988 resultados para OCTOPUS-DOFLEINI-MARTINI


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Se da a conocer la variación del número de especies y volúmenes de extracción de invertebrados bentónicos sésiles o sedentarios en la bahía de Samanco. Se describen las características bioceanográficas, batimetría, naturaleza del sustrato y configuración que determinan el potencial de la bahía. Se analizan algu­nos parámetros comunitarios de diversidad y similitud de la fauna asociada durante los años 2001 a 2004 en la Bahía de Samanco (9º10' - 09º17'S). A partir del año 2001, se ha encontrado un franco proceso de recuperación tanto de los niveles poblacionales como del número de especies de los invertebrados comerciales, con tendencia ascendente hacia el 2004, tras lenta recuperación después del evento El Niño 1997-98. De las 23 especies comerciales extraídas en la bahía, las más importantes son ocho (calamar, Loligo gahi; marucha Donax marincovichi.; pata de mula, Trachycardium procerum; caracol, Stramonita chocolata; concha de abanico, Argopecten purpuratus; almeja, Semele sp.; concha navaja, Tagelus dombeii; y pulpo, Octopus mimus) por sus volúmenes de extracción, que representaron el 95% de la captura total en el periodo de estudio, encontrándose la misma tendencia ascendente para las curvas de captura, esfuerzo y abundancia relativa. Se presenta al año 2004 como un año de máxima productividad marina, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta para adoptar medidas de manejo y sostenibilidad de los recursos.


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Las tallas de Transennella pannosa fluctuaron entre 10 y 34 mm de altura valvar, con media en 27,2 mm; predominaron ejemplares maduros (55,56%) y en evacuación (27,78%); se distribuyó entre 6°25’46,6’’S y 6°27’24,8’’S, en concentraciones de 4478 ind.m-2, la biomasa estimada fue 1566,7 t y la población 248,4 millones de ejemplares. La talla de Pollicipes elegans varió entre 6 y 40 mm de longitud carina rostral, media 26,2 mm; los juveniles (Lcr<17 mm) fueron el 11,63% y los adultos (Lcr≥17 mm) el 88,37%; predominaron ejemplares maduros (72,09%). La talla de Argopecten purpuratus varió entre 9 y 82 mm de altura valvar, media de 56,7 mm; los juveniles (<25 mm) fueron el 0,41% y los adultos comerciales (≥65 mm) el 15,27%; predominaron los desovantes (73,62%); se distribuyó entre 6°21’54,8’’S y 6°25’33,6’’S con concentraciones absolutas de 1 a 121 ejem.m-2 en profundidades de 6,2 a 24,9 m. Las tallas de Octopus mimus fluctuaron entre 100 y 200 mm de longitud del manto; en hembras predominó madurez total y post-fresa, ambos con 40%.


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On remarque : « Ex Glossario pervetusto » (f. 3) ; — « Ex chartis ecclesiae de Caritate » (f. 10) ; — « Ex veteri membrana et ex antiquo circulo depicto propè altare Maurimonasterii in Alsatia » (f. 10) ; — « Ex chartis R. P. Stephani Voyrin » (f. 11) ; — « Episcopi Metenses, ex ms. codice Sancti Arnulfi Metensis » (f. 12 v°) ; — Lettre de Hugues Métel à Gerland (f. 14) ; — « Ex variis catalogis sanctorum » (f. 14) ; — « Ex archivio ecclesiae Beatae Magdalenae [Bisuntinae] » (f. 17) ; — « Ex archivio Sancti Vincentii Bisont[ini] » (f. 18) ; — « Ex archivio monasterii Bellaevallis » [Bisuntinae dioecesis] (f. 20) ; — « Ex veteri necrologio Sancti Stephani [Bisuntini], quod est ad margines Martyrologii Bedae perantiqui, ad ejusdem ecclesiae usum accommodati » [cf. ms. de Besançon 712] (f. 23 v°) ; — « Inter martyrologium et regulam, seu librum primum concilii Aquisgranensis, habetur haec sententia absolutionis » (f. 25) ; — « Ante veterem Ordinem Romanum, qui est Liber Pontificalis, habentur sequentes formulae