867 resultados para Motor Cortical Areas


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The aerial activities, leaps and slaps with parts of the body in the surface of water, are part of the behavioral repertoire of several species of cetaceans. Among them, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, shows greater diversity in such behavior. For the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha, the aerial activities are classified as vertical and horizontal, with eight patterns to be noted (tail slap, head slap, motor boating, partial leap, leap, spin, tail over head and tail over head with spin) discriminated between these categories. Such behaviors can be used as a parameter to identify behavioral changes, as well as patterns of daily and seasonal activity. In this manner, this study aimed to characterize the frequency in performance of such activity while the dolphins were within the Dolphin Bay of Fernando de Noronha, and verify possible daily and seasonal hourly fluctuations on such behaviors. The data analyzed in this study was acquired during the period of January 2006 through December 2010, totaling 1431 days of observation from land set point, with 113027 aerial activities registered, daily average of 72,27 (SD=96,10). During 5478h and 54 min of observation the horizontal aerial activity was the most observed and rotation was the most executed pattern. Greater frequency of execution of aerial activity was observed in adults, but for both adults and calves, was observed a predominance of horizontal activities, with spin being the pattern most executed. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of aerial activity performed and the number of animals inside the Bay. Hourly daily fluctuation was observed in the expression of aerial activities by spinner dolphins, and was observed a peak of activity between 8h and 8h59min for the overall frequency relative of aerial activities, as well as for the categories and patterns. Seasonal differences were observed between the rainy and dry season with the greater amount of activity being observed during the rainy season. Nevertheless, the same profile of frequency relative of aerial activity was observed in both seasons with the peak amount being during the same period. When discriminated the aerial activities in categories and patterns, for both seasons, there was a similar pattern of hourly fluctuation; for most of parameters, higher frequency relative of execution of aerial activity remain between 8h and 8h59min


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Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires therapeutic monitoring during the habilitation or rehabilitation of children. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use systems of evaluation to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and assist in the organization of a therapeutic program. The aim of this study was to quantitatively verify the performance of children with spastic di-paresia type CP.Methods: The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFM) tests were used and classification made through the GMFCS in the assessment of 7 patients with CP, 4 females and 3 males, average age of 9 years old.Results: According to GMFCS scales, 17% (n=1) were level II and 83% (n=6) were level III. The PEDI test and 88 GMFM items were used in the area of mobility. We observed that there was high correlation between mobility and gross motor function with Pearson's correlation coefficient =0.929) showing the likely impact of these areas in the functional skills and the quality of life of these patients.Conclusion: We suggest the impact of the limitation of the areas in functional skills and quality of life of these patients.


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OBJETIVO: Apontar as possíveis alterações orofaciais decorrentes do sintoma obstrução nasal em pacientes portadores de doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas superiores, por meio de revisão de literatura. FONTES DE DADOS: Levantamento bibliográfico utilizando bancos de dados eletrônicos, como Medline, Ovid, SciELO e Lilacs, com as palavras-chave asthma, rhinitis e mouth breathing, abrangendo os 30 últimos anos. Foram incluídos artigos de revisão, estudos observacionais e ensaios clínicos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A obstrução nasal é encontrada freqüentemente em doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, como rinite e asma. A respiração bucal decorrente da obstrução nasal pode interferir de maneira direta no desenvolvimento infantil, com alterações no crescimento do crânio e orofacial, na fala, na alimentação, na postura corporal, na qualidade do sono e no desempenho escolar. CONCLUSÕES: Devido à variedade de alterações orofaciais encontradas na criança respiradora bucal decorrente de obstrução nasal por doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, é necessário realizar diagnóstico e tratamento precoces por uma equipe multidisciplinar, composta por médico, ortodontista e fonoaudiólogo, contemplando a visão de uma via respiratória única, que traz conseqüências ao crescimento e desenvolvimento do sistema motor oral.


