972 resultados para MONITOR
Conservation and management measures for exploited fish species rely on our ability to monitor variations in population abundance. In the case of the eastern stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), recent changes in management policies have strongly affected the reliability of fishery-dependent indicators due to drastic changes in fishing season/area, fisheries selectivity and strategy. However, fishery-independent indices of abundance are rare for large pelagic fish, and obtaining them is often costly and labor intensive. Here, we show that scientific aerial surveys are an appropriate tool for monitoring juvenile bluefin tuna abundance in the Mediterranean. We present an abundance index based on 62 aerial surveys conducted since 2000, using 2 statistical approaches to deal with the sampling strategy: line and strip transects. Both approaches showed a significant increase in juvenile ABFT abundance in recent years, resulting from the recovery plan established in 2007. Nonetheless, the estimates from the line transect method appear to be more robust and stable. This study provides essential information for fisheries management. Expanding the spatial coverage to other nursery grounds would further increase the reliability and representativeness of this index.
161 p.
This study aimed to standardise an in-house real-time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) to allow quantification of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum or plasma samples, and to compare this method with two commercial assays, the Cobas Amplicor HBV monitor and the Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HBV test. Samples from 397 patients from the state of São Paulo were analysed by all three methods. Fifty-two samples were from patients who were human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus positive, but HBV negative. Genotypes were characterised, and the viral load was measure in each sample. The in-house rtPCR showed an excellent success rate compared with commercial tests; inter-assay and intra-assay coefficients correlated with commercial tests (r = 0.96 and r = 0.913, p < 0.001) and the in-house test showed no genotype-dependent differences in detection and quantification rates. The in-house assay tested in this study could be used for screening and quantifying HBV DNA in order to monitor patients during therapy.
Este es un ensayo clínico controlado realizado en 327 pacientes ASA II, sometidas a cesárea, distribuidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos iguales para identificar las variaciones hemodinámicas y nivel metamérico, al aplicar Anestesia Intratecal con Lidocaína Isobárica al 2(AILI) comparada con Lidocaína Hiperbárica al 5(AILH), ambas a dosis de 80 mg. Resultados: la AILI, se mantuvo en determinadas metámeras sin sustancial variabilidad, comportamiento totalmente contrario a la AILH. Las diferencias estadísticas en la presión sistólica, diastólica, y frecuencia cardiaca, entre ambos tipos de anestesia no fueron significativas. La hipotensión se presentó en 32,9con AILI, y 54con AILH; siendo tratada con 2,26 mg (ñ 3.65) y 3,93 mg (ñ 4,26) de efedrina respectivamente. (p> 0.05). Con AILI se presentaron 4 casos de bloqueo raquídeo alto más dificultad respiratoria y, con AILH 3 casos, de los cuales solo 2 presentaron dificultad respiratoria. Conclusión: la AILI produce un bloqueo nervioso más predecible que la AILH. Los valores hemodinámicos y la incidencia de complicaciones, entre ambos anestésicos fueron semejantes
Lo scopo della presente tesi è lo studio e la progettazione di un sistema Hands-Free applicato in ambito Healthcare, volto ad aiutare il personale sanitario nello svolgimento delle mansioni lavorative. Il progetto, denominato Trauma Tracker, ha avuto origine grazie alla collaborazione con medici ed infermieri dell'ospedale Maurizio Bufalini di Cesena. In particolare, il sistema in prodotto si prende carico della compilazione del report finale contenente tutte le operazioni svolte sui pazienti nell'ambito del Pronto Soccorso, riducendo così notevolmente le possibilità di errori dovuti a fattori umani. Durante le fasi di sviluppo e progettazione sono state aggiunte ulteriori funzionalità al sistema, fino a farlo diventare vero e proprio oggetto incantato, in grado di esibire proprietà finora inimmaginabili in questo campo di applicazione. Trauma Tracker, almeno in queste prime fasi, non si propone come uno strumento immediatamente utilizzabile sul campo e pronto ad affiancare i medici, poiché necessiterebbe subito di qualità come robustezza ed affidabilità a livelli estremamente elevati. Per questo motivo il progetto è stato trattato come un "Proof of Concept", ossia un prototipo che ha lo scopo di dimostrare la fattibilità di tale sistema nella realtà, e di verificarne l'utilità una volta applicato in uno scenario concreto. L'argomento trattato ha quindi una grande importanza, poiché getta le basi di una tecnologia che un giorno potrà aiutare medici ed infermieri a svolgere al meglio l'impegnativo compito di salvare vite. In questa tesi, è stato approfondito in particolare il sottosistema utilizzato per il riconoscimento dei parametri vitali dal monitor multi-parametrico posto nei diversi reparti ospedalieri. Esso ha richiesto lunghe fasi di implementazione e collaudo per ottenere dei risultati soddisfacenti, che alla fine sono stati raggiunti.