praestandae obedientiae archiepiscopis et ecclesiae Bisuntinae » (f. 25 v°) ; — « Alia ex archivo archiepiscopi [Bisuntini] » (f. 26 v°) ; — « Ex archivio Balernensi » (f. 27 v°) ; — « Ex variis sanctorum historiis manuscriptis » (f. 30) ; — « Extraits concernant Tournus » (f. 34 v°), — notamment : « Ex codice manuscripto Trenorchiensi, membraneo, quod vocare possis Registrum Trenorchiense, incipiens ab anno 1222 et desinens in 1296 ; inscribitur : Feoda ecclesiae Trenorchiensis » (f. 37) ; — « Ex notis R. P. Voyrini » [cf. supra, f. 11] (f. 49) ; — « Inscriptio vetus Luxoviensis » (f. 50 v°) ; — Notes historiques, concernant principalement des abbayes comtoises (f. 51) ; — « Scriptores rerum Burgundicarum » (f. 52) ; — « Ex parvo chartulari Sancti Benigni [Divionensis] » (f. 52 v°) ; — « Ex libro anniversariorum Sancti Benigni [Divionensis] », 1579-1629 (f. 52 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Sancti Symphoriani Augustodunensis » (f. 53) ; — « Ex chartulari Sancti Marcelli Cabilonensis » (f. 53 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari S. Sequani » [Lingonensis dioecesis] (f. 54 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Sanctae Capellae Divionensis » (f. 55) ; — « Ex chartulari cathedralis Augustodunensis » (f. 55 v°) ; — « Ex tomo priore chartularis Sancti Stephani Divionensis » (f. 56) ; — « Ex chartulari Cluniacensi » (f. 57) ; — « Ex apographo chartularis Matisconensis, cujus autographum vetus dicebatur Liber catenatus » (f. 57 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Patriciaci, qui est prioratus dependens a Floriacensi abbatia, situs in comitatu Kadrellensi, dioecesi Augustodunensi » (f. 58 v°) ; — Extraits concernant Autun et les comtes d'Autun (f. 60 v°) ; — « Ex autographis Sancti Benigni Divionensis » (f. 61) ; — « Iterum ex chartulari Sancti Stephani Divionensis » (f. 61) ; — « Ex autographis monasterii puellarum Tartensis » (f. 62) ; — « Iterum ex tabulario Cluniacensi, adnotatis paginis » (f. 62 v°) ; — « Ex majore tabulario ecclesiae Cabilonensis, quod digessit Johannes Germani, Cabilonensis episcopus » (f. 64 v°) ; — « Ex tabulario abbatiae de Buxeria » (f. 65) ; — « Ex autographis monialium Benedictinarum de Pralon » (f. 66) ; — « Ex autographis prioratus Vallis Beatae Mariae juxta Talant, de Ordine Vallis Scholarium, vulgò Bonvau » (f. 66) ; — « Ex kalendario pervetusto Sancti Benigni Divionensis » (f. 66 v°) ; — « Ex martyrologio proprio Sancti Martini Eduensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Lazari Aeduensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex chronico Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex chronico S. Medardi Suessionensis » (f. 68) ; — « Ex brevi chronico Sancti Dionysii ad cyclos paschales » (f. 68) ; — « De Saracenis in Gallia profligatis » (f. 69) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Augendi Jurensis » (f. 74) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Petri Bisuntini » (f. 74) ; — « Ex necrologio veteri Sancti Stephani [Bisuntini] » (f. 74 v°) ; — « Ex registro Innocentii papae VI, anni IX pontificatus, Christi 1361 » (f. 82) ; — « Ex tabulis capituli Sancti Dionysii de Vergeyo, nunc Nuciacensis » (f. 83) ; — « Ex manuscripto codice donationum 208 Joannis, comitis Burgundiae et domini Salinensis, super puteum Salinarum » (f. 89 v°) ; — « Ex archivo Sancti Anatolii Salinensis ; ex magno necrologio chartaceo eique simili membraneo, composito 1390 » (f. 92) ; — « Ex chartis prioratus de Marthereto prope Vesulium » (f. 94) ; — « Ex archivo Sancti Pauli Bisonticensis » (f. 95) ; — « Ex veteri chartulario Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 95 v°) ; — « Ex veteri manuscripto