961 resultados para Local influence
Flow transverse bedforms (ripples and dunes) are ubiquitous in rivers and coastal seas. Local hydrodynamics and transport conditions depend on the size and geometry of these bedforms, as they constitute roughness elements at the bed. Bedform influence on flow energy must be considered for the understanding of flow dynamics, and in the development and application of numerical models. Common estimations or predictors of form roughness (friction factors) are based mostly on data of steep bedforms (with angle-of-repose lee slopes), and described by highly simplified bedform dimensions (heights and lengths). However, natural bedforms often are not steep, and differ in form and hydraulic effect relative to idealised bedforms. Based on systematic numerical model experiments, this study shows how the hydraulic effect of bedforms depends on the flow structure behind bedforms, which is determined by the bedform lee side angle, aspect ratio and relative height. Simulations reveal that flow separation behind bedform crests and, thus, a hydraulic effect is induced at lee side angles steeper than 11 to 18° depending on relative height, and that a fully developed flow separation zone exists only over bedforms with a lee side angle steeper than 24°. Furthermore, the hydraulic effect of bedforms with varying lee side angle is evaluated and a reduction function to common friction factors is proposed. A function is also developed for the Nikuradse roughness (k s), and a new equation is proposed which directly relates k s to bedform relative height, aspect ratio and lee side angle.
El principal objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la influencia de las fendas de secado en las propiedades mecánicas de vigas de madera. Para esto, se utilizan 40 vigas de Pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L) de 4200 mm de longitud y 150x200 mm de sección que fueron ensayadas según norma EN 408. Las fendas se registran detalladamente atendiendo a su longitud y posición en cada cara de la viga, y midiendo el espesor y la profundidad cada 100mm a lo largo de la viga. Solo el 10% de la muestra es rechazada por las fendas, según los criterios establecidos por la norma española de clasificación visual UNE 56544. Para evaluar la influencia de las fendas en las propiedades mecánicas, se usan tres parámetros globales basados en el área, el volumen o la profundad de la fenda, y dos locales basados en la profundidad máxima y la profundidad en la zona de rotura. Además se determina la densidad de las piezas. Estos parámetros se comparan con las propiedades mecánicas (tensión de rotura, módulo de elasticidad y energía de rotura) y se encuentra escasa relación entre ellos. Las mejores correlaciones se encuentran entre los parámetros relacionados con la profundidad de las fendas, tanto con el módulo de elasticidad como con la tensión de rotura. The aim of this study is the evaluation of the influence of drying fissures on the mechanical properties of timber beams. For that purpose, 40 sawn timber pieces of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with 150x200 mm in cross-section and 4200 mm in length have been tested according to EN 408, obtaining MOR and MOE. The fissures were registered in detail measuring their length and position in each face of the beam, and the thickness and depth every 100 mm in length. Only 10 % of the pieces were rejected because fissures, according to UNE 56544 Spanish visual grading standard. To evaluate the influence of fissures in mechanical properties three global parameters: Fissures Area Ratio or ratio between the area occupied by fissures and the total area in the neutral axis plane of the beam; Fissures Volume Ratio or ratio between volume of fissures and the total volume of the beam; Fissures Average Depth and two local parameters were used: Fissures Maximum Depth in the beam, and Fissures Depth in the broken zone of the beam. Also the density of the beams was registered. These parameters were compared with mechanical properties (tensile strength, elasticity modulus, and rupture energy) and the relationship between them had not been founded. The best relationship was founded between the elasticity modulus y the tensile strength with the parameters which included the depth of the fissures.
