946 resultados para Natural disaster warning systems.
Search of new activity substances starting from chemotherapeutic agents, continously appears in international literature. Perhaps this search has been done more frequently in the field of anti-tumor chemotherapy on account of the unsuccess in saving advanced stage patients. The new point in this matter during the last decade was computer aid in planning more rational drugs. In near future "the accessibility of supercomputers and emergence of computer net systems, willopen new avenues to rational drug design" (Portoghese, P. S. J. Med. Chem. 1989, 32, 1). Unknown pharmacological active compounds synthetized by plants can be found even without this eletronic devices, as tradicional medicine has pointed out in many contries, and give rise to a new drug. These compounds used as found in nature or after chemical modifications have produced successful experimental medicaments as FAA, "flavone acetic acid" with good results as inibitors of slow growing animal tumors currently in preclinical evaluation for human treatment. In this lecture some international contributions in the field of chemical modified compounds as antineoplasic drugs will be examined, particularly those done by Brazilian researches.
Malaria transmission-blocking immunity has been studied in natural malaria infections in man, during infections in animals and following artificial immunization of animals with sexual stage malaria parasites. Effective immunity, which prevents infectivity of a malarial infection to mosquitoes, has been observed under all of these circumstances. Two general types of effector mechanism have been identified. One is an antibody mediated mechanism which acts against the extracellular sexual stages of the parasite within the midgut of a blood feeding mosquito. The other is a cytokine mediated mechanism which inactivates the gametocytes of the parasites while in the circulation of the vertebrate host. Both effects have been observed during natural infections and following artificial immunization. The basis of induction of transmission-blocking immunity, including the nature of the memory for such immunity, however, may be very different in different host/parasite systems and during natural infection of following artificial immunization. Following artificial immunization a strong immune memory for transmission blocking immunity has been observed in animal systems. By contrast, following natural infections in man immune memory for transmission blocking immunity has been found to be weak and short lived if it occurs at all. It is suggested that the immunogens which induce natural transmission blocking immunity may be CD4+ independent.
Reticulitermes santonensis is a subterranean termite that invades urban areas in France and elsewhere where it causes damage to human-built structures. We investigated the breeding system, colony and population genetic structure, and mode of dispersal of two French populations of R. santonensis. Termite workers were sampled from 43 and 31 collection points, respectively, from a natural population in west-central France (in and around the island of Oleron) and an urban population (Paris). Ten to 20 workers per collection point were genotyped at nine variable microsatellite loci to determine colony identity and to infer colony breeding structure. There was a total of 26 colonies, some of which were spatially expansive, extending up to 320 linear metres. Altogether, the analysis of genotype distribution, F-statistics and relatedness coefficients suggested that all colonies were extended families headed by numerous neotenics (nonwinged precocious reproductives) probably descended from pairs of primary (winged) reproductives. Isolation by distance among collection points within two large colonies from both populations suggested spatially separated reproductive centres with restricted movement of workers and neotenics. There was a moderate level of genetic differentiation (F(ST) = 0.10) between the Oleron and Paris populations, and the number of alleles was significantly higher in Oleron than in Paris, as expected if the Paris population went through bottlenecks when it was introduced from western France. We hypothesize that the diverse and flexible breeding systems found in subterranean termites pre-adapt them to invade new or marginal habitats. Considering that R. santonensis may be an introduced population of the North American species R. flavipes, a breeding system consisting primarily of extended family colonies containing many neotenic reproductives may facilitate human-mediated spread and establishment of R. santonensis in urban areas with harsh climates.
