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Background Yeast is an important and versatile organism for studying membrane proteins. It is easy to cultivate and can perform higher eukaryote-like post-translational modifications. S. cerevisiae has a fully-sequenced genome and there are several collections of deletion strains available, whilst P. pastoris can produce very high cell densities (230 g/l). Results We have used both S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris to over-produce the following His6 and His10 carboxyl terminal fused membrane proteins. CD81 – 26 kDa tetraspanin protein (TAPA-1) that may play an important role in the regulation of lymphoma cell growth and may also act as the viral receptor for Hepatitis C-Virus. CD82 – 30 kDa tetraspanin protein that associates with CD4 or CD8 cells and delivers co-stimulatory signals for the TCR/CD3 pathway. MC4R – 37 kDa seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor, present on neurons in the hypothalamus region of the brain and predicted to have a role in the feast or fast signalling pathway. Adt2p – 34 kDa six transmembrane protein that catalyses the exchange of ADP and ATP across the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane. Conclusion We show that yeasts are flexible production organisms for a range of different membrane proteins. The yields are such that future structure-activity relationship studies can be initiated via reconstitution, crystallization for X-ray diffraction or NMR experiments.


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The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionellanucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms.


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The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex (complex I) is of particular importance for the respiratory chain in mitochondria. It is the major electron entry site for the mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC) and therefore of great significance for mitochondrial ATP generation. We recently described an Arabidopsis thaliana double-mutant lacking the genes encoding the carbonic anhydrases CA1 and CA2, which both form part of a plant-specific 'carbonic anhydrase domain' of mitochondrial complex I. The mutant lacks complex I completely. Here we report extended analyses for systematically characterizing the proteome of the ca1ca2 mutant. Using various proteomic tools, we show that lack of complex I causes reorganization of the cellular respiration system. Reduced electron entry into the respiratory chain at the first segment of the mETC leads to induction of complexes II and IV as well as alternative oxidase. Increased electron entry at later segments of the mETC requires an increase in oxidation of organic substrates. This is reflected by higher abundance of proteins involved in glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and branched-chain amino acid catabolism. Proteins involved in the light reaction of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle, tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, and photorespiration are clearly reduced, contributing to the significant delay in growth and development of the double-mutant. Finally, enzymes involved in defense against reactive oxygen species and stress symptoms are much induced. These together with previously reported insights into the function of plant complex I, which were obtained by analysing other complex I mutants, are integrated in order to comprehensively describe 'life without complex I'.


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Positive-sense RNA viruses are important animal, plant, insect and bacteria pathogens and constitute the largest group of RNA viruses. Due to the relatively small size of their genomes, these viruses have evolved a variety of non-canonical translation mechanisms to optimize coding capacity expanding their proteome diversity. One such strategy is codon redefinition or recoding. First described in viruses, recoding is a programmed translation event in which codon alterations are context dependent. Recoding takes place in a subset of messenger RNA (mRNAs) with some products reflecting new, and some reflecting standard, meanings. The ratio between the two is both critical and highly regulated. While a variety of recoding mechanisms have been documented, (ribosome shunting, stop-carry on, termination-reinitiation, and translational bypassing), the two most extensively employed by RNA viruses are Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) and Programmed Ribosomal Readthrough (PRT). While both PRT and PRF subvert normal decoding for expression of C-terminal extension products, the former involves an alteration of reading frame, and the latter requires decoding of a non-sense codon. Both processes occur at a low but defined frequency, and both require Recoding Stimulatory Elements (RSE) for regulation and optimum functionality. These stimulatory signals can be embedded in the RNA in the form of sequence or secondary structure, or trans-acting factors outside the mRNA such as proteins or micro RNAs (miRNA). Despite 40+ years of study, the precise mechanisms by which viral RSE mediate ribosome recoding for the synthesis of their proteins, or how the ratio of these products is maintained, is poorly defined. This study reveals that in addition to a long distance RNA:RNA interaction, three alternate conformations and a phylogenetically conserved pseudoknot regulate PRT in the carmovirus Turnip crinkle virus (TCV).


