701 resultados para Mobile nodes


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Abstract In this thesis we present the design of a systematic integrated computer-based approach for detecting potential disruptions from an industry perspective. Following the design science paradigm, we iteratively develop several multi-actor multi-criteria artifacts dedicated to environment scanning. The contributions of this thesis are both theoretical and practical. We demonstrate the successful use of multi-criteria decision-making methods for technology foresight. Furthermore, we illustrate the design of our artifacts using build and-evaluate loops supported with a field study of the Swiss mobile payment industry. To increase the relevance of this study, we systematically interview key Swiss experts for each design iteration. As a result, our research provides a realistic picture of the current situation in the Swiss mobile payment market and reveals previously undiscovered weak signals for future trends. Finally, we suggest a generic design process for environment scanning.


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The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the infiltration of tumor into the seminal vesicles and regional lymph nodes were coordinated by working group 4. There was a consensus that complete blocking of the seminal vesicles was not necessary, although sampling of the junction of the seminal vesicles and prostate was mandatory. There was consensus that sampling of the vas deferens margins was not obligatory. There was also consensus that muscular wall invasion of the extraprostatic seminal vesicle only should be regarded as seminal vesicle invasion. Categorization into types of seminal vesicle spread was agreed by consensus to be not necessary. For examination of lymph nodes, there was consensus that special techniques such as frozen sectioning were of use only in high-risk cases. There was no consensus on the optimal sampling method for pelvic lymph node dissection specimens, although there was consensus that all lymph nodes should be completely blocked as a minimum. There was also a consensus that a count of the number of lymph nodes harvested should be attempted. In view of recent evidence, there was consensus that the diameter of the largest lymph node metastasis should be measured. These consensus decisions will hopefully clarify the difficult areas of pathological assessment in radical prostatectomy evaluation and improve the concordance of research series to allow more accurate assessment of patient prognosis.


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Objective: Small nodal tumor infiltrates are identified by applying multilevel sectioning and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in addition to H&E (hematoxylin and eosin) stains of resected lymph nodes. However, the use of multilevel sectioning and IHC is very time-consuming and costly. The current standard analysis of lymph nodes in colon cancer patients is based on one slide per lymph node stained by H&E. A new molecular diagnostic system called ''One tep Nucleic Acid Amplification'' (OSNA) was designed for a more accurate detection of lymph node metastases. The objective of the present investigation was to compare the performance ofOSNAto current standard histology (H&E). We hypothesize that OSNA provides a better staging than the routine use of one slide H&E per lymph node.Methods: From 22 colon cancer patients 307 frozen lymph nodes were used to compare OSNA with H&E. The lymph nodes were cut into halves. One half of the lymph node was analyzed by OSNA. The semi-automated OSNA uses amplification of reverse-transcribed cytokeratin19 (CK19) mRNA directly from the homogenate. The remaining tissue was dedicated to histology, with 5 levels of H&E and IHC staining (CK19).Results: On routine evaluation of oneH&Eslide 7 patients were nodal positive (macro-metastases). All these patients were recognized by OSNA analysis as being positive (sensitivity 100%). Two of the remaining 15 patients had lymph node micro-metastases and 9 isolated tumor cells. For the patients with micrometastases both H&E and OSNA were positive in 1 of the 2 patients. For patients with isolated tumor cells, H&E was positive in 1/9 cases whereas OSNA was positive in 3/9 patients (IHC as a reference). There was only one case to be described as IHC negative/OSNA positive. On the basis of single lymph nodes the sensitivity of OSNA and the 5 levels of H&E and IHC was 94・5%.Conclusion: OSNA is a novel molecular tool for the detection of lymph node metastases in colon cancer patients which provides better staging compared to the current standard evaluation of one slide H&E stain. Since the use of OSNA allows the analysis of the whole lymph node, sampling bias and undetected tumor deposits due to uninvestigated material will be overcome. OSNA improves staging in colon cancer patients and may replace the current standard of H&E staining in the future.


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Utilization behavior (UB) consists of reaching out and using objects in the environment in an automatic manner and out of context. This behavior has been correlated to frontal lobe dysfunction, especially of the right hemisphere. We describe a 60-year-old woman, affected by a glioblastoma located in the right frontal region, who presented with intermittent UB of the mobile phone as the main clinical manifestation of partial complex status epilepticus. Video/EEG studies showed a striking correlation between mobile phone utilization and ictal epileptic activity. Clinical and EEG findings were markedly reduced after the introduction of antiepileptic drugs. This case study suggests that UB may be added to the symptoms described for partial seizures originating from frontal areas.


