816 resultados para MALDI-TOF
An approach to analyzing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in the human genome has been developed that couples a recently developed invasive cleavage assay for nucleic acids with detection by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The invasive cleavage assay is a signal amplification method that enables the analysis of SNPs by MALDI-TOF MS directly from human genomic DNA without the need for initial target amplification by PCR. The results presented here show the successful genotyping by this approach of twelve SNPs located randomly throughout the human genome. Conventional Sanger sequencing of these SNP positions confirmed the accuracy of the MALDI-TOF MS analysis results. The ability to unambiguously detect both homozygous and heterozygous genotypes is clearly demonstrated. The elimination of the need for target amplification by PCR, combined with the inherently rapid and accurate nature of detection by MALDI-TOF MS, gives this approach unique and significant advantages in the high-throughput genotyping of large numbers of SNPs, useful for locating, identifying, and characterizing the function of specific genes.
The aim of the present study is to determine the chemical structure and conformation of DNA adducts formed by incubation of the bioactive form of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), N-acetoxy-PhIP, with a single-stranded 11mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Using conditions optimized to give the C8-dG-PhIP adduct as the major product, sufficient material was synthesized for NMR solution structure determination. The NMR data indicate that in duplex DNA this adduct exists in equilibrium between two different conformational states. In the main conformer, the covalently bound PhIP molecule intercalates in the helix, whilst in the minor conformation the PhIP ligand is probably solvent exposed. In addition to the C8-dG-PhIP adduct, at least eight polar adducts are found after reaction of N-acetoxy-PhIP with the oligonucleotide. Three of these were purified for further characterization and shown to exhibit lowest energy UV absorption bands in the range 342–347 nm, confirming the presence of PhIP or PhIP derivative. Accurate mass determination of two of the polar adducts by negative ion MALDI-TOF MS revealed ions consistent with a spirobisguanidino-PhIP derivative and a ring-opened adduct. The third adduct, which has the same mass as the C8-dG-PhIP oligonucleotide adduct, may contain PhIP bound to the N2 position of guanine.
Diversos mecanismos celulares estão associados à patogênese do Carcinoma Epidermoide de Cabeça e Pescoço (CECP). Algumas dessas alterações envolvem proteínas pertencentes à via de sinalização do Akt, e o fator de transcrição NF-kB, o qual têm importante papel na fisiologia normal e no câncer. A proteína COX-2, descrita em processos inflamatórios, também participa da carcinogênese e está associada com a via de sinalização do Akt e com o NF-kB. Dendrímeros são uma forma única de nanotecnologia, surgindo como nanotransportadores com a capacidade de penetrar na célula tumoral liberando drogas quimioterápicas em seu interior. Os benefícios desta tecnologia são o aumento da eficicácia do princípio ativo utilizado e a redução dos seus efeitos secundários tóxicos. O Celecoxibe, antiinflamatório não esteroidal, inibidor seletivo da COX-2, tem se mostrado um importante agente anticarcinogênico, no entanto seu mecanismo de ação no CECP não é totalmente compreendido. Neste trabalho, um Dendrímero de Poliglicerol associado ao Celecoxibe (PGLD-celecoxibe) foi sintetizado e caracterizado por técnicas de espectroscopia ¹H-RMN, ¹³C-RMN, Maldi-Tof, TLC e DSC. Além disso, o conjugado foi testado in vitro em três linhagens celulares de CECP. O PGLD-Celecoxibe foi sintetizado com sucesso e promoveu a redução da dose capaz de inibir a proliferação celular, reduzindo o IC 50 do Celecoxibe de forma significativa em todas as linhagens celulares, se aproximando da dose sérica alcançada por este medicamento, resultado corroborado pelo Ensaio de Migração Celular. O mecanismo de morte celular observado foi a apoptose, associada a diminuição significativa da expressão de COX-2 ou por uma via alternativa independente. Alguns dos grupos tratados apresentaram alteração na expressão das proteínas pAkt e NF-kB.
