880 resultados para Morrison, Toni
Estudi fruit de l'experiència viscuda en el centre Aremi sobre la interacció amb el software Photoshop d'un grup de nois.
Analitza la usabilitat de la web del diari Segre, l'aplicació e-Segre i la plana web Cercle. Per realitzar aquest anàlisi s'han utilitzat dues tècniques: realització d'una avaluació heurística amb experts i realització de tests d'usuaris mitjançant l'Eye tracking. Tots aquests tests i avaluacions s'han dut a terme per poder arribar a una conclusió final.
El trabajo consiste en un estudio comparativo de varias herramientas de creación de prototipado software, mediante un sistema de valoración de atributos. El estudio pretende seleccionar entre las herramientas estudiadas la más adecuada para aplicar en el mundo de la docencia.
Este trabajo final de carrera consiste en el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita gestionar la usabilidad en las páginas de inicio. La herramienta debe ser capaz de introducir y almacenar la información necesaria de la web que se estudiará. Después se creará la captura y se marcarán las zonas de la página de inicio. Más tarde se introducirá el resumen del estudio, los fallos detectados y las recomendaciones para mejorar. Por último se mostrará a través de gráficos e informes los resultados obtenidos del estudio.
Creació i administració d'un portal d'internet dedicat a la venda de productes del camp de qualitat, directament del propi camp a casa del client, sense passar per cap intermediari.
En este documento se explica el proyecto que hemos realizado para mejorar las características de los canales de información de la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS). Estos canales de información, son los medios por los cuales hacemos llegar la información correspondiente a la Escuela tanto a los alumnos, como a los profesores y a las personas ajenas a nuestra Escuela. Tenemos dos canales de información independientes, uno es la página web de la Escuela y otro las pantallas de información. Nuestro objetivo es simplificar su funcionamiento, para ello queremos unirlos de tal forma que sea más sencillo actualizar la información. Esto permitirá optimizar esta tarea, sin tener que estar pendiente de cada canal de información.
El treball consisteix en realitzar una aplicació que faci ús de l'Eye Tracker. L'objectiu marcat es realitzar una aplicació que permeti escriure coses a l'ordinador a persones discapacitades fent ús del dispositiu "Eye Tracker". Aquesta aplicació intentarà facilitar les coses a les persones discapacitades pel que fa a l'ús de l'ordinador i s'intentarà que l'aplicació acabi amb una de les limitacions més importants en persones que no poden fer ús de les mans, i per tant, no poden escriure en l'ordinador.
Este trabajo se divide en dos partes. Por un lado, el estudio de los futuros estándares HTML 5 y CSS 3 (donde vemos las nuevas propiedades y capacidades que estas tecnologías proporcionan) y por otro la propuesta de actualización del sitio web www.mpiua.net utilizando los citados estándares
Implementar un algorisme per a l'optimització de rutes de Picking i de reposició de magatzems. Estudi i anàlisi de dos magatzems on es realitzaran proves mitjançant l'algorisme per saber quin és el millor.
El projecte desenvolupa un sistema de gestió de les incidències de l'enllumenat públic destinat a ajuntaments o a les empreses concessionàries de la gestió. El sistema ha de permetre l'enregistrament i resolució de les avaries o desperfectes que es puguin produir a la infraestructura urbana d'enllumenat.