The International Standard ISO 140-5 on field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façades establishes that the directivity of the measurement loudspeaker should be such that the variation in the local direct sound pressure level (ΔSPL) on the sample is ΔSPL < 5 dB (or ΔSPL < 10 dB for large façades). This condition is usually not very easy to accomplish nor is it easy to verify whether the loudspeaker produces such a uniform level. Direct sound pressure levels on the ISO standard façade essentially depend on the distance and directivity of the loudspeaker used. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the test geometry for measuring sound insulation and explains how the loudspeaker directivity, combined with distance, affects the acoustic level distribution on the façade. The first sections of the paper are focused on analysing the measurement geometry and its influence on the direct acoustic level variations on the façade. The most favourable and least favourable positions to minimise these direct acoustic level differences are found, and the angles covered by the façade in the reference system of the loudspeaker are also determined. Then, the maximum dimensions of the façade that meet the conditions of the ISO 140-5 standard are obtained for the ideal omnidirectional sound source and the piston radiating in an infinite baffle, which is chosen as the typical radiation pattern for loudspeakers. Finally, a complete study of the behaviour of different loudspeaker radiation models (such as those usually utilised in the ISO 140-5 measurements) is performed, comparing their radiation maps on the façade for searching their maximum dimensions and the most appropriate radiation configurations.
In this work the spectrally resolved, multigroup and mean radiative opacities of carbon plasmas are calculated for a wide range of plasma conditions which cover situations where corona, local thermodynamic and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium regimes are found. An analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on these magnitudes is also carried out by means of comparisons of the results obtained from collisional-radiative, corona or Saha–Boltzmann equations. All the calculations presented in this work were performed using ABAKO/RAPCAL code.
This study reports the results of a water footprint (WF) assessment of five types of textiles commonly used for the production of jeans, including two different fibres (cotton and Lyocell fibre) and five corresponding production methods for spinning, dyeing and weaving. The results show that the fibre production is the stage with the highest water consumption, being cotton production particularly relevant. Therefore, the study pays particular attention to the water footprint of cotton production and analyses the effects of external factors influencing the water footprint of a product, in this case, the incentives provided by the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the relevance of agricultural practices to the water footprint of a product is emphasised. An extensification of the crop production led to higher WF per unit, but a lower overall pressure on the basins water resources. This study performs a sustainability assessment of the estimated cotton WFs with the water scarcity index, as proposed by Hoekstra et al. (2011), and shows their variations in different years as a result of different water consumption by crops in the rest of the river basin. In our case, we applied the assessment to the Guadalquivir, Guadalete and Barbate river basins, three semi-arid rivers in South Spain. Because they are found to be relevant, the available water stored in dams and the outflow are also incorporated as reference points for the sustainability assessment. The study concludes that, in the case of Spanish cotton production, the situation of the basin and the policy impact are more relevant for the status of the basin s water resources than the actual WF of cotton production. Therefore, strategies aimed at reducing the impact of the water footprint of a product need to analyse both the WF along the value chain and within the local context.
This paper explores the possibility of using the Moire-Fourier deflectometry for measuring the local heat transfer coefficient inside small confined flows (micro-channels) and their relevance for checking theoretical models. This optical technique, supplemented with a digital image processing method of fringes, is applied for studying the local heat transfer over a backward facing step. The experimental results are compared with numerical results obtained from a commercial code, which has been contrasted with relevant solutions from the literature and bulk fluid temperature measurements at the inlet and outlet sections. In order to show the possibilities of the experimental technique, the influence of assuming an adiabatic wall on the numerical heat-transfer model is examined and the degree of agreement is discussed. As a result, the paper shows that the proposed Moiré-Fourier technique is a simple experimental setup suitable for temperature measurements with an accuracy similar to the thermocouples but with a spatial resolution near 0.01 mm.Moiré-Fourier deflectometry for local heat transfer measurement over a backward-facing step
Small changes in agricultural practices have a large potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the implementation of such practices at the local level is often limited by a range of barriers. Understanding the barriers is essential for defining effective measures, the actual mitigation potential of the measures, and the policy needs to ensure implementation. Here we evaluate behavioural, cultural, and policy barriers for implementation of mitigation practices at the local level that imply small changes to farmers. The choice of potential mitigation practices relevant to the case study is based on a literature review of previous empirical studies. Two methods that include the stakeholders? involvement (experts and farmers) are undertaken for the prioritization of these potential practices: (a) Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) of the choices of an expert panel and (b) Analysis of barriers to implementation based on a survey of farmers. The MCA considers two future climate scenarios ? current climate and a drier and warmer climate scenario. Results suggest that all potential selected practices are suitable for mitigation considering multiple criteria in both scenarios. Nevertheless, if all the barriers for implementation had the same influence, the preferred mitigation practices in the case study would be changes in fertilization management and use of cover crops. The identification of barriers for the implementation of the practices is based on the econometric analysis of surveys given to farmers. Results show that farmers? environmental concerns, financial incentives and access to technical advice are the main factors that define their barriers to implementation. These results may contribute to develop effective mitigation policy to be included in the 2020 review of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy.
