358 resultados para MTS


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Studien undersöker och jämför hur fyra lärare arbetar medvetet med sin högläsning i klassrummet och ifall deras arbete förändras mellan årskurs 4 och årskurs 6. Undersökningen är disponerad som en multipel fallstudie, där varje enskilt fall först analyseras separat för att därpå korsanalyseras. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes en empirisk undersökning där de fyra fallen studerades genom metoderna enkät, observation, intervju och deltagarvalidering. Därefter analyserades fallen utifrån den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, skolans styrdokument och tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet. Resultaten ger en positiv inblick i lärares arbete med högläsning i klassrummet. De didaktiska val som ligger bakom de deltagande lärarnas högläsning går att koppla till läroplanens syfte och centrala innehåll. Lärarna verkar arbeta varierat och eleverna tränas med högläsningen som utgångspunkt i läroplanens övergripande förmågor. Lärarna har alla märkt ett generellt minskat läsintresse hos barn och elever men anser sig överlag inte märka så mycket av detta i sina egna klassrum, vilket de kopplar till att de aktivt arbetar med att läsa högt för eleverna. Vidare anser de att elevernas språkutveckling och ordförståelse gynnas av högläsning då de får lyssna till det skrivna ordet. Studiens lärare är överens om att det är viktigt att avsätta tid till högläsning i undervisningen och använder sig av en dialogisk uppläsning i sina klassrum, där högläsningen blir ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Endast en av lärarna säger sig uttryckligen arbeta med specifika metoder och strategier utifrån ämnesdidaktisk forskning, men vid besöken observerades att även de övriga lärarna intuitivt arbetar implicit med lässtrategier i sin undervisning. Gemensamt för lärarna är att de ofta väljer att arbeta ämnesintegrerat och att högläsningen blir en naturlig del i ett tematiskt arbete. De menar också att behovet av deras högläsning i undervisningen snarast ökar i och med att eleverna blir äldre, då de möts av mer komplexa texter ju äldre de blir.


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The aim was to investigate the roles of transmembrane domain 2 and the adjacent region of the first intracellular loop in determining human noradrenaline transporter (hNET) function by pharmacological and substituted-cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) analyses. It was first necessary to establish a suitable background NET for SCAM. Alanine mutants of endogenous hNET cysteines, hC86A, hC131A and hC339A, were examined and showed no marked effects on expression or function. hNET and the mutants were also resistant to methanethiosulfonate (MTS), ethylammonium (MTSEA) and MTStrimethylammonium (MTSET). Hence, wild-type hNET is an appropriate background for production of cysteine mutants for SCAM. Pharmacological investigation showed that all mutants except hT99C and hL109C showed reduced cell-surface expression, while all except hM107C showed a reduction in functional activity. The mutations did not markedly affect the apparent affinities of substrates, but apparent affinities of cocaine were decreased 7-fold for hP97C and 10-fold for hF101C and increased 12-fold for hY98C. [H-3]Nisoxetine binding affinities were decreased 13-fold for hP97C and 5-fold for hF101C. SCAM analysis revealed that only hL102C was sensitive to 1.25 mM MTSEA, and this sensitivity was protected by noradrenaline, nisoxetine and cocaine. The results suggest that this region of hNET is important for interactions with antidepressants and cocaine, but it is probably not involved in substrate translocation mechanisms.


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In contrast to the well-established relationship between cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton, the potential link between cadherins and microtubules (MTs) has been less extensively investigated. We now identify a pool of MTs that extend radially into cell-cell contacts and are inhibited by manoeuvres that block the dynamic activity of MT plus-ends (e.g. in the presence of low concentrations of nocodazole and following expression of a CLIP-170 mutant). Blocking dynamic MTs perturbed the ability of cells to concentrate and accumulate E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts, as assessed both by quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis, but did not affect either transport of E-cadherin to the plasma membrane or the amount of E-cadherin expressed at the cell surface. This indicated that dynamic MTs allow cells to concentrate E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts by regulating the regional distribution of E-cadherin once it reaches the cell surface. Importantly, dynamic MTs were necessary for myosin II to accumulate and be activated at cadherin adhesive contacts, a mechanism that supports the focal accumulation of E-cadherin. We propose that this population of MTs represents a novel form of cadherin-MT cooperation, where cadherin adhesions recruit dynamic MTs that, in turn, support the local concentration of cadherin molecules by regulating myosin II activity at cell-cell contacts.


