975 resultados para Mosher esters


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C75 is a synthetic racemic α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone exhibiting anti-tumoral properties in vitro and in vivo as well as inducing hypophagia and weight loss in rodents. These interesting properties are thought to be a consequence of the inhibition of the key enzymes FAS and CPT1 involved in lipid metabolism. The need for larger amounts of this compound for biological evaluation prompted us to develop a convenient and reliable route to multigram quantities of C75 from easily available ethyl penta-3,4-dienoate 6. A recently described protocol for the addition of 6 to a mixture of dicyclohexylborane and nonanal followed by acidic treatment of the crude afforded lactone 8, as a mixture of cis and trans isomers, in good yield. The DBU-catalyzed isomerization of the methyl esters 9 arising from 8 gave a 10:1 trans/cis mixture from which the trans isomer was isolated and easily transformed into C75. The temporary transformation of C75 into a phenylseleno ether derivative makes its purification, manipulation and storage easier.


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Esters and amino acid derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) are efficient prodrugs for the production of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX), which has been used in photodynamic cancer therapy (PDT). The synthesis of novel bioconjugates combining ALA with adenosine and thymidine is reported. The novel bioconjugates have been made using a robust methodology. The new class of prodrugs contains one, two, or three ALA per molecule. Preliminary cell tests in human cancer cell lines indicate that the thymidine conjugate of ALA is an efficient prodrug for PDT.


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The study reports a set of forty proteinogenic histidine-containing dipeptides as potential carbonyl quenchers. The peptides were chosen to cover as exhaustively as possible the accessible chemical space, and their quenching activities toward 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and pyridoxal were evaluated by HPLC analyses. The peptides were capped at the C-terminus as methyl esters or amides to favor their resistance to proteolysis and diastereoisomeric pairs were considered to reveal the influence of configuration on quenching. On average, the examined dipeptides are less active than the parent compound carnosine (βAla + His) thus emphasizing the unfavorable effect of the shortening of the βAla residue as confirmed by the control dipeptide Gly-His. Nevertheless, some peptides show promising activities toward HNE combined with a remarkable selectivity. The results emphasize the beneficial role of aromatic and positively charged residues, while negatively charged and H-bonding side chains show a detrimental effect on quenching. As a trend, ester derivatives are slightly more active than amides while heterochiral peptides are more active than their homochiral diastereoisomer. Overall, the results reveal that quenching activity strongly depends on conformational effects and vicinal residues (as evidenced by the reported QSAR analysis), offering insightful clues for the design of improved carbonyl quenchers and to rationalize the specific reactivity of histidine residues within proteins.


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The lipid and fatty acid composition of rat brain was studied during its development both in vivo and in an aggregating cell culture system. Although the amount of lipid present in the cultures was very low, the increase in glycolipid content corresponded closely to the period of intense myelin formation. Very long chain fatty acids (hydroxylated and unsubstituted) were present in 41-day cultures. In comparison to the in vivo situation, myelination was delayed in vitro and, after 40 days in culture, cholesterol esters were 5-fold higher than in vivo, indicating that demyelination was occurring.


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Työssä tutkittiin muurahais-, etikka- ja propionihapon sekä näiden johdannaisten teollisia sovelluskohteita. Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää muurahaishapolle tai sen johdannaisille potentiaalisia käyttökohteita etikka- ja propionihapon sekä näiden johdannaisten teollisista sovelluskohteista. Työssä on laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa käsitellään muurahais-, etikka- ja propionihapon kemiallisia ja fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia, ekologisia ja korroosiovaikutuksia sekä yleensä orgaanisten happojen antimikrobisia ominaisuuksia. Tämän lisäksi työssä esitellään tarkasteltavien happojen sekä happojohdannaisten markkinat teollisissa sovelluksissa Yhdysvalloissa, Länsi-Euroopassa ja Japanissa. Korvaavuuksien syventävän analyysin avulla pyrittiin löytämään ne sovelluskohteet muurahaishapolle tai sen johdannaisille, joissa ne voisivat olla hinnaltaan kilpailukykyisiä vastaavien etikka-ja propionihapposovellusten kanssa. Mahdollisen korvaavuuden rajaksi asetettiin5 000 tonnia sovelluskohdetta kohti. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella etikkahapon estereiden (asetaattiestereiden) käyttökohde liuottimien komponentteinavoisi olla potentiaalisin käyttökohde vastaaville muurahaishapon estereille (formiaattiestereille). Asetaattiestereitä on ennustettu käytettävän maailmalla 2 808 000 tonnia vuonna 2006. Niiden pääkäyttöalueet ovat liuottimina pintapäällysteissä kuten maaleissa, lakoissa sekä painomusteissa ja -väreissä. Toistaiseksi formiaattiestereitä on hyödynnetty vain muutamia satoja tonneja lähinnä lääketeollisuuden sovelluksissa välituotteena. Työssä tehtyjen alustavien laskelmien perusteella muurahaishapon esterit ovat hintatasoltaan kilpailukykyinen vaihtoehto vastaaville asetaattiestereille. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa etyyliformiaattia valmistettiin menestyksekkäästi laboratoriomittakaavassa. Toinen potentiaalinen uusi tuote on selluloosaformiaattikuitu (SF-kuitu). Selluloosa-asetaattikuitua käytettiin vuonna 2001 845 000 tonnia, josta 79 % kului savukefilttereiden valmistukseen. SF-kuitu on kirjallisuuden mukaan vaihtoehtoinen raaka-aine savukefilttereiden valmistukseen.


