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RÉSUMÉ Introduction L'effet des agents myorelaxants ainsi que des anticholinestérases sur la profondeur d'anesthésie a été étudié avec des résultats contradictoires. C'est pourquoi nous avons évalué l'effet de l'atracurium et de la néostigmine sur le BIS (bispectral index) ainsi que sur les potentiels auditives évoqués (middle-latency auditory evoked potentials, A-Line® autoregressive index [AAI]). Méthodes Après avoir obtenu l'accord du comité d'éthique local, nous avons étudié 40 patients ayant donné leur consentement écrit, ASA I-II, âgé de 18-69 ans. L'anesthésie générale a consisté en anesthésie intra-veineuse à objectif de concentration avec du propofol et du remifentanil. La fonction de la jonction neuromusculaire était monitorée en continu au moyen d'un électromyographe. Le BIS et l'AAI ont été enregistrés en continu. Après avoir atteint des valeurs stables au niveau du BIS, les patients ont été attribués à deux groupes par randomisation. Les patients du groupe 1 ont reçu 0.4 mg kg-1 d'atracurium et 5 minutes plus tard le même volume de NaCI 0.9%, dans le groupe 2 la séquence d'injection était inversée, le NaCI 0.9% en premier et l'atracurium en deuxième. Au moment où le premier « twitch » d'un train de quatre atteignait 10% de l'intensité avant la relaxation, les patients ont été randomisés une deuxième fois. Les patients du groupe N ont reçu 0.04 mg kg-1 de néostigmine et 0.01 rn9 kg-1 de glycopyrrolate alors que le groupe contrôle (G) ne recevait que 0.01 mg kg-] de glycopyrrolate. Résultats : L 'injection d'atracurium ou de NaCI 0.9% n'a pas eu d'effet sur le BIS ou l'AAI. Après l'injection de néostigmine avec glycopyrrolate, le BIS et I `AAI a augmenté de manière significative (changement maximal moyen du BIS 7.1 ± 7.5, P< 0.001, de l'AAI 9.7 ± 10.5, P< 0.001). Suite à l'injection de glycopyrrolate seule, le BIS et l'AAI a augmenté également (changement maximal moyen du BIS 2.2 ± 3.4, P< 0.008, de l'AAI 3.5 ± 5.7, P< 0.012), mais cette augmentation était significativement moins importante que dans le groupe N (P< 0.012 pour le BIS, P< 0.027 pour l'AAI). Conclusion Ces résultats laissent supposer que la néostigmine peut altérer la profondeur de l'anesthésie. La diminution de la profondeur d'anesthésie enregistrée par le BIS et l'AAI correspond probablement à une réapparition brusque d'une stimulation centrale liée à la proprioception. Au contraire, lors de la curarisation, le tonus musculaire diminue de manière beaucoup plus progressive, pouvant ainsi expliquer l'absence d'effet sur la profondeur d'anesthésie. ABSTRACT Background. Conflicting effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and anticholinesterases on depth of anaesthesia have been reported. Therefore we evaluated the effect of atracurium and neostigmine on bispectral index (BIS) and middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (AAI). Methods. We studied 40 patients (ASA I-II) aged 18-69 yr. General anaesthesia consisted of propofol and remifentanil by target-controlled infusion and neuromuscular function was monitored by electromyography. When BIS reached stable values, patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group I received atracurium 0.4 mg kg-1 and, 5 min later, the same volume of NaCl 0.9%; group 2 received saline first and then atracurium. When the first twitch of a train of four reached 10% of control intensity, patients were again randomized: one group (N) received neostigmine 0.04 mg kg-1 and glycopyrrolate 0.01 mg kg-1, and the control group (G) received only glycopyrrolate. Results. Injection of atracurium or NaCl 0.9% had no effect on BIS or AAI. After neostigmine¬glycopyrrolate, BIS and AAI increased significantly (mean maximal change of BIS 7.1 [SD 7.5], P<0.001; mean maximal change of AAI 9.7 [10.5], P<0.001). When glycopyrrolate was injected alone BIS and AAI also increased (mean maximal change of BIS 2.2 [3.4], P=0.008; mean maximal change of AAI 3.5 [5.7], P=0.012), but this increase was significantly less than in group N (P=0.012 for BIS; P=0.027 for AAI). Conclusion. These data suggest that neostigmine alters the state of propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia and may enhance recovery.