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Background. The growth of solid tumors depends on establishing blood supply; thus, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis has been a long-term goal in cancer therapy. The SOX18 transcription factor is a key regulator of murine and human blood vessel formation. Methods: We established allograft melanoma tumors in wild-type mice, Sox18-null mice, and mice expressing a dominant-negative form of Sox18 (Sox18RaOp) (n = 4 per group) and measured tumor growth and microvessel density by immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies to the endothelial marker CD31 and the pericyte marker NG2. We also assessed the affects of disrupted SOX18 function on MCF-7 human breast cancer and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation by measuring BrdU incorporation and by MTS assay, cell migration using Boyden chamber assay, and capillary tube formation in vitro. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Allograft tumors in Sox18-null and Sox18RaOp mice grew more slowly than those in wild-type mice (tumor volume at day 14, Sox18 null, mean = 486 mm(3), 95% confidence interval [CI] = 345 mm(3) to 627 mm(3), p = .004; Sox18RaOp, mean = 233 mm(3), 95% CI = 73 mm(3) to 119 mm(3), p < .001; versus wild-type, mean = 817 mm(3), 95% CI = 643 mm(3) to 1001 mm(3)) and had fewer CD31- and NG2-expressing vessels. Expression of dominant-negative Sox18 reduced the proliferation of MCF-7 cells (BrdU incorporation: MCF-7(Ra) = 20%, 95% CI = 15% to 25% versus MCF-7 = 41%, 95% CI = 35% to 45%; P = .013) and HUVECs (optical density at 490 nm, empty vector, mean = 0.46 versus SOX18 mean = 0.29; difference = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.19; P = .001) compared with control subjects. Overexpression of wild-type SOX18 promoted capillary tube formation of HUVECs in vitro, whereas expression of dominant-negative SOX18 impaired tube formation of HUVECs and the migration of MCF-7 cells via the disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Conclusions: SOX18 is a potential target for antiangiogenic therapy of human cancers.


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The results of two experiments are reported that examined how performance in a simple interceptive action (hitting a moving target) was influenced by the speed of the target, the size of the intercepting effector and the distance moved to make the interception. In Experiment 1, target speed and the width of the intercepting manipulandum (bat) were varied. The hypothesis that people make briefer movements, when the temporal accuracy and precision demands of the task are high, predicts that bat width and target speed will divisively interact in their effect on movement time (MT) and that shorter MTs will be associated with a smaller temporal variable error (VE). An alternative hypothesis that people initiate movement when the rate of expansion (ROE) of the target's image reaches a specific, fixed criterion value predicts that bat width will have no effect on MT. The results supported the first hypothesis: a statistically reliable interaction of the predicted form was obtained and the temporal VE was smaller for briefer movements. In Experiment 2, distance to move and target speed were varied. MT increased in direct proportion to distance and there was a divisive interaction between distance and speed; as in Experiment 1, temporal VE was smaller for briefer movements. The pattern of results could not be explained by the strategy of initiating movement at a fixed value of the ROE or at a fixed value of any other perceptual variable potentially available for initiating movement. It is argued that the results support pre-programming of MT with movement initiated when the target's time to arrival at the interception location reaches a criterion value that is matched to the pre-programmed MT. The data supported completely open-loop control when MT was less than between 200 and 240 ms with corrective sub-movements increasingly frequent for movements of longer duration.


