692 resultados para Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth
Previous studies pointed out that species richness and high density values within the Leguminosae in Brazilian forest fragments affected by fire could be due, at least partially, to the high incidence of root sprouting in this family. However, there are few Studies of the factors that induce root sprouting in woody plants after disturbance. We investigated the bud formation on root cuttings, and considered a man-made disturbance that isolates the root from the shoot apical dominance of three Leguminosae (Bauhinia forficata Link., Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. ex Benth, and Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd) and one Rutaceae (Esenbeckia febrifuga (St. Hit.) Juss. ex Mart.). All these species resprout frequently after fire. We also attempted to induce bud formation on root systems by removing the main trunk, girdling or sectioning the shallow lateral roots from forest tree species Esenbeckia febrifuga and Hymenaea courbaril L. We identified the origin of shoot primordia and their early development by fixing the samples in Karnovsky solution, dehydrating in ethyl alcohol series and embedding in plastic resin. Serial sections were cut on a rotary microtome and stained with toluidine blue O. Permanent slides were mounted in synthetic resin. We observed different modes of bud origin on root cuttings: close to the vascular cambium (C. tomentosum), from the callus (B. forficata and E febrifuga) and from the phloematic parenchyma proliferation (L laurina). Fragments of B. forficala root bark were also capable of forming reparative buds from healing phellogen formed in callus in the bark's inner side. In the attempt of bud induction on root systems, Hymenaea courbaril did not respond to any of the induction tests, probably because of plant age. However, Esenbeckia febrifuga roots formed suckers when the main trunk was removed or their roots were sectioned and isolated from the original plant. We experimentally demonstrated the ability of four tree species to resprout from roots after disturbance. Our results suggest that the release of apical dominance enables root resprouting in the studied species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (3): 789-800. Epub 2009 September 30.
The aim of this paper was to study a method based on gas production technique to measure the biological effects of tannins on rumen fermentation. Six feeds were used as fermentation substrates in a semi-automated gas method: feed A - aroeira (Astronium urundeuva); feed B - jurema preta (Mimosa hostilis), feed C - sorghum grains (Sorghum bicolor); feed D - Tifton-85 (Cynodon sp.); and two others prepared mixing 450 g sorghum leaves, 450 g concentrate (maize and soybean meal) and 100 g either of acacia (Acacia mearnsii) tannin extract (feed E) or quebracho (Schinopsis lorentzii) tannin extract (feed F) per kg (w:w). Three assays were carried out to standardize the bioassay for tannins. The first assay compared two binding agents (polyethylene glycol - PEG - and polyvinyl polypirrolidone - PVPP) to attenuate the tannin effects. The complex formed by PEG and tannins showed to be more stable than PVPP and tannins. Then, in the second assay, PEG was used as binding agent, and this assay was done to evaluate levels of PEG (0, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 mg/g DM) to minimize the tannin effect. All the tested levels of PEG produced a response to evaluate tannin effects but the best response was for dose of 1000 mg/g DM. Using this dose of PEG, the final assay was carried out to test three compounds (tannic acid, quebracho extract and acacia extract) to establish a curve of biological equivalent effect of tannins. For this, five levels of each compound were added to I g of a standard feed (Lucerne hay). The equivalent effect showed not to be directly related to the chemical analysis for tannins. It was shown that different sources of tannins had different activities or reactivities. The curves of biological equivalence can provide information about tannin reactivity and its use seems to be important as an additional factor for chemical analysis. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella, is one of the most important insect pests of grains, reported worldwide, feeding on stored grains and products of rice, rye, corn and wheat. Plants synthesize a variety of molecules, including trypsin inhibitors, to defend themselves against attack by insects. In this study, a trypsin inhibitor (PFTI) was purified from Plathymenia foliolosa (Benth.) seeds and was tested for insect growth regulatory effect. The survival and mass of A. kuehniella larvae feeding on control seeds were about 82.7% and 5 ring, respectively, whereas survival on seeds containing 0.7% PFTI was about 56%, while a 66.1% reduction in the average mass of the larvae was observed. The results from dietary utilization experiments with A. kuehniella larvae showed a reduction in efficiency of conversion of ingested food and digested food, and an increase in approximate digestibility and metabolic cost. The level of trypsin was significantly decreased in larval midgut and increased in the feces of larvae reared on a diet containing 0.7% PFTI. Results indicate that PFTI possesses a toxic effect against A. kuehniella larvae. