940 resultados para Nicho (Ecologia)


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En la ense?anza de las ciencias desde hace ya varias d?cadas, se encuentran dos situaciones inquietantes en referencia a las pr?cticas de laboratorio, primero, la escasa apropiaci?n de pr?cticas experimentales por parte de los profesores en la ense?anza de las Ciencias Naturales, y segundo que su uso de manera inadecuada debido a la falta de relaci?n significativa y contextual de la teor?a y la experimentaci?n, situaciones que a su vez generan poco inter?s en el aprendizaje del estudiante; lo anterior se debe a como la ense?anza de las ciencias gira en torno a un modelo tradicional, que no permite relacionar la teor?a y la pr?ctica, provocando en los estudiantes que ?nicamente haya una participaci?n pasiva, ya que su principal prop?sito es acumular, repetir y memorizar conocimientos conceptuales, se ignora y se dejan de lado los conocimientos de tipo procedimental, (Mar?n, 2008). As? que, se hace necesario concebir de una manera diferente las pr?cticas experimentales, donde se vinculen actividades de tipo te?rico y pr?ctico, en donde los contenidos conceptuales y procedimentales tienen igual relevancia en la construcci?n del conocimiento, en este sentido, surge el inter?s de la presente investigaci?n educativa, para la cual se plantea el siguiente problema ?De qu? manera relacionar la teor?a y la experimentaci?n en la ense?anza de nicho ecol?gico en estudiantes del ciclo cuarto quinto de b?sica primaria? Se asume que para resolver este problema es necesario que el docente integre la teor?a y la pr?ctica en la ense?anza y aprendizaje de conceptos cient?ficos, a trav?s del dise?o, desarrollo e implementaci?n de una propuesta did?ctica para la ense?anza de nicho ecol?gico en el ciclo cuarto-quinto de b?sica primaria. En este sentido, se plantea una propuesta que busque establecer la relaci?n teor?a-pr?ctica en la ense?anza de la biolog?a en contexto de resoluci?n de problemas en el laboratorio, bajo el abordaje de situaciones problem?ticas experimentales que exigen un tratamiento tanto te?rico como metodol?gico para hallar su soluci?n, (Mar?n, 2008). El desarrollo de la propuesta incluye el dise?o y la implementaci?n de actividades te?rico experimental, registros en el diario de campo, dise?o, construcci?n y uso de modelos materiales, permiti?ndoles a los estudiantes amplias oportunidades de aprendizaje de diferentes conceptos ecosist?micos, y desarrollo habilidades de investigaci?n y destrezas. La metodolog?a utilizada para esta investigaci?n fue de car?cter cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, el proceso investigativo comprende tres etapas: una primera etapa corresponde a la planificaci?n de la propuesta de pr?ctica experimental para la ense?anza de nicho ecol?gico por parte del docente. La segunda etapa, consiste en la participaci?n estudiantil en cuanto a la implementaci?n de la propuesta de pr?ctica experimental y la tercera etapa, contempla la recolecci?n de informaci?n, an?lisis de resultados y finalmente la discusi?n de la informaci?n y las conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en relaci?n a la comprensi?n conceptual de nicho ecol?gico que alcanzan los estudiantes conllevan a afirmar que en general, en su mayor?a demuestran cambios positivos en las nociones de los estudiantes, adem?s, con la construcci?n de materiales did?cticos, se exploran nuevas herramientas y experiencias que permiten el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas, destrezas manipulativas, an?lisis, discusi?n, y reflexi?n por parte de los estudiantes.


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The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome


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The Caatinga biome is rich in endemic fish species fauna. The present study the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the hydrographic basin of Piranhas-Assu of the Brazilian Caatinga biome. The fish samples collected were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families (Characidae, Curimatidae, Auchenipteridae, Anostomidae, Prochilodontidae, Erythrinidae, Cichlidae, Sciaenidae, Heptapteridae, Loricariidae, Synbranchidae) and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic and five have been introduced from other basins. The order Characiformes was the most representative in number of species (46,35% ) followed by Perciformes (35,38%), Siluriformes (17,44%) and Synbranchiformes (0,5%). The Nile tilapia, Oreochomis niloticus, the only exotic species, was most expressive in number of individuals (24.92%) followed by the native species piau preto, Leporinus piau (18,77 %). Considering the relative frequency of occurrence of the 22 species, 13 were constant, five were accessory and four were occasional. This study investigated the reproductive ecology of an endemic fish black piau, Leporinus piau from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. Samplings were done on a monthly basis from January to December 2009, and a total of 211 specimens were captured. The environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of water were recorded. The sampled population showed a slight predominance of males (55%), however females were larger and heavier. Both sexes of L. piau showed positive allometric growth, indicating a higher increase of weight than length. The first sexual maturation of males occurred at smaller size, with 16.5 cm in total length than females (20.5 cm). During the reproductive period, the condition factor and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. piau were negatively correlated. This species has large oocytes with a high mean fecundity of 54.966 with synchronous oocyte development and total spawning


