895 resultados para Model Driven Software Development, Arduino, Meta-Modeling, Domain Specific Languages, Software Factory


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In acknowledging the importance of ontologies in conceptual modeling, database integration and business process modeling, this paper introduces a set of principles for building ontologies. Starting from Guarino's meta-properties of ontological terms, the paper describes the denotational semantics of the meta-properties and derives from them some engineering rules and checks for constructing domain specific conceptual models, based on the overarching requirement to assign meanings to concepts using tags and labels. Parallel research by the authors into the use of contextual references and roles to restrict such meanings will be published elsewhere.


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The mechanism of subnational regional and urban economic development has been studied extensively by economists, geographers, town planners and other academics. The existing widely varying theories of regional economic development are insufficient on their own in explaining how a region can develop and prosper. Each theory has evaluated a few facets of regional economic development. Research from these different perspectives is narrow and prevents any cross-fertilization of research from these diverse theories. Recognition of multiple factors affecting the development process has led the author to create an integrated model of regional and urban economic development. The essay first sets out to describe and explain this integrated model. Each of the components of this new model draws heavily upon seminal work in the field. This model proposes three rings. Each ring is at a different level of abstraction. The determinants of development described in each ring can influence each and every other determinant of development shown in the three-ring structure. This model recognizes that development in any centre, be it regional or urban, nascent or established, is a composite end result of the complex interplay of all the determinants. The essay then goes on to show how this model can provide a broad holistic approach to regional economic development that can assist researchers in their attempts to understand and link its various theories.


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The transition to adulthood is characterised by both great potential for positive change and a relatively high incidence of problem outcomes. A multidimensional model of positive development during the transition to adulthood (at 19-20 years) has recently been proposed. However, an unresolved question regarding the nature of positive development during this time is how best to conceptualise its relationship to psychopathology. We drew on data from 1158 participants in the Australian Temperament Project, a large longitudinal community-based study that has followed young people's psychosocial adjustment from infancy to early adulthood. Using structural equation modelling, we compared three models reflecting different conceptualisations of the relationship between positive development and psychopathology. The results suggest that positive development and psychopathology are best modelled as separate but correlated constructs. Hence, development in one domain is likely to influence the other, although separate and specific developmental pathways are also likely to be operating.


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Caregivers play a vital role in caring for people diagnosed with cancer. However, little is understood about caregivers' capacity to find, understand, appraise and use information to improve health outcomes. The study aimed to develop a conceptual model that describes the elements of cancer caregiver health literacy. Six concept mapping workshops were conducted with 13 caregivers, 13 people with cancer and 11 healthcare providers/policymakers. An iterative, mixed methods approach was used to analyse and synthesise workshop data and to generate the conceptual model. Six major themes and 17 subthemes were identified from 279 statements generated by participants during concept mapping workshops. Major themes included: access to information, understanding of information, relationship with healthcare providers, relationship with the care recipient, managing challenges of caregiving and support systems. The study extends conceptualisations of health literacy by identifying factors specific to caregiving within the cancer context. The findings demonstrate that caregiver health literacy is multidimensional, includes a broad range of individual and interpersonal elements, and is influenced by broader healthcare system and community factors. These results provide guidance for the development of: caregiver health literacy measurement tools; strategies for improving health service delivery, and; interventions to improve caregiver health literacy.


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Modern IDEs provide limited support for developers when starting a new data-driven mobile app. App developers are currently required to write copious amounts of boilerplate code, scripts, organise complex directories, and author actual functionality. Although this scenario is ripe for automation, current tools are yet to address it adequately. In this paper we present RAPPT, a tool that generates the scaffolding of a mobile app based on a high level description specified in a Domain Specific Language (DSL). We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by an example case study and feedback from a professional development team. Demo at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffquVgBYpLM.


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The Short-term Water Information and Forecasting Tools (SWIFT) is a suite of tools for flood and short-term streamflow forecasting, consisting of a collection of hydrologic model components and utilities. Catchments are modeled using conceptual subareas and a node-link structure for channel routing. The tools comprise modules for calibration, model state updating, output error correction, ensemble runs and data assimilation. Given the combinatorial nature of the modelling experiments and the sub-daily time steps typically used for simulations, the volume of model configurations and time series data is substantial and its management is not trivial. SWIFT is currently used mostly for research purposes but has also been used operationally, with intersecting but significantly different requirements. Early versions of SWIFT used mostly ad-hoc text files handled via Fortran code, with limited use of netCDF for time series data. The configuration and data handling modules have since been redesigned. The model configuration now follows a design where the data model is decoupled from the on-disk persistence mechanism. For research purposes the preferred on-disk format is JSON, to leverage numerous software libraries in a variety of languages, while retaining the legacy option of custom tab-separated text formats when it is a preferred access arrangement for the researcher. By decoupling data model and data persistence, it is much easier to interchangeably use for instance relational databases to provide stricter provenance and audit trail capabilities in an operational flood forecasting context. For the time series data, given the volume and required throughput, text based formats are usually inadequate. A schema derived from CF conventions has been designed to efficiently handle time series for SWIFT.


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The aim of this case study was to investigate how the evolutionary process of the development of software, especially the change of paradigm for the factory software, has affected the structure of the Board of Relacionamento, Desenvolvimento e Informações - DRD at a public company called Dataprev and also reflecting or not a return to the model taylorist-fordist of the organization on production. For this study, there were interviews and a questionnaire applied, as well as documentary and literature review on the following topics: organizational structure, factory software, taylorism and fordism. From the data collected and analyzed, in the perspective studied, it was understood that there is not a return to the model taylorist-fordist to organize the production in the process of adopting the concept of a software factory in Dataprev. In addition to that, there was a flexibility in the organizational structure of its units of development - the softwares factories Dataprev.


