962 resultados para Low concentration
Farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs) exhibit the remarkable ability to inhibit transformed phenotypes of a variety of human cancer cell lines and to block the growth of cancer cells in a number of animal model systems. In this paper, we report that the addition of FTI to v-K-ras- transformed NRK cells (KNRK) results in dramatic morphological changes. Within 24 h after the addition of FTI, the round morphology of KNRK cells was changed to an elongated (flattened and spread out) morphology resembling those of untransformed NRK cells. No morphological effects were seen when similar concentrations of FTI were added to NRK cells. Phalloidin staining showed that FTI treatment did not restore the disrupted actin cytoskeleton in KNRK cells. In contrast, FTI addition resulted in the appearance of extensive microtubule networks in KNRK cells. The addition of a low concentration (1.2 nM) of vincristine or vinblastine, agents that interfere with microtubule dynamics, blocked the FTI-induced morphological changes in KNRK cells. In contrast, cytochalasin B, which interferes with actin polymerization, did not block the morphological changes. The FTI-induced morphological changes were associated with a decrease in the percentage of cells in S-phase, and the addition of 1.2 nM vincristine did not have additional effects on cell cycle progression. A higher concentration (12 nM) of vincristine caused synergistic effect with FTI to enrich dramatically KNRK cells in G2/M phase. These results suggest that FTI affects cell morphology and that microtubule dynamics are involved in these processes.
Human epithelial kidney cells (HEK) were prepared to coexpress α1A, α2δ with different β calcium channel subunits and green fluorescence protein. To compare the calcium currents observed in these cells with the native neuronal currents, electrophysiological and pharmacological tools were used conjointly. Whole-cell current recordings of human epithelial kidney α1A-transfected cells showed small inactivating currents in 80 mM Ba2+ that were relatively insensitive to calcium blockers. Coexpression of α1A, βIb, and α2δ produced a robust inactivating current detected in 10 mM Ba2+, reversibly blockable with low concentration of ω-agatoxin IVA (ω-Aga IVA) or synthetic funnel-web spider toxin (sFTX). Barium currents were also supported by α1A, β2a, α2δ subunits, which demonstrated the slowest inactivation and were relatively insensitive to ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. Coexpression of β3 with the same combination as above produced inactivating currents also insensitive to low concentration of ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. These data indicate that the combination α1A, βIb, α2δ best resembles P-type channels given the rate of inactivation and the high sensitivity to ω-Aga IVA and sFTX. More importantly, the specificity of the channel blocker is highly influenced by the β subunit associated with the α1A subunit.
The recent discovery of long term AIDS nonprogressors who harbor nef-attenuated HIV suggests that a naturally occurring live vaccine for AIDS may already exist. Animal models have shown that a live vaccine for AIDS, attenuated in nef, is the best candidate vaccine. There are considerable risks, real and perceived, with the use of live HIV vaccines. We have introduced a conditional lethal genetic element into HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) molecular clones deleted in nef. The antiviral strategy we employed targets both virus replication and the survival of the infected cell. The suicide gene, herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk), was expressed and maintained in HIV over long periods of time. Herpes simplex virus tk confers sensitivity to the antiviral activity of acyclic nucleosides such as ganciclovir (GCV). HIV-tk and SIV-tk replication were sensitive to GCV at subtoxic concentrations, and virus-infected cells were eliminated from tumor cell lines as well as primary cell cultures. We found the HIV-tk virus to be remarkably stable even after being cultured in media containing a low concentration of GCV and then challenged with the higher dose and that while GCV resistant escape mutants did arise, a significant fraction of the virus remained sensitive to GCV.
Previously we showed that an Escherichia coli hemH mutant, defective in the ultimate step of heme synthesis, ferrochelatase, is somewhat better than 100-fold more sensitive than its wild-type parent in tumbling to blue light. Here we explore the effect of a hemG mutant, defective in the penultimate step, protoporphyrinogen oxidase. We found that a hemG mutant also is somewhat better than 100-fold more sensitive in tumbling to blue light compared to its wild-type parent. The amount of non-iron porphyrins accumulated in hemG or hemH mutants was more than 100-fold greater than in wild type. The nature of these accumulated porphyrins is described. When heme was present, as in the wild type, the non-iron (non-heme) porphyrins were maintained at a relatively low concentration and tumbling to blue light at an intensity effective for hemG or hemH did not occur. The function of tumbling to light is most likely to allow escape from the lethality of intense light.
