996 resultados para N-15 NMR


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Silver iodide-based fast ion conducting glasses containing silver phosphate and silver borate have been studied. An attempt is made to identify the interaction between anions by studying the chemical shifts of31P and11B atoms in high resolution (HR) magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra. Variation in the chemical shifts of31P or11B has been observed which is attributed to the change in the partial charge on the31P or11B. This is indicative of the change in the electronegativity of the anion matrix as a whole. This in turn is interpreted as due to significant interaction among anions. The significance of such interaction to the concept of structural unpinning of silver ions in fast ion conducting glasses is discussed.


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Deuteron NMR studies of mixtures of nematic liquid crystals such as N-(p-ethoxybenzylidene)-p-n-butylaniline and trans-4-pentyl-4-(4-cyanophenyl)cyclohexane and the molecules dissolved therein show the coexistence of up to three different spectra at certain concentrations and temperatures. This is attributed to the coexistence of nematic and “induced” smectic phases.


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It is currently believed that an unsubstituted axial hydroxyl at the specificity-determining C-4 locus of galactose is indispensable for recognition by galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectins. Titration calorimetry demonstrates that 4-methoxygalactose retains binding allegiance to the Moraceae lectin jacalin and the Leguminosae lectin, winged bean (basic) agglutinin (WBA I). The binding reactions were driven by dominant favorable enthalpic contributions and exhibited significant enthalpy-entropy compensation. Proton NMR titration of C-methoxygalactose with jacalin and WBA I resulted in broadening of the sugar resonances without any change in chemical shift. The alpha-and beta-anomers of 4-methoxygalactose were found to be in slow exchange with free and lectin-bound states. Both the anomers experience magnetically equivalent environments at the respective binding sites. The binding constants derived from the dependence of NMR line widths on 4-methoxygalactose concentration agreed well with those obtained from titration calorimetry. The results unequivocally demonstrate that the loci corresponding to the axially oriented C-4 hydroxyl group of galactose within the primary binding site of these lectins exhibit plasticity. These analyses suggest, for the first time, the existence of C-H ... O-type hydrogen-bond(s) in protein-carbohydrate interactions in general and between the C-4 locus of galactose derivative and the lectins jacalin and WBA I in particular.


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The effect of high hydrostatic pressure up to 1.5 GPa on ionic motion in (NH4)4Fe(CN)6.1.5H2O has been studied by wide-line 1H NMR experiments performed in the temperature range from room temperature to 77 K. The experiments at room temperature have shown a large increase in the second moment at 0.45 GPa as a result of a pressure-induced phase transition. The temperature dependence study up to 0.425 GPa has shown a gradual increase in the values of activation energy and attempt frequency with increase in pressure. The activation volume for motion at 300 K has been estimated to be 6% of molar volume. Vacancy-assisted ionic jumps are concluded to be the mode of charge transport. Second moments estimated at 77 K show evidence for tunnelling reorientation of at least one of the two NH4+ groups in the compound.


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The conformation of an acyclic dehydrophenylalanine (delta Z-Phe) containing hexapeptide, Boc-Phe-delta Z-Phe-Val-Phe-delta Z-Phe-Val-OMe, has been investigated in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO by 270-MHz 1H-nmr. Studies of NH group solvent accessibility and observation of interresidue nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) suggest a significant solvent-dependent conformational variability. In CDCl3, a population of folded helical conformations is supported by the inaccessibility to solvent of the NH groups of residues 3-6 and the detection of several NiH----Ni + 1H NOEs. Evidence is also obtained for conformational heterogeneity from the detection of some Ci alpha H----Ni + 1H NOEs characteristic of extended strands. In (CD3)2SO, the peptide largely favors an extended conformation, characterized by five solvent-exposed NH groups and successive Ci alpha H----Ni + 1H NOEs for the L-residues and Ci beta H----Ni + 1H NOEs for the delta Z-Phe residues. The results suggest that delta Z-Phe residues do not provide compelling conformational constraints.