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Os modelos e as técnicas de modelação são, hoje em dia, fundamentais na engenharia de software, devido à complexidade e sofisticação dos sistemas de informação actuais.A linguagem Unified Modeling Language (UML) [OMG, 2005a] [OMG, 2005b] tornou-se uma norma para modelação, na engenharia de software e em outras áreas e domínios, mas é reconhecida a sua falta de suporte para a modelação da interactividade e da interface com o utilizador [Nunes and Falcão e Cunha, 2000].Neste trabalho, é explorada a ligação entre as áreas de engenharia de software e de interacção humano-computador, tendo, para isso, sido escolhido o processo de desenvolvimento Wisdom [Nunes and Falcão e Cunha, 2000] [Nunes, 2001]. O método Wisdom é conduzido por casos de utilização essenciais e pelo princípio da prototipificação evolutiva, focando-se no desenho das interfaces com o utilizador através da estrutura da apresentação, com a notação Protótipos Abstractos Canónicos (PAC) [Constantine and Lockwood, 1999] [Constantine, 2003], e do comportamento da interacção com a notação ConcurTaskTrees (CTT) [Paternò, 1999] [Mori, Paternò, et al., 2004] em UML.É proposto, também, neste trabalho um novo passo no processo Wisdom, sendo definido um modelo específico, construído segundo os requisitos da recomendação Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [Soley and OMG, 2000] [OMG, 2003] elaborada pela organização Object Managent Group (OMG). Este modelo específico será o intermediário entre o modelo de desenho e a implementação da interface final com o utilizador. Esta proposta alinha o método Wisdom com a recomendação MDA, tornando possível que sejam gerados, de forma automática, protótipos funcionais de interfaces com o utilizador a partir dos modelos conceptuais de análise e desenho.Foi utilizada a ferramenta de modelação e de metamodelação MetaSketch [Nóbrega, Nunes, et al., 2006] para a definição e manipulação dos modelos e elementos propostos. Foram criadas as aplicações Model2Model e Model2Code para suportar as transformações entre modelos e a geração de código a partir destes. Para a plataforma de implementação foi escolhida a framework Hydra, desenvolvida na linguagem PHP [PHP, 2006], que foi adaptada com alguns conceitos de modo a suportar a abordagem defendida neste trabalho.


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Os modelos são tradicionalmente utilizados na engenharia de software para documentar aspetos do desenho e, em alguns casos, como base para a geração de parte ou a totalidade dos sistemas informáticos que descrevem. Embora subsista o debate sobre este tipo de abordagens e sobre o papel e qualidades que os modelos devem possuir nesta área de engenharia, a existência de modelos que estejam em conformidade com linguagens de modelação bem definidas permite outro tipo de utilizações que vão além das anteriormente referidas. Assente no conhecimento existente sobre a visualização de dados, nesta dissertação irá ser demonstrado a utilização de técnicas de visualização que permitem extrair informação sobre os modelos numa perspetiva inovadora e que contribui favoravelmente para uma melhor compreensão, análise e validação dos mesmos.


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All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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The development of interactive systems involves several professionals and the integration between them normally uses common artifacts, such as models, that drive the development process. In the model-driven development approach, the interaction model is an artifact that includes the most of the aspects related to what and how the user can do while he/she interacting with the system. Furthermore, the interactive model may be used to identify usability problems at design time. Therefore, the central problematic addressed by this thesis is twofold. In the first place, the interaction modeling, in a perspective that helps the designer to explicit to developer, who will implement the interface, the aspcts related to the interaction process. In the second place, the anticipated identification of usability problems, that aims to reduce the application final costs. To achieve these goals, this work presents (i) the ALaDIM language, that aims to help the designer on the conception, representation and validation of his interactive message models; (ii) the ALaDIM editor, which was built using the EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) and its standardized technologies by OMG (Object Management Group); and (iii) the ALaDIM inspection method, which allows the anticipated identification of usability problems using ALaDIM models. ALaDIM language and editor were respectively specified and implemented using the OMG standards and they can be used in MDA (Model Driven Architecture) activities. Beyond that, we evaluated both ALaDIM language and editor using a CDN (Cognitive Dimensions of Notations) analysis. Finally, this work reports an experiment that validated the ALaDIM inspection method


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Research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has evolved, with potential applications in several domains. However, the building of WSN applications is hampered by the need of programming in low-level abstractions provided by sensor OS and of specific knowledge about each application domain and each sensor platform. We propose a MDA approach do develop WSN applications. This approach allows domain experts to directly contribute in the developing of applications without needing low level knowledge on WSN platforms and, at the same time, it allows network experts to program WSN nodes to met application requirements without specific knowledge on the application domain. Our approach also promotes the reuse of the developed software artifacts, allowing an application model to be reused across different sensor platforms and a platform model to be reused for different applications


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Many challenges have been imposed on the middleware to support applications for digital TV because of the heterogeneity and resource constraints of execution platforms. In this scenario, the middleware must be highly configurable so that it can be customized to meet the requirements of applications and underlying platforms. This work aims to present the GingaForAll, a software product line developed for the Ginga - the middleware of the Brazilian Digital TV (SBTVD). GingaForAll adds the concepts of software product line, aspect orientation and model-driven development to allow: (i) the specification of the common characteristics and variables of the middleware, (ii) the modularization of crosscutting concerns - both mandatory and concepts variables - through aspects, (iii) the expression of concepts as a set of models that increase the level of abstraction and enables management of various software artifacts in terms of configurable models. This work presents the architecture of the software product line that implements such a tool and architecture that supports automatic customization of middleware. The work also presents a tool that implements the process of generating products GingaForAll