Microbial mats are complex but stable, multi-layered and multi-functional biofilms, which are the most frequent bacterial formations in nature. The functional strategies and physiological versatility of the bacterial populations growing in microbial mats allow bacteria to resist changing conditions within their environment. One of these strategies is the accumulation of carbon- and energy-rich polymers that permit the recovery of metabolic activities when favorable conditions are restored. In the present study, we systematically screened microbial mats for bacteria able to accumulate large amounts of the ester carbon polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Several of these strains were isolated from Ebro Delta microbial mats and their ability to accumulate PHA up to 40-60 % of their dry weight was confirmed. According to two identification approaches (16S rRNA and ropD genes), these strains were identified as Halomonas alkaliphila (MAT-7, -13, -16), H. neptunia (MAT-17), and H. venusta (MAT-28). To determine the mode of growth yielding maximum PHA accumulation, these three different species were cultured in an artificial biofilm in which the cells were immobilized on alginate beads. PHA accumulation by cells that had detached from the biofilm was compared with that of their planktonic counterparts. Experiments in different culture media showed that PHA accumulation, measured as the relative fluorescence intensity after 48 h of incubation at 30 °C, was higher in immobilized than in planktonic cells, with the exception of cells growing in 5 % NaCl, in which PHA accumulation was drastically lower in both. Therefore, for obtaining high PHA concentrations, the use of immobilized cells may be a good alternative to the PHA accumulation by bacteria growing in the classical, planktonic mode. From the ecological point of view, increased PHA accumulation in detached cells from biofilms would be a natural strategy to improve bacterial dispersion capacity and, consequently, to increase survival in stressed environments.
Snow and ice removal on public streets is a critical part of the work of departments of transportation in northern U.S. states, including Iowa. Iowa is also a state rich in agricultural resources, some of which undergo industrial processes that generate a number of byproducts, e.g., in converting corn to ethanol or soy to biodiesel. It would be desirable to find those that, with a minimum of additional processing, can be used as a deicing compound, either alone or in combination with products currently in use. The focus of this work is therefore to investigate by-products from agricultural processes that may be suitable for use as deicing applications. This topic has been investigated in the past by others, with many patented products described in the literature. An initial screening was carried out to assess the potential acceptability of selected commercial products, as well as a glycerol developed for this project. Based on the variety of parameters tested, the product combination that shows the greatest promise for future application consists of 80% glycerol with 20% NaCl.
Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement has served the State of Iowa well for many years. The oldest Iowa pavement was placed in LeMars in 1904. Beginning in 1931, many miles of PCC pavement were built to "get out of the mud". Many of these early pavements provided good performance without deterioration for more than 50 years. In the late 1950s, Iowa was faced with severe PCC pavement deterioration called D cracking. Research identified the cause of this deterioration as crushed limestone containing a bad pore system. Selective quarrying and ledge control has alleviated this problem. In 1990, cracking deterioration was identified on a three-year-old pavement on US 20 in central Iowa. The coarse aggregate was a crushed limestone with an excellent history of performance in PCC pavement. Examination of cores showed very few cracks through the coarse aggregate particles. The cracks were predominately confined to the matrix. The deterioration was identified as alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) by a consultant. To investigate the cause of the deterioration, the Iowa DOT and Iowa State University jointly purchased a high resolution, low vacuum Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersion detector. Subsequent evaluation identified no concentration of silica gel (silicon-Si), but did identify substantial amounts of sulfur-S and aluminum-AL (assumed to be ettringite) in the air voids. Some of these voids have cracks radiating from them leading us to conclude that the ettringite filled voids were a center of pressure causing the crack. The ettringite in the voids, after being subjected to sodium chloride (NaCl), initially swells and then dissolves. This low vacuum SEM research of PCC pavement deterioration supports the following conclusions: (1) A low vacuum SEM and an energy dispersion detector are very important for proper evaluation of PCC pavement deterioration; (2) There are instances today where PCC pavement deterioration is mistakenly identified as ASR; (3) Ettringite initially expands when subjected to NaCl; and the ettringite filled voids are a center-of-pressure that cracks the PCC; and (4) The deterioration of some current premature PCC pavement distress locations is caused by factors related to the formation of excessive ettringite.