A busca por produtos mais saudáveis e minimamente processados tem levado indústrias e pesquisadores a estudarem novas formas de preservação de alimentos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) avaliar o efeito da embalagem com atmosfera modificada (ATM) na preservação de lombo ovino armazenado sob refrigeração e 2) Avaliar o efeito do processamento em alta pressão na conservação de carne bovina marinada e com teor de sódio reduzido. Em ambas as pesquisas, músculos Longissimus lumborum foram submetidos à contagem microbiana, avaliação de cor, pH, oxidação lipídica (TBARS), perdas por cocção (PPC) e força de cisalhamento. Para o estudo do efeito da embalagem em atmosfera modificada, as amostras foram acondicionadas em cinco sistemas de ATM, 15% O2 + 85% CO2; 30% de O2 + 70% de CO2; 45% de O2 + 55% de CO2; 60% de O2 + 40% de CO2 e Vácuo (controle) e armazenadas a 1°C durante 21 dias. As análises de cor, pH, TBARS, PPC e força de cisalhamento foram realizadas a cada sete dias e as microbiológicas duas vezes por semana. Diferentes concentrações de oxigênio dentro da embalagem trouxeram diferença significativa na intensidade de cor vermelha das carnes armazenadas em ATM. Até o sétimo dia de estocagem tratamentos com maior quantidade de O2 apresentaram melhor coloração, após esse período embalagens a vácuo conseguiram preservar melhor a mioglobina. Diferentes concentrações gasosas não trouxeram causaram diferença (p> 0,05) no pH da carne entre tratamentos. Nenhuma diferença significativa entre tratamentos foi encontrada para amostras embaladas em ATM nos parâmetros perda de peso por cocção e força de cisalhamento. A embalagem em atmosfera modificada foi capaz de retardar o crescimento da microbiota presente na carne. Isso levou á preservação da amostra por até 18 dias sob refrigeração, enquanto amostras a vácuo tiveram uma vida útil de 11 dias. Para o estudo do efeito da alta pressão em carne marinada com baixo teor de sódio, as carnes foram inoculadas com 106 UFC/g de carne com E. faecium e Listeria innocua e em seguida marinadas durante 18 horas, a 4°C, em diferentes soluções: 1% NaCl + 1% ácido cítrico, 1% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico, 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico e 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico. Após a marinação as amostras foram submetidas ao tratamento nas seguintes pressões: Zero (controle), 300MPa, 450Mpa, 600MPa. As análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas foram realizadas logo após o tratamento. O tratamento em alta pressão foi capaz de reduzir a população microbiana em até seis ciclos logarítmicos quando 600Mpa foram aplicados em todas as soluções estudadas. A não aplicação de alta pressão proporcionou a redução de apenas um ciclo log na população de E. faecium quando as carnes foram marinadas com 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico. A alta pressão e as diferentes concentrações de sal e ácido, não trouxeram diferença significativa na coloração das amostras. Já o maior teor de ácido cítrico na marinada causou maior (p<0,05) redução do pH da carne em comparação com as amostras em baixa concentração de ácido. Os experimentos demonstraram que a tanto embalagem a vácuo quanto a aplicação de ácido cítrico foram eficientes em retardar a oxidação lipídica. Pressões de 600Mpa tornaram a carne significativamente mais dura que as demais pressões aplicadas. Os resultados demonstraram a possibilidade de extensão da vida útil da carne refrigerada através da aplicação de diferentes tecnologias: a embalagem com atmosfera modificada para carne fresca e processamento em alta pressão de carnes marinadas com reduzido teor de sal.
O Brasil ocupa o 3º lugar entre os maiores produtores mundiais de cerveja e o mercado consumidor vem aumentando progressivamente. Tendo em vista que o consumidor brasileiro está em busca de novos sabores e aromas para a cerveja, uma alternativa para a redução de custos explorando tais características reside no uso de adjuntos não convencionais que possam agregar valor à bebida, principalmente na obtenção de boas características sensoriais. Ainda, visando à sustentabilidade, estes adjuntos podem ser coprodutos do processamento de alimentos. O permeado concentrado de leite, um coproduto dos laticínios, é obtido através da ultrafiltração do leite, sendo composto por água, lactose e sais. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um processo para a produção de uma cerveja de alta fermentação (ale), utilizando o permeado concentrado de leite como adjunto de fabricação. Foram obtidas cervejas ale com a proporção malte/permeado de 55/45 e 90/10, utilizando para isso, permeado hidrolisado pela enzima ?-galactosidase e permeado não hidrolisado. A caracterização do permeado revelou que este possui três vezes mais lactose que o soro de queijo. A melhor condição de hidrólise enzimática da lactose presente no permeado foi obtida empregando-se 2,0 mL/L de ?-galactosidase em 90 minutos, alcançando 92,5% de hidrólise. Nas cervejas com permeado hidrolisado observou-se que a presença de galactose aumentou o tempo de fermentação para 168h e a atenuação real de fermentação dos mostos também foi maior em comparação as cervejas com permeado não hidrolisado, nos quais a lactose não foi fermentada. As cervejas 90/10 com permeado hidrolisado e não hidrolisado receberam as maiores notas na análise sensorial, tendo boa aceitação entre os provadores. Como não houve diferença estatística entre as duas, foi possível reduzir custo e tempo na produção da cerveja 90/10 em escala piloto (120L) por não ser necessário o processo de hidrólise enzimática. O permeado concentrado de leite mostrou-se um excelente adjunto na produção de cervejas ale e quando empregado em baixa concentração, produziu cervejas com boa aceitação sensorial.