codice Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 96) ; — « Ex antiquioribus libris ecclesiae Sancti Stephani [Bisonticensis], scriptis aut in usum adhibitis tempore Hugonis primi, [archiepiscopi Bisonticensis] » (f. 96 v°) ; — « Ex codice Sancti Stephani [Bisonticensis] pervetusto, qui Bisonticensis ecclesiae sacros ritus continet » (f. 97) ; — « Ex antiquis codicibus Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 98) ; — « Ex antiquo rituum libro » (f. 98) ; — « Ex antiquis letaniis, tempore Hugonis I, [archiepiscopi Bisuntini], in ecclesia Bisontina cani solitis ; ex manuscriptis Sancti Stephani et Sancti Pauli » (f. 99) ; — « Extraits de plusieurs manuscrits de Saint-Paul de Besançon » (f. 99 v°) ; — « Ex manuscripto codice Sanctae Magdalenae [Bisuntinae] » (f. 101) ; — Inscription trouvée à Saint-Ferjeux, en 1627 (f. 101 v°) ; — « Ex antiquis membranis archivii ecclesiae metropolitanae Bisontinae », extraits de bulles pontificales, etc. (f. 102) ; — « Ex archivio Loci Crescentis seu Trium Regum » (f. 105) ; — Notes empruntées, « ut videtur », à Anselme « de Marenchiis » (f. 106) ; — « Ex actis capituli Bisontini » (f. 106 v°) ; — « Ex obitibus adnotatis ad marginem martyrologii cathedralis Aeduensis » (f. 106 v°) ; — Fragment de chronique, 563-1033, tiré « ex veteri membrana monasterii Sancti Augendi » (f. 107) ; — « Ex alia membrana, post chronicon Engolismense » (f. 107) ; — « Ex archivio abbatiae de Aceyo » (f. 108) ; — « Ex archivio abbatiae de Roseriis » (f. 109) ; — « Extrait d'un tome des recognoissances des fiefs du Charolois » (f. 109 v°) ; — « Ex polypthico Sancti Vincentii Cabilonensis » (f. 114) ; — « Ex Aeneae, Parisiensis episcopi, collectione contra Graecos, Biblioth. Thuan., n. 444 » (f. 114) ; — « Consuetudines Cluniacenses, auctore Wdalrico, monacho Cluniacensi » (f. 115) ; — Inscriptions copiées « in pervetusto manuscripto codice, post Persii satyras », etc. (f. 116) ; — Extraits d'une « Vita metrica sancti Eustachii martyris, cognomine Placidae », contenue « in manuscripto codice Cisterciensi », etc. (f. 116 v°) ; — « De archiepiscopis Bisontinis » (f. 119) ; — « Ex archivio capituli Bisontini » (f. 120 v°) ; — « Notitia nostrorum diplomatum » (f. 124-135 r° , 141 r° , 142 v° et 143 r°) ; — « De comitibus Burgundiae in Sancti Stephani basilica Bisontina sepultis, ex veteri membrana archivi ecclesiae metropolitanae » (f. 135 v°) ; — Lettre autogr. de « Pierre-François Chifflet » [à Baluze], Dijon, 18 mars 1657 (f. 161) ; — Fragment de charte, « extrait du thresor de S. Anatoile de Salins » (f. 162) ; — Lettre autogr. de « [fr.] François Du Chemin » à Chifflet, Cîteaux, 16 mai 1657 (f. 167) ; — « Nova regum Francorum series, a quâ Theodericus II et omnes ejus posteri excluduntur, ex manuscripto codice Fontanetensi » (f. 171) ; — « Vita sancti Theutbaldi, Viennensis archiepiscopi », incomplète [Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, 8044 b] (f. 172 et 172 bis) ; — « Ex chartulario Sancti Germani Autisiodorensis », diplômes carolingiens (f. 174) ; — Fragment d'une lettre [adressée vraisemblablement à Chifflet], Paris, octobre 1670 (f. 177) ; — Extraits « ex vitâ sancti Theutbaldi, Viennensis archiepiscopi..., ex manuscripto codice monasterii Sancti Theuderii, ubi sanctus Theobaldus, Viennensis archiepiscopus, requiescit » [extraits de la vie dont un fragment occupe les feuillets 172 et 172 bis] (f. 178) ; — Lettre autogr. de « P[ierre-] F[rançois] Chifflet » [à Baluze], 10 mars (f. 180) ; — Notes sur saint Théobald, archevêque de Vienne (f. 181). Cf. Ulysse Robert, Catalogue des manuscrits relatifs à la Franche-Comté, qui sont conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de Paris (1878), p. 161-162.


