953 resultados para Non-functional properties
In our previous studies we have described that ST3Gal III transfected pancreatic adenocarcinoma Capan-1 and MDAPanc-28 cells show increased membrane expression levels of sialyl-Lewis x (SLex) along with a concomitant decrease in α2,6-sialic acid compared to control cells. Here we have addressed the role of this glycosylation pattern in the functional properties of two glycoproteins involved in the processes of cancer cell invasion and migration, α2β1 integrin, the main receptor for type 1 collagen, and E-cadherin, responsible for cell-cell contacts and whose deregulation determines cell invasive capabilities. Our results demonstrate that ST3Gal III transfectants showed reduced cell-cell aggregation and increased invasive capacities. ST3Gal III transfected Capan-1 cells exhibited higher SLex and lower α2,6-sialic acid content on the glycans of their α2β1 integrin molecules. As a consequence, higher phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase tyrosine 397, which is recognized as one of the first steps of integrin-derived signaling pathways, was observed in these cells upon adhesion to type 1 collagen. This molecular mechanism underlies the increased migration through collagen of these cells. In addition, the pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines as well as human pancreatic tumor tissues showed colocalization of SLex and E-cadherin, which was higher in the ST3Gal III transfectants. In conclusion, changes in the sialylation pattern of α2β1 integrin and E-cadherin appear to influence the functional role of these two glycoproteins supporting the role of these glycans as an underlying mechanism regulating pancreatic cancer cell adhesion and invasion
The fish proteins has the advantage of a high sensibility to the hydrolysis and also a balanced composition in aminoacids. The production of protein hydrolyzed from by-products of fish process industry has been receiving more attention on the last years. The aim of this work was to evaluate the production of protein hydrolyzed from Micropogonias furnieri through chemical and enzymatic methods, verifying some functional properties. The results showed that the production of the hydrolyzed improved some functional properties of the proteins found in the filet and in the waste, what is desirable for a subsequent application.
The objective of this work was to study the influence of enzymes Alcalase, Flavourzyme and Novozym in the functional properties of hydrolysates of Bluewing searobin (Prionotus punctatus) minced. The hydrolysates of Bluewing searobin were evaluated for the chemical composition and the functional properties. The Novozym enzyme presented greater specific activity differing significantly from the enzymes Alcalase and Flavourzyme. The hydrolysates of Bluewing searobin presented protein content above of 87% and excellent solubility, capacity of water retention, capacity of oil retention and emulsifying capacity.
The objective of this work was to obtain hydrolysates with different degrees of hydrolysis using Alcalase 2.4L® and to evaluate the effect of the enzyme [E] and substrate [S] concentration on the functional properties of the hydrolysates. It was obtained hydrolysates with hydrolysis degree values ranging from 12.2 to 43.7%. The values of solubility and water holding capacity were similar for the greater number of the hydrolysates with minimum values in the pH 5.0. The hydrolysis degree showed direct relationship with the solubility and indirect with the water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, emulsifying capacity and foaming capacity.
The objective of this study was to obtain and evaluate physicochemical and functional properties of protein concentrates from Micropogonias furnieri produced by pH shifting process, using alkaline and acid solubilization followed by isoelectric precipitation of muscle proteins. The concentrates showed high protein content and the maxim solubility for the minced (96.5%), for the alkaline (97.5%) and acid (93.7%) extraction was obtained at pH 11.0. The water holding capacity of the alkaline concentrate resulted in a value same or superior to water holding capacity of the acid concentrate in all investigated values of pH. The oil holding capacity of alkaline and acid concentrates showed no significant difference between the studied processes.
Effects of two ethylene inhibitors, 1-methylcylopropene (1-MCP) and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), on production of volatile compounds and mangiferin (a bioactive xanthone) in 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruit were investigated. Volatile composition and mangiferin content, in treated and untreated fruits at three maturity, stages were determined by SPME-GC-MS and HPLC, respectively. These chromatographical analysis revealed that the volatile profiles and mangiferin concentrations were not significantly different, suggesting that the use of ethylene inhibitors does not affect the mango aroma and functional properties relative to this xanthone. Moreover, a simple, precise and accurate HPLC method was developed for quantifying mangiferin in mango pulp.