Parkinson disease is mainly characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system, including the retina. Different interrelated molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson disease-associated neuronal death have been put forward in the brain, including oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Systemic injection of the proneurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to monkeys elicits the appearance of a parkinsonian syndrome, including morphological and functional impairments in the retina. However, the intracellular events leading to derangement of dopaminergic and other retinal neurons in MPTP-treated animal models have not been so far investigated. Here we have used a comparative proteomics approach to identify proteins differentially expressed in the retina of MPTP-treated monkeys. Proteins were solubilized from the neural retinas of control and MPTP-treated animals, labelled separately with two different cyanine fluorophores and run pairwise on 2D DIGE gels. Out of >700 protein spots resolved and quantified, 36 were found to exhibit statistically significant differences in their expression levels, of at least ±1.4-fold, in the parkinsonian monkey retina compared with controls. Most of these spots were excised from preparative 2D gels, trypsinized and subjected to MALDI-TOF MS and LC-MS/MS analyses. Data obtained were used for protein sequence database interrogation, and 15 different proteins were successfully identified, of which 13 were underexpressed and 2 overexpressed. These proteins were involved in key cellular functional pathways such as glycolysis and mitochondrial electron transport, neuronal protection against stress and survival, and phototransduction processes. These functional categories underscore that alterations in energy metabolism, neuroprotective mechanisms and signal transduction are involved in MPTPinduced neuronal degeneration in the retina, in similarity to mechanisms thought to underlie neuronal death in the Parkinson’s diseased brain and neurodegenerative diseases of the retina proper.
In this work we report for the first time a post-translational modification of PII homologues from the Archaea Domain. Haloferax mediterranei is the first haloarchaea whose PII proteins have been studied, it possesses two of them (GlnK1 and GlnK2), both encoded adjacent to a gene for the ammonia transporter Amt. An approach based on 2DE, anti-GlnK immunoblot and peptide mass fingerprint (MALDI-TOF-MS) of the reactive spots showed that GlnK proteins in H. mediterranei are post-translationally uridylylated. A third spot with lower pI suggests the existence of a non-descript post-translational modification in this protein family.
Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.
Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.
A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) gene modulates the level of transcription of this gene and hence is associated with serum levels of EGF. This variant may be associated with melanoma risk, but conflicting findings have been reported. An Australian melanoma case-control sample was typed for the EGF+61A>G transversion (rs4444903). The sample comprised 753 melanoma cases from 738 families stratified by family history of melanoma and 2387 controls from 645 unselected twin families. Ancestry of the cases and controls was recorded, and the twins had undergone skin examination to assess total body nevus count, degree of freckling and pigmentation phenotype. SNP genotyping was carried out via primer extension followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy. The EGIF+61 SNP was not found to be significantly associated with melanoma status or with development of nevi or freckles. Among melanoma cases, however, G homozygotes had thicker tumors (p=0.05), in keeping with two previous studies. The EGF polymorphism does not appear to predispose to melanoma or nevus development, but its significant association with tumor thickness implies that it may be a useful marker of prognosis.
The proteome of bovine milk is dominated by just six gene products that constitute approximately 95% of milk protein. Nonetheless, over 150 protein spots can be readily detected following two-dimensional electrophoresis of whole milk. Many of these represent isoforms of the major gene products produced through extensive posttranslational modification. Peptide mass fingerprinting of in-gel tryptic digests (using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in reflectron mode with alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid as the matrix) identified 10 forms of K-casein with isoelectric point (pl) values from 4.47 to 5.81, but could not distinguish between them. MALDI-TOF MS in linear mode, using sinapinic acid as the matrix, revealed a large tryptic peptide (mass > 5990 Da) derived from the C-terminus that contained all the known sites of genetic variance, phosphorylation and glycosylation. Two genetic variants present as singly or doubly phosphorylated forms could be distinguished using mass data alone. Glycoforms containing a single acidic tetrasaccharide were also identified. The differences in electrophoretic mobility of these isoforms were consistent with the addition of the acidic groups. While more extensively glycosylated forms were also observed, substantial loss of N-acetylneuraminic acid from the glycosyl group was evident in the MALDI spectra such that ions corresponding to the intact glycopeptide were not observed and assignment of the glycoforms was not possible. However, by analysing the pl shifts observed on the two-dimensional gels in conjunction with the MS data, the number of N-acetylneuraminic acid residues, and hence the glycoforms present, could be determined.