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A novel trypsin inhibitor (PFTI) was isolated from Plathymenia foliolosa (Benth.) seeds by gel filtration chromatography on a Sephadex G-100, DEAE-Sepharose, and trypsin-Sepharose columns. By SDS-PAGE, PFTI yielded a single band with a M(r) of 19 kDa. PFTI inhibited bovine trypsin and bovine chymotrypsin with equilibrium dissociation constants (K(i)) of 4 x 10(-8) and 1.4 x 10(-6) M, respectively. PFTI retained more than 50% of activity at up to 50 degrees C for 30 min, but there were 80 and 100% losses of activity at 60 and 70 degrees C, respectively. DTT affected the activity or stability of PFTI. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of PFTI showed a high degree of homology with various members of the Kunitz family of inhibitors. Anagasta kuehniella is found worldwide; this insect attacks stored grains and products of rice, oat, rye, corn, and wheat. The velvet bean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis) is considered the main defoliator pest of soybean in Brazil. Diatraea saccharalis, the sugar cane borer, is the major pest of sugar cane crops, and its caterpillar-feeding behavior, inside the stems, hampers control. PFTI showed significant inhibitory activity against trypsin-like proteases present in the larval midguts on A. kuehniella and D. saccharalis and could suppress the growth of larvae.
LEITE, V. G., F. S. MARQUIAFAVEL, D. P. MORAES, AND S. P. TEIXEIRA (Departamento de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Av. do Cafe, s/n, 14040-903 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil). Fruit anatomy of Neotropical species of Indigofera (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) with functional and taxonomic implications. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 136: 203-211. 2009-This work reports on the fruit surface and anatomy of seven Neotropical species of Indigofera (I. campestris Bong. ex Benth., I. hirsuta L., I. lespedeziodes Kunth, I. microcarpa Desv., I. spicata Forssk., I. suffruticosa Mill., and I. truxillensis Kunth) to help species diagnosis and clarify the fruit type classification. Flowers and fruits at several stages of development were removed from living material, fixed, and examined with scanning electron (surface analyses) and light microscopies (histological analyses). Species showed differences in relation to the number of exocarp layers, secretory trichome morphology and distribution, presence of stomata, phenolic idioblast size and distribution in mesocarp, the number and arrangement of endocarp fibers, and the presence of it separation tissue. It is noteworthy that no separation tissue was observed in L microcarpa and I. suffruticosa, although they have dehiscent fruits, which indicates it delayed dehiscence. The present work confirms that fruit anatomical characters can be utilized as it tool for fruit type classification, especially in Indigofera, the third largest genus of Leguminosae.
Fire ephemerals are short-lived plants with seeds that persist in the soil and germinate after a fire or physical soil disturbance. Ex situ germination of many Australian fire ephemerals has previously been difficult. Dormancy was present in most of the nine fire ephemerals examined. Alyogyne hakeifolia (Giord.) Alef. and Alyogyne huegelii (Endl.) Fryxell (Malvaceae) seeds had physical and possibly also physiological dormancy, Actinotus leucocephalus Benth. (Apiaceae) seeds had morphophysiological dormancy, Austrostipa compressa (R.Br.) S.W.L. Jacobs & J. Everett and Austrostipa macalpinei (Reader) S.W.L. Jacobs & J. Everett (Poaceae) seeds were either non-dormant or possessed physiological dormancy, and seeds of all remaining species possessed physiological dormancy. A proportion of the Alyogyne hakeifolia, Alyogyne huegelii, Austrostipa compressa and Austrostipa macalpinei seed populations were non-dormant because some seeds could germinate at the various incubation temperatures without further treatment. At 20 degrees C, artificial methods of inducing germination such as manual or acid scarification were among the optimal treatments for Austrostipa compressa, Austrostipa macalpinei, Alyogyne huegelii, Actinotus leucocephalus and Grevillea scapigera A.S. George (Proteaceae), and gibberellic acid induced maximum germination of Tersonia cyathiflora (Fenzl) J.W. Green (Gyrostemonaceae) seeds. Heat (70 degrees C for 1 h) and smoke water was one of the most effective treatments for germinating Actinotus leucocephalus and Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.) F. Muell. (Gyrostemonaceae) seeds. Germination of Grevillea scapigera, Codonocarpus cotinifolius, Gyrostemon racemiger H. Walter (Gyrostemonaceae) and Tersonia cyathiflora did not exceed 40% and may require other treatments to overcome dormancy. Although the nine fire ephemerals examined require fire to germinate under natural conditions, a range of germination responses and dormancy types was observed.