AIMS: In the UK, people tend to have poor knowledge of government guidelines for alcohol use, and lack the motivation and skills required to use them to monitor their drinking. The study aim was to determine whether using glasses marked with such guidelines would improve knowledge and attitudes, increase frequency of counting units and lower alcohol intake. METHODS: A total of 450 adults in the UK participated in an intervention vs control study with 1-month follow-up. The intervention group was encouraged to use glasses supplied by the researchers that indicated the unit content of drinks of different strengths and volumes, and stated the intake guidelines. Data were collected online. A further more in-depth interview with 13 intervention group participants enquired into their experiences of using the glasses. RESULTS: Analyses adjusted for baseline variables showed that the intervention improved the following: knowledge of unit-based guidelines, ability to estimate the unit content of drinks, attitudes toward the guidelines and frequency of counting unit intake. However, there was no significant difference in alcohol consumption between the groups at follow-up. Interviews suggested that the glasses encouraged people to think about their drinking and to discuss alcohol with other people. The design of the glasses was not appealing to all, and their initial impact did not always persist. CONCLUSION: Use of unit-marked glasses led to changes in people's reported use of unit-based guidelines to monitor their drinking but, in the short term, no change in consumption. Qualitative data suggested that the glasses could have an impact at the individual level (on knowledge and attitudes) and at a broader level (by prompting discussion of alcohol use).
This document is a summary of revenues from various sources in the state as well as giving expected revenues, based on income, corporation and other taxes received,
Neste estudo analisa-se a situação da atividade empreendedora na EUROREGIÃO EUROACE, que inclui em Portugal o Alentejo e o Centro e em Espanha a Extremadura. As dimensões analisadas compreendem a atividade empreendedora e as suas caraterísticas, os valores, perceções e atitudes empreendedoras, aspirações da atividade empreendedora e o ambiente empreendedor na EUROACE. Os resultados levam a concluir que o ecossistema empreendedor da EUROREGIÃO EUROACE apresenta ainda debilidades importantes face à média dos países europeus cujas economias são baseadas na inovação. Entre as debilidades que deverão ser melhoradas encontram-se as infraestruturas físicas e comerciais, a abertura dos mercados, o apoio ao financiamento das empresas e as políticas governamentais.