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This study compared the outcome of total knee replacement (TKR) in adult patients with fixed- and mobile-bearing prostheses during the first post-operative year and at five years' follow-up, using gait parameters as a new objective measure. This double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial included 55 patients with mobile-bearing (n = 26) and fixed-bearing (n = 29) prostheses of the same design, evaluated pre-operatively and post-operatively at six weeks, three months, six months, one year and five years. Each participant undertook two walking trials of 30 m and completed the EuroQol questionnaire, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index, Knee Society score, and visual analogue scales for pain and stiffness. Gait analysis was performed using five miniature angular rate sensors mounted on the trunk (sacrum), each thigh and calf. The study population was divided into two groups according to age (≤ 70 years versus > 70 years). Improvements in most gait parameters at five years' follow-up were greater for fixed-bearing TKRs in older patients (> 70 years), and greater for mobile-bearing TKRs in younger patients (≤ 70 years). These findings should be confirmed by an extended age controlled study, as the ideal choice of prosthesis might depend on the age of the patient at the time of surgery.


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With inflation, there is no longer a completely adequate budget for highway construction and maintenance. Restricted budgets have generated development and implementation of pavement management programs. A need for management guidelines generated National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 84, "Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway Programs". Traffic volumes and present conditions are two major factors in determining the priority of a proposed highway improvement. The Iowa DOT, Highway Division, Office of Materials has been conducting pavement condition inventory surveys on a three-year frequency since 1969 as input for pavement management. Development of substantial wheel rutting on paved roadways results in a potential hazard to highway safety. During periods of rain, these water-filled ruts may cause hydroplaning and loss of vehicle control. It is, therefore, imparitive that Iowa roadways be continually monitored for rut depths and further that this data be used in a pavement management program to determine priorities for rehabilitation or resurfacing.


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Introduction: la biopsie du ganglion sentinelle (GS) est une procédure reconnue et fiable pour établir le stade ganglionnaire du mélanome cutané. Le GS est le facteur pronostique le plus puissant pour la survie des patients atteints d'un mélanome à risque intermédiaire, cliniquement localisé. Celui-ci est métastatique dans environ 15-30% des cas. Lorsque le GS est positif, un curage de l'aire ganglionnaire concernée est généralement entrepris. Néanmoins, seuls 20-25% de ces patients présentent des ganglions non-sentinelles (GNS) métastatiques. Ces données suggèrent que le curage, et les risques opératoires qui y sont associés, n'est peut-être pas nécessaire chez le trois-quarts de ces patients. Un autre aspect est que l'impact sur la survie des curages basé sur le résultat du GS n'est pas clairement démontré. La nécessité de ce curage d'emblé est actuellement en cours d'évaluation par un protocole international (Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trial II : MSLT II). Plusieurs auteurs ont essayé de classifier la charge tumorale du GS afin d'évaluer s'il était possible d'épargner le curage à certains patients et de mieux affiner ce facteur pronostic sans succès. En 2009, le Groupe Mélanome de l'EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) a recommandé un protocole d'évaluation anatomopathologique du GS-positif en trois items: (1) la localisation micro-anatomique des métastases à l'intérieur du ganglion selon Dewar (A = sous-capsulaire, B = combinée sous-capsulaire and parenchymateuse, C = parenchymateuse, D = multifocale, and'E = extensive) ; (2) la mesure de la taille tumorale dans le ganglion selon les critères de Rotterdam pour le diamètre maximal. Le diamètre de la plus grande métastase est exprimé en nombre absolu et (3) la taille tumorale stratifiée par catégories : <0.1mm, 0.1-1.0mm et >1.0 mm. Le but de cette étude rétrospective d'une cohorte de patients, était d'investiguer les résultats des GS-positifs et d'analyser les facteurs pronostiques de la survie à la lumière des recommandations de l'EORTC. Ainsi que de comparer les sous-groupes du GS-positif avec une invasion minimale (taille tumorale <0.1mm et/ou atteinte sous-capsulaire) avec le GS-négatif. Les facteurs pouvant prédire la présence de GNS- positif ont également été analysés. Matériel et méthode : une étude des dossiers a été réalisée pour les 499 patients consécutifs entre 1997 et 2008 qui ont eu une biopsie du GS dans notre institution. Le dégrée d'envahissement du GS-positif a été entièrement revue par l'équipe référente de l'Institut de Pathologie (Dresse E. Saiji et Dresse H. Bouzourène) selon les recommandations de l'EORTC. Des analyses univariées et multivariées des potentiels facteuis pronostics ont été réalisées. Des analyses de survie ont également été effectuées avec des courbes d'estimation de Kaplan-Meier combinées à une régression de Cox. Le protocole a été accepté par la Commission d'Ethique. Résultats: un GS-positif a été trouvé chez 123 (25%) patients panni les 499 qui ont bénéficié d'une biopsie. Avec un suivi médian de 52 mois, la survie à 5 ans sans récidive (SSR), spécifique à la maladie (SS) et globale (SG) étaient de 88%, 94%, et 90% respectivement pour les patients avec GS-négatif. Concernant les GS avec invasion minimale, 21 patients étaient dans le sous-groupe <0.1 mm selon les critères de Rotterdam et 52 patients dans le sous-groupe sous-capsulaire selon Dewar. La survie dans ces deux sous-groupes était de 80% et 57% pour la SSR, 87% et 70% pour la SS, 87% et 68% pour la SG, respectivement. L'analyse multivariée des GS-positifs a montré que les facteuis suivants influençaient significativement la survie (SSR, SS et SG): l'épaisseur selon Breslow de la tumeur primaire (p=0.002, 0.006, 0.004), la taille tumorale du GS-positif >0.1 mm (p= 0.01, 0.04, 0.03), le genre masculin (p=0.06, 0.005, 0.002) et l'ulcération de la tumeur primaire (p=0.05, 0.03, 0.007). L'analyse des sous-groupes avec invasion minimale n'a pas permis d'établir de facteur pour prédire la négativité des GNSs. Conclusion: La classification du GS-positif par la taille tumorale selon les critères de Rotterdam est un facteur pronostique simple et utile pour évaluer la survie des patients atteints de mélanome. Nous avons observé une tendance (non statistiquement significative) d'une survie diminuée pour le sous-groupe des patients avec GS-positif et une taille de la métastase <0.1 mm comparée à celle des patients avec GS-négatif. Ceci nous incite à conclure que ce sous-groupe de patients ne devrait pas être assimilé et traité comme ceux qui ont un GS-négatif. D'autre part nos résultats montrent que la localisation micro-anatomique selon Dewar n'est pas un outil pronostique utile pour évaluer la survie, ni pour prédire le status des GNSs.


