868 resultados para Mitotic stability


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Studies testing the High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) technique in tropical soils are still incipient. By this method, the effects of different management systems can be evaluated. This study investigated the aggregation state of an Oxisol under coffee with Brachiaria between crop rows and surface-applied gypsum rates using HEMC. Soil in an experimental area in the Upper São Francisco region, Minas Gerais, was studied at depths of 0.05 and 0.20 m in coffee rows. The treatments consisted of 0, 7, and 28 Mg ha-1 of agricultural gypsum rates distributed on the soil surface of the coffee rows, between which Brachiaria was grown and periodically cut, and compared with a treatment without Brachiaria between coffee rows and no gypsum application. To determine the aggregation state using the HEMC method, soil aggregates were placed in a Büchner funnel (500 mL) and wetted using a peristaltic pump with a volumetric syringe. The wetting was applied increasingly at two pre-set speeds: slow (2 mm h-1) and fast (100 mm h-1). Once saturated, the aggregates were exposed to a gradually increasing tension by the displacement of a water column (varying from 0 to 30 cm) to obtain the moisture retention curve [M = f (Ψ) ], underlying the calculation of the stability parameters: modal suction, volume of drainable pores (VDP), stability index (slow and fast), VDP ratio, and stability ratio. The HEMC method conferred sensitivity in quantifying the aggregate stability parameters, and independent of whether gypsum was used, the soil managed with Brachiaria between the coffee rows, with regular cuts discharged in the crop row direction, exhibited a decreased susceptibility to disaggregation.


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A stochastic nonlinear partial differential equation is constructed for two different models exhibiting self-organized criticality: the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] and the Zhang model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)]. The dynamic renormalization group (DRG) enables one to compute the critical exponents. However, the nontrivial stable fixed point of the DRG transformation is unreachable for the original parameters of the models. We introduce an alternative regularization of the step function involved in the threshold condition, which breaks the symmetry of the BTW model. Although the symmetry properties of the two models are different, it is shown that they both belong to the same universality class. In this case the DRG procedure leads to a symmetric behavior for both models, restoring the broken symmetry, and makes accessible the nontrivial fixed point. This technique could also be applied to other problems with threshold dynamics.


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RESUME L'étude de la médecine à la Faculté de l'Université de Lausanne est un cursus de six ans. Depuis la réforme générale du curriculum en octobre 1995, le programme de la deuxième année consacrée à l'étude de l'être humain sain a été transformé. L'enseignement intégré par système ou organe a été introduit en remplaçant l'enseignement par discipline. Parallèlement, un système d'évaluation de l'enseignement par les étudiants a été proposé. Il a été amélioré au fil des années et depuis l'année académique 1998-99, l'évaluation est devenue systémique et régulière. Notre étude présente et compare les résultats des évaluations de l'enseignement et des enseignants de neuf cours intégrés dispensés en deuxième année durant deux années académiques (1998-99 et 1999-2000). Une forte corrélation entre les résultats des deux années consécutives ainsi qu'une importante disparité des estimations à l'intérieure de chacune de deux années ont été observées. Ceci démontre un engagement sérieux des étudiants dans le processus d'évaluation, révèle la pertinence de leur analyse et leur bonne capacité de discernement. L'analyse de nos résultats montre que les évaluations effectuées par les étudiants peuvent constituer une source fiable d'informations et contribuer à l'amélioration du processus d'enseignement.


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The liquid-liquid critical point scenario of water hypothesizes the existence of two metastable liq- uid phases low-density liquid (LDL) and high-density liquid (HDL) deep within the supercooled region. The hypothesis originates from computer simulations of the ST2 water model, but the stabil- ity of the LDL phase with respect to the crystal is still being debated. We simulate supercooled ST2 water at constant pressure, constant temperature, and constant number of molecules N for N ≤ 729 and times up to 1 μs. We observe clear differences between the two liquids, both structural and dynamical. Using several methods, including finite-size scaling, we confirm the presence of a liquid-liquid phase transition ending in a critical point. We find that the LDL is stable with respect to the crystal in 98% of our runs (we perform 372 runs for LDL or LDL-like states), and in 100% of our runs for the two largest system sizes (N = 512 and 729, for which we perform 136 runs for LDL or LDL-like states). In all these runs, tiny crystallites grow and then melt within 1 μs. Only for N ≤ 343 we observe six events (over 236 runs for LDL or LDL-like states) of spontaneous crystal- lization after crystallites reach an estimated critical size of about 70 ± 10 molecules.


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To evaluate the various factors influencing the stability of granular base course mixes, three primary goals were included in the project: (1) determination of a suitable and realistic laboratory method of compaction; (2) effect of gradation, density and mineralogy of the fines on sheara ing strength; and (3) possible improvement of the shear strength with organic and inorganic chemical stabilization additives.