The polyphenol contents and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian red grape juices and wine vinegars were analyzed. Additionally, it was analyzed the human polyphenol absorption and acute effect in plasmatic oxidative metabolism biomarkers after juice ingestion. The organic Bordo grape juice (GBO) presented a higher level of trans-resveratrol, quercitin, rutin, gallic acid, caffeic acid and total flavonoids then other juices and vinegars as well as antioxidant capacity. The plasmatic polyphenol increased 27.2% after GBO juice ingestion. The results showed that juices and vinegars from Brazilian crops present similar chemical and functional properties described in studies performed in other countries.
If the mental can affect, or be affected by, the physical, then the mental must itself be physical. Otherwise the physical world would not be explanatorily closed. But it is closed. There are reasons to hold that materialism (in both its reductive and non-reductive varieties) is false. So how are we to explain the apparent responsiveness of the physical to the mental and vice versa? The only possible solution seems to be this: physical objects are really projections or isomorphs of objects whose essential properties are mental. (A slightly less accurate way of putting this would be to say: the constitutive - i.e. the non-structural and non-phenomenal - properties of physical objects are mental, i.e. are such as we are used to encountering only in "introspection".) The chair, qua thing that I can know through sense perception, and through hypotheses based strictly thereupon, is a kind of shadow of an object that is exactly like it, except that this other objects essential properties are mental. This line of thought, though radically counterintuitive, explains the apparent responsiveness of the mental to the physical, and vice versa, without being open to any of the criticisms to which materialism, dualistic interaction ism, and epiphenomenalism are open.
The prevalence of inflammatory based diseases has increased in industrialized countries over the last decades. For allergic diseases, two primary hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, namely the hygiene and dietary evolution based hypothesis. Particularly, the reduced early exposure to microbes and an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially n-6 PUFA) in the diet have been discussed. Often, these two factors have been studied independently, even though both factors have been shown to possess potential health benefits and their mode of action to share similar mechanisms. The hypothesis of the present study was that demonstrate that PUFA and probiotics are not separate entities as such but do interact with each other. In the present study, we investigated whether maternal diet and atopic status influence the PUFA composition of breast milk and serum fatty acids of infants, and whether the fatty acid absorption and utilization of infant formula fatty acids is affected by supplementation of infant formula with probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12). Moreover, we investigated the mechanisms by which different PUFA influence the physicochemical and functional properties of probiotics as well as functionality of epithelial cells in vitro. We demonstrated a carry-over effect of dietary fatty acids from maternal diet via breast milk into infants’ serum lipid fatty acids. Our data confirmed the previously shown allergy –related PUFA level imbalances, though it did not fully support the impaired desaturation and elongation capacity hypothesis. We also showed that PUFA incorporation into phospholipids of infants was influenced by probiotics in infant formula in a strain dependent manner. Especially,Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 in infant formula promoted the utilization of n-3 PUFA. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that probiotics (Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) did incorporate and interconvert exogenous free PUFA in the growth medium into bacterial fatty acids strain and PUFA dependently. In general, high concentrations of free PUFA inhibited the growth and mucus adhesion of probiotics, whereas low concentrations of specific long chain PUFA were found to promote the growth and mucus adhesion of Lactobacillus casei Shirota. These effects were paralleled with only minor alterations in hydrophobicity and electron donor – electron acceptor properties of lactobacilli. Furthermore, free PUFA were also demonstrated to alter the adhesion capacity of the intestinal epithelial cells; n-6 PUFA tended to inhibit the Caco-2 adhesion of probiotics, whereas n-3 PUFA had either no or minor effects or even promote the bacterial adhesion (especially Lactobacillus casei Shirota) to PUFA treated Caco-2 cells. The results of this study demonstrate the close and bilateral interactions between dietary PUFA and probiotics. Probiotics were shown to influence the absorption and utilization of dietary PUFA, whereas PUFA were shown to alter the functional properties of both probiotics and mucosal epithelia. These findings suggest that a more thorough understanding of interactions between PUFA and intestinal microbiota is a prerequisite, when the beneficial effects of new functional foods containing probiotics are designed and planned for human intervention studies.
