959 resultados para Lw CCM


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CT and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) are ubiquitous in the clinic. Their preclinical equivalents are valuable imaging methods for studying disease models and treatment. We have developed a dual source/detector X-ray imaging system that we have used for both micro-CT and DSA studies in rodents. The control of such a complex imaging system requires substantial software development for which we use the graphical language LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). This paper focuses on a LabVIEW platform that we have developed to enable anatomical and functional imaging with micro-CT and DSA. Our LabVIEW applications integrate and control all the elements of our system including a dual source/detector X-ray system, a mechanical ventilator, a physiological monitor, and a power microinjector for the vascular delivery of X-ray contrast agents. Various applications allow cardiac- and respiratory-gated acquisitions for both DSA and micro-CT studies. Our results illustrate the application of DSA for cardiopulmonary studies and vascular imaging of the liver and coronary arteries. We also show how DSA can be used for functional imaging of the kidney. Finally, the power of 4D micro-CT imaging using both prospective and retrospective gating is shown for cardiac imaging.


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Este artículo hace parte del trabajo “Criterios y Prácticas de Evaluación en torno a la Multiplicación”, tesis de maestría en proceso, la cual intenta contribuir al desarrollo del proyecto de investigación “Modelos y Prácticas Evaluativas de las Matemáticas en la Educación Básica. El caso del Campo Multiplicativo”, proyecto financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (C´odigo1108-11-11328). Se realiza en este escrito un análisis del proceso de aprendizaje en torno al concepto de multiplicación desde la perspectiva sociocultural. Es pertinente señalar que la multiplicación es un concepto que se encuentra estrechamente relacionado con otros como: división, fracción, razón, proporción, función lineal,. . . y que conforman lo que Vergnaud (1994) ha denominado el Campo Conceptual Multiplicativo (CCM), por lo que su aprendizaje integra la necesidad de conectar estos conceptos con un campo de problemas y situaciones de tipo multiplicativo. En este sentido cobra importancia la cita de Sfard, en tanto, por ejemplo el aprendizaje de este concepto requiere un largo periodo de tiempo. En la primera parte del artículo se plantean algunos presupuestos teóricos que se comparten y ayudan a fundamentarlo, posteriormente se explicita qué es lo que se entiende por aproximación sociocultural del aprendizaje de la multiplicación, integrando la noción de competencia multiplicativa y finalmente se presenta los análisis de dos ejemplos en los cuales se muestra la complejidad de la multiplicación, en tanto se videncia el desarrollo de competencias cada vez más complejas.


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An observation of the colour-changes of a wrasse, Labrus maculatus. The incubation of the skate-leech Pontobdella muricata. Larval lobsters at the surface. Notes on Cepola rubescens, Trachinus draco, Trigla obscura, Trygon pastinaca, Myliobatis aquila.


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Objectives: Acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome are characterized by noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, which can be assessed by measurement of extravascular lung water. Traditionally, extravascular lung water has been indexed to actual body weight (mL/kg). Because lung size is dependent on height rather than weight, we hypothesized indexing to predicted body weight may be a better predictor of mortality in acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Objectives: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by alveolar-capillary barrier damage. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are implicated in the pathogenesis of ARDS. In the Beta Agonists in Acute Lung Injury Trial, intravenous salbutamol reduced extravascular lung water (EVLW) in patients with ARDS at day 4 but not inflammatory cytokines or neutrophil recruitment. We hypothesized that salbutamol reduces MMP activity in ARDS.

Methods: MMP-1/-2/-3/-7/-8/-9/-12/-13 was measured in supernatants of distal lung epithelial cells, type II alveolar cells, and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from patients in the Beta Agonists in Acute Lung Injury study by multiplex bead array and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs)-1/-2 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. MMP-9 protein and activity levels were further measured by gelatin zymography and fluorokine assay.

Measurements and Main Results: BAL fluid MMP-1/-2/-3 declined by day 4, whereas total MMP-9 tended to increase. Unexpectedly, salbutamol augmented MMP-9 activity. Salbutamol induced 33.7- and 13.2-fold upregulation in total and lipocalin-associated MMP-9, respectively at day 4, compared with 2.0- and 1.3-fold increase in the placebo group, p < 0.03. Salbutamol did not affect BAL fluid TIMP-1/-2. Net active MMP-9 was higher in the salbutamol group (4222 pg/mL, interquartile range: 513-7551) at day 4 compared with placebo (151 pg/mL, 124-2108), p = 0.012. Subjects with an increase in BAL fluid MMP-9 during the 4-day period had lower EVLW measurements than those in whom MMP-9 fell (10 vs. 17 mL/kg, p = 0.004): change in lung water correlated inversely with change in MMP-9, r = -.54, p = 0.0296. Salbutamol up-regulated MMP-9 and down-regulated TIMP-1/-2 secretion in vitro by distal lung epithelial cells. Inhibition of MMP-9 activity in cultures of type II alveolar epithelial cells reduced wound healing.

Conclusions: Salbutamol specifically up-regulates MMP-9 in vitro and in vivo in patients with ARDS. Up-regulated MMP-9 is associated with a reduction in EVLW. MMP-9 activity is required for alveolar epithelial wound healing in vitro. Data suggest MMP-9 may have a previously unrecognized beneficial role in reducing pulmonary edema in ARDS by improving alveolar epithelial healing.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of plane of nutrition in early pregnancy (EP) and mid-pregnancy (W), on the productive performance of 1- and 2-year-old ewes and their offspring. Over 2 successive years, between days 0 and 39 after synchronized mating (EP), 1- (n=117) and 2- (n=52) year-old ewes were allowed 60% (low, L-EP), 100% (medium, M-EP) or 200% (high, H-EP) of requirements for maintenance (M). Between days 40 and 90 (MP), 1-year-old ewes were allowed 140% (M-MP) or 200% (H-MP), while 2-year-old ewes were allowed 80% (M-MP) or 140% (H-MP) of their M requirement. After day 90, all ewes were fed to meet requirements for late pregnancy. Increasing the plane of nutrition between days 0 and 39 resulted in increases in live weight (LW) (PM-EP>LEP), differences that in 1-year-old ewes were sustained to lambing (P0.05). These ewes exhibited more positive maternal behaviours (e.g. increased grooming frequency and duration, P


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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of plane of nutrition during early and mid-pregnancy on the performance of mature ewes and their offspring. From day 0 to day 39 post mating (early pregnancy, EP), 82 multiparous ewes were fed to provide either 60% (low, L), 100% (medium, M) or 200% (high, H) of predicted metabolisable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance, following a synchronised mating. From day 40 to day 90 (mid-pregnancy, MP), ewes were provided with either 80% (M) or 140% (H) of ME requirements. After 90 days of gestation, all ewes were fed to meet requirements for late pregnancy. During EP, mean live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) change of ewes were -6.3, -0.8 and +6.0kg and -0.02, +0.10 and +0.22 units in the L-, M- and H-EP treatments, respectively. During MP, mean LW and BCS change were -0.8 and +4.9kg and -0.09 and +0.09 units in the M- and H-MP treatments, respectively (P 0. 05) on conception rate, although there tended to be an inverse relationship (P = 0.085) between plane of nutrition in EP and plasma progesterone concentrations at day 42 of gestation. EP nutrition influenced foetal development with lambs from ewes offered diet L-EP being smaller (P