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Geometric parameters of binary (1:1) PdZn and PtZn alloys with CuAu-L10 structure were calculated with a density functional method. Based on the total energies, the alloys are predicted to feature equal formation energies. Calculated surface energies of PdZn and PtZn alloys show that (111) and (100) surfaces exposing stoichiometric layers are more stable than (001) and (110) surfaces comprising alternating Pd (Pt) and Zn layers. The surface energy values of alloys lie between the surface energies of the individual components, but they differ from their composition weighted averages. Compared with the pure metals, the valence d-band widths and the Pd or Pt partial densities of states at the Fermi level are dramatically reduced in PdZn and PtZn alloys. The local valence d-band density of states of Pd and Pt in the alloys resemble that of metallic Cu, suggesting that a similar catalytic performance of these systems can be related to this similarity in the local electronic structures.


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ABSTRACT In S. cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14pwt is essential far mitotic exit through its contribution to reducing mitotic CDK activity. But Cdc14pwt also acts as a mare general temporal coordinator of mid and late mitotic events by controlling the partitioning of DNA, microtubule stability and cytokinesis. Cdc14pwt orthologs are well conserved from yeasts to humans, and sequence comparison revealed the presence of three domains, A, B and C, of which A and B form the catalytic domain. Cdc14pwt orthologs are regulated (in part) through cell cycle dependent changes in their localization. Some of them are thought to be kept inactive by sequestration in the nucleolus during interphase. This is the case for flp1pwt, the single identified Cdc14pwt ortholog in the fission yeast S. pombe. In early mitosis, flp1pwt leaves the nucleolus and localizes to the kinetochores, the contractile ring and the mitotic spindle, suggesting that it has multiple substrates and regulates many mitotic processes. flp1D cells show a high chromosome loss rate and septation defects, suggesting a role for flp1wt in the fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis. The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanisms underlying flp1pwt functions and the control of its activity. A structure-function analysis has revealed that the presence of both A and B domains is required for biological function and for proper flp1pwt mitotic localization. In contrast, the C domain of flp1pwt is responsible for its proper nucleolar localization in G2/interphase. My data suggest that dephosphorylation of substrates by flp1pwt is not necessary for any changes in localization of flp1pwt except that at the medial ring. In that particular case, the catalytic activity of flp1pwt is required for efficient localization, therefore revealing an additional level of regulation. All the functions of flp1pwt assayed to date require its catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of further identification of its substrates. As described for other orthologs, the capability of selfinteraction and phosphorylation status might help to control flp1pwt activity. My data suggest that flp1pwt forms oligomers in vivo and that phosphorylation is not essential far localization changes of the protein. In addition, the hypophosphorylated form of flp1pwt might be specifically involved in the promotion of cytokinesis. The results of this study suggest that multiple modes of regulation including localization, selfassociation and phosphorylation allow a fine-tuning regulation of flp1pwt phosphatase activity, and more generally that of Cdc14pwt family of phosphatases. RESUME Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, la protéine phosphatase Cdc14pwt est essentielle pour la sortie de mitose du fait de sa contribution dans la réduction d'activité des CDK mitotiques. Comme elle contrôle également le partage de l'ADN, la stabilité des microtubules et la cytokinèse, Cdc14pwt est en fait considérée comme un coordinateur temporel général des évènements de milieu et de fin de mitose. Les orthologues de Cdc14pwt sont bien conservés, des levures jusqu'à l'espèce humaine. Des comparaisons de séquence ont révélé la présence de trois domaines A, B et C, les deux premiers constituant le domaine catalytique. Ils sont régulés (en partie) via des changements dans leur localisation, eux-mêmes dépendants du cycle cellulaire. Plusieurs de ces orthologues sont supposés inactivés par séquestration dans le nucléole en interphase, ce qui est le cas de flp1pwt le seul orthologue de Cdc14pwt identifié chez la levure fissipare S, pombe. En début de mitose, flp1pwt quitte le nucléole et localise au niveau des kinetochores, de l'anneau contractile d'actine et du fuseau mitotique, ce qui laisse supposer de multiples substrats et fonctions. Comme les cellules délétées pour le gène flp1wt présentent un taux élevé de perte de chromosome et des défauts de septation, flp1pwt semble jouer un rôle dans la fidélité de la transmission du matériel génétique et la cytokinèse. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions assurées par flp1pwt d'une part, et dans le contrôle de son activité d'autre part. Une analyse structure-fonction a révélé que la présence simultanée des deux domaines A et B est requise pour la fonction biologique de flp1pwt et sa localisation correcte pendant la mitose. Par contre, le domaine C de flp1pwt confère une localisation nucléolaire adéquate en G2/interphase. Mes données suggèrent que la déphosphorylation de substrats par flp1pwt est dispensable pour sa localisation correcte excepté celle à l'anneau médian, qui requiert dans ce cas, l'activité catalytique de flp1pwt, révélant ainsi un niveau de régulation supplémentaire. Toutes les fonctions de flp1 pwt testées jusqu'à présent nécessitent également son activité catalytique, ce qui accentue l'importance de l'identification future de ses substrats. Comme cela a déjà été décrit pour d'autres orthologues, la capacité d'auto-intéraction et le niveau de phosphorylation pourraient contrôler l'activité de flp1pwt. En effet, mes données suggèrent que flp1pwt forme des oligomères in vivo et que la phosphorylation n'est pas essentielle pour les changements de localisation observés pour la protéine. De plus, la forme hypophosphorylée de flp1pwt pourrait être spécifiquement impliquée dans la promotion de la cytokinèse. De multiples modes de régulation incluant la localisation, l'auto-association et la phosphorylation semblent permettre un contrôle fin et subtil de l'activité de la phosphatase flp1pwt, et plus généralement celle des protéines de la famille de Cdc14pwt.