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Orofacial movement is a complex function performed by facial and jaw muscles. Jaw movement is enacted through the triggering of motoneurons located primarily in the trigeminal motor nucleus (Mo5). The Mo5 is located in the pontine reticular formation, which is encircled by premotor neurons. Previous studies using retrograde tracers have demonstrated that premotor neurons innervating the Mo5 are distributed in brainstem areas, and electrophysiological studies have suggested the existence of a subcortical relay in the corticofugal-Mo5 pathway. Various neurotransmitters have been implicated in oral movement. Dopamine is of special interest since its imbalance may produce changes in basal ganglia activity, which generates abnormal movements, including jaw motor dysfunction, as in oral dyskinesia and possibly in bruxism. However, the anatomical pathways connecting the dopaminergic systems with Mo5 motoneurons have not been studied systematically. After injecting retrograde tracer fluorogold into the Mo5, we observed retrograde-labeled neurons in brainstem areas and in a few forebrain nuclei, such as the central nucleus of the amygdala, and the parasubthalamic nucleus. By using dual-labeled immunohistochemistry, we found tyrosine hydroxylase (a catecholamine-processing enzyme) immunoreactive fibers in close apposition to retrograde-labeled neurons in brainstem nuclei, in the central nucleus of the amygdala and the parasubthalamic nucleus, suggesting the occurrence of synaptic contacts. Therefore, we suggested that catecholamines may regulate oralfacial movements through the premotor brainstem nuclei, which are related to masticatory control, and forebrain areas related to autonomic and stress responses. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according to the motor assessment and the intervention program of motor activities in the swimming pool conducted at Sesi/Londrina, twice a week, during 45 minute sessions over a 2 month period, with an attendance rate of 87%. Data was analyzed descriptively comparing the results with before and after tests. Generally, the motor quotient regarding all items was classified as very low, characterizing motor deficit, with exception of temporal organization, presented as normal low. After intervention, the only area that showed positive change was balance; this result showed that the child gained 12 months in motor age, without corresponding alterations in the other areas.


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This study sought to evaluate motor development in children aged 6 to 11 years with learning difficulties and school characteristics of delayed motor development, before and after application of a motor intervention program. The sample consisted of 28 children with a mean age of 107.21 ± 16.56 months, who were evaluated by the Motor Development Scale and received motor intervention for 6 months, followed by reassessment. We observed a statistically significant difference between the average of the motor activity ratios in all areas of the evaluation and reevaluation. Also verified in the evaluation were the concentration ratios of children with motor activity greater than or equal to 80 and there was a revaluation increase in this concentration on re-evaluation, the areas with the greatest increase in concentration and significant differences being: Body Schema, Space and temporal Organization. In the overall evaluation of MDS, most children presented the classification of low normal. However, in the reassessment most have evolved into the average normal, only 4 of themremaining in the same classification. Therefore, in this study, children with learning disabilities also showed motor deficits and the intervention applied contributed to an increase in the motor ratios with consequent improvement in motor development. Besides psychopedagogical asistance, it is essential to reassess them and if necessary apply the intervention in the motor development of children with learning difficulties.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the present investigation we mapped the primary visual area of the South American diurnal rodent, Dasyprocta aguti, by standardized electrophysiological mapping techniques. In particular, we performed a series of mapping experiments of the visual streak in the primary visual cortex. We found that the representation of the visual streak in V1 is greatly expanded, the nasal 10 degrees of the visual streak representation occupies ten times more cortical area than equivalent areas in the central or temporal representation. Comparison of these data with those on the density of ganglion cells in the retina at corresponding locations in the visual field reveal a significant mismatch between these two variables. The nasal representation is greatly expanded along the horizontal meridian in V1 as compared to the central and temporal regions whereas the density of ganglion cells decreases with progression along the visual streak from central region towards the nasal or temporal visual field. A review of the available data reveals that all lateral-eyed mammals exhibit a similar mismatch between the retinal and cortical representation of the visual field, and this mismatches is greater in those species with well defined visual streaks such as rabbit and agouti.


