1000 resultados para Mattsson, Anne: Sylvi Kekkosen elämäkerta
Kirje 22.7.1929
Kirje 16.7.1941
Kirje 25.6.1929
Kirje 16.8.1927
Kirje 5.8.1926
Abstract: Images of absolutism - Children's drawnings as documents of Finnish politics during the Kekkonen's era
Presidentti Urho Kekkosen (1900-1986) suuresta kirjastosta osa on Oulun yliopiston Pääkirjastossa. Kokoelman pääosa on tullut Kekkosen elinaikana. Ensimmäinen kirjaerä saapui v.1964, viimeinen keväällä 1988. Kokoelmaan kuuluu runsaat 4000 nidettä, ja se sisältää niin kauno- kuin tietokirjallisuuttakin. Valtaosa kirjoista on Kekkoselle lahjoitettuja, joten mukana on runsaasti erikoissidoksia ja omistuskirjoituksilla varustettuja teoksia. Osa kirjoista on kuulunut Sylvi Kekkoselle (1900-1974). Urho Kekkosen museossa Tamminiemessä, Helsingissä, on Kekkosten kirjoja hieman yli 3000 niteen kokoelma.
Background: The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers amyloid beta (A beta)-42, total-tau (T-tau), and phosphorylated-tau (P-tau) demonstrate good diagnostic accuracy for Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, there are large variations in biomarker measurements between studies, and between and within laboratories. The Alzheimer`s Association has initiated a global quality control program to estimate and monitor variability of measurements, quantify batch-to-batch assay variations, and identify sources of variability. In this article, we present the results from the first two rounds of the program. Methods: The program is open for laboratories using commercially available kits for A beta, T-tau, or P-tau. CSF samples (aliquots of pooled CSF) are sent for analysis several times a year from the Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory at the Molndal campus of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Each round consists of three quality control samples. Results: Forty laboratories participated. Twenty-six used INNOTEST enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits, 14 used Luminex xMAP with the INNO-BIA AlzBio3 kit (both measure A beta-(1-42), P-tau(181P), and T-tau), and 5 used Mesa Scale Discovery with the A beta triplex (A beta N-42, A beta N-40, and A beta N-38) or T-tau kits. The total coefficients of variation between the laboratories were 13% to 36%. Five laboratories analyzed the samples six times on different occasions. Within-laboratory precisions differed considerably between biomarkers within individual laboratories. Conclusions: Measurements of CSF AD biomarkers show large between-laboratory variability, likely caused by factors related to analytical procedures and the analytical kits. Standardization of laboratory procedures and efforts by kit vendors to increase kit performance might lower variability, and will likely increase the usefulness of CSF AD biomarkers. (C) 2011 The Alzheimer`s Association. All rights reserved.
This research monograph seeks, as the author puts it, ‘to demonstrate the utility of ethnographic research methods to industrial relations in the developing world’. To this end, the author provides case studies of two lock factories in the West Midlands of England, with data sourced from interviews and observations by the author during a period of two decades in the case of one, and a rather shorter period in the case of the other. The insights gleaned from these two case studies are then considered in the light of the ethnographic literature on industrial relations in the developing world. The body of the book comprises three main chapters which successively examine the issues of paternalism, gender and family, and collective action in the two factories.
Esta dissertação pretende dar a conhecer o trabalho de uma poeta, Anne Blonstein (1958-2011), que se move num “inbetween space” muito próximo ao do tradutor. No primeiro capítulo, damos a conhecer a autora e algumas das suas obras, fazendo um apanhado da sua actual recepção enquanto poeta. No segundo capítulo, olhamos para Anne Blonstein ‘ao microscópio’, apresentando uma leitura radial de um poema seu, so die Bindung ihrer Seele, seguida de uma versão em português analisada segundo o modelo hermenêutico de Venuti (2013). Depois de tecermos algumas considerações sobre o modelo desse autor, que também adoptamos para defender a escrita de Anne Blonstein como tradução, passamos ao terceiro capítulo, em que avançamos com uma reflexão final sobre se e como a poesia de Anne Blonstein poderá ser considerada uma forma de tradução. O trabalho termina com o “Início de uma experimentação” sobre so die Bindung ihrer Seele numa tradução não à letra nem pelo sentido mas letra-a-letra.