932 resultados para Michael Hunter
hrsg. von A. Lewin
hrsg. von Ludwig Geiger
Vortrag von Josef Eschelbacher
zsgest. von Elias Ullmann
Ein Artikel über die Figur des Erzengels Michael und das theologische Engelsverständnis in einer kirchlichen Zeitschrift für ein allgemeines Publikum.
Tropical rainforest hunter-gatherer populations worldwide share the pygmy phenotype, or small human body size. The evolutionary history of this phenotype is largely unknown. Here we studied DNA from the Batwa, a rainforest hunter-gatherer population from east central Africa, to identify regions of the Batwa genome that underlie the pygmy phenotype. We then performed population genomic analyses to study the evolution of these regions, including comparisons with the Baka, a west central African rainforest hunter-gatherer population. We conclude that the pygmy phenotype likely arose due to positive natural selection and that it arose possibly multiple times within Africa. These results support longstanding anthropological hypotheses that small body size confers an important selective advantage for human rainforest hunter-gatherers.
For Michael Polanyi, religion and science fight abreast to protect the occidental culture from totalitarian threat. Both are belief-based endeavors, Polanyi is convinced. While this is not surprising at all regarding religion, it is surely a provocation regarding science. The article tries to explore this original thought of Polanyi and to examine how it is rooted in his personal convictions and beliefs. Special emphasis is given to Polanyi’s critique of contemporary biology, as expressed in his article on “Science and Religion”, in some ways a response to Paul Tillich’s theology. Contemporary biology’s findings undermine exactly what Polanyi is fighting for, hence he is convinced that its findings are somewhat flawed. This should however not lead to the false conclusion that Polanyi had anything to do with creationism or would have favored Intelligent Design in our days.
von N. Brüll und H. Bärwald
Isak Unna
Berthold Rosenthal
The jet activity emanating from Enceladus' exosphere south pole region observed by Cassini is a subject of intensive study. The in situ and remote sensing observations performed since 2005 triggered an active modeling campaign. Such modeling is essential for better understanding of the measurements performed by individual instruments as well as to link them for a more complete picture of the volatile and ice grain distribution in Enceladus' exosphere. This paper is focused on the investigation of the effect that diffuse gas sources along the Tiger Stripes have on distribution of the water vapor in Enceladus' exosphere using the updated version of our multiplume model. We have found that accounting for the gas production by Tiger Stripes is critical for interpretation of the Cassini data. According to our calculations, sources along the Tiger Stripes (apart from those originally identified by Spitale and Porco (2007)) must contribute about 23–32% to the total plume source rate, which varies in the range of (6.4–29) ×1027 s−1. The effect of the previously unidentified source suggested in the paper is found to be critical for explaining the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph 2007 and 2010 observations in the whole range of the elapsed times.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Veröffentlichung der anläßlich der Einsegnung der Märzgefallenen von dem Berliner Rabbiner Dr. Sachs gesprochenen Trauerworte