1. Wind pollination is thought to have evolved in response to selection for mechanisms to promote pollination success, when animal pollinators become scarce or unreliable. We might thus expect wind-pollinated plants to be less prone to pollen limitation than their insect-pollinated counterparts. Yet, if pollen loads on stigmas of wind-pollinated species decline with distance from pollen donors, seed set might nevertheless be pollen-limited in populations of plants that cannot self-fertilize their progeny, but not in self-compatible hermaphroditic populations.2. Here, we test this hypothesis by comparing pollen limitation between dioecious and hermaphroditic (monoecious) populations of the wind-pollinated herb Mercurialis annua.3. In natural populations, seed set was pollen-limited in low-density patches of dioecious, but not hermaphroditic, M. annua, a finding consistent with patterns of distance-dependent seed set by females in an experimental array. Nevertheless, seed set was incomplete in both dioecious and hermaphroditic populations, even at high local densities. Further, both factors limited the seed set of females and hermaphrodites, after we manipulated pollen and resource availability in a common garden experiment.4. Synthesis. Our results are consistent with the idea that pollen limitation plays a role in the evolution of combined vs. separate sexes in M. annua. Taken together, they point to the potential importance of pollen transfer between flowers on the same plant (geitonogamy) by wind as a mechanism of reproductive assurance and to the dual roles played by pollen and resource availability in limiting seed set. Thus, seed set can be pollen-limited in sparse populations of a wind-pollinated species, where mates are rare or absent, having potentially important demographic and evolutionary implications.
Recently, the introduction of second generation sequencing and further advance-ments in confocal microscopy have enabled system-level studies for the functional characterization of genes. The degree of complexity intrinsic to these approaches needs the development of bioinformatics methodologies and computational models for extracting meaningful biological knowledge from the enormous amount of experi¬mental data which is continuously generated. This PhD thesis presents several novel bioinformatics methods and computational models to address specific biological questions in Plant Biology by using the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. First, a spatio-temporal qualitative analysis of quantitative transcript and protein profiles is applied to show the role of the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein in the auxin- cytokinin crosstalk for root meristem growth. Core of this PhD work is the functional characterization of the interplay between the BRX protein and the plant hormone auxin in the root meristem by using a computational model based on experimental evidence. Hyphotesis generated by the modelled to the discovery of a differential endocytosis pattern in the root meristem that splits the auxin transcriptional response via the plasma membrane to nucleus partitioning of BRX. This positional information system creates an auxin transcriptional pattern that deviates from the canonical auxin response and is necessary to sustain the expression of a subset of BRX-dependent auxin-responsive genes to drive root meristem growth. In the second part of this PhD thesis, we characterized the genome-wide impact of large scale deletions on four divergent Arabidopsis natural strains, through the integration of Ultra-High Throughput Sequencing data with data from genomic hybridizations on tiling arrays. Analysis of the identified deletions revealed a considerable portion of protein coding genes affected and supported a history of genomic rearrangements shaped by evolution. In the last part of the thesis, we showed that VIP3 gene in Arabidopsis has an evo-lutionary conserved role in the 3' to 5' mRNA degradation machinery, by applying a novel approach for the analysis of mRNA-Seq data from random-primed mRNA. Altogether, this PhD research contains major advancements in the study of natural genomic variation in plants and in the application of computational morphodynamics models for the functional characterization of biological pathways essential for the plant. - Récemment, l'introduction du séquençage de seconde génération et les avancées dans la microscopie confocale ont permis des études à l'échelle des différents systèmes cellulaires pour la caractérisation fonctionnelle de gènes. Le degrés de complexité intrinsèque à ces approches ont requis le développement de méthodologies bioinformatiques et de modèles mathématiques afin d'extraire de la masse de données expérimentale générée, des information biologiques significatives. Ce doctorat présente à la fois des méthodes bioinformatiques originales et des modèles mathématiques pour répondre à certaines questions spécifiques de Biologie Végétale en utilisant