916 resultados para Morphing Alteration Detection Image Warping


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Piezoelectric array transducers applications are becoming usual in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing area. However, the number of elements can increase the system complexity, due to the necessity of multichannel circuitry and to the large amount of data to be processed. Synthetic aperture techniques, where one or few transmission and reception channels are necessary, and the data are post-processed, can be used to reduce the system complexity. Another possibility is to use sparse arrays instead of a full-populated array. In sparse arrays, there is a smaller number of elements and the interelement spacing is larger than half wavelength. In this work, results of ultrasonic inspection of an aluminum plate with artificial defects using guided acoustic waves and sparse arrays are presented. Synthetic aperture techniques are used to obtain a set of images that are then processed with an image compounding technique, which was previously evaluated only with full-populated arrays, in order to increase the resolution and contrast of the images. The results with sparse arrays are equivalent to the ones obtained with full-populated arrays in terms of resolution. Although there is an 8 dB contrast reduction when using sparse arrays, defect detection is preserved and there is the advantage of a reduction in the number of transducer elements and data volume. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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Para avaliar a importância da ultra-sonografia como método de diagnóstico por imagem na detecção de alterações ecográficas hepático-portais na hepatite por vírus C realizou-se esta investigação cujos objetivos foram: descrever os achados de marcadores ecográficos de alteração morfológica do fígado e do sistema porta; determinar a freqüência dessas alterações e investigar a presença de associação entre as alterações ultra-sonográficas hepáticas e portais e a infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC), em indivíduos portadores assintomáticos deste vírus, os quais foram selecionados entre pré-doadores de sangue da Fundação Hemopa, hemocentro de referência oficial no Estado do Pará, Brasil, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2003. O estudo foi realizado comparando-se os achados de um grupo com 30 participantes soropositivos para o VHC (grupo central) e de um grupo controle, composto de 38 participantes soronegativos. Ambos os grupos da pesquisa incluíram indivíduos assintomáticos, de ambos os sexos e com idade adequada para doação de sangue. A triagem para doação foi realizada no hemocentro, utilizando seus procedimentos de rotina. Procedeu-se pareamento dos participantes da pesquisa por sexo e idade. A amostra analisada evidenciou predomínio da faixa etária de 18 a 28 anos, correspondendo a 53% dos participantes do grupo central e 50% dos participantes do grupo controle. Hepatomegalia e hiperecogenicidade do parênquima, achados inespecíficos e encontrados comumente na esteatose hepática, foram mais freqüentes no grupo central, porém sem diferença estatística significante. Heterogenicidade textural, focos hipoecogênicos, alterações de visibilidade dos ramos venosos intra-hepáticos e esplenomegalia foram outros parâmetros mais freqüentes no grupo de infectados, também sem diferença estatística significante. Os participantes do grupo central apresentaram alterações com diferença estatística significante no parâmetro superfície hepática e na classificação por pontuação pelos escores de Lin, considerando-se os parâmetros superfície, parênquima, veias internas e índice esplênico. A totalização de pontos classificou os participantes nos padrões fino -80% no grupo central e 100% no grupo controle - heterogêneo -13,3% no grupo central e 0% no grupo controle - e nodular-6,7% no grupo central e 0% no grupo controle, demonstrando diferença estatística significante. Não foram observados em participantes de ambos os grupos achados de nódulos, massas, ascite, aumento de calibre das veias porta e esplênica e circulação colateral, podendo-se aventar que o predomínio da faixa etária mais jovem na população de pré-doadores pode ter minimizado os achados dos marcadores ecográficos, haja vista a tendência evolutiva lenta e silenciosa da infecção pelo VHC, com expressão tardia das alterações morfológicas de hepatite crônica, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular.