The research presented herein aims to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of a relatively new technique called phytoscreening. Parallel to the well-known phytoremediation, it consists of exploiting the absorbing potential of trees to delineate groundwater contamination plumes, especially for chlorinated ethenes (i.e., PCE, TCE, 1,2-cis DCE, and VC). The latter are prevalent contaminants in groundwater but their fate and transport in surface ecosystems, such as trees, are still poorly understood and subjected to high variability. Moreover, the analytical validity of tree-coring is still limited in many countries due to a lack of knowledge of its application opportunities. Tree-cores are extracted from trunks and generally analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A systematic review of former literature on phytoscreening for chlorinated ethenes is presented in this PhD thesis to evaluate the factors influencing the effectiveness of the technique. Besides, we tested the technique by probing eight sites contaminated by chlorinated ethenes in Italy (Emilia-Romagna) in different hydrogeological and seasonal settings. We coupled the technique with the assessment of gaseous-phase concentrations directly on-site, inserting detector tubes or a photoionization detector in the tree-holes left by the coring tool. Finally, we applied rank order statistic analysis on field data along with literature data to assess under which conditions phytoscreening should be applied to either screen or monitor environmental contamination issues. A relatively high correlation exists between tree-core and groundwater concentrations (Spearman’s ρ > 0.6), being higher for compounds with higher sorption, for sites with shallower and thinner aquifers, and when sampling specific tree types with standardized sampling and extraction protocols. These results indicate the opportunities for assessing the occurrence, type, and concentration of solvents directly from the stem of trees. This can reduce the costs of characterization surveys, allowing rapid identification of hotspots and plume direction and thus optimizing the drilling of boreholes.
This thesis collects several ecotoxicological studies focused on the quali- quantitative analysis of several classes of chemical compounds. Our studies have been conducted on different aquatic species occupying different food chain trophic levels and characterized by differences in biology, ethology, and nutrition, but all considered excellent bioindicators. This choice allowed us to have a broad overview of the contamination of aquatic environments. Detrimental effects of several chemical compounds on the species investigated have been discussed, considering the economic and public health implications linked to the pollution of the environment and the exposure to old and emerging xenobiotics. Our studies underline the importance of a multidisciplinary and integrated approach that includes the application of the one health concept to ensure the protection of public health and respect for natural environments. Studies collected in this thesis also aim to overcome some critical limitations of the branch of ecotoxicology, such as the lack of standardization in laboratory methods. Our data also underline the importance of expanding research to a greater number of various biological matrices than those indicated by the literature as target tissues for specific pollutants. This condition enables more detailed information on the kinetics of xenobiotics in animal organisms. Our studies also allow us to expand the knowledge related to the mechanisms of synergy and antagonism of mixtures of pollutants that can simultaneously accumulate in wildlife.
Honey bees are considered keystone species in ecosystem, the effect of harmful pesticides for the honey bees, the action of extreme climatic waves and their consequence on honey bees health can cause the loss of many colonies which could contribute to the reduction of the effective population size and incentive the use of non-autochthonous queens to replace dead colonies. Over the last decades, the use of non-ligustica bee subspecies in Italy has increased and together with the mentioned phenomena exposed native honey bees to hybridization, laeding to a dramatic loss of genetic erosion and admixture. Healthy genetic diversity within honey bee populations is critical to provide tolerance and resistance to current and future threatening. Nowadays it is urgent to design strategies for the conservation of local subspecies and their valorisation on a productive scale. In this Thesis we applied genomics tool for the analysis of the genetic diversity and the genomic integrity of honey bee populations in Italy are described. In this work mtDNA based methods are presented using honey bee DNA or honey eDNA as source of information of the genetic diversity of A. mellifera at different level. Taken together, the results derived from these studies should enlarge the knowledge of the genetic diversity and integrity of the honey bee populations in Italy, filling the gap of information necessary to design efficient conservation programmes. Furthermore, the methods presented in these works will provide a tool for the honey authentication to sustain and valorise beekeeping products and sector against frauds.