Paltridge found reasonable values for the most significant climatic variables through maximizing the material transport part of entropy production by using a simple box model. Here, we analyse Paltridge's box model to obtain the energy and the entropy balance equations separately. Derived expressions for global entropy production, which is a function of the radiation field, and even its material transport component, are shown to be different from those used by Paltridge. Plausible climatic states are found at extrema of these parameters. Feasible results are also obtained by minimizing the radiation part of entropy production, in agreement with one of Planck's results, Finally, globally averaged values of the entropy flux of radiation and material entropy production are obtained for two dynamical extreme cases: an earth with uniform temperature, and an earth in radiative equilibrium at each latitudinal point
The effects of the nongray absorption (i.e., atmospheric opacity varying with wavelength) on the possible upper bound of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) emitted by a planetary atmosphere have been examined. This analysis is based on the semigray approach, which appears to be a reasonable compromise between the complexity of nongray models and the simplicity of the gray assumption (i.e., atmospheric absorption independent of wavelength). Atmospheric gases in semigray atmospheres make use of constant absorption coefficients in finite-width spectral bands. Here, such a semigray absorption is introduced in a one-dimensional (1D) radiative– convective model with a stratosphere in radiative equilibrium and a troposphere fully saturated with water vapor, which is the semigray gas. A single atmospheric window in the infrared spectrum has been assumed. In contrast to the single absolute limit of OLR found in gray atmospheres, semigray ones may also show a relative limit. This means that both finite and infinite runaway effects may arise in some semigray cases. Of particular importance is the finding of an entirely new branch of stable steady states that does not appear in gray atmospheres. This new multiple equilibrium is a consequence of the nongray absorption only. It is suspected that this new set of stable solutions has not been previously revealed in analyses of radiative–convective models since it does not appear for an atmosphere with nongray parameters similar to those for the earth’s current state
Axons, and particularly regenerating axons, have high metabolic needs in order to maintain critical functions such as axon transport and membrane depolarization. Though some of the required energy likely comes form extracellular glucose and ATP generated in the soma, we and others hypothesize that some of the energy may be supplied by lactate. Unlike glucose that requires glycolytic enzymes to produce pyruvate, lactate can be converted directly to pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase and transported into mitochondria for oxidative metabolism. In order to be transported into or out of cells, lactate requires specific monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), the most abundant of which is MCT1. If MCT1 and lactate are critical for nerve function and regeneration, we hypothesize that MCT1 heterozygote null mice, which appear phenotypically normal despite having approximately 40% MCT1 as compared to wildtype littermate mice, would have reduced capacity for repair following nerve injury. To investigate this, adult MCT1 heterozygote null mice or wild-type mice underwent unilateral sciatic nerve crush in the proximal thigh. We found that regeneration of the sciatic nerve, as measured by recovery of compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) in the lateral plantar muscles following proximal sciatic nerve stimulation, was delayed from a median of 21 days in wildtype mice to 38.5 days in MCT1 heterozygote mice. In fact, half of the MCT1 heterozygote null mice had no recovery of CMAP by the endpoint of the study at 42 days, while all of the wild-type mice had recovered. In addition, the maximal amplitude of CMAP recovery in MCT1 heterozygote mull mice was reduced from a mean of 3 mV to 0.5 mV. As would be expected, the denervated gastrocnemius muscle of MCT1 heterozygote null mice remained atrophic at 42 days compared to wild-type mice. Our experiments show that lactate supplied through MCT1 is necessary for nerve regeneration. Experiments are underway to determine whether loss of MCT1 prevents nerve regrowth directly due to reduced energy supply to axons or indirectly by dysfunctional Schwann cells normally dependent on lactate supply through MCT1.
Después de la muerte de Toni, en agosto de 2011, sus amigos y conocidos continuaron dirigiéndole mensajes en su cuenta de Facebook. Este trabajo presenta un estudio cualitativo, desde una perspectiva etnográfica, de esa cuenta de Facebook, como un lugar virtual que permitió nuevas formas de duelo, luto y relación con la memoria de la persona fallecida, ante la desaparición o pérdida de significado de los ritos tradicionales relacionados con la muerte.
The longwave emission of planetary atmospheres that contain a condensable absorbing gas in the infrared (i.e., longwave), which is in equilibrium with its liquid phase at the surface, may exhibit an upper bound. Here we analyze the effect of the atmospheric absorption of sunlight on this radiation limit. We assume that the atmospheric absorption of infrared radiation is independent of wavelength except within the spectral width of the atmospheric window, where it is zero. The temperature profile in radiative equilibrium is obtained analytically as a function of the longwave optical thickness. For illustrative purposes, numerical values for the infrared atmospheric absorption (i.e., greenhouse effect) and the liquid vapor equilibrium curve of the condensable absorbing gas refer to water. Values for the atmospheric absorption of sunlight (i.e., antigreenhouse effect) take a wide range since our aim is to provide a qualitative view of their effects. We find that atmospheres with a transparent region in the infrared spectrum do not present an absolute upper bound on the infrared emission. This result may be also found in atmospheres opaque at all infrared wavelengths if the fraction of absorbed sunlight in the atmosphere increases with the longwave opacity