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This paper makes a comparative analysis of results produced by the application of two techniques for the detection and segmentation of bodies in motion captured in images sequence, namely: 1) technique based on the temporal average of the values of each pixel recorded in N consecutive image frames and, 2) technique based on historical values associated with pixels recorded in different frames of an image sequence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Carbapenem resistance amongst Acinetobacter spp. has been increasing in the last decade. This study evaluated the outer membrane protein (OMP) profile and production of carbapenemases in 50 carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. isolates from bloodstream infections. Isolates were identified by API20NE. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for carbapenems were determined by broth microdilution. Carbapenemases were studied by phenotypic tests, detection of their encoding gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, and imipenem hydrolysis. Nucleotide sequencing confirming the enzyme gene type was performed using MegaBACE 1000. The presence of OMPs was studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and PCR. Molecular typing was performed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All isolates were resistant to carbapenems. Moreover, 98% of the isolates were positive for the gene encoding the enzyme OXA-51-like, 18% were positive for OXA-23-like (only one isolate did not show the presence of the insertion sequence ISAba1 adjacent to this gene) and 76% were positive for OXA-143 enzyme. Five isolates (10%) showed the presence of the IMP-1 gene. Imipenem hydrolysing activity was detected in only three strains containing carbapenemase genes, comprising two isolates containing the bla(IMP) gene and one containing the bla(OXA-51/OXA-23-like) gene. The OMP of 43 kDa was altered in 17 of 25 strains studied, and this alteration was associated with a high meropenem MIC (256 mu g/mL) in 5 of 7 strains without 43 kDa OMP. On the other hand, decreased OMP 33-36 kDa was found in five strains. The high prevalence of OXA-143 and alteration of OMPs might have been associated with a high level of carbapenem resistance. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.


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Although Recovery is often defined as the less studied and documented phase of the Emergency Management Cycle, a wide literature is available for describing characteristics and sub-phases of this process. Previous works do not allow to gain an overall perspective because of a lack of systematic consistent monitoring of recovery utilizing advanced technologies such as remote sensing and GIS technologies. Taking into consideration the key role of Remote Sensing in Response and Damage Assessment, this thesis is aimed to verify the appropriateness of such advanced monitoring techniques to detect recovery advancements over time, with close attention to the main characteristics of the study event: Hurricane Katrina storm surge. Based on multi-source, multi-sensor and multi-temporal data, the post-Katrina recovery was analysed using both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The first phase was dedicated to the investigation of the relation between urban types, damage and recovery state, referring to geographical and technological parameters. Damage and recovery scales were proposed to review critical observations on remarkable surge- induced effects on various typologies of structures, analyzed at a per-building level. This wide-ranging investigation allowed a new understanding of the distinctive features of the recovery process. A quantitative analysis was employed to develop methodological procedures suited to recognize and monitor distribution, timing and characteristics of recovery activities in the study area. Promising results, gained by applying supervised classification algorithms to detect localization and distribution of blue tarp, have proved that this methodology may help the analyst in the detection and monitoring of recovery activities in areas that have been affected by medium damage. The study found that Mahalanobis Distance was the classifier which provided the most accurate results, in localising blue roofs with 93.7% of blue roof classified correctly and a producer accuracy of 70%. It was seen to be the classifier least sensitive to spectral signature alteration. The application of the dissimilarity textural classification to satellite imagery has demonstrated the suitability of this technique for the detection of debris distribution and for the monitoring of demolition and reconstruction activities in the study area. Linking these geographically extensive techniques with expert per-building interpretation of advanced-technology ground surveys provides a multi-faceted view of the physical recovery process. Remote sensing and GIS technologies combined to advanced ground survey approach provides extremely valuable capability in Recovery activities monitoring and may constitute a technical basis to lead aid organization and local government in the Recovery management.


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[EN]OpenCV includes di erent object detectors based on the Viola-Jones framework. Most of them are specialized to deal with the frontal face pattern and its inner elements: eyes, nose, and mouth. In this paper, we focus on the ear pattern detection, particularly when a head pro le or almost pro le view is present in the image. We aim at creating real-time ear detectors based on the general object detection framework provided with OpenCV. After training classi ers to detect left ears, right ears, and ears in general, the performance achieved is valid to be used to feed not only a head pose estimation system but also other applications such as those based on ear biometrics.


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[EN] This paper analyzes the detection and localization performance of the participating face and eye algorithms compared with the Viola Jones detector and four leading commercial face detectors. Performance is characterized under the different conditions and parameterized by per-image brightness and contrast. In localization accuracy for eyes, the groups/companies focusing on long-range face detection outperform leading commercial applications.


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[EN]In this paper, we experimentally study the combination of face and facial feature detectors to improve face detection performance. The face detection problem, as suggeted by recent face detection challenges, is still not solved. Face detectors traditionally fail in large-scale problems and/or when the face is occluded or di erent head rotations are present. The combination of face and facial feature detectors is evaluated with a public database. The obtained results evidence an improvement in the positive detection rate while reducing the false detection rate. Additionally, we prove that the integration of facial feature detectors provides useful information for pose estimation and face alignment.