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BACKGROUND: A new diagnostic system, called one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA), has recently been designed to detect cytokeratin 19 mRNA as a surrogate for lymph node metastases. The objective of this prospective investigation was to compare the performance of OSNA with both standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) analysis and intensive histopathology in the detection of colon cancer lymph node metastases. METHODS: In total, 313 lymph nodes from 22 consecutive patients with stage I, II, and III colon cancer were assessed. Half of each lymph node was analyzed initially by H&E followed by an intensive histologic workup (5 levels of H&E and immunohistochemistry analyses, the gold standard for the assessment of sensitivity/specificity of OSNA), and the other half was analyzed using OSNA. RESULTS: OSNA was more sensitive in detecting small lymph node tumor infiltrates compared with H&E (11 results were OSNA positive/H&E negative). Compared with intensive histopathology, OSNA had 94.5% sensitivity, 97.6% specificity, and a concordance rate of 97.1%. OSNA resulted in an upstaging of 2 of 13 patients (15.3%) with lymph node-negative colon cancer after standard H&E examination. CONCLUSIONS: OSNA appeared to be a powerful and promising molecular tool for the detection of lymph node metastases in patients with colon cancer. OSNA had similar performance in the detection of lymph node metastases compared with intensive histopathologic investigations and appeared to be superior to standard histology with H&E. Most important, the authors concluded that OSNA may lead to a potential upstaging of >15% of patients with colon cancer.


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La transmisión de conocimiento científico constituye una de las necesidades de traducción más importantes; es preciso realizar un estudio sobre la traducción del inglés médico. Este trabajo presenta una traducción inédita de fragmentos de Essentials of Breast Surgery y un análisis de esta jerga mediante un glosario y problemas de traducción.


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Adaptive immune responses are initiated when T cells encounter antigen on dendritic cells (DC) in T zones of secondary lymphoid organs. T zones contain a 3-dimensional scaffold of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) but currently it is unclear how FRC influence T cell activation. Here we report that FRC lines and ex vivo FRC inhibit T cell proliferation but not differentiation. FRC share this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. We identified FRC as strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening T cell expansion as well as reducing the T cell priming capacity of DC. The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was up-regulated in a subset of FRC by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ T cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both LN FRC and DC. As a consequence, the primary T cell response was found to be exaggerated in Inos(-/-) mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in T cell responses FRC and DC cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate T cell expansion during acute inflammation.


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Remote control systems are a very useful element to control and monitor devices quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of Android mobile devices, analyzing the different alternatives and seeking the optimal solution in each case. Although the area of remote control, in case of mobile devices, has been little explored, it may provide important advantages for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. It can also allow an efficient management of various devices of different types, perform forensic security tasks, etc ... The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices. As a result of this research, a proof of concept was implemented. An Android application running a group of server programs on the device, connected to the network or USB interface, depending on availability. This servers can be controlled through a small client written in Java and runnable both on desktop and web systems.