the chip shooter machine. This paper compares the algorithm with a simple GA. It shows that the performance of the algorithm is superior to that of the simple GA in terms of the total assembly time.
This thesis presents an examination of the factors which influence the performance of eddy-current machines and the way in which they affect optimality of those machines. After a brief introduction to the types of eddy-current machine considered, the applications to which these machines are put are examined. A list of parameters by which to assess their performance is obtained by considering the machine as part of a system. in this way an idea of what constitutes an optimal machine is obtained. The third chapter then identifies the factors which affects the performance and makes a quantitative evaluation of the effect. Here the various alternative configurations and components are compared with regard to their influence on the mechanical, electromagnetic, and thermal performance criteria of the machine. Chapter four contains a brief review of the methods of controlling eddy-current machines by electronic methods using thyristors or transistors as the final control element. Where necessary, the results of previous workers in the field of electrical machines have been extended or adapted to increase the usefulness of this thesis.
The global market has become increasingly dynamic, unpredictable and customer-driven. This has led to rising rates of new product introduction and turbulent demand patterns across product mixes. As a result, manufacturing enterprises were facing mounting challenges to be agile and responsive to cope with market changes, so as to achieve the competitiveness of producing and delivering products to the market timely and cost-effectively. This paper introduces a currency-based iterative agent bidding mechanism to effectively and cost-efficiently integrate the activities associated with production planning and control, so as to achieve an optimised process plan and schedule. The aim is to enhance the agility of manufacturing systems to accommodate dynamic changes in the market and production. The iterative bidding mechanism is executed based on currency-like metrics; each operation to be performed is assigned with a virtual currency value and agents bid for the operation if they make a virtual profit based on this value. These currency values are optimised iteratively and so does the bidding process based on new sets of values. This is aimed at obtaining better and better production plans, leading to near-optimality. A genetic algorithm is proposed to optimise the currency values at each iteration. In this paper, the implementation of the mechanism and the test case simulation results are also discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper investigates a cross-layer design approach for minimizing energy consumption and maximizing network lifetime (NL) of a multiple-source and single-sink (MSSS) WSN with energy constraints. The optimization problem for MSSS WSN can be formulated as a mixed integer convex optimization problem with the adoption of time division multiple access (TDMA) in medium access control (MAC) layer, and it becomes a convex problem by relaxing the integer constraint on time slots. Impacts of data rate, link access and routing are jointly taken into account in the optimization problem formulation. Both linear and planar network topologies are considered for NL maximization (NLM). With linear MSSS and planar single-source and single-sink (SSSS) topologies, we successfully use Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions to derive analytical expressions of the optimal NL when all nodes are exhausted simultaneously. The problem for planar MSSS topology is more complicated, and a decomposition and combination (D&C) approach is proposed to compute suboptimal solutions. An analytical expression of the suboptimal NL is derived for a small scale planar network. To deal with larger scale planar network, an iterative algorithm is proposed for the D&C approach. Numerical results show that the upper-bounds of the network lifetime obtained by our proposed optimization models are tight. Important insights into the NL and benefits of cross-layer design for WSN NLM are obtained.
The non-linear programming algorithms for the minimum weight design of structural frames are presented in this thesis. The first, which is applied to rigidly jointed and pin jointed plane frames subject to deflexion constraints, consists of a search in a feasible design space. Successive trial designs are developed so that the feasibility and the optimality of the designs are improved simultaneously. It is found that this method is restricted lo the design of structures with few unknown variables. The second non-linear programming algorithm is presented .in a general form. This consists of two types of search, one improving feasibility and the other optimality. The method speeds up the 'feasible direction' approach by obtaining a constant weight direction vector that is influenced by dominating constraints. For pin jointed plane and space frames this method is used to obtain a 'minimum weight' design which satisfies restrictions on stresses and deflexions. The matrix force method enables the design requirements to be expressed in a general form and the design problem is automatically formulated within the computer. Examples are given to explain the method and the design criteria are extended to include member buckling. Fundamental theorems are proposed and proved to confirm that structures are inter-related. These theorems are applicable to linear elastic structures and facilitate the prediction of the behaviour of one structure from the results of analysing another, more general, or related structure. It becomes possible to evaluate the significance of each member in the behaviour of a structure and the problem of minimum weight design is extended to include shape. A method is proposed to design structures of optimum shape with stress and deflexion limitations. Finally a detailed investigation is carried out into the design of structures to study the factors that influence their shape.
* This research was supported by a grant from the Greek Ministry of Industry and Technology.
Two assembly line balancing problems are addressed. The first problem (called SALBP-1) is to minimize number of linearly ordered stations for processing n partially ordered operations V = {1, 2, ..., n} within the fixed cycle time c. The second problem (called SALBP-2) is to minimize cycle time for processing partially ordered operations V on the fixed set of m linearly ordered stations. The processing time ti of each operation i ∈V is known before solving problems SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. However, during the life cycle of the assembly line the values ti are definitely fixed only for the subset of automated operations V\V . Another subset V ⊆ V includes manual operations, for which it is impossible to fix exact processing times during the whole life cycle of the assembly line. If j ∈V , then operation times tj can differ for different cycles of the production process. For the optimal line balance b of the assembly line with operation times t1, t2, ..., tn, we investigate stability of its optimality with respect to possible variations of the processing times tj of the manual operations j ∈ V .
In the present paper the problems of the optimal control of systems when constraints are imposed on the control is considered. The optimality conditions are given in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The obtained piecewise linear function is approximated by using feedforward neural network. A numerical example is given.
The usual assumption that the processing times of the operations are known in advance is the strictest one in scheduling theory. This assumption essentially restricts practical aspects of deterministic scheduling theory since it is not valid for the most processes arising in practice. The paper is devoted to a stability analysis of an optimal schedule, which may help to extend the significance of scheduling theory for decision-making in the real-world applications. The term stability is generally used for the phase of an algorithm, at which an optimal solution of a problem has already been found, and additional calculations are performed in order to study how solution optimality depends on variation of the numerical input data.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 93C15, 93C55, 93B36, 93B35, 93B51; 03B42; 70Q05; 49N05