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[EN]This work makes an extensive experimental study of smile detection testing the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) combined with self similarity (LAC) as main descriptors of the image, along with the powerful Support Vector Machines classifier. Results show that error rates can be acceptable and the self similarity approach for the detection of smiles is suitable for real-time interaction, although there is still room for improvement.


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A single picture provides a largely incomplete representation of the scene one is looking at. Usually it reproduces only a limited spatial portion of the scene according to the standpoint and the viewing angle, besides it contains only instantaneous information. Thus very little can be understood on the geometrical structure of the scene, the position and orientation of the observer with respect to it remaining also hard to guess. When multiple views, taken from different positions in space and time, observe the same scene, then a much deeper knowledge is potentially achievable. Understanding inter-views relations enables construction of a collective representation by fusing the information contained in every single image. Visual reconstruction methods confront with the formidable, and still unanswered, challenge of delivering a comprehensive representation of structure, motion and appearance of a scene from visual information. Multi-view visual reconstruction deals with the inference of relations among multiple views and the exploitation of revealed connections to attain the best possible representation. This thesis investigates novel methods and applications in the field of visual reconstruction from multiple views. Three main threads of research have been pursued: dense geometric reconstruction, camera pose reconstruction, sparse geometric reconstruction of deformable surfaces. Dense geometric reconstruction aims at delivering the appearance of a scene at every single point. The construction of a large panoramic image from a set of traditional pictures has been extensively studied in the context of image mosaicing techniques. An original algorithm for sequential registration suitable for real-time applications has been conceived. The integration of the algorithm into a visual surveillance system has lead to robust and efficient motion detection with Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras. Moreover, an evaluation methodology for quantitatively assessing and comparing image mosaicing algorithms has been devised and made available to the community. Camera pose reconstruction deals with the recovery of the camera trajectory across an image sequence. A novel mosaic-based pose reconstruction algorithm has been conceived that exploit image-mosaics and traditional pose estimation algorithms to deliver more accurate estimates. An innovative markerless vision-based human-machine interface has also been proposed, so as to allow a user to interact with a gaming applications by moving a hand held consumer grade camera in unstructured environments. Finally, sparse geometric reconstruction refers to the computation of the coarse geometry of an object at few preset points. In this thesis, an innovative shape reconstruction algorithm for deformable objects has been designed. A cooperation with the Solar Impulse project allowed to deploy the algorithm in a very challenging real-world scenario, i.e. the accurate measurements of airplane wings deformations.


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Satellite remote sensing has proved to be an effective support in timely detection and monitoring of marine oil pollution, mainly due to illegal ship discharges. In this context, we have developed a new methodology and technique for optical oil spill detection, which make use of MODIS L2 and MERIS L1B satellite top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance imagery, for the first time in a highly automated way. The main idea was combining wide swaths and short revisit times of optical sensors with SAR observations, generally used in oil spill monitoring. This arises from the necessity to overcome the SAR reduced coverage and long revisit time of the monitoring area. This can be done now, given the MODIS and MERIS higher spatial resolution with respect to older sensors (250-300 m vs. 1 km), which consents the identification of smaller spills deriving from illicit discharge at sea. The procedure to obtain identifiable spills in optical reflectance images involves removal of oceanic and atmospheric natural variability, in order to enhance oil-water contrast; image clustering, which purpose is to segment the oil spill eventually presents in the image; finally, the application of a set of criteria for the elimination of those features which look like spills (look-alikes). The final result is a classification of oil spill candidate regions by means of a score based on the above criteria.