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Nitric oxide plays an indispensable role in modulating cellular signaling and redox pathways. This role is mainly effected by the readily reversible nitrosylation of selective protein cysteine thiols. The reversibility and sophistication of this signaling system is enabled and regulated by a number of enzymes which form part of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine antioxidant systems. Increases in nitric oxide levels initially lead to a defensive increase in the number of nitrosylated proteins in an effort to preserve their function. However, in an environment of chronic oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), nitrosylation of crucial cysteine groups within key enzymes of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine systems leads to their inactivation thereby disabling denitrosylation and transnitrosylation and subsequently a state described as "hypernitrosylation." This state leads to the development of pathology in multiple domains such as the inhibition of enzymes of the electron transport chain, decreased mitochondrial function, and altered conformation of proteins and amino acids leading to loss of immune tolerance and development of autoimmunity. Hypernitrosylation also leads to altered function or inactivation of proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, proteomic degradation, transcription factor activity, immune-inflammatory pathways, energy production, and neural function and survival. Hypernitrosylation, as a consequence of chronically elevated O&NS and activated immune-inflammatory pathways, can explain many characteristic abnormalities observed in neuroprogressive disease including major depression and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. In those disorders, increased bacterial translocation may drive hypernitrosylation and autoimmune responses against nitrosylated proteins.


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Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic psychiatric illness characterized by severe and biphasic changes in mood. Several pathophysiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to underpin the neurobiology of BD, including the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction. A confluence of evidence points to an underlying dysfunction of mitochondria, including decreases in mitochondrial respiration, high-energy phosphates and pH; changes in mitochondrial morphology; increases in mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms; and downregulation of nuclear mRNA molecules and proteins involved in mitochondrial respiration. Mitochondria play a pivotal role in neuronal cell survival or death as regulators of both energy metabolism and cell survival and death pathways. Thus, in this review, we discuss the genetic and physiological components of mitochondria and the evidence for mitochondrial abnormalities in BD. The final part of this review discusses mitochondria as a potential target of therapeutic interventions in BD.


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Rapamycin consistently increases longevity in mice although the mechanism of action of this drug is unknown. In the present investigation we studied the effect of rapamycin on mitochondrial oxidative stress at the same dose that is known to increase longevity in mice (14 mg of rapamycin/kg of diet). Middle aged mice (16 months old) showed significant age-related increases in mitochondrial ROS production at complex I, accumulation of mtDNA fragments inside nuclear DNA, mitochondrial protein lipoxidation, and lipofuscin accumulation compared to young animals (4 months old) in the liver. After 7 weeks of dietary treatment all those increases were totally or partially (lipofuscin) abolished by rapamycin, middle aged rapamycin-treated animals showing similar levels in those parameters to young animals. The decrease in mitochondrial ROS production was due to qualitative instead of quantitative changes in complex I. The decrease in mitochondrial protein lipoxidation was not due to decreases in the amount of highly oxidizable unsaturated fatty acids. Rapamycin also decreased the amount of RAPTOR (of mTOR complex) and increased the amounts of the PGC1-α and ATG13 proteins. The results are consistent with the possibility that rapamycin increases longevity in mice at least in part by lowering mitochondrial ROS production and increasing autophagy, decreasing the derived final forms of damage accumulated with age which are responsible for increased longevity. The decrease in lipofuscin accumulation induced by rapamycin adds to previous information suggesting that the increase in longevity induced by this drug can be due to a decrease in the rate of aging. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.


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Salt stress is known to have severe effects on plant health and fecundity, and mitochondria are known to be an essential part of the plant salt stress response. Arabidopsis thaliana serves as an excellent model to study the effects of salt stress as well as mitochondrial morphology. Arabidopsis contains several homologues to known mitochondrial proteins, including the fission protein FIS1A, and FMT, a homologue of the CLU subfamily. We sought to examine the effects of salt stress on knockout lines of FIS1A and FMT, as well as a transgenic line overexpressing FMT (FMT-OE) in columella cells in the root cap of Arabidopsis. fmt mutants displayed defects in both root and leaf growth, as well as a delay in flowering time. These mutants also showed a pronounced increase in mitochondrial clustering and number. FMT-OE mutants displayed severe defects in germination, including a decrease in total germination, and an increase in the number of days to germination. fis1A mutants exhibited shorter roots and slightly shorter leaves, as well as a tendency towards random mitochondrial clustering in root cells. Salt stress was shown to affect various mitochondrial parameters, including an increase in mitochondrial number and clustering, as well as a decrease in mitochondrial area. These results reveal a previously unknown role for FMT in germination and flowering in Arabidopsis, as well as insight into the effects of salt stress on mitochondrial morphology. FMT, along with FIS1A, may also help to regulate mitochondrial number and clustering, as well as root and leaf growth, under both control and salt-stressed conditions. This has implications for both FMT and FIS1A in whole-plant morphology as well as the plant salt stress response.


