1000 resultados para Narrativas de Experiência Pessoal
É evidente a vida mais ativa do idoso assim como a necessidade de espaços que possam oferecer momentos de lazer, cultura, interação e estudo por parte deste grupo. Entendendo isto, este trabalho tem o intuito de estudar dentro do SESC paulista o departamento voltado à terceira idade, a chamada GETI (Gerência de Estudos e Programas para Terceira Idade). Procura-se criar uma linha histórica clara que aborda sua criação, estrutura, forma de gestão e principais ações com o idoso. Busca-se o entendimento do SESC como um possível perfil de atividade do Terceiro Setor. A fim de se verificar a eficácia das ações desenvolvidas, o trabalho estuda o modus operandi de três unidades que hoje possuem o chamado TSI (Trabalho Social com o Idoso) por meio do entendimento da forma de elaboração destas ações pelos coordenadores destas unidades e o resultado deste trabalho pelo olhar do idoso freqüentador. A busca de informações e pesquisa deu-se através de dados secundários provenientes de levantamento bibliográfico e documental em fontes públicas, como o próprio acervo do SESC, além de pesquisas recentes sobre o idoso, como a da Fundação Perseu Abramo. Por meio deste levantamento buscouse analisar o programa, sua metodologia, diretrizes e peculiaridades. A fim de se detalhar a análise, trabalhou-se com uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva que mostrou os aspectos importantes da gestão educativo-cultural para o idoso, além da pesquisa em profundidade com gerentes e coordenadores da GETI e contribuição valiosa de gerontólogos e ex colaboradores do SESC. Para que fosse possível analisar a existência ou não de divergências no entendimento destas ações para o idoso, o autor procurou identificar esta questão por meio da narrativa oral deste público. Desta forma procura-se a compreensão do tema desde a gerência do SESC até seu freqüentador.(AU)
Ser uma organização socialmente responsável é um discurso que tem ganhado importância no contexto atual e cada vez maior destaque na academia, na mídia, na política e nas instituições privadas, do terceiro setor e públicas. Trata-se de um movimento em contínua transformação que reflete as expectativas da sociedade em diferentes momentos. A partir do vislumbramento da sustentabilidade como novo projeto de desenvolvimento que supere a dicotomia entre crescimento e desigualdades, a Responsabilidade Social passou a ser o meio pelo qual as organizações podem contribuir com esse objetivo amplo da sociedade. Entretanto, apresenta-se no decorrer deste trabalho uma problematização sobre as práticas realizadas pelas organizações, caracterizadas como assistencialistas, que contribuem para um esvaziamento da cidadania e da luta por direitos. A perspectiva crítica apresentada por diversos autores influencia a intencionalidade dessa pesquisa que é desenvolvida a partir das seguintes questões norteadoras: O NEPSO é uma práxis de Responsabilidade Social? Quais contribuições a análise desta experiência poderá trazer para o estudo da Responsabilidade Social? O NEPSO é o uso da pesquisa de opinião como ferramenta pedagógica em escolas públicas. Essas indagações ajudaram a demarcar o objetivo geral deste trabalho: Analisar os princípios do NEPSO e seu uso a partir da experiência com a ferramenta em escolas públicas à luz da temática da Responsabilidade Social. Para o cumprimento deste, determinou-se como objetivos específicos: 1. Estudar o contexto histórico em que se insere a Responsabilidade Social. 2. Articular os conceitos de Responsabilidade Social com dados coletados a partir da experiência com a ferramenta NEPSO. A trajetória teórico-metodológica é inspirada na fenomenologia e a pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória. A fundamentação teórica foi realizada a partir de um rastreamento bibliográfico e os dados empíricos foram coletados através de pesquisa documental, utilizando-se diversas fontes de evidência: relatórios da pesquisa Um novo direito à cidade: Políticas Públicas Integradas um estudo de caso de escolas municipais em função da experiência com a metodologia NEPSO, relatos literalizados, documentos da Ação Educativa e do Instituto Paulo Montenegro. A análise compreensiva dos dados foi realizada a partir de dois núcleos temáticos Ação e Reflexão e de quatro categorias analíticas aproximação entre gesto e fala, relação horizontalizada, engajamento e diálogo. Os resultados apontam que o NEPSO se constitui como uma experiência exemplar de práxis de Responsabilidade Social, quando seus princípios são mantidos. Como possibilidade para as organizações sugere-se a incorporação de uma perspectiva de educatividade na gestão da Responsabilidade Social. A análise apresenta uma compreensão perspectival que abre o horizonte para novos estudos. Propõe-se o aprofundamento das reflexões apresentadas neste trabalho a partir de um olhar para a estrutura organizacional.