Ammonia removal using activated carbons: effect of the surface chemistry in dry and moist conditions
The effect of surface chemistry (nature and amount of oxygen groups) in the removal of ammonia was studied using a modified resin-based activated carbon. NH3 breakthrough column experiments show that the modification of the original activated carbon with nitric acid, that is, the incorporation of oxygen surface groups, highly improves the adsorption behavior at room temperature. Apparently, there is a linear relationship between the total adsorption capacity and the amount of the more acidic and less stable oxygen surface groups. Similar experiments using moist air clearly show that the effect of humidity highly depends on the surface chemistry of the carbon used. Moisture highly improves the adsorption behavior for samples with a low concentration of oxygen functionalities, probably due to the preferential adsorption of ammonia via dissolution into water. On the contrary, moisture exhibits a small effect on samples with a rich surface chemistry due to the preferential adsorption pathway via Brønsted and Lewis acid centers from the carbon surface. FTIR analyses of the exhausted oxidized samples confirm both the formation of NH4+ species interacting with the Brønsted acid sites, together with the presence of NH3 species coordinated, through the lone pair electron, to Lewis acid sites on the graphene layers.
En ese trabajo se estudia la concentración de elementos traza tóxicos en los depósitos de lodos (relaves) abandonados por la industria minera en Almería (España), los suelos del entorno próximo y las plantas que los colonizan y representan una vía de incorporación de dichos elementos en la cadena trófica. La industria minera antigua dejó toda una serie de instalaciones abandonadas en diferentes zonas de Andalucía, entre las que destacan por presentar altos contenidos en metales, los depósitos de residuos en forma de lodos generados en el proceso de flotación. En este estudio se trata el caso concreto de los depósitos de lodos de Mina La Solana (Almócita, Almería), donde se ha realizado una caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos y de los suelos de su entorno, en función al contenido en algunos elementos traza. Se han caracterizado muestras de las plantas que enraízan en dichos residuos para determinar la concentración que presentan en los mismos elementos traza. Los resultados muestran que los lodos presentan altos contenidos en Pb (concentración media 6800 ppm) y Zn (concentración media 22 000 ppm). Estos elementos no aparecen en forma soluble en agua, los test de lixiviación dan valores de concentración muy bajos (≤10 ppm de Pb y ≤ 2 ppm de Zn). De la misma forma se ha determinado una concentración alta de los mismos elementos en los restos vegetales, con un valor del Pb hasta los 210 ppm y 1300 ppm de Zn. Este hecho pone de manifiesto la capacidad de las plantas para alterar la movilidad de los elementos presentes en el sustrato donde enraízan estableciéndose una transferencia hacia la cadena trófica.
Nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts with small crystalline sizes have been synthesized by sol-gel using the amphiphilic triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 as template. A new synthesis route, based on the treatment of TiO2 xerogels with acid-ethanol mixtures in two different steps, synthesis and extraction-crystallization, has been investigated, analyzing two acids, hydrochloric and hydriodic acid. As reference, samples have also been prepared by extraction-crystallization in ethanol, being these TiO2 materials amorphous and presenting higher porosities. The prepared materials present different degrees of crystallinity depending on the experimental conditions used. In general, these materials exhibit high surface areas, with an important contribution of microporosity and mesoporosity, and with very small size anatase crystals, ranging from 5 to 7 nm. The activity of the obtained photocatalysts has been assessed in the oxidation of propene in gas phase at low concentration (100 ppmv) under a UVA lamp with 365 nm wavelength. In the conditions studied, these photocatalysts show different activities in the oxidation of propene which do not depend on their surface areas, but on their crystallinity and band gap energies, being sample prepared with HCl both during synthesis and in extraction-crystallizations steps, the most active one, with superior performance than Evonik P25.
Gaseous emissions are an important problem in municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants. The sources points of emissions considered in the present work are: fresh compost, mature compost, landfill leaks and leachate ponds. Hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analysed in the emissions from these sources. Hydrogen sulphide and ammonia were important contributors to the total emission volume. Landfill leaks are significant source points of emissions of H2S; the average concentration of H2S in biogas from the landfill leaks is around 1700 ppmv. The fresh composting site was also an important contributor of H2S to the total emission volume; its concentration varied between 3.2 and 1.7 ppmv and a decrease with time was observed. The mature composting site showed a reduction of H2S concentration (<0.1 ppmv). Leachate pond showed a low concentration of H2S (in order of ppbv). Regarding NH3, composting sites and landfill leaks are notable source points of emissions (composting sites varied around 30–600 ppmv; biogas from landfill leaks varied from 160 to 640 ppmv). Regarding VOCs, the main compounds were: limonene, p-cymene, pinene, cyclohexane, reaching concentrations around 0.2–4.3 ppmv. H2S/NH3, limonene/p-cymene, limonene/cyclohexane ratios can be useful for analysing and identifying the emission sources.