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A pulsed field gradient spin echo NMR spectrometer has been assembled by interfacing a programmable pulse generator and a data acquisition system designed and fabricated in our laboratory with other imported units. Calibration results of the magnetic field gradients are presented.


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2,4-Lutidine-1-oxide (2,4-LutO) complexes of lanthanide perchlorates of the formulae Ln2(2,4-LutO)13(ClO4)6 (Ln = Pr and Nd) and Ln2(2,4-LutO)15 (ClO4)6 (Ln = La, Tb, Dy, Ho and Yb) have been prepared and characterised by chemical analysis, IR, NMR, conductance and electronic spectral data. Proton NMR data along with the IR data show that the ligand coordinates to the metal ion through the oxygen. Conductance data of the complexes in acetone and nitrobenzene indicate that the perchlorate is not coordinated to the metal ion.


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Wide-line c.w. proton resonance investigations have been carried out on the ammonium halides, namely, ammonium chloride, ammonium bromide and ammonium iodide in the temperature range between 77 and 300 K and in the pressure range between 1 bar and 14 kbar. It has been found that the narrow iodide spectrum at 77 K broadens under the application of hydrostatic pressure. The barrier height for the ammonium ion motion in ammonium iodide under pressure has been estimated by carrying out a temperature variation study. The rotational potential for the motion of ammonium ion in ammonium iodide at 1 bar and 14 kbar has been calculated using earlier theoretical models and compared with values calculated for ammonium chloride and bromide. The barrier height in the case of ammonium iodide under pressure is found to be of the same order of magnitude as the value obtained in the case of ammonium bromide at atmospheric pressure indicating that the high pressure phase of ammonium iodide is likely to have the same structure as the low temperature ordered CsCl phase found in the case of the chloride and the bromide. The increase in the potential barrier height in the case of ammonium iodide under pressure indicates that the reorientational motion executed by the ammonium ions is inhibited by the application of pressure. This is also confirmed by the broadening of the spectral line at 77 K under the application of pressure.


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Results of cw wide-line proton magnetic resonance investigations on ammonium sulphate and rubidium ammonium sulphate are presented. The pressure and temperature dependence of some of the properties of ammonium sulphate are explained stressing the importance of the role of the ammonium ions.


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The diverse biological activities of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) are mediated by the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). These actions are modulated by a family of six IGF-binding proteins (ICFBP-1-6; 22-31 kDa) that via high affinity binding to the IGFs (K-D similar to 300-700 pM) both protect the IGFs in the circulation and attenuate IGF action by blocking their receptor access In recent years, IGFBPs have been implicated in a variety of cancers However, the structural basis of their interaction with IGFs and/or other proteins is not completely understood A critical challenge in the structural characterization of full-length IGFBPs has been the difficulty in expressing these proteins at levels suitable for NMR/X-ray crystallography analysis Here we describe the high-yield expression of full-length recombinant human IGFBP-2 (rhIGFBP-2) in Eschericha coli Using a single step purification protocol, rhIGFBP-2 was obtained with >95% purity and structurally characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The protein was found to exist as a monomer at the high concentrations required for structural studies and to exist in a single conformation exhibiting a unique intra-molecular disulfide-bonding pattern The protein retained full biologic activity. This study represents the first high-yield expression of wild-type recombinant human IGFBP-2 in E coli and first structural characterization of a full-length IGFBP (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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The 31P nmr spectra of 2,4- and 2,6-diamino-derivatives of octachlorocyclotetraphosphazatetraene, N4P4Cl6(NR1R2)2 (R1 = H, R2 = But; R1 = H, R2 = CH2Ph; R1 = Me, R2 = Ph), have been measured. The 2,4- and 2,6-isomers were analysed as AA'BB' and A2B2 spin systems respectively. In the 2,4-isomers the spin-spin couplings 2J(PNP) and 4J(PNPNP) were of opposite sign.