Genetic diversity in Cassia brewsteri (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. was assessed with Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprints (RAFs). Thirty accessions of C. brewsteri collected from throughout its natural distribution were analysed with three random decamer primers, along with three accessions of C. tomentella (Benth.) Domin and a single accession of each of C. queenslandica C. T. White and C. marksiana (F. M. Bailey) Domin. The three primers yielded a reproducible amplification profile of 265 scorable polymorphic fragments for the 35 accessions. These molecular markers were used to calculate Nei and Li similarity coefficients between each pair of individuals. A matrix of dissimilarity of each pair of individuals was examined by multidimensional scaling (MDS). The analysis supports the division of C. brewsteri into two subspecies and the suggestion that intergradation of C. brewsteri and C. tomentella can occur where the distributions of these species meet.
A successful embryo-rescue and culture protocol was developed for use with several indigenous Vigna species and mungbean cultivars grown in Australia. Germination of Vigna immature embryos and their subsequent development into plants was influenced by the time at which the embryos were isolated and by which medium additives were placed in the embryo-rescue medium. A medium containing MS basal nutrients with sucrose (88 mM), casein hydrolysate (500 mg L-1) and agar (8 g L-1) but devoid of plant-growth regulators was found to be the best for germination of immature embryos for all four Vigna species investigated. The protocol for successful germination of non-hybrid immature embryos was applied to the recovery of interspecific hybrids involving mungbean and five native Vigna species that had previously been found difficult to hybridise. Several putative hybrid plants were obtained including a confirmed interspecific cross between V. luteola (Jacq.) Benth and V. marina (Burm.) Merrill.
O excesso de sais e de sódio no solo é um dos fatores que mais contribuem para a degradação química dos solos de perímetros irrigados, em regiões áridas e semiáridas. Por essa razão, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito de corretivos, na recuperação de um solo degradado por excesso de sais e sódio, e o crescimento inicial de cinco arbóreas nativas do bioma Caatinga, em solo salino-sódico. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos, em casa de vegetação, no CCTA/UFCG, utilizando-se amostras de um solo salino-sódico. O primeiro experimento constou de cinco tratamentos de correção do solo: sem corretivo, gesso agrícola na dose de 100% da necessidade de gesso (NG), gesso agrícola na dose de 50% NG mais matéria orgânica (MO), enxofre elementar (S) na dose de 100% NG e S na dose de 50% NG + MO, com 15 repetições. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos foram constituídos por um esquema fatorial 5 x 5, sendo cinco espécies arbóreas: tamboril (Enterolobium contortisiliquum), sabiá (Mimosa caelsalpiniifolia), jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora), craibeira (Tabebuia aurea) e pereiro (Aspidosperma pyrifolium) e cinco tratamentos referentes à correção do solo do primeiro experimento, com três repetições. A aplicação de gesso agrícola ou S com ou sem MO melhorou quimicamente o solo salino-sódico estudado, especialmente diminuindo a PST. Estes tratamentos proporcionaram incrementos no crescimento e acúmulo de massa de matéria seca das espécies arbóreas, principalmente jurema-preta, sabiá e tamboril, e diminuíram o estresse provocado pelo solo salino-sódico sobre as plantas, aumentando a taxa fotossintética.