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Les plantes médicinales représentent la seule source de médicaments pour près de 90 % de la population de certains pays d?Afrique. Le savoir-faire des guérisseurs traditionnels, d?une valeur inestimable, représente un point de départ pour l?investigation pharmacologique et phytochimique de ces médicaments naturels. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes dans un premier temps intéressés à valider l?utilisation en médecine traditionnelle de deux plantes, Diuscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) et Urginea altissima (Liliaceae), qui produisent, lorsqu?elles sont frottées sur la peau, une inflammation et des démangeaisons. Ces réactions cutanées ont pu être expliquées, au moins en partie, par la présence d?aiguilles acérées d?oxalate de calcium dans les organes souterrains. Ces microtraumatismes répétés de l?épiderme risquent de provoquer, lors d?une utilisation prolongée, des lésions granulomateuses. L?histamine n?a pas été détectée, mais d?autres substances pourraient être impliquées dans le processus inflammatoire. La seconde partie de ce travail a consisté en la détection, l?isolement et la caractérisation de nouveaux composés naturels présentant un intérêt thérapeutique potentiel. 70 extraits provenant de 28 plantes supérieures du Zimbabwe ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Les extraits méthanoliques des parties aériennes de Jamesbrittenia fodina et J. elegantissima (Scrophulariaceae) ont été sélectionnés sur la base de leurs nombreuses activités. Le fractionnement guidé par l?activité de J. fudina a permis l?isolement des saponines A et B, responsables des activités antifongique, antibactérienne et molluscicide de l?extrait. De plus, les deux saponines ont montré une activité équivalente en tant qu?inhibiteurs de l?acétylcholinestérase, propriété encore non décrite pour cette classe de composés. Une analyse LC/uv/MS de l?extrait a permis d?attribuer l?activité antiradicalaire au verbascoside, un dérivé du phenylpropane; cette analyse a de plus montré la présence d?une série de dérivés de l?acide cinnamique, dont l?isolement a été entrepris. Deux problèmes d?instabilité sont apparus, empêchant l?isolement des composés par des méthodes chromatographiques de pointe, en dépit de très bonnes conditions de séparations. Des analyses LC/?H-NMR combinées à des analyses RMN classiques des mélanges ont permis d?attribuer ces instabilités d?une part à une isomérisation cis/trans induite par la lumière, et d?autre part à une transacylation du groupe cinnamoyl sur une unité de sucre. Ceci a permis l?identification de 12 esters cinnamiques d?iridoïdes, dont 8 nouveaux produits naturels. Ces dérivés présentent un intérêt thérapeutique, car des composés similaires ont montré des propriétés anti-inflammatoires significatives dans différents modèles in vivo. Deux flavanones ont aussi été isolées de l?extrait. Cette classe de composés n?a jamais été rapportée chez un membre des Scrophulariaceae. Une analyse LC/UV/MS comparative des extraits polaires des deux espèces, J. fodina et J. elegantissima, a été effectuée pour détecter la présence éventuelle de compos.és communs. Les saponines A et B et le verbascoside ont été identifiés dans l?extrait de J. elegantissima. Trois flavonoïdes ont de plus été isolés de ce dernier par CPC et HPLC semi-préparative.<br/><br/>In certain African countries, medicinal plants represent the unique source of to 90% of the population. The knowledge of traditional healers represents a basis for the pharmacological and phytochemical investigation of these natural medicines. This work first focused on the validation of use of two plants frequently employed in traditional medicine, Dioscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) and Urginea altissimu (Liliaceae), which produce mild inflammation and itching when rubbed on the skin. These cutaneous reactions were shown to be due, at least in part, to the presence of sharp needles of calcium oxalate, implying the risk of granulomatous lesions following a long term use. Histamine was not detected, but other compounds could be involved in the inflammatory process. The second part of this work consisted of the detection, isolation and characterisation of new natural compounds of potential therapeutic interest from African plants. Seventy extracts obtained from 28 higher plants of Zimbabwe were submitted to a chemical and biological screening. The methanol extracts of the whole plants of Jamesbrittenia fodina and J. elegantissima (Scrophulariaceae) were selected for their various activities. An activity-guided fractionation of J. fodina led to the isolation of the saponins A and B, responsible for the antifungal, antibacterial and molluscicidal properties. Both saponins were equally active as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, a property that has, to our knowledge, never been described for this class of compounds. A LC/UV/MS analysis of the extract allowed the identification of verbascoside as the product with radical scavenging activity, and indicated the presence of a series of potentially interesting cinnamic acid derivatives. Two types of instability problems occurred in the course of their isolation, as some compounds could not be separated despite very good chromatographic conditions. LC/'H-NMR analyses combined with in-mixture NMR analyses enabled the attribution of the cause of the instability in one case to a cidtrans light-induced isomerisation, and in the other case to a transacylation of the cinnamoyl moiety on a sugar residue. These problems of instability have not been the object of previous studies. 12 cinnamic iridoid esters could be characterised, 8 of these being new natural compounds. Several similar substances have displayed significant anti-inflammatory properties in different in vivo models, suggesting a therapeutic interest for these new derivatives. Two flavanones were isolated from the same extract. This class of compound has not been previously reported from species of the Scrophulariaceae family. A comparative LCAJVNS study of the polar extracts of the two species J. elegantissima and J. fodina was performed in order to detect possible common compounds. Saponins A and B and verbascoside were thus identified in .J. elegantissima. Moreover, three supplementary flavonoids were isolated from J. elegantissima..