O presente trabalho estuda a centralidade da existência humana como expressão de religião na obra de Clarice Lispector. A noção de religião trabalhada deriva do conceito de teologia da cultura proposta pelo filósofo e teólogo teuto-estadunidense Paul Tillich e de seus desdobramentos, como o conceito de coragem de ser, fé, revelação, nãoser e Ser-em-si. O estudo é feito sobre os contos e romances publicados por Clarice Lispector, passando por diversas temáticas tangentes, como corpo, sexualidade, gênero, pobreza, identidade, pertença e alteridade. A tese que se defende é de que existem preocupações existenciais em sentido profundo que podem ser consideradas preocupações religiosas na literatura de Clarice Lispector, considerando o sentido tillichiano. Tal problemática se expressa tanto nos contos quanto nos romances clariceanos, a partir tanto das temáticas quanto das estruturas textuais. A obra de Clarice Lispector exibe amplo questionamento existencial, sobretudo aqueles que se dão de maneira profunda, como a questão da origem, do fim, da finalidade e da significação da existência, tocando assim no fundamento religioso da expressão cultural. Esse fundamento religioso se apresenta como uma constante, uma linha contínua a partir da qual pode se entender de maneira mais profunda tanto o sentido de unidade da completude da obra da escritora brasileira quanto as particularidades de suas narrativas sobre diferentes temáticas. Partimos da hipótese de que há, na literatura clariceana, um momento no qual as suas personagens experimentam um evento que as fazem encarar de maneira nova ou diferenciada as suas situações existenciais. Esses eventos são basicamente o choque como nãoser, a experiência de encontro com o nada que há na profundidade da construção literária das personagens.
A presente dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa acerca de um cisma pentecostal na Convenção Batista Brasileira, na década de 1960. No foco do conflito encontra-se um Movimento de Renovação Espiritual, que defendia uma experiência de êxtase religioso, designada de batismo com o Espírito Santo, como confirmação da relação do crente com Deus. A progressiva adesão de comunidades batistas a tal proposta transformou-a numa rede alternativa de poder que causou instabilidade nas relações de poder no interior da denominação batista no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstrói os embates decisivos deste episódio e ofereceu uma interpretação a partir das teorias de Michel Foucault e Michel de Certeau, na medida em que tenta decifrar os mecanismos institucionais de controle em confronto com as táticas das redes de poder. No contexto histórico brasileiro de efervescência não só religiosa, os mecanismos de vigilância da Convenção Batista Brasileira mostraram-se insuficientes para a manutenção da unidade ameaçada, uma vez que puniu os grupos opositores com a exclusão.(AU)
O trabalho intitulado Narrativas de usos pedagógicos de ferramentas tecnológicas na docência do Ensino Médio tem como objetivo conhecer e mapear as experiências de professores do Ensino Médio que integram em sua prática pedagógica recursos tecnológicos através de suas narrativas, os quais atuam em escolas públicas da região de São Paulo. Sendo assim, a prática pedagógica com o uso de tecnologia se faz presente na docência do professor de ensino médio, transformando-o em agente mediador do processo ensino-aprendizagem. A metodologia da pesquisa se concentra na experiência dos professores que utilizam a tecnologia como ferramenta de sua prática mediante a investigação narrativa, a qual os autores Connely e Claudinin elucidam em sua obra. São ressaltados alguns autores durante a pesquisa exploratória e documental, como: Moran, Lévy, Perrenoud e Tardif, conceituando a atuação do professor em Freire e Zabala, mediando sua prática com a tecnologia, levando a resultados que propiciam um ensino adequado à aprendizagem. Os instrumentos investigativos da pesquisa adotados na pesquisa foram: entrevista semi-estruturada, conversas informais com os professores, registro dos participantes nos fóruns do Portal educacional e reuniões pedagógicas coma a coordenadora do Portal educacional. O processo organizativo da análise das narrativas dos docentes se realizou por categorias tais como: organização do conteúdo pelos professores, uso do Portal educacional e interdisciplinaridade. Nas narrativas dos participantes da pesquisa percebeu-se que o trabalho na comunidade virtual baseou-se em três pontos fundamentais: produção, troca de informações e apresentação de resultados. De acordo com os relatos apresentados pelos entrevistados conclui-se que o trabalho desenvolvido pelos professores é bastante rico e contribui para a troca de experiências entre docentes pesquisadores da rede, que diferenciam suas aulas através do uso de tecnologia por meio do Portal educacional. Destaca-se também como diferencial na pesquisa a escolha, pelos docentes, de algumas ferramentas com o uso do Portal.