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The assessment of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is critical for the diagnosis and management of renal diseases in pediatric nephrology. Ideally, it requires the measurement of the renal clearance of a filtration marker. Inulin, an exogenous marker, is the only compound the excretion of which occurs exclusively by glomerular filtration, with no tubular handling. Therefore, inulin clearance provides the most accurate method to measure GFR and is considered as the "gold standard", at all ages including very premature neonates. However, inulin dearance is cumbersome and alternative methods are used in clinical practice. If urine is available, endogenous creatinine clearance is the most reliable method. When urine collection is difficult to obtain, GFR can be estimated by the plasma concentration of endogenous markers mainly eliminated by glomerular filtration, such as creatinine, or the more recently described cystatin C and beta 2-microglobulin. When the endogenous production of these markers is constant, their plasma concentration reflects glomerular filtration; it increases with decreasing renal function. However, in pediatric patients creatinine production depends on muscle mass, which significantly increases with linear growth, as well as age and gender. Mathematical formulas taking these parameters into account have thus been developed. Among these, the so-called "Schwartz formula" is often used and is a reliable estimate of GFR in children. Finally, radionuclide renal scans can be used to evaluate the separate glomerular function of each kidney.


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AIM: Inulin clearance (Cin) is the gold standard for assessing glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Other methods are based on the plasma creatinine concentration (Pcreat), creatinine clearance (Ccreat), the Haycock-Schwartz formula and the plasma concentration of cystatin C (PcysC), a 13 kDa basic protein produced at a constant rate by all nucleated cells. The present prospective study was thus designed to evaluate the reliability of PcysC as a marker of GFR in comparison with that of Pcreat, Ccreat and the Haycock-Schwartz formula, using Cin as the gold standard. METHODS: Ninety-nine children (51 m/48 f), with a median age of 8.3 y (1.0-17.9) were studied. Using a cut-off for Cin of 100 ml/min per 1.73 m2, 54 children (54.5%) had impaired GFR. Those with normal GFR were comparable for age, height, weight and body mass index. RESULTS: Logistic regression, ROC analysis and linear regression all showed that Ccreat was the best parameter to discriminate between impaired and normal GFR, followed by the Haycock-Schwartz formula, PcysC, and finally Pcreat, each one being significantly more predictive than the next. CONCLUSION: GFR is better assessed by the Haycock-Schwartz formula than by PcysC or Pcreat alone. It is therefore concluded that when urine collection is not possible, simply measuring the child's Pcreat and height is the best, easiest and cheapest way to assess GFR.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether baseline demographic, clinical, articular and laboratory variables predict methotrexate (MTX) poor response in polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis. METHODS: Patients newly treated for 6 months with MTX enrolled in the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization (PRINTO) MTX trial. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used to identify baseline predictors of poor response according to the American College of Rheumatology pediatric (ACR-ped) 30 and 70 criteria. RESULTS: In all, 405/563 (71.9%) of patients were women; median age at onset and disease duration were 4.3 and 1.4 years, respectively, with anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) detected in 259/537 (48.2%) patients. With multivariate logistic regression analysis, the most important determinants of ACR-ped 70 non-responders were: disease duration > 1.3 years (OR 1.93), ANA negativity (OR 1.77), Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) disability index > 1.125 (OR 1.65) and the presence of right and left wrist activity (OR 1.55). Predictors of ACR-ped 30 non-responders were: ANA negativity (OR 1.92), CHAQ disability index > 1.14 (OR 2.18) and a parent's evaluation of child's overall well-being < or = 4.69 (OR 2.2). CONCLUSION: The subgroup of patients with longer disease duration, ANA negativity, higher disability and presence of wrist activity were significantly associated with a poorer response to a 6-month MTX course.