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The reproductive ecology of fish plays a key role both for rational exploitation methods and for protective measures of natural stocks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the reproductive aspects of the damsel-fish, Stegastes fuscus, during October 2004 to September 2005, in the coastal rocky reefs of Búzios Beach, Nísia Floresta, RN. Fish were captured using hooks and hand nets, during low tide. Reproduction was determined using sexual ratio, mean length of first maturation (L50), absolute fecundity and macroscopic characteristics of gonads. The following parameters were related to gonadosomatic index (GSI): condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI), rain fall and temperature. In relation to sex distribution, it was observed that 78% were females and 22% were males. The L50 was 6.2 cm for females and 7.0 for males. Average fecundity was 6832 oocytes. Results showed that S. fuscus had better body condition in the months prior to spawning, particularly during initial and intermediate stages of maturation. Five stages of gonadal maturation were identified through macroscopic analysis: immature, in maturation, mature, spent and resting. The HSI was inversely related to the GSI. This was possibly due to the reproductive cycle of this species which was associated to the dry period of this region. During this period, low rain fall and high temperatures provide an propitious reproductive condition for the study species


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A internacionalização assume no contexto atual uma grande importância para as empresas, apresentando-se como tema central em vários estudos, nos quais este é analisado desde as mais diversas perspetivas. Deste modo, e devido a diversos fatores de origem interna e externa, as empresas optam por operar em vários mercados, para além do doméstico, procurando expandir a sua atividade internacionalmente. Escolhem assim o mercado de destino mais indicado, bem como a forma de entrada tendo, neste âmbito, ao seu dispor um conjunto de opções, de acordo com as suas caraterísticas e as do ambiente em que irão atuar. Neste contexto, o presente relatório visa descrever o estágio curricular realizado na empresa “Cidade Com Perfil – Ecologia Urbana, Lda.” durante um período de quatro meses, que se focou na temática da internacionalização. O estágio teve como objetivo estruturar e padronizar o processo de expansão internacional da empresa, tendo-se apresentado como principais tarefas a formalização de procedimentos, assim como atividades ligadas à distribuição e comunicação. Entre estas destaca-se a pesquisa e o estabelecimento de contactos com intermediários e outras entidades importantes ao processo de internacionalização, e a organização da exposição numa feira internacional.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2016.


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Aunque economía y ecología son dos palabras o dos ciencias que tienen la misma raíz y que por tanto deberían estar próximas, la realidad es bien distinta. Al menos en este final de siglo, y desde hace doscientos cincuenta años, la economía y la ecología se han separado de forma radical. Antiguamente, antes de que la economía apareciese como ciencia, la economía y la ecología sí estaban unidas. En fin, hasta hace doscientos cincuenta años los procesos de producción eran procesos que estaban asentados necesariamente en la base física, en la naturaleza y es a partir del surgimiento del sistema capitalista y su desarrollo que comienza esa separación. Lo que sí es cierto es que desde la década de los setentas o quizás antes, estamos asistiendo a un proceso en el que cada vez más, y desde distintas disciplinas y desde distintas óptimas se está llamando la atención sobre la gravedad de los problemas ecológicos. Sobre la gravedad de los efectos que el sistema económico está teniendo sobre el entorno natural y como consecuencia de ello, están surgiendo nuevas formas de entender la relación entre la economía y la ecología, entre los procesos de producción y consumo y la base natural de la cual extraemos de forma directa o de forma muy mediada todo lo que nos permite producir, consumir, lo que nos permite sobrevivir finalmente.Esta época en que vivimos estamos en un proceso ya no solo personal, sino colectivo y global, por tanto en un proceso de ruptura y continuidad. Estamos encontrando límites impuestos por el propio sistema y límites impuestos por la naturaleza y estamos tratando de buscar nuevas formas que nos permitan continuar nuestra evolución como especie, que no la podemos entender en ningún caso de forma separada a la base física, a la base natural en la que estamos inmersos.


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Dissertação de mest. em Estudos Marinhos e costeiros, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Univ. do Algarve, 1998


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Morfologia e biologia floral; visistantes florais; frutos.


