976 resultados para Martian dust
Die heterogenen Reaktionen von N2O5 bzw. NO3 auf mineralischen Staubpartikeln wurden untersucht, um deren Einfluss auf den Abbau atmosphärischer Stickoxide (NOx) sowie auf die chemische Veränderung der Staubpartikel während ihres Transportes durch die Atmosphäre besser verstehen zu können. Die experimentellen Studien wurden bei Atmosphärendruck, Raumtemperatur und unterschiedlichen relativen Luftfeuchten durchgeführt. Der Aufnahmekoeffizient γ(N2O5) von N2O5 auf dispergiertem Staub aus der Sahara wurde zu 0,020 ± 0,002 (1σ) bestimmt, unabhängig von der relativen Feuchte (0 - 67 %) sowie der N2O5-Konzentration (5x1011 - 3x1013 Moleküle cm-3).rnDie Analyse der Reaktionsprodukte in der Gasphase sowie auf der Partikeloberfläche führt zu der Annahme, dass N2O5 auf der Staubpartikeloberfläche zu Nitrat hydrolysiert wird. Es konnte kein Einfluss der relativen Feuchte auf den Aufnahmekoeffizienten ermittelt werden, was durch das vorhandene interlamellare Wasser, welches bis zu 10 % der Partikelmasse betragen kann, erklärbar ist. Der gemessene Wert des Aufnahmekoeffizienten ist unabhängig von der Eingangs-N2O5-Konzentration, was sich über die sehr große innere Oberfläche der Partikel erklären lässt. Dennoch ließ sich durch eine vorherige Konditionierung der Partikel mit gasförmigem HNO3, was eine Nitratanreicherung an der Oberfläche bewirkt, die Effizienz der N2O5-Aufnahme auf die Staubpartikel reduzieren. Zusätzliche Studien befassten sich mit der Bestimmung des Aufnahmekoeffizienten von N2O5 auf Illit-Partikeln und auf Teststaub aus Arizona. Bei einer relativen Luftfeuchte von 0 % wurden für γ(N2O5) Werte von 0,084 ± 0,019 (1σ) für Illit und von 0,010 ± 0,001 (1σ) für Arizona Teststaub ermittelt.rnUnter Anwendung einer neuartigen Messmethode, die auf der zeitgleichen Messung der Konzentrationsabnahme von NO3 und N2O5 relativ zueinander beruht, wurde das Verhältnis γ(NO3)/γ(N2O5) der Aufnahmekoeffizienten von NO3 und N2O5 auf Saharastaub zu 0,9 ± 0,4 (1σ) bestimmt. Dieser Wert war unabhängig von der relativen Feuchte, den NO3- und N2O5-Konzentrationen sowie der Reaktionszeit, obwohl eine Oberflächendeaktivierung für beide Spurenstoffe beobachtet wurde.
Mineral dust is an important component of the Earth's climate system and provides essential nutrientsrnto oceans and rain forests. During atmospheric transport, dust particles directly and indirectly influencernweather and climate. The strength of dust sources and characteristics of the transport, in turn, mightrnbe subject to climatic changes. Earth system models help for a better understanding of these complexrnmechanisms.rnrnThis thesis applies the global climate model ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) for simulationsrnof the mineral dust cycle under different climatic conditions. The prerequisite for suitable modelrnresults is the determination of the model setup reproducing the most realistic dust cycle in the recentrnclimate. Simulations with this setup are used to gain new insights into properties of the transatlanticrndust transport from Africa to the Americas and adaptations of the model's climate forcing factors allowrnfor investigations of the impact of climatic changes on the dust cycle.rnrnIn the first part, the most appropriate model setup is determined through a number of sensitivity experiments.rnIt uses the dust emission parametrisation from Tegen et al. 2002 and a spectral resolutionrnof T85, corresponding to a horizontal grid spacing of about 155 km. Coarser resolutions are not able tornaccurately reproduce emissions from important source regions such as the Bodele Depression in Chad orrnthe Taklamakan Desert in Central Asia. Furthermore, the representation of ageing and wet deposition ofrndust particles in the model requires a basic sulphur chemical mechanism. This setup is recommended forrnfuture simulations with EMAC focusing on mineral dust.rnrnOne major branch of the global dust cycle is the long-range transport from the world's largest dustrnsource, the Sahara, across the Atlantic Ocean. Seasonal variations of the main transport pathways to thernAmazon Basin in boreal winter and to the Caribbean during summer are well known and understood,rnand corroborated in this thesis. Both Eulerian and Lagrangian methods give estimates on the typicalrntransport times from the source regions to the deposition on the order of nine to ten days. Previously, arnhuge proportion of the dust transported across the Atlantic Ocean has been attributed to emissions fromrnthe Bodele Depression. However, the contribution of this hot spot to the total transport is very low inrnthe present results, although the overall emissions from this region are comparable. Both model resultsrnand data sets analysed earlier, such as satellite products, involve uncertainties and this controversy aboutrndust transport from the Bodele Depression calls for future investigations and clarification.rnrnAforementioned