Chloride ion penetration through concrete to reinforcing steel is causing the premature deterioration of numerous bridge decks in Iowa. The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to determine whether any of several additives or alternative deicing chemicals could inhibit corrosion of reinforcing steel. The deicers tested were calcium magnesium acetate (CMA), CMA plus NaCl (NaCl: sodium chloride), Quicksalt plus PCI, and CG-90, a polyphosphate solution being developed by Cargill. Two tests were established. First, steel coupons were placed in a 15% solution of a deicer and distilled water to determine which alternative deicer would cause the least amount of corrosion in solution. The coupons were weighed periodically to determine each coupon's weight loss from corrosion. The second test involved ponding a 15% solution of each material on reinforced concrete blocks. Weekly copper-copper sulfate electrical half-cell (CSE) potential readings were taken on each block to determine whether corrosive activity was occurring at the steel surface. When the ponding research was concluded, concrete samples were taken from one of the three blocks ponded with each deicer. The samples were used to determine the chloride ion content at the level of the steel. Results show that all the deicers were less corrosive than NaCl. Only pure CMA, however, significantly inhibited the corrosion of steel embedded in concrete.
Um experimento em casa de vegetação foi conduzido com o objetivo de estudar a resposta de plantas de goiabeira (Psidium guajavaL.) a diferentes concentrações de NaCl. As plantas foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva, com 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 e 150 mM de NaCl, e colhidas com 30 e 50 dias após estresse, num delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram determinadas: matéria seca das raízes e parte aérea; e porcentagens de Na, Cl, K, Ca e Mg nas raízes, caule e folhas. O estresse salino reduziu a matéria seca total, e a relação parte aérea/raiz foi reduzida. O estresse causou um aumento nos níveis dos íons Na+ e Cl-, com maior acúmulo nas folhas, seguido das raízes. Os teores de Ca foram estáveis nas raízes, mas decresceram no caule e folhas. Os teores de K foram reduzidos, particularmente nas folhas. Ao contrário, os teores de Mg não foram afetados pela salinidade no caule e nas raízes, havendo, entretanto, redução nas folhas. O teor de Na apresentou relação direta com o de Cl e inversa com o de K nas raízes e folhas. O teor de Ca não variou com o de Na nas folhas, mas apresentou uma relação inversa nas raízes. O teor de Mg não variou com o de Na nas raízes e folhas.
BACKGROUND: We have developed a nonviral gene therapy method based on the electrotransfer of plasmid in the ciliary muscle. These easily accessible smooth muscle cells could be turned into a biofactory for any therapeutic proteins to be secreted in a sustained manner in the ocular media. METHODS: Electrical conditions, design of electrodes, plasmid formulation, method and number of injections were optimized in vivo in the rat by localizing β-galactosidase expression and quantifying reporter (luciferase) and therapeutic (anti-tumor necrosis factor) proteins secretion in the ocular media. Anatomical measurements were performed via human magnetic resonance imaging to design a human eye-sized prototype that was tested in the rabbit. RESULTS: In the rat, transscleral injection of 30 µg of plasmid diluted in half saline (77 mM NaCl) followed by application of eight square-wave electrical pulses (15 V, 10 ms, 5.3 Hz) using two platinum/iridium electrodes, an internal wire and an external sheet, delivered plasmid efficiently to the ciliary muscle fibers. Gene transfer resulted in a long-lasting (at least 5 months) and plasmid dose-/injection number- dependent secretion of different molecular weight proteins mainly in the vitreous, without any systemic exposure. Because ciliary muscle anatomical measurements remained constant among ages in adult humans, an integrated device comprising needle-electrodes was designed and manufactured. Its usefulness was validated in the rabbit. CONCLUSIONS: Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle with a suitable medical device represents a promising local and sustained protein delivery system for treating posterior segment diseases, avoiding repeated intraocular injections.