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The Talea Ori unit is the lowermost known tectonic unit of Crete and the most external part of the Hellenides. Its stratigraphy ranges from Late Carboniferous to Oligocene and outcrops of the lower part are only known in the Talea Ori mountains (central Crete). In this area, a black sandstone at the base of the Galinos Beds, thought to be the oldest formation, contains zircons which were dated using the single grain evaporation method. The majority of these grains yielded Late Carboniferous ages (Variscan), while a small group yielded Early Proterozoic ages. The age distribution of these zircons suggests that, at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not much of the older North Gondwanan basement was exposed and that a river system carried detrital material from the Variscan belt towards the forming Neotethyan rift. Additionally, higher up in the stratigraphy benthic foraminifers (miliolids) were found in clasts from a conglomerate which was so far thought to be of Early Triassic age [Epting, M., Kudrass, H.-R., Leppig, U., Schaffer, A., 1972. Geologie der Talea Ori/Kreta. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 141, 259-285.]. These miliolids belong to the species Hoyenella inconstans [Michalik, J., Jendrejakova, O., Borza, K., 1979. Some new foraminifera species of the Fatra-Formation (Uppermost Triassic) in the West Carpathians. Geol. Carpath. 30 (1), 61-91.], thus attributing a Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian?) maximal age to this conglomerate. The carbonate platform from which the miliolids-bearing clasts come is not known. The presence to the north of a continuous hemipelagic record from the Carboniferous to the Triassic (Phyllite-Quartzite and Tripali units), attributed to the Palaeotethys realm, allows the Talea Ori unit and its lateral equivalents (the Ionian zone) to be assigned to the westward continuation of the Cimmerian block and therefore to the northern margin of the East Mediterranean Neotethys ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The number of pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive therapy is increasing. Use of immunosuppressants during pregnancy is indicated for anti-rejection therapy in transplantation patients and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Despite the maternal and fetal risks of these pregnancies, the proportion of surviving infants is improving and the possibility that a pregnancy could occur in these women during their childbearing years should be considered. All immunosuppressant drugs and their metabolites cross the placenta, raising questions about the long-term outcome of the children exposed to these agents in utera. There is no increased risk of congenital anomalies. However, there is an elevated incidence of prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and therefore low birthweight, as well as maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. The most frequent neonatal complications are those associated with prematurity and IUGR, as well as adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids, immunological disturbances with azathioprine and cyclosporin, and hyperkalemia with tacrolimus. The long-term follow-up of infants exposed to immunosuppressants in utero is still limited and experimental studies raise the question whether there could be an increased incidence at adult age of some pathologies including renal insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes. The follow-up of these infants should be carefully organized and multidisciplinary, taking the perinatal context into account.


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ABSTRACT Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) crop may accumulate significant amounts of carbon either in biomass or in the soil. However, a comprehensive understanding of the potential of the C stock among different rubber tree clones is still distant, since clones are typically developed to exhibit other traits, such as better yield and disease tolerance. Thus, the aim of this study was to address differences among different areas planted to rubber clones. We hypothesized that different rubber tree clones, developed to adapt to different environmental and biological constrains, diverge in terms of soil and plant biomass C stocks. Clones were compared in respect to soil C stocks at four soil depths and the total depth (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.40, and 0.00-0.40 m), and in the different compartments of the tree biomass. Five different plantings of rubber clones (FX3864, FDR 5788, PMB 1, MDX 624, and CDC 312) of seven years of age were compared, which were established in a randomized block design in the experimental field in Rio de Janeiro State. No difference was observed among plantings of rubber tree clones in regard to soil C stocks, even considering the total stock from 0.00-0.40 m depth. However, the rubber tree clones were different from each other in terms of total plant C stocks, and this contrast was predominately due to only one component of the total C stock, tree biomass. For biomass C stock, the MDX 624 rubber tree clone was superior to other clones, and the stem was the biomass component which most accounted for total C biomass. The contrast among rubber clones in terms of C stock is mainly due to the biomass C stock; the aboveground (tree biomass) and the belowground (soil) compartments contributed differently to the total C stock, 36.2 and 63.8 %, respectively. Rubber trees did not differ in relation to C stocks in the soil, but the right choice of a rubber clone is a reliable approach for sequestering C from the air in the biomass of trees.