la plante Arabidopsis thaliana comme modèle. Premièrement, une analyse qualitative spatio-temporelle de profiles quantitatifs de transcripts et de protéines est utilisée pour montrer le rôle de la protéine BREVIS RADIX (BRX) dans le dialogue entre l'auxine et les cytokinines, des phytohormones, dans la croissance du méristème racinaire. Le noyau de ce travail de thèse est la caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre la protéine BRX et la phytohormone auxine dans le méristème de la racine en utilisant des modèles informatiques basés sur des preuves expérimentales. Les hypothèses produites par le modèle ont mené à la découverte d'un schéma différentiel d'endocytose dans le méristème racinaire qui divise la réponse transcriptionnelle à l'auxine par le partitionnement de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau de la cellule. Cette information positionnelle crée une réponse transcriptionnelle à l'auxine qui dévie de la réponse canonique à l'auxine et est nécessaire pour soutenir l'expression d'un sous ensemble de gènes répondant à l'auxine et dépendant de BRX pour conduire la croissance du méristème. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse de doctorat, nous avons caractérisé l'impact sur l'ensemble du génome des délétions à grande échelle sur quatre souches divergentes naturelles d'Arabidopsis, à travers l'intégration du séquençage à ultra-haut-débit avec l'hybridation génomique sur puces ADN. L'analyse des délétions identifiées a révélé qu'une proportion considérable de gènes codant était affectée, supportant l'idée d'un historique de réarrangement génomique modelé durant l'évolution. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous avons montré que le gène VÏP3 dans Arabidopsis a conservé un rôle évolutif dans la machinerie de dégradation des ARNm dans le sens 3' à 5', en appliquant une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des données de séquençage d'ARNm issue de transcripts amplifiés aléatoirement. Dans son ensemble, cette recherche de doctorat contient des avancées majeures dans l'étude des variations génomiques naturelles des plantes et dans l'application de modèles morphodynamiques informatiques pour la caractérisation de réseaux biologiques essentiels à la plante. - Le développement des plantes est écrit dans leurs codes génétiques. Pour comprendre comment les plantes sont capables de s'adapter aux changements environnementaux, il est essentiel d'étudier comment leurs gènes gouvernent leur formation. Plus nous essayons de comprendre le fonctionnement d'une plante, plus nous réalisons la complexité des mécanismes biologiques, à tel point que l'utilisation d'outils et de modèles mathématiques devient indispensable. Dans ce travail, avec l'utilisation de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thalicinci nous avons résolu des problèmes biologiques spécifiques à travers le développement et l'application de méthodes informatiques concrètes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons investigué comment le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX) régule le développement de la racine en contrôlant la réponse à deux hormones : l'auxine et la cytokinine. Nous avons employé une analyse statistique sur des mesures quantitatives de transcripts et de produits de gènes afin de démontrer que BRX joue un rôle antagonisant dans le dialogue entre ces deux hormones. Lorsque ce-dialogue moléculaire est perturbé, la racine primaire voit sa longueur dramatiquement réduite. Pour comprendre comment BRX répond à l'auxine, nous avons développé un modèle informatique basé sur des résultats expérimentaux. Les simulations successives ont mené à la découverte d'un signal positionnel qui contrôle la réponse de la racine à l'auxine par la régulation du mouvement intracellulaire de BRX. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous avons analysé le génome entier de quatre souches naturelles d'Arabidopsis et nous avons trouvé qu'une grande partie de leurs gènes étaient manquant par rapport à la souche de référence. Ce résultat indique que l'historique des modifications génomiques conduites par l'évolution détermine une disponibilité différentielle des gènes fonctionnels dans ces plantes. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons analysé les données du transcriptome de la plante où le gène VIP3 était non fonctionnel. Ceci nous a permis de découvrir le rôle double de VIP3 dans la régulation de l'initiation de la transcription et dans la dégradation des transcripts. Ce rôle double n'avait jusqu'alors été démontrée que chez l'homme. Ce travail de doctorat supporte le développement et l'application de méthodologies informatiques comme outils inestimables pour résoudre la complexité des problèmes biologiques dans la recherche végétale. L'intégration de la biologie végétale et l'informatique est devenue de plus en plus importante pour l'avancée de nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement et le développement des plantes.