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The complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified by 454 pyrosequencing (1/16th of a plate) for the New Caledonian rainforest spider-ant Leptomyrmex pallens. De novo genome assembly recovered the entire mitochondrial genome with mean coverage of 8.9-fold (range 1-27). The mitogenome consists of 15,591 base pairs including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a non-coding AT-rich region. The genome arrangement is typical of insect taxa and very similar to the only other published ant mitogenome from the Solenopsis genus, with the main differences consisting of translocations and inversions of tRNAs. A total of 13 polymorphic loci were also characterized using 41 individuals from a single population in the Aoupinié region, corresponding to workers from 21 nests and 16 foraging workers. We observed moderate genetic variation across most loci (mean number of alleles per locus = 4.50; mean expected heterozygosity = 0.53) with evidence of only two loci deviating significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to null alleles. Marker independence was confirmed with tests for linkage disequilibrium. Most loci cross amplified for three additional Leptomyrmex species. The annotation of the mitogenome and characterization of microsatellite markers will provide useful tools for assessing the colony structure, population genetic patterns, and dispersal strategy of L. pallens in the context of rainforest fragmentation in New Caledonia. Furthermore, this paper confirms a recent line of evidence that comprehensive mitochondrial data can be obtained relatively easily from small next-generation sequencing analyses. Greater synthesis of next-generation sequencing data will play a significant role in expanding the taxonomic representation of mitochondrial genome sequences.


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A suite of polymorphic microsatellite markers and the complete mitochondrial genome sequence was developed by next generation sequencing (NGS) for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot, Neophema chrysogaster. A total of 14 polymorphic loci were identified and characterized using DNA extractions representing 40 individuals from Melaleuca, Tasmania, sampled in 2002. We observed moderate genetic variation across most loci (mean number of alleles per locus = 2.79; mean expected heterozygosity = 0.53) with no evidence of individual loci deviating significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Marker independence was confirmed with tests for linkage disequilibrium, and analyses indicated no evidence of null alleles across loci. De novo and reference-based genome assemblies performed using MIRA were used to assemble the N. chrysogaster mitochondrial genome sequence with mean coverage of 116-fold (range 89 to 142-fold). The mitochondrial genome consists of 18,034 base pairs, and a typical metazoan mitochondrial gene content consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a single large non-coding region (control region). The arrangement of mitochondrial genes is also typical of Avian taxa. The annotation of the mitochondrial genome and the characterization of 14 microsatellite markers provide a valuable resource for future genetic monitoring of wild and captive N. chrysogaster populations. As found previously, NGS provides a rapid, low cost and reliable method for polymorphic nuclear genetic marker development and determining complete mitochondrial genome sequences when only a fraction of a genome is sequenced.


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Ceramic membranes were fabricated by in situ synthesis of alumina nanofibres in the pores of an alumina support as a separation layer, and exhibited a high permeation selectivity for bovine serum albumin relative to bovine hemoglobin (over 60 times) and can effectively retain DNA molecules at high fluxes.


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A surface plasmon resonance-based solution affinity assay is described for measuring the Kd of binding of heparin/heparan sulfate-binding proteins with a variety of ligands. The assay involves the passage of a pre-equilibrated solution of protein and ligand over a sensor chip onto which heparin has been immobilised. Heparin sensor chips prepared by four different methods, including biotin–streptavidin affinity capture and direct covalent attachment to the chip surface, were successfully used in the assay and gave similar Kd values. The assay is applicable to a wide variety of heparin/HS-binding proteins of diverse structure and function (e.g., FGF-1, FGF-2, VEGF, IL-8, MCP-2, ATIII, PF4) and to ligands of varying molecular weight and degree of sulfation (e.g., heparin, PI-88, sucrose octasulfate, naphthalene trisulfonate) and is thus well suited for the rapid screening of ligands in drug discovery applications.


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The Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia has been subject to extensive fluctuations in climate throughout the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Cycles of rainforest contraction and expansion of dry sclerophyll forest associated with such climatic fluctuations are postulated to have played a major role in driving geographical endemism in terrestrial rainforest taxa. Consequences for the distributions of aquatic organisms, however, are poorly understood.The Australian non-biting midge species Echinocladius martini Cranston (Diptera: Chironomidae), although restricted to cool, well-forested freshwater streams, has been considered to be able to disperse among populations located in isolated rainforest pockets during periods of sclerophyllous forest expansion, potentially limiting the effect of climatic fluctuations on patterns of endemism. In this study, mitochondrial COI and 16S data were analysed for E. martini collected from eight sites spanning theWet Tropics bioregion to assess the scale and extent of phylogeographic structure. Analyses of genetic structure showed several highly divergent cryptic lineages with restricted geographical distributions. Within one of the identified lineages, strong genetic structure implied that dispersal among proximate (<1 km apart) streams was extremely restricted. The results suggest that vicariant processes, most likely due to the systemic drying of the Australian continent during the Plio-Pleistocene, might have fragmented historical E. martini populations and, hence, promoted divergence in allopatry.