Esta pesquisa investiga as experiências dos professores nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no Estado de São Paulo, sobre o uso do computador como uma ferramenta de trabalho, procurando identificar as relações que estão construindo com o uso das tecnologias tanto na organização e no planejamento de suas aulas quanto na construção dos saberes pedagógicos que podem fazer com o uso do computador. Identificam-se nesse trabalho o acesso e o domínio que os professores têm no dia-a-dia em relação ao computador (incluindo o acesso à internet) e as experiências que estão realizando com o auxilio do computador e da internet. Foi utilizado o conceito de familiarização para análise da relação do professor com o computador.Foram realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários aos professores que atuam nos sistemas de ensino público e privado, no Estado de São Paulo, primeiro nível do Ensino Fundamental (1ª a 4ª séries / 2° ao 5° ano ), e aos alunos do curso de Pedagogia. O trabalho evidenciou que existe uma relação de familiarização dos professores, e esse nível passa pelo interesse e pela experiência individual antes de passar para o lado profissional do uso do computador e internet na sala de aula. Não há evidências de resistência ao uso do computador, as atividades com alunos avançam à medida que o professor se desenvolve no uso da tecnologia.(AU)
Adoption establishes a filiation status, resulting from a legal act, which attributes to the child and parents the rights and obligations associated with such condition, being legally irrevocable. Nevertheless, in practice there are adoptions that do not concretize and the child returns to justice during or even after the legal process is closed. Late adoption is the denomination of the adoption of children over two years and it is still permeated by myths and stigmas, leading to a frequent return of the child to justice in these cases. The late adoption involves a process of building a unique relationship with a child whose backstory is commonly marked by the dissolution of the relationship with the family of origin, due to violation of rights and, in some cases, the experience of institutional care. Given such a scenario, this research, based on the Existential Analytic proposed by Martin Heidegger, seeks to understand the experience of mothers and children in the process of late adoption, in order to obtain subsidies to psychological attention in this context. This is a qualitative, phenomenological study with a comprehensive focus. The participants were two mothers and two children who have gone through late adoption for about two years. The procedures of data generation contemplated narrative interviews with mothers and individual meetings with children, in which ludic resources were used as mediators of expression (free drawings, unfinished children's story and "Story-Drawings" on late adoption). The procedures were audiotaped and transcribed. Data analysis was grounded in Heidegger's hermeneutics. The late adoption process, permeated by historical, social and cultural determinants and the web of meanings that create the historical singularity of each person involved have proved to be complex as seen in the narratives. The construction of the meanings of parenthood and filiation has been developing in the families in the study, from the experience of being-with-the-other, caring and dwelling in their peculiar modes of expression. The family of origin and the adoptive family mingle and differentiate by means of the experience of children, especially because of the existence of biological siblings. Data point to the importance of psychological care to family core in late adoption processes
En los días actuales, la Educación Inclusiva hay sido eje de amplias discusiones, pues en ella, la educación es direccionada a todas las personas, con discapacidades o no. Por intermedio de ella, todos tienen derechos a una enseñanza de calidad y pueden compartir las mismas oportunidades de aprendizaje. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo hacer un análisis del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua española en un contexto, en lo cual alumnos con y sin ceguera compartían el mismo espacio educacional. Es por lo tanto un investigación de naturaleza exploratória e cualitaviva, en la cual es utilizada como un herramienta para la recogida de los datos la entrevista semiestructurado con preguntas abiertas, realizada con los profesores de lengua española y sus alumnos ciegos. Como aporte metodológico utilizamos el Análisis Proposicional del Discurso – APD (PIRES, 2008) para que los datos pudieran ser analizados. Los resultados señalaron que, aunque los diferentes condicionantes, los alumnos ciegos, cuanto al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua española, presentan dificultades de orden estructural, personal y pedagógica semejantes. Evidenciado a partir de las declaraciones. También se constató una ausencia de preparación por parte de los profesores referentes a la utilización de recursos didácticos y estrategias de enseñanza que pudieran contemplar a las especificidades de aprendizaje de estos alumnos.