A rapid method has been developed for the quantification of the prototypic cyclotide kalata B I in water and plasma utilizing matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The unusual structure of the cyclotides means that they do not ionise as readily as linear peptides and as a result of their low ionisation efficiency, traditional LC/MS analyses were not able to reach the levels of detection required for the quantification of cyclotides in plasma for pharmacokinetic studies. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis showed linearity (R-2 > 0.99) in the concentration range 0.05-10 mu g/mL with a limit of detection of 0.05 mu g/mL (9 fmol) in plasma. This paper highlights the applicability of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the rapid and sensitive quantification of peptides in biological samples without the need for extensive extraction procedures. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neutrophilic lung inflammation is an essential component of host defense against diverse eukaryotic and prokaryotic pathogens, but in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiolitis, it may damage the host. Glucocorticosteroids are widely used in these conditions and in their infectious exacerbations; however, the clinical efficacy of steroids is disputed. In this study, we used a proteomic approach to identify molecules contributing to neutrophilic inflammation induced by transnasal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that were also resistant to the potent glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone (Dex). We confirmed that Dex was biologically active at both the transcript (suppression of GM-CSF and TNFalpha transcripts) and protein levels (induction of lipocortin) and used 2D-PAGE/MALDI-TOF to generate global expression profiles, identifying six LPS-induced proteins that were Dex resistant. Of these, S100A8, a candidate neutrophil chemotactic factor, was profiled in detail. Steroid refractory S100A8 expression was highly abundant, transcriptionally regulated, secreted into lung lavage fluid and immunohistochemically localized to tissue infiltrating neutrophils. However, in marked contrast to other vascular beds, neutralizing antibodies to S100A8 had only a weak anti-neutrophil recruitment effect and antibodies against the related S100A9 were ineffective. These data highlight the need for extensive in vivo profiling of proteomically identified candidate molecules and demonstrates that S100A8, despite its abundance, resistance to steroids and known chemotactic activity, is unlikely to be an important determinant of LPS-induced neutrophilic lung inflammation in vivo.
This study describes the identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the bacterial pathogen Pasteurella multocida and an analysis of how the expression of these proteins changes during infection of the natural host. We analysed the sarcosine-insoluble membrane fractions, which are highly enriched for OMPs, from bacteria grown under a range of conditions. Initially, the OMP-containing fractions were resolved by 2-DE and the proteins identified by MALDI-TOF MS. In addition, the OMP-containing fractions were separated by 1-D SDS-PAGE and protein identifications were made using nano LC MS/MS. Using these two methods a total of 35 proteins was identified from samples obtained from organisms grown in rich culture medium. Six of the proteins were identified only by 2-DE MALDI-TOF MS, whilst 17 proteins were identified only by 1-D LC MS/MS. We then analysed the OMPs from P. multocida which had been isolated from the bloodstream of infected chickens (a natural host) or grown in iron-depleted medium. Three proteins were found to be significantly up-regulated during growth in vivo and one of these (Pm0803) was also up-regulated during growth in iron-depleted medium. After bioinformatic analysis of the protein matches, it was predicted that over one third of the combined OMPs predicted by the bioinformatics sub-cellular localisation tools PSORTB and Proteome Analyst, had been identified during this study. This is the first comprehensive proteomic analysis of the P. multocida outer membrane and the first proteomic analysis of how a bacterial pathogen modifies its outer membrane proteome during infection.