characteristics of the transatlantic dust transport just slightly change in simulationsrnrepresenting climatic conditions of the Little Ice Age in the middle of the last millennium with meanrnnear-surface cooling of 0.5 to 1 K. However, intensification of the West African summer monsoon duringrnthe Little Ice Age is associated with higher dust emissions from North African source regions and wetterrnconditions in the Sahel. Furthermore, the Indian Monsoon and dust emissions from the Arabian Peninsula,rnwhich are affected by this circulation, are intensified during the Little Ice Age, whereas the annual globalrndust budget is similar in both climate epochs. Simulated dust emission fluxes are particularly influencedrnby the surface parameters. Modifications of the model do not affect those in this thesis, to be able tornascribe all differences in the results to changed forcing factors, such as greenhouse gas concentrations.rnDue to meagre comparison data sets, the verification of results presented here is problematic. Deeperrnknowledge about the dust cycle during the Little Ice Age can be obtained by future simulations, based onrnthis work, and additionally using improved reconstructions of surface parameters. Better evaluation ofrnsuch simulations would be possible by refining the temporal resolution of reconstructed dust depositionrnfluxes from existing ice and marine sediment cores.
Water vapour, despite being a minor constituent in the Martian atmosphere with its precipitable amount of less than 70 pr. μm, attracts considerable attention in the scientific community because of its potential importance for past life on Mars. The partial pressure of water vapour is highly variable because of its seasonal condensation onto the polar caps and exchange with a subsurface reservoir. It is also known to drive photochemical processes: photolysis of water produces H, OH, HO2 and some other odd hydrogen compounds, which in turn destroy ozone. Consequently, the abundance of water vapour is anti-correlated with ozone abundance. The Herschel Space Observatory provides for the first time the possibility to retrieve vertical water profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Herschel will contribute to this topic with its guaranteed-time key project called "Water and related chemistry in the solar system". Observations of Mars by Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) and Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) onboard Herschel are planned in the frame of the programme. HIFI with its high spectral resolution enables accurate observations of vertically resolved H2O and temperature profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Unlike HIFI, PACS is not capable of resolving the line-shape of molecular lines. However, our present study of PACS observations for the Martian atmosphere shows that the vertical sensitivity of the PACS observations can be improved by using multiple-line observations with different line opacities. We have investigated the possibility of retrieving vertical profiles of temperature and molecular abundances of minor species including H2O in the Martian atmosphere using PACS. In this paper, we report that PACS is able to provide water vapour vertical profiles for the Martian atmosphere and we present the expected spectra for future PACS observations. We also show that the spectral resolution does not allow the retrieval of several studied minor species, such as H2O2, HCl, NO, SO2, etc.
In this paper, we use morphological and numerical methods to test the hypothesis that seasonally formed fracture patterns in the Martian polar regions result from the brittle failure of seasonal CO2 slab ice. The observations by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) of polar regions of Mars show very narrow dark elongated linear patterns that are observed during some periods of time in spring, disappear in summer and re-appear again in the following spring. They are repeatedly formed in the same areas but they do not repeat the exact pattern from year to year. This leads to the conclusion that they are cracks formed in the seasonal ice layer. Some of models of seasonal surface processes rely on the existence of a transparent form of CO2 ice, so-called slab ice. For the creation of the observed cracks the ice is required to be a continuous media, not an agglomeration of relatively separate particles like a firn. The best explanation for our observations is a slab ice with relatively high transparency in the visible wavelength range. This transparency allows a solid state green-house effect to act underneath the ice sheet raising the pressure by sublimation from below. The trapped gas creates overpressure and the ice sheet breaks at some point creating the observed cracks. We show that the times when the cracks appear are in agreement with the model calculation, providing one more piece of evidence that CO2 slab ice covers polar areas in spring.