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In West Timer, Triassic deposits are found in the Parautochthonous Complex, as well as in the Allochthonous series of Sonnebait. A detailed biostratigraphic investigation integrating field observations and facies analysis, allowed the reconstruction of a synthetic lithostratigraphic succession for the Upper Triassic, a stratigraphic transition from Carnian shales to Upper Norian-Rhaetian limestones is also shown by this study. The fossil content predominantly originates from an open marine environment; lithostratigraphic Units A-E are dated on the basis of radiolaria and palynomorphs, and Unit H, on ammonites and conodonts. The presence of pelagic bioclasts, together with normal grading, horizontal laminations, and current ripples, is indicative of a distal slope to basin environment. The ammonite rich condensed limestone of Unit H was deposited on a `pelagic carbonate plateau' exposed to storms and currents. The organic facies have been used as criteria for biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironmental interpretation, and sequence stratigraphy. The palaeontological analysis of the Triassic succession of West Timer is based on the investigation of radiolaria and palynomorphs, in the marls and limestones of Units A-E, and also on ammonites and conodonts in the condensed limestone of Unit H. Units A and B are Carnian (Cordevolian) in age, based on the occurrence of the palynomorph Camerosporites secatus, associated with `Lueckisporites' cf. singhii, Vallasporites ignacii, Patinosporites densus and Partitisporites novimundanus. Unit C is considered as Norian, on the basis of a relatively high percentage of Gliscopollis meyeriana and Granuloperculatipollis rudis. Unit D contains significant palynomorphs and radiolaria; the organic facies, characterized by marine elements, is dominated by the Norian dinocysts Heibergella salebrosacea and Heibergella aculeata; the radiolaria confirm the Norian age. They range from the lowermost Norian to the lower Upper Norian. Unit E also contains radiolaria, associated in the upper part with the well-known marker of the Upper Norian, Monotis salinaria. For Unit E, the radiolaria attest to a Lower to Upper Norian age based on the occurrence of Capnodoce and abundant Capnuchosphaera; the upper part is Upper Norian to Rhaetian based on the presence of Livarella valida. Finally, the blocks of condensed limestone with ammonites and conodonts of Unit H allowed the reconstruction of a synthetic stratigraphic succession of Upper Carnian to Upper Norian age. Our stratigraphic data lead to the suggestion that the Allochthonous complex, classically interpreted as a tectonic melange of the accretionary prism of the island Arc of Banda. is a tectonically dismembered part of a Triassic lithostratigraphic succession. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Interleukin-1 is pivotal in the pathogenesis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We assessed the efficacy and safety of canakinumab, a selective, fully human, anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, in two trials. METHODS: In trial 1, we randomly assigned patients, 2 to 19 years of age, with systemic JIA and active systemic features (fever; ≥2 active joints; C-reactive protein, >30 mg per liter; and glucocorticoid dose, ≤1.0 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), in a double-blind fashion, to a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (4 mg per kilogram) or placebo. The primary outcome, termed adapted JIA ACR 30 response, was defined as improvement of 30% or more in at least three of the six core criteria for JIA, worsening of more than 30% in no more than one of the criteria, and resolution of fever. In trial 2, after 32 weeks of open-label treatment with canakinumab, patients who had a response and underwent glucocorticoid tapering were randomly assigned to continued treatment with canakinumab or to placebo. The primary outcome was time to flare of systemic JIA. RESULTS: At day 15 in trial 1, more patients in the canakinumab group had an adapted JIA ACR 30 response (36 of 43 [84%], vs. 4 of 41 [10%] in the placebo group; P<0.001). In trial 2, among the 100 patients (of 177 in the open-label phase) who underwent randomization in the withdrawal phase, the risk of flare was lower among patients who continued to receive canakinumab than among those who were switched to placebo (74% of patients in the canakinumab group had no flare, vs. 25% in the placebo group, according to Kaplan-Meier estimates; hazard ratio, 0.36; P=0.003). The average glucocorticoid dose was reduced from 0.34 to 0.05 mg per kilogram per day, and glucocorticoids were discontinued in 42 of 128 patients (33%). The macrophage activation syndrome occurred in 7 patients; infections were more frequent with canakinumab than with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: These two phase 3 studies show the efficacy of canakinumab in systemic JIA with active systemic features. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00889863 and NCT00886769.).


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F. 1-6v Calendrier de l'église d'Aix-en-Provence (7 juin: « Sancti Maximini Aquensis archiepiscopi... »; 7 août: « Dedicatio ecclesie Sancti Salvatoris »). F. 7-282 Temporal de toute l'année. F. 282v-286v Préfaces. F. 287-290v Canon de la messe. F. 291v-292 Peintures du Canon. F. 293-425 Sanctoral et commun des saints (f. 332v: s. Maximin; f. 352v: ste Marie-Madeleine; f. 361: dédicace de l'église; f. 374: s. Agricol; f. 393: s. Mitre). F. 425-431 « Orationes processionales per totum annum ». F. 431v-432v Bénédictions. F. 432v-433v Bénédictions et préface du mariage. F. 434-435 Messes de divers saints (dont s. Cannat, évêque de Marseille). F. 435v Colophon.