964 resultados para Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.


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A distinct, 1- to 2-cm-thick flood deposit found in Santa Barbara Basin with a varve-date of 1605 AD ± 5 years testifies to an intensity of precipitation that remains unmatched for later periods when historical or instrumental records can be compared against the varve record. The 1605 AD ± 5 event correlates well with Enzel's (1992) finding of a Silver Lake playa perennial lake at the terminus of the Mojave River (carbon-14-dated 1560 AD ± 90 years), in relative proximity to the rainfall catchment area draining into Santa Barbara Basin. According to Enzel, such a persistent flooding of the Silver Lake playa occurred only once during the last 3,500 years and required a sequence of floods, each comparable in magnitude to the largest floods in the modern record. To gain confidence in dating of the 1605 AD ± 5 event, we compare Southern California's sedimentary evidence against historical reports and multi-proxy time-series that indicate unusual climatic events or are sensitive to changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. The emerging pattern supports previous suggestions that the first decade of the 17th century was marked by a rapid cooling of the Northern Hemisphere, with some indications for global coverage. A burst of volcanism and the occurrence of El Nino seem to have contributed to the severity of the events. The synopsis of the 1605 AD ± 5 years flood deposit in Santa Barbara Basin, the substantial freshwater body at Silver Lake playa, and much additional paleoclimatic, global evidence testifies for an equatorward shift of global wind patterns as the world experienced an interval of rapid, intense, and widespread cooling.


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Azaspiracids (AZA) are polyether marine toxins that accumulate in various shellfish species and have been associated with severe gastrointestinal human intoxications since 1995. This toxin class has since been reported from several countries, including Morocco and much of western Europe. A regulatory limit of 160 μg AZA/kg whole shellfish flesh was established by the EU in order to protect human health; however, in some cases, AZA concentrations far exceed the action level. Herein we discuss recent advances on the chemistry of various AZA analogs, review the ecology of AZAs, including the putative progenitor algal species, collectively interpret the in vitro and in vivo data on the toxicology of AZAs relating to human health issues, and outline the European legislature associated with AZAs.


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近几十年来,由于过度放牧和不合理的农业开垦,内蒙古的天然草原退化严重。自2000年起,中国政府制定了“退耕还林还草”政策,并在草原地区实行了“禁牧、轮牧、休牧”等草原管理措施,期望依靠自然力来恢复退化的草原。然而,这些政策究竟能够带来什么样的后果还是一个未知数。土壤种子库和种子雨的资料对于全面理解植物种群和群落的动态具有重要价值。退化生态系统的恢复评价应该包括土壤种子库和种子雨的资料。因此,我调查了不同利用方式下克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原的土壤种子库、种子雨和地上植被组成,来探讨政府的恢复政策对于该地区草原生态系统的影响。 研究地点位于中国科学院多伦恢复生态学试验示范研究站的永久实验样地,该实验样地在内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟的多伦县境内,该地区属于典型的农牧交错区。 采用幼苗萌发法,本研究测定了三种具有不同土地利用历史的样地的土壤种子库密度和物种组成。它们分别是:放牧样地、围封样地和弃耕样地。主要的研究结果有: (1)弃耕样地的土壤种子库密度最大,且主要是一年生和杂草类植物的种子,弃耕地由于其开垦的历史导致种子库的物种组成与放牧样地和围封样地的种子库有明显区别,其种子库缺少合适的多年生植物的种子是限制弃耕地自然恢复为天然草原的重要因素。 (2)放牧虽然会降低土壤种子库的密度,但是其中并不缺少多年生植物的种子。恢复由过度放牧引起的退化草原比恢复由农业开垦导致的退化草原要容易一些。围封对于由过度放牧引起的草原退化有明显的积极作用。 (3)采用Sorensen指数来计算地上植被与土壤种子库的相似性,这三个样地土壤种子库与地上植被的物种相似性均较高。在地上植被生物多样性的调查中,不能将草原中的一些早春植物遗漏。 采用网筛分离法,本研究测定了四种具有不同土地利用历史的样地的种子雨密度和物种组成。它们分别是:放牧样地、围封样地、割草样地和弃耕样地。主要的研究结果有: (1)不同样地间种子雨的密度差异显著(p < 0.05)。围封样地的种子雨密度最大,弃耕样地和放牧样地的种子雨密度居中,割草样地的种子雨密度最小。 (2)弃耕样地的地上植被和种子雨中均存在大量的一年生植物,这可能需要放牧或者割草等其它的一些管理措施来去除一年生植物的优势,从而加快弃耕地向天然草原的恢复速度。 (3)围封样地和割草样地的种子雨和地上植被中的物种数目均比放牧样地的要少,且围封样地中多年生非禾草类植物的比例大大增加,说明禁牧会改变草原植被的物种组成,这些究竟给草原植被的恢复带来怎样的影响,需要进一步的研究。 (4)克氏针茅草原整个取样期间种子雨的降落是连续的,因此在一些长期土壤种子库的研究中应该结合种子雨的数据,不能简单的将7月份的土壤样品作为长期土壤种子库。 采用网筛分离法,本研究测定了不同留茬高度的刈割实验样地的土壤种子库密度和物种组成。主要研究结果有: (1)无割草处理的对照样地的土壤种子库密度与其它割草处理样地的土壤种子库密度之间差异不显著。可能的原因是刈割的实验小区过小,植物种子的散布能够从不割草样地传播到割草处理的样地,或者动物的采食以及搬运降低了对照样地中种子的数量。 (2)虽然多年生禾草类植物在地上植被中占优势地位,但其在土壤种子库中的密度很小,均不到土壤种子库总量的10%。可见无性繁殖对于保持多年生禾草类植物在植被中的优势地位具有重要的意义,而相反的是非禾草类植物在土壤中保存大量的种子作为种群扩大的重要手段。


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This paper describes how the A -if) formulation may be applied to determine the losses in the stator duct spacers of large a.c. motors. The model is described in terms of its geometry and boundary conditions. The novel aspects of the application of the formulation to this problem are explained. These include the modelling of fixed currents sources (the stator windings), the location of the necessary cut surfaces and the determination of their magnetic scalar potential differences, and the implementation of periodic boundary conditions for vector variables. Results are presented showing how the duct spacer losses vary with load, and with the relative permeability of the spacer material. The effects of modelling iron nonlinearity, of both the spacer and the steel laminations, are also illustrated. © 1996 IEEE.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the growth and optimization of ballasted carbon nanotube (CNT) and CNT/Zinc Oxide nanostructures to produce novel electron sources for use in lighting and x-ray applications. © 2010 ITE and SID.


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:石榴豹纹木蠢蛾是云南蒙自地区石榴的主要害虫之一。幼虫蛀害石榴树枝干,具多次转移危害习性,并在蛀道 内越冬。受害部位以上枝干萎蔫、枯死。危害枝干率达1.0%。15%,重者达30%。40%。该虫在云南蒙自石榴植区一 年发生一代,垮年度完成,越冬态不甚明显。采取综合防治措施后,其危害率由10%。15%降为0.2%~O.31%。


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:本文报道了酶解盐解、@ A !?) 树脂吸附、沉淀剂1’B<< A % 去蛋白和C!D! 氧化制 取牛肺精品肝素钠的工艺。结果显示,精品效价%?(E6F+ G HI、质量符合出口标准,产率比 传统工艺提高!!&>J;下脚料A 肺渣可用以制取饲料蛋白。