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Snart tjugo miljoner muslimer lever i Europa, och runt 300 000 i Sverige. Knappt fyra procent av Sveriges befolkning är muslimer, och bara en liten del av dem utövar sin religion, är praktiserande. Men alla muslimer, oavsett grad av religiositet, behandlas ungefär på samma sätt. De möts av fördomar, okunskap och hat. Detta konstaterande låter journalisten och författaren Kerstin Gustafsson Figueroa bli utgångspunkt för en antologi -För Guds skull. Muslimer i Sverige -fylld av personliga samtal med människor bakom stereotypierna.


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Ta and Ta-1% W are being considered to be used as target clad materials in the LANSCE proton beam line for the material test station (MTS). To investigate the embrittlement of these materials due to oxygen contamination and proton irradiation, Ta and Ta-1 wt% W (as received and with ~400 ppm O) were exposed to a 3.5 MeV proton beam at the ion beam materials laboratory at LANL. After irradiating the samples in the proton beam, nanoindentation was performed in cross-section to investigate the hardness increase of the materials due to irradiation. The nanoindentation showed that the hardness increase due to irradiation is between 9% and 20% depending on the material. The results show good agreement with mechanical testing results on tantalum and Ta-1 wt% W after high energy proton irradiation to doses up to 23 dpa.


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Aims: Oestrogens are known to act on a number of tissues throughout the body via classical oestrogen receptors, alpha (ER-a) and beta (ER-beta). Previous research has shown that oestrogens can regulate skeletal muscle glucose uptake cellular proliferation. Thus, oestrogens and related molecules provide an interesting focus for research into possible therapies for the treatment of metabolic disorders and sarcopenia. Enterodiol and enterolactone are plant derived mammalian enterolignans which share a struc- tural similarity to the human oestrogen oestradiol. Methods: In the present study we incubated the differentiated rat skeletal muscle cell line L6 concentration ranges of both com- pounds in the presence/absence of oestrogen receptor antagonists and measured glucose uptake using the non-metabolised glucose analogue 2-NBDG. Cellular proliferation was also measured using a modified MTS assay. Results: Enterolactone was seen to cause a significant increase in cellular proliferation after 48h (a maximal 25% at 0.1nmol/l), in an ER-a dependent mechanism. Incubation with 10nmol/l and 100nmol/l enterodiol caused significant increases in 2-NBDG (5000% compared with control, p < 0.001) and 2h glucose depletion from media (15% increase compared with control, p < 0.05), also in an ER-a dependent way. These results suggest these dietary derived oestrogen-like molecules might be of potential use in targeting metabolic disorders or sarcopenia. Conclusion: We can report here that the phytoestrogen derived molecules enterodiol and enterolactone interact with ER-a in the myotubes to regulate glucose uptake and cellular proliferation respectively.


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We investigated the diversity pattern of nine Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) populations along the Carpathian range including the High Tatras, by using six chloroplast DNA microsatellites (cpSSR). Our aim was to detect genetically distinct regions by clustering of populations, and to tackle possible historical colonization routes. Our analysis referred to an investigated geographical range with the two most distant populations situated at about 500 air km. We found that the most diverse populations are situated at the two edges of the investigated part, in the Retezat Mts. (South Carpathians) and the High Tatras, and diversity decreases towards the populations of the Eastern Carpathians. Hierarchical clustering and NMDS revealed that the populations of the South Carpathians with the Tatras form a distinct cluster, significantly separated from those of the Eastern Carpathians. Moreover, based on the most variable chloroplast microsatellites, the four populations of the two range edges are not significantly different. Our results, supported also by palynological and late glacial macrofossil evidences, indicate refugial territories within the Retezat Mts. that conserved rich haplotype composition. From this refugial territory Pinus cembra might have colonized the Eastern Carpathians, and this was accompanied by a gradual decrease in population diversity. Populations of the High Tatras might have had the same role in the colonizing events of the Carpathians, as positive correlation was detected among populations lying from each other at a distance of 280 km, the maximum distance between neighbouring populations.