El presente estudio se fundamenta en la investigación-acción-participativa (IAP), para buscar alternativas que tiendan al desarrollo local de un territorio. Se centra en la cuenca hidrográfica del rio Manglaralto-Santa Elena-Ecuador, aplicando un sistema metodológico participativo que considera las características peculiares del territorio, que se analizan geoespacialmente reconociendo la influencia de la dinámica de sus cambios y observando los móviles que la propiciaban. A través de mecanismos participativos, se conectan los aspectos técnicos para el conocimiento y el aprovechamiento racional del acuífero costero, con los valores de los habitantes del territorio, para mejorar su abastecimiento de agua y crear nuevas condiciones y oportunidades en el camino del desarrollo local, vislumbrando la sostenibilidad. Cabe indicar que el ente administrativo y propulsor es la Junta de Agua Potable Regional Manglaralto (JAPRM). La hipótesis del estudio considera, que los métodos participativos generan en la comunidad una respuesta basada en su identidad y sus deseos de mejorar, que propiciará una gestión del acuífero costero que conlleve al desarrollo local. Otra hipótesis complementaria estipula que las estrategias del gobierno respecto al turismo propicia un crecimiento en la demanda del agua del acuífero. En Manglaralto-Ecuador, una parroquia de 30.000 habitantes aproximadamente, donde la JAPRM, administra y suministra agua a 23.586 habitantes que cuenta en su organización, llevada por 6 representantes de las comunidades rurales que la conforman, empezaron hace 7 años a buscar una forma de lograr un cambio, de tener agua para el desarrollo de la comunidad. Buscaron ayuda por diferentes medios, políticos, económicas, sociales y encontraron como base fundamental a la cooperación con el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) y la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) para entrelazar aspectos técnicos, ambientales, sociales y culturales. La gestión del acuífero costero, desde la perspectiva del IAP repercute en el desarrollo de Manglaralto. También se realiza un análisis geoespacial-geoestadístico, para vislumbrar aspectos de cambios en el territorio ligados al crecimiento turístico, que afectan a la demanda del recurso agua proveniente del acuífero costero bajo la administración de la JAPRM. La tesis presenta el modelo integral y propio de la comunidad de Manglaralto, que refleja una evolución que alcanzó un apogeo en 2011 y parte del 2012, con 9 pozos de agua que daban servicio los 365 días del año, 24 horas al día ininterrumpidamente. Las condiciones externas (promociones turísticas de la ruta del Spondylus) han repercutido en nuevas problemáticas (crecimiento elevado de la demanda del agua). El acuífero costero se convierte en el emblema y móvil de solución, gracias a la gestión integral y a la interacción IAP que se amolda a la evolución de las condiciones, buscando soluciones para la comunidad y su entorno. El modelo integral del territorio con la participación de sus pobladores, considera el aspecto turístico, como un agente que propicia la mayor demanda del agua. Situación a la que hay que dar respuesta mediante la observación-reflexión en el ciclo del IAP para generar nuevas directrices estratégicas y gestionar el desarrollo local. ABSTRACT The present study is based on the participatory action research (PAR) methodology in order to look for alternatives which tend to the local development of a territory. It focuses on the Manglaralto hydrographic river basin located in Santa Elena-Ecuador through the application of the participatory methodology which considers the peculiar characteristics of the territory. These are geospatially analyzed recognizing the influence of its dynamic of changes and observing the causes that originated them. Through the use of participatory mechanisms, technical aspects are connected for stimulating knowledge and rational use of the coastal aquifer with the values of inhabitants of the territory to improve the water supply and create new conditions of sustainability. It is important to point out that the administrative organism and promoter is the Manglaralto Regional Fresh Water Board (JAPRM). In Manglaralto-Ecuador, a parish of approximately 30,000 inhabitants, the MRFWB manages and supplies water to 23.586 inhabitants. This