Google Docs (GD) is an online word processor with which multiple authors can work on the same document, in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, which can help develop the ability of writing in English (WEISSHEIMER; SOARES, 2012). As they write collaboratively, learners find more opportunities to notice the gaps in their written production, since they are exposed to more input from the fellow co-authors (WEISSHEIMER; BERGSLEITHNER; LEANDRO, 2012) and prioritize the process of text (re)construction instead of the concern with the final product, i.e., the final version of the text (LEANDRO; WEISSHEIMER; COOPER, 2013). Moreover, when it comes to second language (L2) learning, producing language enables the consolidation of existing knowledge as well as the internalization of new knowledge (SWAIN, 1985; 1993). Taking this into consideration, this mixed-method (DÖRNYEI, 2007) quasi-experimental (NUNAN, 1999) study aims at investigating the impact of collaborative writing through GD on the development of the writing skill in English and on the noticing of syntactic structures (SCHMIDT, 1990). Thirtyfour university students of English integrated the cohort of the study: twenty-five were assigned to the experimental group and nine were assigned to the control group. All learners went through a pre-test and a post-test so that we could measure their noticing of syntactic structures. Learners in the experimental group were exposed to a blended learning experience, in which they took reading and writing classes at the university and collaboratively wrote three pieces of flash fiction (a complete story told in a hundred words), outside the classroom, online through GD, during eleven weeks. Learners in the control group took reading and writing classes at the university but did not practice collaborative writing. The first and last stories produced by the learners in the experimental group were analysed in terms of grammatical accuracy, operationalized as the number of grammar errors per hundred words (SOUSA, 2014), and lexical density, which refers to the relationship between the number of words produced with lexical properties and the number of words produced with grammatical properties (WEISSHEIMER, 2007; MEHNERT, 1998). Additionally, learners in the experimental group answered an online questionnaire on the blended learning experience they were exposed to. The quantitative results showed that the collaborative task led to the production of more lexically dense texts over the 11 weeks. The noticing and grammatical accuracy results were different from what we expected; however, they provide us with insights on measurement issues, in the case of noticing, and on the participants‟ positive attitude towards collaborative writing with flash fiction. The qualitative results also shed light on the usefulness of computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 learning.