O potencial produtivo das plantas pode ser afetado por desordens nutricionais, induzidas pelo estresse salino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência de diferentes níveis de salinidade na nutrição mineral de mudas de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.), mediante o uso de solução nutritiva, em casa de vegetação. O experimento foi instalado em blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram das seguintes doses (mmol L-1): 0,0 de Na e 0,5 de Cl; 1,0 de Na e 0,5 de Cl (controle); e 5,0, 15,0, 30,0, 60,0 e 120,0 de NaCl. Os teores dos macronutrientes variaram em razão da salinidade, e verificou-se que o P e K apresentaram seus teores reduzidos nas raízes, o K e o Ca, nas folhas e o S, nas diferentes partes, enquanto o Na e o Cl apresentaram teores incrementados nas diferentes partes da planta. As relações Na/K, Na/Ca, Na/Mg, Cl/N, Cl/P e Cl/S aumentaram, causando um desbalanço nutricional na planta.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram testar a eficiência do sal como redutor de estresse e verificar a melhor densidade de transporte de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomun) em caixas de plástico adaptadas. No primeiro experimento foram testadas diferentes concentrações de sal de cozinha (NaCl) na água; no segundo, o transporte foi realizado por três horas em caixas de plástico de 200 L estocadas com diferentes densidades de peixe, com 8 g de sal/L de água. O cortisol plasmático dos peixes sofreu aumento significativo após o transporte no tratamento sem sal e com 2 g de sal/L de água, retornando para níveis normais após 96 horas. A glicose plasmática dos peixes sofreu aumento após o transporte em todas as concentrações de sal testadas, com exceção da com 8 g/L de água, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Nos peixes transportados no segundo experimento, com 8 g de sal/L de água, não foi verificada mudança significativa no cortisol plasmático, mas a glicose aumentou significativamente em todas as densidades após o transporte, retornando para níveis normais em 24 horas. Houve mortalidade de 11% em uma das repetições da densidade de 200 kg/m³ de água. Para o transporte com 8 g de sal/L de água, a densidade máxima deve ser de 150 kg/m³ de água. Nesta densidade os parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade de água se mantêm com características adequadas, as respostas ao estresse são mínimas e não há mortalidade.
Background: Chemoembolization is used to treat liver malignancies. However recurrence occurs frequently, possibly because of neoangiogenesis triggered by ischemia caused by the embolic agent. In this context, the combination of an embolic agent with an anti-angiogenic drug seems appealing. This study characterizes the in vitro loading and release profile of sunitinib eluting beads of different sizes and their pharmacokinetic profile in a rabbit model. Methods: 70-150 μm and 100-300 μm drug eluting beads (DC Bead, Biocompatibles UK) were loaded by incubation in a sunitinib hydrochloride solution. Drug was quantified by spectrophotometry at 430 nm. Drug release was measured over one-week periods and normalized using an internal standard in 30% ethanol in NaCl 0.9%. New-Zealand white rabbits were used. Eight animals received 0.2 ml of 100-300 μm DC Bead loaded with 6 mg of sunitinib in the hepatic artery (group 1) and 4 animals received 6 mg of sunitinib p.o. (group 2). Half of the animals were sacrificed after 6 hours and half after24 hours. Liver enzymes were measured at 0, 6 and 24 hours in both groups. Plasmatic sunitinib concentration was determined by tandem mass spectroscopy (LC MS/MS) at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 hours. At sacrifice, the livers were harvested and sunitinib concentration in liver tissue was assessed by LC MS/MS. Results: High drug loading was obtained for both microsphere bead sizes. Particle shrinking was observed with adsorption of sunitinib. Almost complete release of sunitinib was detected under physiological conditions, with very similar release for 70-150 μm and 100-300 μm (t50%=1.2 h) DC Bead. Conclusions: Sunitinib eluting beads are well tolerated by rabbits when administered in the hepatic artery. No unexpected toxicity was observed. Very high drug concentration can be obtained at the site of embolization with minimal systemic passage.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do condicionamento osmótico na germinação de sementes de Cassia excelsa Schrad. sob condições de estresse hídrico, térmico e salino. O condicionamento consistiu na imersão de quatro repetições de 25 sementes cada, em soluções de polietilenoglicol (PEG 6000) com potenciais osmóticos de -0,2, -0,4 e -0,6 MPa por 72, 96, 168 horas, respectivamente, e em água destilada por 48 horas, a 20ºC. Em seguida, as sementes foram colocadas para germinar em três condições: estresse hídrico, simulado com soluções de PEG a -0,2, -0,4, -0,6 e -0,8 MPa a 27ºC; estresse térmico, sob temperaturas subótima (12ºC) e supra-ótima (39ºC) em água destilada; estresse salino, em soluções de NaCl a -0,2, 0,4, 0,6, 0,8, 1,0, 1,2 e 1,4 MPa a 27ºC. Foram avaliadas as porcentagens de germinação e tempos médios de emergência da radícula. A técnica de condicionamento osmótico com PEG ou com água destilada foi eficiente em aumentar a germinabilidade sob estresse hídrico e sob estresse térmico. A porcentagem de germinação sob estresse salino aumentou com o condicionamento com PEG, porém não houve redução no tempo de germinação.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do NaCl nos sistemas isoenzimáticos durante o estádio inicial de germinação do Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. Sementes das variedades botânicas canenscens, microcephala, pauciflora e vulgaris foram colocadas para germinar em caixas de plástico, com papel-filtro umedecido com água (controle) e solução de NaCl (134 mmol), em estufa BOD, por 14 horas. Após este período, foi realizada a extração das enzimas glutamato desidrogenase e peroxidase. As enzimas apresentaram comportamentos diferenciados nas quatro variedades quando submetidas ao estresse salino.