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Preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol was carried out by the enzymatic hydrolysis of halohydrin palmitates using biocatalysts. Halohydrin palmitates were prepared by various methods from palmitic acid and 1,2-octanediol. A tandem hydrolysis was carried out using lipases from Candida antarctica (Novozym® 435), Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme IM), and “resting cells” from a Rhizopus oryzae strain that was not mycotoxigenic. The influence of the enzyme and the reaction medium on the selective hydrolysis of isomeric mixtures of halohydrin esters is described. Novozym® 435 allowed preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol after 1–3 h ofreaction at 40 °C in [BMIM][PF6].


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The anticipated worldwide increase in biodiesel production will result in an accumulation of glycerol for which there are insufficient conventional uses. The surplus of this by-product has increased rapidly during the last decade, prompting a search for new glycerol applications. We describe here the synthesis of dissymmetric chlorohydrin esters from symmetric 1,3-dichloro-2-propyl esters obtained from glycerol. We studied the influence of two solvents: 1,4-dioxane and 1-butanol and two bases: sodium carbonate and 1-butylimidazole, on the synthesis of dissymmetric chlorohydrin esters. In addition, we studied the influence of other bases (potassium and lithium carbonates) in the reaction using 1,4-dioxane as the solvent. The highest yield was obtained using 1,4-dioxane and sodium carbonate.


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The use of iodine as a catalyst and either acetic or trifluoroacetic acid as a derivatizing reagent for determining the enantiomeric composition of acyclic and cyclic aliphatic chiral alcohols was investigated. Optimal conditions were selected according to the molar ratio of alcohol to acid, the reaction time, and the reaction temperature. Afterwards, chiral stability of chiral carbons was studied. Although no isomerization was observed when acetic acid was used, partial isomerization was detected with the trifluoroacetic acid. A series of chiral alcohols of a widely varying structural type were then derivatized with acetic acid using the optimal conditions. The resolution of the enantiomeric esters and the free chiral alcohols was measured using a capillary gas chromatograph equipped with a CP Chirasil-DEX CB column. The best resolutions were obtained with 2-pentyl acetates (α = 3.00) and 2-hexyl acetates (α = 1.95). This method provides a very simple and efficient experimental workup procedure for analyzing chiral alcohols by chiral-phase GC.