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Lo studio dell’intelligenza artificiale si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di una classe di problemi che richiedono processi cognitivi difficilmente codificabili in un algoritmo per essere risolti. Il riconoscimento visivo di forme e figure, l’interpretazione di suoni, i giochi a conoscenza incompleta, fanno capo alla capacità umana di interpretare input parziali come se fossero completi, e di agire di conseguenza. Nel primo capitolo della presente tesi sarà costruito un semplice formalismo matematico per descrivere l’atto di compiere scelte. Il processo di “apprendimento” verrà descritto in termini della massimizzazione di una funzione di prestazione su di uno spazio di parametri per un ansatz di una funzione da uno spazio vettoriale ad un insieme finito e discreto di scelte, tramite un set di addestramento che descrive degli esempi di scelte corrette da riprodurre. Saranno analizzate, alla luce di questo formalismo, alcune delle più diffuse tecniche di artificial intelligence, e saranno evidenziate alcune problematiche derivanti dall’uso di queste tecniche. Nel secondo capitolo lo stesso formalismo verrà applicato ad una ridefinizione meno intuitiva ma più funzionale di funzione di prestazione che permetterà, per un ansatz lineare, la formulazione esplicita di un set di equazioni nelle componenti del vettore nello spazio dei parametri che individua il massimo assoluto della funzione di prestazione. La soluzione di questo set di equazioni sarà trattata grazie al teorema delle contrazioni. Una naturale generalizzazione polinomiale verrà inoltre mostrata. Nel terzo capitolo verranno studiati più nel dettaglio alcuni esempi a cui quanto ricavato nel secondo capitolo può essere applicato. Verrà introdotto il concetto di grado intrinseco di un problema. Verranno inoltre discusse alcuni accorgimenti prestazionali, quali l’eliminazione degli zeri, la precomputazione analitica, il fingerprinting e il riordino delle componenti per lo sviluppo parziale di prodotti scalari ad alta dimensionalità. Verranno infine introdotti i problemi a scelta unica, ossia quella classe di problemi per cui è possibile disporre di un set di addestramento solo per una scelta. Nel quarto capitolo verrà discusso più in dettaglio un esempio di applicazione nel campo della diagnostica medica per immagini, in particolare verrà trattato il problema della computer aided detection per il rilevamento di microcalcificazioni nelle mammografie.


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Antibody microarrays are of great research interest because of their potential application as biosensors for high-throughput protein and pathogen screening technologies. In this active area, there is still a need for novel structures and assemblies providing insight in binding interactions such as spherical and annulus-shaped protein structures, e.g. for the utilization of curved surfaces for the enhanced protein-protein interactions and detection of antigens. Therefore, the goal of the presented work was to establish a new technique for the label-free detection of bio-molecules and bacteria on topographically structured surfaces, suitable for antibody binding.rnIn the first part of the presented thesis, the fabrication of monolayers of inverse opals with 10 μm diameter and the immobilization of antibodies on their interior surface is described. For this purpose, several established methods for the linking of antibodies to glass, including Schiff bases, EDC/S-NHS chemistry and the biotin-streptavidin affinity system, were tested. The employed methods included immunofluorescence and image analysis by phase contrast microscopy. It could be shown that these methods were not successful in terms of antibody immobilization and adjacent bacteria binding. Hence, a method based on the application of an active-ester-silane was introduced. It showed promising results but also the need for further analysis. Especially the search for alternative antibodies addressing other antigens on the exterior of bacteria will be sought-after in the future.rnAs a consequence of the ability to control antibody-functionalized surfaces, a new technique employing colloidal templating to yield large scale (~cm2) 2D arrays of antibodies against E. coli K12, eGFP and human integrin αvβ3 on a versatile useful glass surface is presented. The antibodies were swept to reside around the templating microspheres during solution drying, and physisorbed on the glass. After removing the microspheres, the formation of annuli-shaped antibody structures was observed. The preserved antibody structure and functionality is shown by binding the specific antigens and secondary antibodies. The improved detection of specific bacteria from a crude solution compared to conventional “flat” antibody surfaces and the setting up of an integrin-binding platform for targeted recognition and surface interactions of eukaryotic cells is demonstrated. The structures were investigated by atomic force, confocal and fluorescence microscopy. Operational parameters like drying time, temperature, humidity and surfactants were optimized to obtain a stable antibody structure.


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In un mondo che richiede sempre maggiormente un'automazione delle attività della catena produttiva industriale, la computer vision rappresenta uno strumento fondamentale perciò che viene già riconosciuta internazionalmente come la Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale o Industry 4.0. Avvalendomi di questo strumento ho intrapreso presso l'azienda Syngenta lo studio della problematica della conta automatica del numero di foglie di una pianta. Il problema è stato affrontato utilizzando due differenti approcci, ispirandosi alla letteratura. All'interno dell'elaborato è presente anche la descrizione progettuale di un ulteriore metodo, ad oggi non presente in letteratura. Le metodologie saranno spiegate in dettaglio ed i risultati ottenuti saranno confrontati utilizzando i primi due approcci. Nel capitolo finale si trarranno le conclusioni sulle basi dei risultati ottenuti e dall'analisi degli stessi.