The spindle assembly checkpoint as a drug target - Novel small-molecule inhibitors of Aurora kinases
Cell division (mitosis) is a fundamental process in the life cycle of a cell. Equal distribution of chromosomes between the daughter cells is essential for the viability and well-being of an organism: loss of fidelity of cell division is a contributing factor in human cancer and also gives rise to miscarriages and genetic birth defects. For maintaining the proper chromosome number, a cell must carefully monitor cell division in order to detect and correct mistakes before they are translated into chromosomal imbalance. For this purpose an evolutionarily conserved mechanism termed the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) has evolved. The SAC comprises a complex network of proteins that relay and amplify mitosis-regulating signals created by assemblages called kinetochores (KTs). Importantly, minor defects in SAC signaling can cause loss or gain of individual chromosomes (aneuploidy) which promotes tumorigenesis while complete failure of SAC results in cell death. The latter event has raised interest in discovery of low molecular weight (LMW) compounds targeting the SAC that could be developed into new anti-cancer therapeutics. In this study, we performed a cell-based, phenotypic high-throughput screen (HTS) to identify novel LMW compounds that inhibit SAC function and result in loss of cancer cell viability. Altogether, we screened 65 000 compounds and identified eight that forced the cells prematurely out of mitosis. The flavonoids fisetin and eupatorin, as well as the synthetic compounds termed SACi2 and SACi4, were characterized in more detail utilizing versatile cell-based and biochemical assays. To identify the molecular targets of these SAC-suppressing compounds, we investigated the conditions in which SAC activity became abrogated. Eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 preferentially abolished the tensionsensitive arm of the SAC, whereas fisetin lowered also the SAC activity evoked by lack of attachments between microtubules (MTs) and KTs. Consistent with the abrogation of SAC in response to low tension, our data indicate that all four compounds inhibited the activity of Aurora B kinase. This essential mitotic protein is required for correction of erratic MT-KT attachments, normal SAC signaling and execution of cytokinesis. Furthermore, eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 also inhibited Aurora A kinase that controls the centrosome maturation and separation and formation of the mitotic spindle apparatus. In line with the established profound mitotic roles of Aurora kinases, these small compounds perturbed SAC function, caused spindle abnormalities, such as multi- and monopolarity and fragmentation of centrosomes, and resulted in polyploidy due to defects in cytokinesis. Moreover, the compounds dramatically reduced viability of cancer cells. Taken together, using a cell-based HTS we were able to identify new LMW compounds targeting the SAC. We demonstrated for the first time a novel function for flavonoids as cellular inhibitors of Aurora kinases. Collectively, our data support the concept that loss of mitotic fidelity due to a non-functional SAC can reduce the viability of cancer cells, a phenomenon that may possess therapeutic value and fuel development of new anti-cancer drugs.
Coastal areas harbour high biodiversity, but are simultaneously affected by rapid degradations of species and habitats due to human interactions. Such alterations also affect the functioning of the ecosystem, which is primarily governed by the characteristics or traits expressed by the organisms present. Marine benthic fauna is nvolved in numerous functions such as organic matter transformation and transport, secondary production, oxygen transport as well as nutrient cycling. Approaches utilising the variety of faunal traits to assess benthic community functioning have rapidly increased and shown the need for further development of the concept. In this thesis, I applied biological trait analysis that allows for assessments of a multitude of categorical traits and thus evaluation of multiple functional aspects simultaneously. I determined the functional trait structure, diversity and variability of coastal zoobenthic communities in the Baltic Sea. The measures were related to recruitment processes, habitat heterogeneity, large-scale environmental and taxonomic gradients as well as anthropogenic impacts. The studies comprised spatial scales from metres to thousands of kilometres, and temporal scales spanning one season as well as a decade. The benthic functional structure was found to vary within and between seagrass landscape microhabitats and four different habitats within a coastal bay, in papers I and II respectively. Expressions of trait categories varied within habitats, while the density of individuals was found to drive the functional differences between habitats. The findings in paper III unveiled high trait richness of Finnish coastal benthos (25 traits and 102 cateogries) although this differed between areas high and low in salinity and human pressure. In paper IV, the natural reduction in taxonomic richness across the Baltic Sea led to an overall reduction in function. However, functional richness in terms of number of trait categories remained comparatively high at low taxon richness. Changes in number of taxa within trait categories were also subtle and some individual categories were maintained or even increased. The temporal analysis in papers I and III highlighted generalities in trait expressions and dominant trait categories in a seagrass landscape as well as a “type organism” for the northern Baltic Sea. Some initial findings were made in all four papers on the role of common and rare species and traits for benthic community functioning. The findings show that common and rare species may not always express the same trait categories in relation to each other. Rare species in general did not express unique functional properties. In order to advance the understanding of the approach, I also assessed some issues concerning the limitations of the concept. This was conducted by evaluating the link between trait category and taxonomic richness using especially univariate measures. My results also show the need to collaborate nationally and internationally on safeguarding the utility of taxonomic and trait data. The findings also highlight the importance of including functional trait information into current efforts in marine spatial planning and biomonitoring.