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O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a terceira maior causa de mortalidade e incapacidade no mundo e a principal causa de mortes no Brasil. Após a lesão isquêmica, pela capacidade limitada do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) se regenerar, os déficits funcionais geralmente são incapacitantes e permanentes. A incapacidade de regeneração decorre, dentre outros fatores, do acúmulo de proteoglicanos de sulfato de condroitina (PGSC) no local da lesão, inibindo a plasticidade no microambiente extracelular. A enzima condroitinase ABC (ChABC) tem se mostrado eficiente para degradar os PGSC, proporcionando plasticidade. Esta pesquisa se propõe a avaliar o efeito da remoção de PGSC após uma lesão isquêmica no córtex sensório-motor primário de ratos. Para tal, utilizou-se 20 ratos Wistar, em 4 grupos experimentais, controle e tratado, com tempo de sobrevida de 7 e 14 dias. Induziu-se uma lesão isquêmica através de microinjeções do vasoconstritor ET-1 (Endotelina-1) no córtex sensório-motor, implantou-se um polímero de Etileno vinil acetato saturado com ChABC (tratado) ou BSA (controle). Morfologicamente, avaliamos a área de lesão, que se mostrou sem diferença estatística entre grupo controle 7 dias (média de 1653,8 ± 162,57mm²), tratado 7 dias (média de 2067,3 ± 235,42mm²), controle 14 dias (média de 1267,16 ± 280,6mm²), tratado 14 dias (média de 1323,8 ± 297,05mm²) após lesão; a quantidade de astrócitos, que também se mostrou sem diferença estatística entre grupo controle 7 dias (média de 16,6±4,67 células/campo), tratado 7 (média de 21,07±1,87 células/campo) e controle 14 (média de 17,46±0,80 células/campo), tratado 14 (média de 18,51±2,60 células/campo) dias após lesão; e a expressão de controitin degradado, que qualitativamente foi mais expresso nos ratos tratados 7 e 14 dias após lesão. Comportamentalmente, no teste do cilindro, animais tratados tiveram índice de assimetria menor já em 7 dias após lesão, com diferença significativa entre os grupos. No teste da escada horizontal, os animais tratados tiveram menor diferença intragrupo que os controles. Em 7 dias após lesão, já estavam com o mesmo desempenho funcional que seu pré-cirúrgico. Os dados comportamentais demonstram que a ChABC foi eficaz na melhora do desempenho funcional de maneira precoce, o que significa que a degradação das PGSC abre uma janela plástica na lesão isquêmica cortical, sem influenciar no tamanho da lesão e quantidade de astrócitos na cicatriz glial, porém com melhora do desempenho funcional de maneira precoce. Novos estudos devem ser realizados, associando a ChABC a terapêuticas adjuvantes no tratamento de lesões isquêmicas experimentais.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A deglutição é um processo fisiológico complexo que acontece por uma sequência motora automática, regulada por um complicado mecanismo neuromotor e neuromuscular que é iniciado de maneira consciente e é resultado da integridade anatômica e funcional de diversas estruturas faciais. É de extrema importância para a nutrição do organismo como um todo. Um dos maiores desafios no campo das ciências é identificar os substratos neurais de comportamentos fisiológicos, incluindo esse processo de deglutição. O desenvolvimento da tecnologia em neuroimagem funcional nos últimos anos está provocando um rápido avanço no conhecimento de funções cerebrais, o que resultou numa explosão de novos achados em neurociência. OBJETIVO: Mapear as regiões de ativação cerebral durante o fenômeno da deglutição por meio do exame de ressonância magnética funcional. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo quatro indivíduos do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, sem alterações neurológicas, estruturais e alimentares. Após a aprovação da Instituição (Clínica Lobo), do Comité de Ética e Pesquisa do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde (ICS) e a aprovação escrita de cada paciente através do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, foram submetidos a quatro provas deglutórias, utilizando a técnica de ressonância magnética funcional. RESULTADOS: Foi possível a determinação da ativação dos hemisférios cerebrais e cerebelares e as especificas áreas que os compõem. Mesmo com uma amostragem pequena, os resultados das análises individuais mostraram padrões de acordo com a literatura, conjuntamente com dados novos. DISCUSSÃO: O cerebelo é responsável pela coordenação da ação motora e manutenção da harmonia dos movimentos, posição e equilíbrio do bolo alimentar; o bolbo raquidiano juntamente com o tronco cerebral constitui o centro de atividades reflexas que controla funções ou respostas orgânicas automáticas como a deglutição; o mesencéfalo é a parte do encéfalo que coordena a informação visual; o tálamo encaminha quase todo o tipo de informação sensorial para as zonas específicas do córtex cerebral; o hipotálamo, importante na experimentação das sensações de prazer, regula as funções homeostáticas do corpo, gustação, olfação, salivação, interagindo com o sistema nervoso autônomo e o sistema límbico está ligado ao controle e direção das reações emocionais, sob a ação da amígdala, no processamento de odores e no armazenamento de conteúdos da memória, aqui através do hipocampo. CONCLUSÃO: O ato de deglutir é um processo complexo, ativando muitas áreas cerebrais, dentre elas podemos destacar a gustativa, mental/visual e a olfativa e que é iniciado muito antes dos processos mecânicos envolvidos, conforme demonstrado pelas áreas corticais e subcorticais ativadas. A área olfativa foi a mais notadamente destacada nas imagens colhidas pela Rmf.