Background: The BRAF gene is frequently somatically altered in malignant melanoma. A majority of variations are at the valine 600 residue leading to a V600E substitution that constitutively activates the kinase. We screened 4000 patient and control DNAs for germ-line variations at the valine 600 residue. Methods: We developed a novel assay by adapting single-base variation assays and software for MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight) mass spectrometry to screen for all 5 reported variants at codon 600 of the BRAF gene. We screened a case-control collection comprising samples from 1082 melanoma patients and 154 of their unaffected relatives from 1278 families and from 2744 individuals from 659 unselected twin families with no history of melanoma. A panel of 66 melanoma cell lines was used for variation-positive controls. Results: All melanoma cell lines that we had found previously to carry a codon 600 variation were verified in this study. Three of the 4 possible variants (V600E n = 47, V600K n = 2, V600R n = 1) were detected, but no case of V600D was available. No germ-line variants were found in the samples from the 3980 melanoma patients or from the control individuals. Conclusions: This new assay is a high-throughput, automated alternative to standard sequencing and can be used as a rapid initial screen for somatic variants associated with melanoma. Germ-line variants at valine 600 are unlikely to exist and do not contribute to the reported role of the BRAF gene in melanoma predisposition. (c) 2006 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
Context: Genes from the ovarian bone morphogenetic signaling pathway (GDF9 and BMP15) are critical for normal human fertility. We previously identified a deletion mutation in GDF9 in sisters with spontaneous dizygotic (DZ) twins, but the prevalence of rare GDF9 variants in twinning families is unknown. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the frequency of rare variants in GDF9 in families with a history of DZ twinning. Design and Subjects: We recruited 3450 individuals from 915 DZ twinning families (1693 mothers of twins) and 1512 controls of Caucasian origin. One mother of DZ twins was selected from 279 of the 915 families, and a DNA sample was screened for rare variants in GDF9 using denaturant HPLC. Variants were confirmed by DNA sequencing and genotyped in the entire sample by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Results: We found two novel insertion/deletions (c.392-393insT, c.1268-1269delAA) and four missense alterations in the GDF9 sequence in mothers of twins. Two of the missense variants (c.307C > T, p.Pro103Ser and c.362C > T, p.Thr121Leu) were located in the proregion of GDF9 and two (c.1121C > T, p.Pro374Leu and c.1360C > T, p.Arg454Cys) in the mature protein region. For each variant, the frequencies were higher in cases compared with controls. The proportion of mothers of DZ twins carrying any variant (4.12%) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the proportion of carriers in controls (2.29%). Conclusion: We describe new variants in the GDF9 gene that are significantly more common in mothers of DZ twins than controls, suggesting that rare GDF9 variants contribute to the likelihood of DZ twinning.
Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disease with symptoms of pelvic pain and infertility which affects 7-10% of women in their reproductive years. Activation of an oncogenic allele of Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (KRAS) in the reproductive tract of mice resulted in the development of endometriosis. We hypothesized that variation in KRAS may influence risk of endometriosis in humans. Thirty tagSNPs spanning a region of 60.7 kb across the KRAS locus were genotyped using iPLEX chemistry on a MALDI-TOF MassARRAY platform in 959 endometriosis cases and 959 unrelated controls, and data were analysed for association with endometriosis. Genotypes were obtained for most individuals with a mean completion rate of 99.1%. We identified six haplotype blocks across the KRAS locus in our sample. There were no significant differences between cases and controls in the frequencies of individual single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or haplotypes. We also developed a rapid method to screen for 11 common KRAS and BRAF mutations on the Sequenom MassARRAY system. The assay detected all mutations previously identified by direct sequencing in a panel of positive controls. No germline variants for KRAS or BRAF were detected. Our results demonstrate that any risk of endometriosis in women because of common variation in KRAS must be very small.