Soil acidification is a major agricultural problem that negatively affects crop yield. Root systems counteract detrimental passive proton influx from acidic soil through increased proton pumping into the apoplast, which is presumably also required for cell elongation and stimulated by auxin. Here, we found an unexpected impact of extracellular pH on auxin activity and cell proliferation rate in the root meristem of two Arabidopsis mutants with impaired auxin perception, axr3 and brx. Surprisingly, neutral to slightly alkaline media rescued their severely reduced root (meristem) growth by stimulating auxin signaling, independent of auxin uptake. The finding that proton pumps are hyperactive in brx roots could explain this phenomenon and is consistent with more robust growth and increased fitness of brx mutants on overly acidic media or soil. Interestingly, the original brx allele was isolated from a natural stock center accession collected from acidic soil. Our discovery of a novel brx allele in accessions recently collected from another acidic sampling site demonstrates the existence of independently maintained brx loss-of-function alleles in nature and supports the notion that they are advantageous in acidic soil pH conditions, a finding that might be exploited for crop breeding.
Although recent hydrothermal experiments imply that abiogenic methane (CH4) generation from hydrothermal reduction of CO2 can occur, evidence from natural systems was still lacking. Based on the chemical and isotopic equilibrium signatures of low-temperature fumarolic gas discharges, we are able to provide hard evidence for its natural occurrence, namely in three subduction-related bi-phase hydrothermal systems of the Mediterranean, whose temperatures range from 260 to 470 degrees C. The attainment of equilibrium and the time spans of recent volcanic dormancy allowed us to calculate minimum rates for chemical and isotopic equilibration. These are significantly higher than those previously reported and might be due to the presence of a saturated water vapor phase in the investigated systems. The fact that nature provides conditions enabling relatively fast production of hydrocarbons from CO2 strongly supports the concerns that were recently raised from laboratory experiments. These address the use of the carbon isotope composition of reduced carbon in Archean sediments as a tracer of early life and the occurrence of CH4 on extraterrestrial planets as a bioindicator. In view of the potential role of abiogenic CH4 as a precursor of life, we also present an estimate of abiogenic hydrothermal CH4 fluxes throughout the Archean. It is not expected that these fluxes exceeded 80 Mt/yr during the past 4.0 Ga. This, however, would have been enough to facilitate HCN production on the prebiotic Earth. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Constraint algorithm for k-presymplectic Hamiltonian systems. Application to singular field theories
The k-symplectic formulation of field theories is especially simple, since only tangent and cotangent bundles are needed in its description. Its defining elements show a close relationship with those in the symplectic formulation of mechanics. It will be shown that this relationship also stands in the presymplectic case. In a natural way,one can mimick the presymplectic constraint algorithm to obtain a constraint algorithmthat can be applied to k-presymplectic field theory, and more particularly to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations offield theories defined by a singular Lagrangian, as well as to the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism (Skinner--Rusk formalism) for k-presymplectic field theory. Two examples of application of the algorithm are also analyzed.
Here we present the first in a series of articles about the ecology of immature stages of anophelines in the Brazilian Yanomami area. We propose a new larval habitat classification and a new larval sampling methodology. We also report some preliminary results illustrating the applicability of the methodology based on data collected in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in a longitudinal study of two remote Yanomami communities, Parafuri and Toototobi. In these areas, we mapped and classified 112 natural breeding habitats located in low-order river systems based on their association with river flood pulses, seasonality and exposure to sun. Our classification rendered seven types of larval habitats: lakes associated with the river, which are subdivided into oxbow lakes and nonoxbow lakes, flooded areas associated with the river, flooded areas not associated with the river, rainfall pools, small forest streams, medium forest streams and rivers. The methodology for larval sampling was based on the accurate quantification of the effective breeding area, taking into account the area of the perimeter and subtypes of microenvironments present per larval habitat type using a laser range finder and a small portable inflatable boat. The new classification and new sampling methodology proposed herein may be useful in vector control programs.
Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease that manifests through diverse clinical scenarios. During many years, our knowledge about the variability of colorectal tumors was limited to the histopathological analysis from which generic classifications associated with different clinical expectations are derived. However, currently we are beginning to understand that under the intense pathological and clinical variability of these tumors there underlies strong genetic and biological heterogeneity. Thus, with the increasing available information of inter-tumor and intra-tumor heterogeneity, the classical pathological approach is being displaced in favor of novel molecular classifications. In the present article, we summarize the most relevant proposals of molecular classifications obtained from the analysis of colorectal tumors using powerful high throughput techniques and devices. We also discuss the role that cancer systems biology may play in the integration and interpretation of the high amount of data generated and the challenges to be addressed in the future development of precision oncology. In addition, we review the current state of implementation of these novel tools in the pathological laboratory and in clinical practice.
A radiative equation of the Cattaneo–Vernotte type is derived from information theory and the radiative transfer equation. The equation thus derived is a radiative analog of the equation that is used for the description of hyperbolic heat conduction. It is shown, without recourse to any phenomenological assumption, that radiative transfer may be included in a natural way in the framework of extendedirreversible thermodynamics
Abstract Sitting between your past and your future doesn't mean you are in the present. Dakota Skye Complex systems science is an interdisciplinary field grouping under the same umbrella dynamical phenomena from social, natural or mathematical sciences. The emergence of a higher order organization or behavior, transcending that expected of the linear addition of the parts, is a key factor shared by all these systems. Most complex systems can be modeled as networks that represent the interactions amongst the system's components. In addition to the actual nature of the part's interactions, the intrinsic topological structure of underlying network is believed to play a crucial role in the remarkable emergent behaviors exhibited by the systems. Moreover, the topology is also a key a factor to explain the extraordinary flexibility and resilience to perturbations when applied to transmission and diffusion phenomena. In this work, we study the effect of different network structures on the performance and on the fault tolerance of systems in two different contexts. In the first part, we study cellular automata, which are a simple paradigm for distributed computation. Cellular automata are made of basic Boolean computational units, the cells; relying on simple rules and information from- the surrounding cells to perform a global task. The limited visibility of the cells can be modeled as a network, where interactions amongst cells are governed by an underlying structure, usually a regular one. In order to increase the performance of cellular automata, we chose to change its topology. We applied computational principles inspired by Darwinian evolution, called evolutionary algorithms, to alter the system's topological structure starting from either a regular or a random one. The outcome is remarkable, as the resulting topologies find themselves sharing properties of both regular and random network, and display similitudes Watts-Strogtz's small-world network found in social systems. Moreover, the performance and tolerance to probabilistic faults of our small-world like cellular automata surpasses that of regular ones. In the second part, we use the context of biological genetic regulatory networks and, in particular, Kauffman's random Boolean networks model. In some ways, this model is close to cellular automata, although is not expected to perform any task. Instead, it simulates the time-evolution of genetic regulation within living organisms under strict conditions. The original model, though very attractive by it's simplicity, suffered from important shortcomings unveiled by the recent advances in genetics and biology. We propose to use these new discoveries to improve the original model. Firstly, we have used artificial topologies believed to be closer to that of gene regulatory networks. We have also studied actual biological organisms, and used parts of their genetic regulatory networks in our models. Secondly, we have addressed the improbable full synchronicity of the event taking place on. Boolean networks and proposed a more biologically plausible cascading scheme. Finally, we tackled the actual Boolean functions of the model, i.e. the specifics of how genes activate according to the activity of upstream genes, and presented a new update function that takes into account the actual promoting and repressing effects of one gene on another. Our improved models demonstrate the expected, biologically sound, behavior of previous GRN model, yet with superior resistance to perturbations. We believe they are one step closer to the biological reality.
This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2005. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.
This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2005. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.
Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the need for management information systems, due largely to the changing environment and a continuous process of globalisation. All of this means that managers need to adapt the structures of their organisations to the changes and, therefore, to plan, control and manage better. The Spanish public university cannot avoid this changing (demographic, economic and social changes) and globalising (among them the convergence of European qualifications) environment, to which we must add the complex organisation structure, characterised by a high dispersion of authority for decision making in different collegiate and unipersonal organs. It seems obvious that these changes must have repercussions on the direction, organisation and management structures of those public higher education institutions, and it seems natural that, given this environment, the universities must adapt their present management systems to the demand by society for the quality and suitability of the services they provide.