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AIMS: To test the hypothesis that postural stability would be more affected during acute exposure in hypobaric (HH) than in normobaric (NH) hypoxia.¦METHODS: In separate trials, 12 subjects stood on a posturographic platform for two successive 25.6 sec tests in three conditions: eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), and verbal dual task (DT). Ambient pressure in O(2) was matched between HH and NH at 1700 and 3000 m, respectively.¦RESULTS: Compared to NH, the length of Centre of Pression trajectory in Y-axis was increased (p<0.05) in HH for EO at 1700 m, EC at 1700 and 3000 m, and for DT at 1700 m, whereas the variance of speed of CoP was decreased (p<0.05) in EO, EC, and DT at 1700 m. Compared to normobaric normoxia (NN; 400 m), the surface of CoP trajectory was increased (p<0.05) in HH in EO and EC at 3000 m.¦CONCLUSIONS: HH deteriorated postural stability in the antero-posterior plane, for the variance of speed and the surface of CoP in 3 conditions, whereas no difference was observed between NH and NN. These results suggest that hypobaria instead of hypoxia per se plays an important role to the altered balance classically reported in altitude.


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Studies of hybrid zones can inform our understanding of reproductive isolation and speciation. Two species of brown lemur (Eulemur rufifrons and E. cinereiceps) form an apparently stable hybrid zone in the Andringitra region of south-eastern Madagascar. The aim of this study was to identify factors that contribute to this stability. We sampled animals at 11 sites along a 90-km transect through the hybrid zone and examined variation in 26 microsatellites, the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA, six pelage and nine morphological traits; we also included samples collected in more distant allopatric sites. Clines in these traits were noncoincident, and there was no increase in either inbreeding coefficients or linkage disequilibrium at the centre of the zone. These results could suggest that the hybrid zone is maintained by weak selection against hybrids, conforming to either the tension zone or geographical selection-gradient model. However, a closer examination of clines in pelage and microsatellites indicates that these clines are not sigmoid or stepped in shape but instead plateau at their centre. Sites within the hybrid zone also occur in a distinct habitat, characterized by greater seasonality in precipitation and lower seasonality in temperature. Together, these findings suggest that the hybrid zone may follow the bounded superiority model, with exogenous selection favouring hybrids within the transitional zone. These findings are noteworthy, as examples supporting the bounded superiority model are rare and may indicate a process of ecologically driven speciation without geographical isolation.


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In yeast, microtubules are dynamic filaments necessary for spindle and nucleus positioning, as well as for proper chromosome segregation. We identify a function for the yeast gene BER1 (Benomyl REsistant 1) in microtubule stability. BER1 belongs to an evolutionary conserved gene family whose founding member Sensitivity to Red light Reduced is involved in red-light perception and circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis. Here, we present data showing that the ber1Delta mutant is affected in microtubule stability, particularly in presence of microtubule-depolymerising drugs. The pattern of synthetic lethal interactions obtained with the ber1Delta mutant suggests that Ber1 may function in N-terminal protein acetylation. Our work thus suggests that microtubule stability might be regulated through this post-translational modification on yet-to-be determined proteins


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Introduction:  With the setting up of the newly Athlete's Biological Passport antidoping programme, novel guidelines have been introduced to guarantee results beyond reproach. We investigated in this context, the effect of storage time on the variables commonly measured for the haematological passport. We also wanted to assess for these variables, the within and between analyzer variations. Methods:  Blood samples were obtained from top level male professional cyclists (27 samples for the first part of the study and 102 for the second part) taking part to major stage races. After collection, they were transported under refrigerated conditions (2 °C < T < 12 °C), delivered to the antidoping laboratory, analysed and then stored at approximately 4 °C to conduct analysis at different time points up to 72 h after delivery. A mixed-model procedure was used to determine the stability of the different variables. Results:  As expected haemoglobin concentration was not affected by storage and showed stability for at least 72 h. Under the conditions of our investigation, the reticulocytes percentage showed a much better stability than previous published data (> 48 h) and the technical comparison of the haematology analyzer demonstrated excellent results. Conclusion:  In conclusion, our data clearly demonstrate that as long as the World Anti-Doping Agency's guidelines are followed rigorously, all blood results reach the quality level required in the antidoping context.