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In the presence of developmental dyslexia, there is high probability of motor difficulties being present as well purposes: The purposes of this study were to characterize and compare the motor performance of students with dyslexia with students with good academic performance and to identify the presence of the DCD (developmental coordination disorder) co-occurring with developmental dyslexia. A total of 79 students participated in the research, both genders, from 8 to 11 years old, from 3rd to 5th grades, and were divided into Group I: 19 students with developmental dyslexia and Group II: 60 students with good academic performance. All the students were assessed using “The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency” (second edition), to measure the motor skills and the pattern and differences between groups. The results of this study showed that the motor performance of Group II students was superior to the performance of students of Group I in almost all motor areas assessed but both groups performed less well than they should have for their chronological age. The results of this study indicate that occupational therapists, speech therapists and educators need to be aware of the presence of motor impairments and the need for early intervention in both the academic and clinical environments, in order to ensure that early identification and diagnosis of possible co-occurrences, such as DCD, and the impact on learning to guarantee more appropriate clinical and educational assistance for this population. This may also indicate that increased exposure to movement may be important to limit some of the secondary health consequences in children in Brazil.


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Smoking cue-provoked craving is an intricate behavior associated with strong changes in neural networks. Craving is one of the main reasons subjects continue to smoke; therefore interventions that can modify activity in neural networks associated with craving can be useful tools in future research investigating novel treatments for smoking cessation. The goal of this study was to use a neuromodulatory technique associated with a powerful effect on spontaneous neuronal firing - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) - to modify cue-provoked smoking craving. Based on preliminary data showing that craving can be modified after a single tDCS session, here we investigated the effects of repeated tDCS sessions on craving behavior. Twenty-seven subjects were randomized to receive sham or active tDCS (anodal tDCS of the left DLPFC). Our results show a significant cumulative effect of tDCS on modifying smoking cue-provoked craving. In fact, in the group of active stimulation, smoking cues had an opposite effect on craving after stimulation - it decreased craving - as compared to sham stimulation in which there was a small decrease or increase on craving. In addition, during these 5 days of stimulation there was a small but significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked in the active as compared to sham tDCS group. Our findings extend the results of our previous study as they confirm the notion that tDCS has a specific effect on craving behavior and that the effects of several sessions can increase the magnitude of its effect. These results open avenues for the exploration of this method as a therapeutic alternative for smoking cessation and also as a mean to change stimulus-induced behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The use of noninvasive cortical electrical stimulation with weak currents has significantly increased in basic and clinical human studies. Initial, preliminary studies with this technique have shown encouraging results; however, the safety and tolerability of this method of brain stimulation have not been sufficiently explored yet. The purpose of our study was to assess the effects of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) stimulation at different intensities in order to measure their effects on cognition, mood, and electroencephalogram. Methods: Eighty-two healthy, right-handed subjects received active and sham stimulation in a randomized order. We conducted 164 ninety-minute sessions of electrical stimulation in 4 different protocols to assess safety of (1) anodal DC of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC); (2) cathodal DC of the DLPFC; (3) intermittent anodal DC of the DLPFC and; (4) AC on the zygomatic process. We used weak currents of 1 to 2 mA (for DC experiments) or 0.1 to 0.2 mA (for AC experiment). Results: We found no significant changes in electroencephalogram, cognition, mood, and pain between groups and a low prevalence of mild adverse effects (0.11% and 0.08% in the active and sham stimulation groups, respectively), mainly, sleepiness and mild headache that were equally distributed between groups. Conclusions: Here, we show no neurophysiological or behavioral signs that transcranial DC stimulation or AC stimulation with weak currents induce deleterious changes when comparing active and sham groups. This study provides therefore additional information for researchers and ethics committees, adding important results to the safety pool of studies assessing the effects of cortical stimulation using weak electrical currents. Further studies in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders are warranted.


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Study aim. - We describe a new neuronavigation-guided technique to target the posterior-superior insula (PSI) using a cooled-double-cone coil for deep cortical stimulation. Introduction. - Despite the analgesic effects brought about by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the primary motor and prefrontal cortices, a significant proportion of patients remain symptomatic. This encouraged the search for new targets that may provide stronger pain relief. There is growing evidence that the posterior insula is implicated in the integration of painful stimuli in different pain syndromes and in homeostatic thermal integration. Methods. - The primary motor cortex representation of the lower leg was used to calculate the motor threshold and thus, estimate the intensity of PSI stimulation. Results. - Seven healthy volunteers were stimulated at 10 Hz to the right PSI and showed subjective changes in cold perception. The technique was safe and well tolerated. Conclusions. - The right posterior-superior insula is worth being considered in future studies as a possible target for rTMS stimulation in chronic pain patients. (c) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.