The present paper discusses the experience of a psychological emergency attendance in Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) in Natal and has as main objective to investigate the limits and possibilities of this practice in offering psychological care to women in abortion situation. The Ministry of Health considers the abortion a serious medical problem in Brazil and acknowledge the repercussions it causes in personal life and between the women’s family, most of all among the younger ones, in fully productive and reproductive age, that if not supported may suffer deep psychological and physical wounds. This research inserts itself in the field of psychological practices in institutions, by many ways, and aim to offer, by different approaches, among then the psychological emergency attendance, a psychological attention at the institutions. This attention refers to a care during the suffering at the time of crisis and in the many ways that the problem is present. The results were analyzed at a heideggerian hermeneutics optics, which search a determined aspect of reality that intends to know/understand, accompanied by the man’s own movement in existence. The cartography and the logbook were chosen in narrative form as a resource to allow the approximation of daily experience. The emergency psychological attendance was realized on curettage setor of MEJC between march of 2013 and february 2014 at tuesdays and Thursdays from 9h to 12h. The existential plot unveiled at this experience showed some possibilities and limits of emergency psychological attendance as studied. Among the possibilities, the emergency attendance helped the women that suffered an abortion to find new meanings, as: realize the need to self-care; see in the attendance a way to cope with the lost or other issues in their life’s; to enlarge the possibilities of her choice; to rethink her sex e reproductive life, and rethink her relationships and life projects. The attendance has proven itself as a health care mechanism showing the women the need to search for the necessary condition to self-care and to question what in that environment was saw as natural. The attendance showed itself as a suitable practice to the health care demand by creating/inventing ways of meet the woman needs. The attendance promoted an opening at the technical horizons of women’s, what was realized when the complaints moved past the physical health. As refered to the limits, some needs was beyond the emergency attendance service and demanded forwarding to regular psychological care or others specialized services. The service was not able to attend all of the demands of the sector. The attendance did not touched the medical staff to its need or made a change in posture to act beyond the technicality. The attendance, although has not made change in this context, was able to show the main difficulties, like the lack on prepare of the medical staff to deal with the abortion past beyond the technical procedure and the precariousness of the infrastructure of the services offered. At last, the attendance represented a shelter to the women in abortion situation, allowing the suffering to have a place.
This work is within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, which, as opposed to generative modular approach posits that language is not autonomous but part of human cognition manifest mental processing, socio-cultural and bodily experiences. Our goal is to describe and analyze cognitive mechanisms of understanding who work in the formal and meaningful organization of the narrative. In order to study and verification of this phenomenon, this project was based in the theoretical framework of Rapaport et al (1994) with the treatment of deictic center, Zwaan (1999) and Zwaan and Radvansky (1998) with situation models, Minsky (1974) with the concept frame, Johnson (1987) and Duke and Costa (2012) with pictorial schemes. To this end, we focused on the deictic perspective (WHERE, WHEN, WHO), social cognitive structures (frames) and body (pictorial diagrams) and the situation of models built by compreendedor from these cognitive structures. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research (BAUER and GASKELL, 2002), of interpretive base (MOITA LOPES, 1994), based on introspection (Talmy, 2005). The corpus selected is a sample of twelve texts written by 8th grade students, whose production consists of fictional narrative, the production of diary pages. The analyses were conducted by cognitive structures known as constructional blocks (BCs)(SANTOS, 2011), which guid the discussion about how we build understanding and creation of meanings in narratives. The result shows that the narrative events are mentally represented by the understander that conceives a deictic center and that, guided by it, has access to understanding and construction of meaning in narrative by means of cognitive domains established by bodily and socio-cultural experiences.
This work seeks to understand how trans men build their identities and live the transsexual experience in the relationships they establish daily onto “man” category. It could be observed that for it they engenders a specific gender transition in the midst of male transsexuality. Despite being under a complex amalgam of relations of exploitation and disciplinary domination, ways of being man are brokered for a living and entry into spaces where they are expelled for not conform the bodies that gender norms require. It is understood that gender transition is a process at the same time of organic and prosthetic body management and the assumption of your own identity. Thus, they build a politic of identity that creatively fixes a person's category as rights holder. The "transition" is therefore to transact from nonexistence to a place of humanity. This dissertation describes how this process takes place in the experiences of the speakers, observing the practices that bring out the male, front of class positions on the labor market, access to health, hormonization and own identity. Thereby, theories that fix them as expressing female masculinities or marginal to the hegemony do not find exactitude in their lives. The research methodologically started performing "multilocated ethnographies" that gave possibilities to in-depth interviews with 15 stakeholders from the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South of Brazil. Between 2014 and 2015, from the applying of network technique to the first dialogues in research, it was possible to build a participant observation by the trans men’s everyday life. Wherewith I was capable to behold their own private activities, as well as their public agency amid a trans activism collective in northeast, and the follow-up actions in which they were involved during the XII Encontro Nacional em Universidades de Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero (ENUDSG) held in Mossoró/RN. Therefore, the thesis engages to describe and understand the different ways of constructing trans male gender transitions in access to transsexuality and therefore a way of explaining their own trajectories in terms of people that exist as such, even though in the midst of narratives marked by emotions linked to "not live", to suffering and dehumanization.
Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.
Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.
This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.