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Effects of water activity and 1-propanol concentration on synthesis of propyl oleate from oleic acid using Aspergillus niger cell-bound lipases in isooctane are described. A. niger produces lipases (EC which partly bind to the mycelium during growth. Ester production was monitored for 72 hours at different 1-propanol concentrations and water activities. Aliquots were sequentially withdrawn and propyl esters were quantified using GC and methyl palmitate as an internal standard. In all assayed conditions A. niger cell-bound lipases catalysed propyl oleate synthesis, but at different degrees.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Nutritional factors, especially the protein and fat content of the diet, may change pancreatic morphology after ethanol induced injury. This study was performed to delineate the combined effects of a low fat diet and longterm ethanol ingestion on the rat pancreas. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained with five different diets for 12 weeks and the pancreas removed on the day they were killed. Rats fed a very low fat diet without ethanol (5% of total calories as lipid) developed malnutrition, pancreatic steatosis, and reduction in zymogen granules content. Animals fed a 35% lipid diet with ethanol also developed pancreatic steatosis but changes in zymogen granules content were not detected. Both malnutrition and longterm ethanol consumption increased pancreatic cholesterol ester content, and their effects were additive. Pancreatic steatosis was accompanied with hypercholesterolaemia. Amylase, lipase, and cholesterol esterase content were reduced in malnourished rats; but longterm ethanol ingestion, regardless of the nutritional state, increased lipase content and decreased amylase. It is suggested that high serum cholesterol concentrations and increased pancreatic lipase activity could cause accumulation of cholesterol esters in acinar cells. Fat accumulation in the pancreas has been reported as the earliest histopathological feature in alcoholic patients and may be responsible for cytotoxic effects on the acinar cells at the level of the cell membrane. Although it is difficult to extrapolate results in this animal study to the human situation, the results presented in this work might explain the higher incidence of pancreatitis is malnourished populations as well as in alcoholic subjects that is reported in dietary surveys.


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Flowers of Annonaceae are characterized by fleshy petals, many stamens with hard connective shields and numerous carpels with sessile stigmas often covered by sticky secretions. The petals of many representatives during anthesis form a closed pollination chamber. Protogynous dichogamy with strong scent emissions especially during the pistillate stage is a character of nearly all species. Scent emissions can be enhanced by thermogenesis. The prevailing reproductive system in the family seems to be self-compatibility. The basal genus Anaxagorea besides exhibiting several ancestral morphological characters has also many characters which reappear in other genera. Strong fruit-like scents consisting of fruit-esters and alcohols mainly attract small fruit-beetles (genus Colopterus, Nitidulidae) as pollinators, as well as several other beetles (Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae) and fruit-flies (Drosophilidae), which themselves gnaw on the thick petals or their larvae are petal or ovule predators. The flowers and the thick petals are thus a floral brood substrate for the visitors and the thick petals of Anaxagorea have to be interpreted as an antipredator structure. Another function of the closed thick petals is the production of heat by accumulated starch, which enhances scent emission and provides a warm shelter for the attracted beetles. Insight into floral characters and floral ecology of Anaxagorea, the sister group of the rest of the Annonaceae, is particularly important for understanding functional evolution and diversification of the family as a whole. As beetle pollination (cantharophily) is plesiomorphic in Anaxagorea and in Annonaceae, characters associated with beetle pollination appear imprinted in members of the whole family. Pollination by beetles (cantharophily) is the predominant mode of the majority of species worldwide. Examples are given of diurnal representatives (e.g., Guatteria, Duguetia, Annona) which function on the basis of fruit-imitating flowers attracting mainly fruit-inhabiting nitidulid beetles, as well as nocturnal species (e.g., large-flowered Annona and Duguetia species), which additionally to most of the diurnal species exhibit strong flower warming and provide very thick petal tissues for the voracious dynastid scarab beetles (Dynastinae, Scarabaeidae). Further examples will show that a few Annonaceae have adapted in their pollination also to thrips, flies, cockroaches and even bees. Although this non-beetle pollinated species have adapted in flower structure and scent compounds to their respective insects, they still retain some of the specialized cantharophilous characters of their ancestors.