Atroveran (Ocimum selloi Benth. - Lamiaceae) é uma espécie medicinal, usada para distúrbios digestivos e tratamento de inflamações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estabelecimento de segmentos nodais, germinação e crescimento, in vitro, de plântulas de atroveran, em diferentes concentrações de sacarose do meio MS e a aclimatização de plântulas em diferentes substratos. Para o estabelecimento e crescimento, utilizaram-se três concentrações do meio de cultura (MS, 1/2MS e 1/4MS) e duas concentrações de sacarose (15 g/L, 30 g/L e o controle). Para a germinação, as variações do meio de cultura foram: MS, 1/2MS, 1/4MS e 0MS (controle) e duas concentrações de sacarose (15 g/L, 30 g/L e o controle). Para a aclimatização, avaliaram-se os substratos: areia fina lavada, substrato comercial, solo e solo+esterco bovino (2:1). O uso de sacarose foi essencial para o estabelecimento e crescimento dos segmentos nodais de atroveran. Recomendam-se, assim, 15 g/L de açúcar. O 1/2MS é o mais indicado para o estabelecimento dos explantes e, o 1/4MS, para o crescimento de segmentos nodais desta espécie. Maior percentagem de germinação e maior índice de velocidade de germinação foram observados na ausência da sacarose. Para o crescimento até 30 dias, recomenda-se o uso do meio 1/4MS sem sacarose e, para manutenção das plântulas, in vitro, o meio 1/4MS suplementado com 15 g/L de sacarose. Para a aclimatização de atroveran, o substrato comercial proporcionou maior crescimento das plântulas.
Estudou-se em laboratório a atividade moluscicida de 68 extratos de 23 plantas brasileiras. As soluções em água desclorada dos extratos hexânicos e etanólico, nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 ppm, foram testadas sobre caramujos adultos e desovas de Biomphalaria glabrata, criados em laboratório. As plantas que demonstraram ação moluscicida na concentração de 100 ppm foram: Arthemisia verlotorum Lamotte, Caesalpinia peltophoroides Benth, Cassia rugosa G.Don., Eclipta alba Hassk, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, Euphorbia splendens Bojer, Joannesia princeps Vell, Leonorus sibiricus L.,Macrosiphonia guaranitica Muell,Nerium oleander L., Palicourea nicotianaefolia Cham, e Schlech., Panicum maximum M., Rumex crispus L., Ruta graveolens L., e Stryphnodendron barbatiman M.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Foi estudada a ação quimioprofilática na esquistossomose experimental do óleo essencial do fruto de Pterodon pubescens Benth (Leguminosae), incorporado a diferentes formulações de sabonete. As formulações foram usadas topicamente nas caudas de camundongos que, imediatamente, 24,72 ou 168 horas após, foram expostos a cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, pelo método de imersão da cauda. A proteção foi avaliada 45 dias após a exposição, quando os camundongos foram sacrificados e os vermes recolhidos por perfusão. Os resultados mostraram níveis de proteção variando de 0,0 a 100% conforme a formulação usada. Foi também desenvolvida uma metodologia que possibilitou a avaliação do sabonete protetor quando camundongos foram expostos à infecção natural em córregos infestados com caramujos na periferia de Belo Horizonte, MG. Resultados promissores foram obtidos, uma vez que houve proteção de 57,5 e 31,1% quando os animais foram ensaboados 24 e 48 horas antes. Estudos preliminares de avaliação de irritação e toxicidade foram favoráveis e mostraram que esta nova arma profilática poderá auxiliar no controle da esquistossomose.
Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex, or Trichophyton spp. are the main etiologic agents of dermatophytosis, whose treatment is limited by the high cost of antifungal treatments, their various side effects, and the emergence of resistance amongst these species. This study evaluated the in vitro antidermatophytic activity of 23 crude extracts from nine plant species of semiarid vegetation (caatinga) found in Brazil. The extracts were tested at concentrations ranging from 1.95 to 1,000.0 mg/mL by broth microdilution assay against the reference strains T. rubrum ATCC 28189 and T. mentagrophytesATCC 11481, and 33 clinical isolates of dermatophytes. All plants showed a fungicidal effect against both fungal species, with MIC/MFC values of the active extracts ranging from 15.6 to 250.0 µg/mL. Selected extracts of Eugenia uniflora (AcE), Libidibia ferrea (AE), and Persea americana (AcE) also exhibited a fungicidal effect against all clinical isolates of T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes complex. This is the first report of the antifungal activity of Schinus terebinthifolius, Piptadenia colubrina, Parapiptadenia rigida, Mimosa ophthalmocentra, and Persea americana against both dermatophyte species.