977 resultados para Modern Hindi essay
Culloden (BBC, 1964) The Great War (BBC, 1964) 1914-18 (BBC/KCET, 1996) Haig: the Unknown Soldier (BBC, 1996) Veterans: the Last Survivors of the Great War (BBC, 1998) 1900s House (Channel 4, 1999) The Western Front (BBC, 1999) History of Britain (BBC, 2000) 1940s House (Channel 4, 2001) The Ship (BBC, 2002) Surviving the Iron Age (BBC, 2001) The Trench (BBC, 2002) Frontier House (Channel 4, 2002) Lad's Army (BBC, 2002) Edwardian Country House (Channel 4, 2002) Spitfire Ace (Channel 4, 2003) World War One in Colour (Channel 5, 2003) 1914: the War Revolution (BBC, 2003) The First World War (Channel 4, 2003) Dunkirk (BBC, 2004) Dunkirk: The Soldier's Story (BBC, 2004) D-Day to Berlin (BBC, 2004) Bad Lad's Army (ITV, 2004) Destination D-Day: Raw Recruits (BBC, 2004) Bomber Crew (Channel 4, 2004) Battlefield Britain (BBC, 2004) The Last Battle (ARTE/ZDF, 2005) Who Do You Think You Are? (BBC, 2004, 2006) The Somme (Channel 4, 2005) [From the Publisher]
Im Anschluß an das narrative Verständnis der Zeit bei Paul Ricoeur und Wilhelm Schapp entwickelt der Text die These, daß Lebenszeit die Summe der erzählten und erzählbaren Geschichten ist, die wir über uns und die wir einander zu erzählen haben. Wenn diese These Geltung besitzt, plausibel und nachvollziehbar ist, dann sind Sonderpädagogen Geschichtenerzähler. Allerdings (re-)konstruieren sie nur eine Geschichte, nämlich die der Behinderung. Nur in diesem Fokus sind andere Menschen sonderpädagogisch überhaupt interessant. Dieser unauflösliche Widerspruch fundiert Sonderpädagogik. Fatal im Sinne von „end-gültig“ist die Konsequenz für den so Erzählten: wer nur eine Geschichte von sich zu erzählen hat, über wen es nur eine Geschichte zu erzählen gibt, der ist arm dran. Behinderung ist ein Geschichtsmonopol. Dem ist nur durch disziplinkritische Auswilderung zu entgehen. Die pädagogische Aufgabe liegt in der Eröffnung eines Horizontes von Geschichten. Dies kann die verengenden institutionellen und organisatorischen Fragestellungen gegenwärtiger inklusiver Bewegungsforschung erweitern und ergänzen. Es ist dabei gleichgültig, ob dies zu einer Neubestimmung von akademischer Sonderpädagogik oder ihrer Substituierung führt. Die weißen Handschuhe auszuziehen gilt es allemal. (DIPF/Orig.)
This document provides details of the transfer of the Norman Holme archive data held in the National Marine Biological Library onto a modern database, specifically Marine Recorder. A key part in the creation of the database was the retrieval of a large amount of information recorded in field notebooks and on loosely-bound sheets of paper. As this work involved amending, interpreting and updating the available information, it was felt that an accurate record of this process should exist to allow scientists of the future to be able to clearly link the modern database to the archive material. This document also provides details of external information sources that were used to enhance and qualify the historical interpretation, such as estimating volumes and species abundances.
This article examines whether a Modern World- Systems (MWS) perspective can provide an improved understanding of the processes of democratization in Africa (and other developing regions of the world) by conducting a comparative case study of South Africa and Zambia in the 1990s, examining the transitions to democracy and divergent processes of democratic consolidation in each country. Semiperipheral South Africa has, due to its more advantageous position in the world-system, been better equipped than peripheral Zambia to safeguard democracy against erosion and reversal. Th e central irony of the MWS is that the weakest states in the MWS can be pushed around by core powers and are more easily forced to democratize while at the same time they are least likely to possess the resources necessary for democratic consolidation. Semiperipheral states can maintain their independence vis-à-vis the core to a higher degree, but if the decision is made to undertake a democratic transition they are more likely to possess the resources necessary for successful consolidation. Th e MWS perspective allows for an improved understanding of the causal pathway of how position in the MWS translates into the ability to consolidate democracy than does approaches that emphasize domestic factors.