The present work analyzes the behavior of banana explants, cv. Nanicão (Musa spp. Group AAA) regarding somatic embryogenesis induction treatments with several auxins. Longitudinal segments of shoot meristematic apices of micropropagated banana plantlets cultivated and rooted in vitro were introduced in culture medium containing dicamba, picloram, 2,4-D or NAA in different concentrations. Explant samples were collected at 0, 7 and 10 days and prepared for light microscopy. Histological sections were used for comparison of the histological changes occurring after induction treatment with different auxins. Embryogenic response was observed only in treatments with picloram or dicamba, with distinct embryogenic regions observed at 14 and 21 days in culture, respectively. Histological sections of embryogenic regions of the explant at 26 days in culture revealed the formation of meristematic regions, structures with multiple root meristems, and somatic embryos at early globular stages. Embryo-like structures morphologically similar to Musa balbisiana zygotic embryos were sectioned and showed a lack of apical meristems and absence of procambial differentiation. These results indicate the induction of non-functional somatic embryos and the need for more studies on developmental aspects and maturation treatments for optimization of the process.
Human skinned muscle fibers were used to investigate the effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the tension/pCa relationship and on the functional properties of the Ca2+-release channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In both fast- and slow-type fibers, identified by their tension response to pSr 5.0, BSA (0.7-15 µM) had no effect on the Ca2+ affinity of the contractile proteins and elicited no tension per se in Ca2+-loaded fibers. In contrast, BSA (>1.0 µM) potentiated the caffeine-induced tension in Ca2+-loaded fibers, this effect being more intense in slow-type fibers. Thus, BSA reduced the threshold caffeine concentration required for eliciting detectable tension, and increased the amplitude, the rate of rise and the area under the curve of caffeine-induced tension. BSA also potentiated the tension elicited in Ca2+-loaded fibers by low-Mgv solutions containing 1.0 mM free ATP. These results suggest that BSA modulates the response of the human skeletal muscle SR Ca2+-release channel to activators such as caffeine and ATP.
Context: Web services have been gaining popularity due to the success of service oriented architecture and cloud computing. Web services offer tremendous opportunity for service developers to publish their services and applications over the boundaries of the organization or company. However, to fully exploit these opportunities it is necessary to find efficient discovery mechanism thus, Web services discovering mechanism has attracted a considerable attention in Semantic Web research, however, there have been no literature surveys that systematically map the present research result thus overall impact of these research efforts and level of maturity of their results are still unclear. This thesis aims at providing an overview of the current state of research into Web services discovering mechanism using systematic mapping. The work is based on the papers published 2004 to 2013, and attempts to elaborate various aspects of the analyzed literature including classifying them in terms of the architecture, frameworks and methods used for web services discovery mechanism. Objective: The objective if this work is to summarize the current knowledge that is available as regards to Web service discovery mechanisms as well as to systematically identify and analyze the current published research works in order to identify different approaches presented. Method: A systematic mapping study has been employed to assess the various Web Services discovery approaches presented in the literature. Systematic mapping studies are useful for categorizing and summarizing the level of maturity research area. Results: The result indicates that there are numerous approaches that are consistently being researched and published in this field. In terms of where these researches are published, conferences are major contributing publishing arena as 48% of the selected papers were conference published papers illustrating the level of maturity of the research topic. Additionally selected 52 papers are categorized into two broad segments namely functional and non-functional based approaches taking into consideration architectural aspects and information retrieval approaches, semantic matching, syntactic matching, behavior based matching as well as QOS and other constraints.
Angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) increased osmotic water permeability in the isolated toad skin, a tissue with functional properties similar to those of the distal mammalian nephron. Concentrations of 0.1 to 10 µM were effective, with a peak at 20 min. This effect was similar in magnitude to that of frog skin angiotensin II (Ang II) and oxytocin but lower than that of human Ang II and arginine-vasotocin. The AT2 angiotensin receptor antagonist PD 123319 (1.0 µM) fully inhibited the response to 0.1 µM Ang-(1-7) but had no effect on the response to Ang II at the same concentration. The specific receptor antagonist of Ang-(1-7), A-779, was ineffective in blocking the response to Ang-(1-7) and to frog skin Ang II. The AT1 receptor subtype antagonist losartan, which blocked the response to frog skin Ang II, was ineffective in blocking the response to Ang-(1-7). The present results support the view of an antidiuretic action of Ang-(1-7) in the mammalian nephron.