No Nordeste do Brasil a salinização dos solos é um dos fatores limitantes na produção de bananeira. Estudos quanto à tolerância à salinidade em diplóides de bananeira são importantes para programas de melhoramento genético. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da salinidade utilizando variáveis químicas e de crescimento, e quantificar, mediante padrões isoenzimáticos, a diversidade genética entre seis genótipos diplóides (AA), associando-os à tolerância à salinidade. As plantas foram tratadas durante 21 dias com 0, 50 e 100 mM de NaCl, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Os diplóides Lidi e Calcuttá apresentaram maiores reduções na área foliar e fortes sintomas de toxidez associados aos maiores acúmulos de Na+ e Cl- no limbo. Os genótipos Borneo e SNº/2 apresentaram discretos sintomas de toxidez e, como o genótipo M-53, demonstraram habilidade de evitar a translocação excessiva de Na+ e Cl- para as folhas preservando o aparelho fotossintético. Nos diplóides SNº/2 e M-53 foi detectada uma banda específica (Po-6) do sistema peroxidase, sob condições de estresse salino. Associando as características isoenzimáticas com as de crescimento, sintomatologia, análise mineral e grau de similaridade genética entre os genótipos, os dendrogramas construídos separam os genótipos mais tolerantes (SNº/2 e M-53) dos mais sensíveis (Lidi e Calcuttá).
Pesquisas têm sido desenvolvidas visando determinar os procedimentos para a avaliação de diferenças no potencial fisiológico de lotes de sementes, com destaque aos testes de vigor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o envelhecimento acelerado e a deterioração controlada para avaliação do vigor de sementes de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea). Quatro lotes de sementes de amendoim da cultivar Tatu foram submetidos ao teste de envelhecimento acelerado, em caixas tipo gerbox, com temperatura de 42ºC ou 43ºC, por 48 horas e 72 horas, com e sem o emprego de solução saturada de NaCl, e ao teste de deterioração controlada, com teor de água de 15% e 20%, a 40ºC ou 45ºC, por 48 horas. O teor de água, a germinação e sanidade das sementes foram determinados. Pelos testes de germinação e de emergência, não houve diferença significativa de desempenho entre os quatro lotes. No teste de envelhecimento acelerado com solução salina, o período de 72 horas a 42ºC é suficiente para avaliar o potencial fisiológico das sementes. No teste de deterioração controlada, a combinação de 15% de teor de água nas sementes e 48 horas em banho maria a 45ºC é eficiente para detectar diferenças de vigor entre os lotes.
O ambiente mutável provoca múltiplos estresses, que podem limitar a germinação da semente e a emergência e sobrevivência da plântula. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o efeito dos estresses hídrico e salino na viabilidade e vigor de sementes de paineira (Chorisia speciosa St. Hil.) e o limite máximo de tolerância a esses estresses. Para avaliação do efeito do estresse hídrico foram utilizadas soluções de manitol e PEG 6000; para o estresse salino, soluções de NaCl, KCl e CaCl2. Após a punção do tegumento, quatro repetições de 50 sementes por tratamento foram submetidas à germinação em substrato de papel-filtro umedecido com as soluções de diferentes potenciais osmóticos e incubadas a 27ºC. As sementes apresentaram menor tolerância ao estresse hídrico simulado com PEG 6000 em relação ao simulado com manitol. O limite máximo de tolerância à seca está situado entre -0,6 e -0,7 MPa de PEG 6000 e entre -1,4 e -1,6 MPa de manitol. Independentemente dos sais utilizados, a porcentagem de germinação decresceu com a diminuição do potencial osmótico do meio. O limite máximo de tolerância ao estresse salino foi o mesmo para todos os sais avaliados e está situado entre -1,0 e -1,2 MPa. A paineira pode ser classificada como glicófita, com moderada tolerância aos sais NaCl, KCl e CaCl2.