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Ecological studies were conducted in the ichthyofauna of Cedro, a small headwater stream located in a degraded area of State of São Paulo, Brazil, situated in the upper Paraná River basin. These are the results of two non-consecutive years observations and collections in two biotopes of that stream: a pool and a rapid. The ecological characteristics studied change in space and time. The present richness of species is high (21 species), nine of which are constant, six accessory and six accidental. The diversity is low (0.69 to 2.38), and the numeric predominance, from one to three species, occurred in both biotopes. The most frequent species are Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859) (28.1%), Corydoras cf. aeneus (Gill, 1858) (20.3%) and Hypostomus cf. ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) (19.8%). The density ranges from 0.7 to 19.8 specimens/m³. The similarity index indicates high similarity between the ichthyofauna (45.0% to 95.0%) inside the same or contiguous biotopes. The evenness (0.46 to 1.0) is comparable to those found in similar studies carried out in other streams.


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The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome


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The Caatinga biome is rich in endemic fish species fauna. The present study the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the hydrographic basin of Piranhas-Assu of the Brazilian Caatinga biome. The fish samples collected were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families (Characidae, Curimatidae, Auchenipteridae, Anostomidae, Prochilodontidae, Erythrinidae, Cichlidae, Sciaenidae, Heptapteridae, Loricariidae, Synbranchidae) and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic and five have been introduced from other basins. The order Characiformes was the most representative in number of species (46,35% ) followed by Perciformes (35,38%), Siluriformes (17,44%) and Synbranchiformes (0,5%). The Nile tilapia, Oreochomis niloticus, the only exotic species, was most expressive in number of individuals (24.92%) followed by the native species piau preto, Leporinus piau (18,77 %). Considering the relative frequency of occurrence of the 22 species, 13 were constant, five were accessory and four were occasional. This study investigated the reproductive ecology of an endemic fish black piau, Leporinus piau from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. Samplings were done on a monthly basis from January to December 2009, and a total of 211 specimens were captured. The environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of water were recorded. The sampled population showed a slight predominance of males (55%), however females were larger and heavier. Both sexes of L. piau showed positive allometric growth, indicating a higher increase of weight than length. The first sexual maturation of males occurred at smaller size, with 16.5 cm in total length than females (20.5 cm). During the reproductive period, the condition factor and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. piau were negatively correlated. This species has large oocytes with a high mean fecundity of 54.966 with synchronous oocyte development and total spawning


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The reproductive ecology of fish plays a key role both for rational exploitation methods and for protective measures of natural stocks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the reproductive aspects of the damsel-fish, Stegastes fuscus, during October 2004 to September 2005, in the coastal rocky reefs of Búzios Beach, Nísia Floresta, RN. Fish were captured using hooks and hand nets, during low tide. Reproduction was determined using sexual ratio, mean length of first maturation (L50), absolute fecundity and macroscopic characteristics of gonads. The following parameters were related to gonadosomatic index (GSI): condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI), rain fall and temperature. In relation to sex distribution, it was observed that 78% were females and 22% were males. The L50 was 6.2 cm for females and 7.0 for males. Average fecundity was 6832 oocytes. Results showed that S. fuscus had better body condition in the months prior to spawning, particularly during initial and intermediate stages of maturation. Five stages of gonadal maturation were identified through macroscopic analysis: immature, in maturation, mature, spent and resting. The HSI was inversely related to the GSI. This was possibly due to the reproductive cycle of this species which was associated to the dry period of this region. During this period, low rain fall and high temperatures provide an propitious reproductive condition for the study species


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Oligoplites palometa (Cuvier) and Oligoplites saurus (Bloch & Schneider) (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) are coastal pelagic fish species. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of parasitism by isopods and the reproductive biology of the leather jack, Oligoplites spp. A total of 113 individuals of Oligoplites spp (35 of O. saurus and 78 of O. palometa) were captured during the period between January, 2005 and July, 2007 from the coastal waters of Natal, RN. The morphometric and meristic characters were registered; macroscopic analyses were done to collect the isopod parasites and the gonads were observed to verify the reproductive aspects. The crustacean isopod parasite, Cymothoa spinipalpa (Isopoda: Cymothidae) was encountered on the tongue in the oral cavity in both fish hosts. The parasitic indices of C. spinipalpa showed high values of prevalance of 51,4% for O. saurus and 64,1% for O. palometa. The host presented significant correlations between body mass and body length of O. palometa and the number of parasites. Body lengths of female C. spinipalpa were small due to the limited space available in the oral cavity of the host. There was a significant difference in the sex ratio of O. palometa, males outnumbered the females. The isopod parasites showed specificity to the oral cavity of hosts. Macroscopic analyses of gonads showed four stages of gonadal development for both sex of O. palometa: immature, maturing, mature and spent