Summary This study aimed to evaluate the impact of vitrification on membrane lipid profile obtained by mass spectrometry (MS) of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been used to obtain individual embryo membrane lipid profiles. Due to conditions of analysis, mainly membrane lipids, most favorably phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and sphingomyelins (SMs) have been detected. The following ions described by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and respective attribution presented increased relative abundance (1.2-20×) in the vitrified group: 703.5 [SM (16:0) + H]+; 722.5 [PC (40:3) + Na]+; 758.5 [PC (34:2) + H]+; 762.5 [PC (34:0) + H]+; 790.5 [PC (36:0) + H]+ and 810.5 [PC (38:4) + H]+ and/or [PC (36:1) + Na]+. The ion with a m/z 744.5 [PCp (34:1) and/or PCe (34:2)] was 3.4-fold more abundant in the fresh group. Interestingly, ions with m/z 722.5 or 744.5 indicate the presence of lipid species, which are more resistant to enzymatic degradation as they contain fatty acyl residues linked through ether type bonds (alkyl ether or plasmalogens, indicated by the lowercase 'e' and 'p', respectively) to the glycerol structure. The results indicate that cryopreservation impacts the membrane lipid profile, and that these alterations can be properly monitored by MALDI-MS. Membrane lipids can therefore be evaluated by MALDI-MS to monitor the effect of cryopreservation on membrane lipids, and to investigate changes in lipid profile that may reflect the metabolic response to the cryopreservation stress or changes in the environmental conditions.
Membrane microdomains enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids (rafts), and specific proteins are involved in important physiological functions. However their structure, size and stability are still controversial. Given that detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) are in the liquid-ordered state and are rich in raft-like components, they might correspond to rafts at least to some extent. Here we monitor the lateral order of biological membranes by characterizing DRMs from erythrocytes obtained with Brij-98, Brij-58, and TX-100 at 4 °C and 37 °C. All DRMs were enriched in cholesterol and contained the raft markers flotillin-2 and stomatin. However, sphingomyelin (SM) was only found to be enriched in TX-100-DRMs - a detergent that preferentially solubilizes the membrane inner leaflet - while Band 3 was present solely in Brij-DRMs. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra showed that the acyl chain packing of Brij-DRMs was lower than TX-100-DRMs, providing evidence of their diverse lipid composition. Fatty acid analysis revealed that the SM fraction of the DRMs was enriched in lignoceric acid, which should specifically contribute to the resistance of SM to detergents. These results indicate that lipids from the outer leaflet, particularly SM, are essential for the formation of the liquid-ordered phase of DRMs. At last, the differential solubilization process induced by Brij-98 and TX-100 was monitored using giant unilamellar vesicles. This study suggests that Brij and TX-100-DRMs reflect different degrees of lateral order of the membrane microdomains. Additionally, Brij DRMs are composed by both inner and outer leaflet components, making them more physiologically relevant than TX-100-DRMs to the studies of membrane rafts.
Bariatric surgery is considered an effective method for sustained weight loss, but may cause various nutritional complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of minerals and vitamins, food consumption, and to monitor physiologic parameters in patients with obesity before and 6 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB). Thirty-six patients who had undergone RYGB were prospectively evaluated before and 6 months after surgery. At each phase their weight, height, body mass index (BMI), Electro Sensor Complex (ES Complex) data, food consumption, and total protein serum levels, albumin, prealbumin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), zinc (Zn), B12 vitamin (VitB12), iron (Fe), ferritin, copper (Cu), ionic calcium (CaI), magnesium (Mg), and folic acid were assessed. The mean weight loss from baseline to 6 months after surgery was 35.34±4.82%. Markers of autonomic nervous system balance (P<.01), stiffness index (P<.01), standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals (SDNN) (P<.01), and insulin resistance (P<.001) were also improved. With regard to the micronutrients measured, 34 patients demonstrated some kind of deficiency. There was a high percentage of Zn deficiency in both pre- (55.55%) and postoperative (61.11%) patients, and 33.33% of the patients were deficient in prealbumin postoperatively. The protein intake after 6 months of surgery was below the recommended intake (<70 g/d) for 88.88% of the patients. Laboratory analyses demonstrated an average decrease in total protein (P<.05), prealbumin (P = .002), and PTH (P = .008) between pre- and postsurgery, and a decrease in the percentage of deficiencies for Mg (P<.05), CaI (P<.05), and Fe (P = .021). Despite improvements in the autonomic nervous system balance, stiffness index markers and insulin resistance, we found a high prevalence of hypozincemia at 6 months post-RYGB. Furthermore, protein supplements were needed to maintain an adequate protein intake up to 6 months postsurgery.