The adsorption of As(III) from aqueous solutions using naturally occurring and modified Algerian montmorillonites has been investigated as a function of contact time, pH, and temperature. Kinetic studies reveal that uptake of As(III) ions is rapid within the first 3 h, and it slows down thereafter. Equilibrium studies show that As(III) shows the highest affinity toward acidic montmorillonite even at very low concentration of arsenic. The kinetics of As(III) adsorption on all montmorillonites used is well described by a pseudo-second-order chemical reaction model, which indicates that the adsorption process of these species is likely to be chemisorption. Adsorption isotherms of As(III) fitted the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models well. The adsorption of As(III) is pH-dependent obtaining an optimal adsorption at pH 5. From the thermodynamic parameters, it is concluded that the process is exothermic, spontaneous, and favorable. The results suggest that M1, M2, and acidic-M2 could be used as low-cost and effective filtering materials for removal of arsenic from water.
Biogeochemical reef studies carried out in 1981 and 1984 found low concentration of total natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons in inshore waters. Detection of lignin in marine and bottom sediments indicates that the land has major effect on makeup of organic matter there. Comparison of compositions of organic matter in sea water, suspended matter and bottom sediments indicated that it was altered rapidly by the reef community. Thus, in the inshore zone of the island, runoff from the land is important in supplying nutrients to the reef ecosystem alongside with transport of nutrients by deep waters. Concentrations of nutri¬ents (N, P) in the inshore zone are higher than in waters of the tropical part of the ocean. Nitrogen is the limiting element in development of phytoplankton in the inshore zone.
Data on lithium, rubidium and cesium concentrations in waters of open seas and oceans are summarized. Average amounts of these elements in the World Ocean inferred from published data and those obtained by the author are as follows: Li - 0.18 mg/l, Rb - 0.12 mg/l and Cs - 0.004 mg/l. Rare alkaline elements in the oceans and open seas are distributed (like sodium and potassium) in accordance with salinity. The ability of lithium to become a constituent of clay minerals accounts for its relatively low concentration in sea water as compared with that of sodium and potassium. Compared to rubidium and cesium that have high absorption energy and low hydration energy, lithium relatively enriches sea water. Residence times of these elements in the ocean are: Na - 120 My, Li - 2.7 My, Rb - 2.3 My and Cs - 0.3 My.
Induction and transmission of Bacillus thuringiensis tolerance in the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella
The use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxins to control insect vectors of human diseases and agricultural pests is threatened by the possible evolution of resistance in major pest species. In addition to high levels of resistance produced by receptor insensitivity (5, 16, 17), several cases of tolerance to low to medium levels of toxin have been reported in laboratory colonies of lepidopteran species (3, 18). Because the molecular basis of some of these cases of tolerance to the toxin are not known, we explored alternative mechanisms. Here, we present evidence that tolerance to a Bt formulation in a laboratory colony of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella can be induced by preexposure to a low concentration of the Bt formulation and that the tolerance correlates with an elevated immune response. The data also indicate that both immune induction and Bt tolerance can be transmitted to offspring by a maternal effect and that their magnitudes are determined by more than one gene.
Bacterial DNA activates mouse macrophages, B cells, and dendritic cells in a TLR9-dependent manner. Although short ssCpG-containing phosphodiester oligonucleotides (PO-ODN) can mimic the action of bacterial DNA on macrophages, they are much less immunostimulatory than Escherichia coli DNA. In this study we have assessed the structural differences between E. coli DNA and PO-ODN, which may explain the high activity of bacterial DNA on macrophages. DNA length was found to be the most important variable. Double-strandedness was not responsible for the increased activity of long DNA. DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) and DNA cytosine methyltransferase (Dcm) methylation of E. coli DNA did not enhance macrophage NO production. The presence of two CpG motifs on one molecule only marginally improved activity at low concentration, suggesting that ligand-mediated TLR9 cross-linking was not involved. The major contribution was from DNA length. Synthetic ODN > 44 nt attained the same levels of activity as bacterial DNA. The response of macrophages to CpG DNA requires endocytic uptake. The length dependence of the CpG ODN response was found to correlate with the presence in macrophages of a length-dependent uptake process for DNA. This transport system was absent from B cells and fibroblasts.