organization is composed by 6 representatives of rural communities. It started 7 years ago looking for a way to achieve a change, from obtaining water to developing the community. They seeked for help in different fields such as: political, economic and social and they found International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) as a fundamental basis for cooperation to bond technical, environmental, social and cultural aspects. Management of coastal aquifer, from the PAR perspective affects the development of Manglaralto. Also, a geospatial and geostatistical analysis is carried out to distinguish change aspects in territories related to touristy growth which affects the demand of water obtained from the coastal aquifer under the management of the MRFWB. The thesis presents a comprehensive model that belongs to the Manglaralto community and reveals an evolution that reached a peak in 2011 and part of 2012, with 9 water wells that operated the 365 days of the year 24 hours a day without interruption. The external conditions (touristic packages of Spondylus route) have created new problems (higher demand of water). The coastal aquifer is a symbol and solution, thanks to the comprehensive management and PAR interaction which fits the evolution of conditions, looking for solutions for the community and its surroundings. The comprehensive model of territory with the participation of inhabitants considers the touristic aspect as an agent which brings about a higher demand of water. This situation requests a response through the observation-reflection in the PAR cycle to generate new strategic guidelines and promote the local development.
Una de las características de la cartografía y SIG Participativos (SIGP) es incluir en sus métodos a la sociedad civil para aportar contenidos cualitativos a la información de sus territorios. Sin embargo no sólo se trata de datos, sino de los efectos que pueden tener estas prácticas sobre el territorio y su sociedad. El acceso a esa información se ve reducida en contraste con el incremento de información difundida a través de servicios de visualización, geoinformación y cartografía on-line. Todo esto hace que sea necesario el análisis del alcance real de las metodologías participativas en el uso de Información Geográfica (IG) y la comparación desde distintos contextos geográficos. También es importante conocer los beneficios e inconvenientes del acceso a la información para el planeamiento; desde la visibilidad de muchos pueblos desapercibidos en zonas rurales y periféricas, hasta la influencia en programas de gobierno sobre la gestión del territorio pasando por el conocimiento local espacial. El análisis se centró en los niveles de participación de la sociedad civil y sus grados de accesibilidad a la información (acceso y uso), dentro del estudio de los SIGP, Participatory Mapping, además se estudió de los TIG (Tecnologías de Información Geográfica), cartografías on-line (geoweb) y plataformas de geovisualización espacial, como recursos de Neocartografía. En este sentido, se realizó un trabajo de campo de cartografía participativa en Bolivia, se evaluaron distintos proyectos SIGP en países del norte y sur (comparativa de contextos en países en desarrollo) y se analizaron los resultados del cruce de las distintas variables.(validación, accesibilidad, verificación de datos, valor en la planificación e identidad) La tesis considera que ambos factores (niveles de participación y grado de accesibilidad) afectan a la (i) validación, verificación y calidad de los datos, la (ii) valor analítico en la planificación, y al (iii) modelo de identidad de un lugar, y que al ser tratados de forma integral, constituyen el valor añadido que los SIGP pueden aportar para lograr una planificación efectiva. Asimismo se comprueba, que la dimensión participativa en los SIGP varía según el contexto, la centralización de sus actores e intereses sectoriales. La información resultante de las prácticas SIGP tiende a estar restringida por la falta de legislaciones y por la ausencia de formatos estándar, que limitan la difusión e intercambio de la información. Todo esto repercute en la efectividad de una planificación estratégica y en la viabilidad de la implementación de cualquier proyecto sobre el territorio, y en consecuencia sobre los niveles de desarrollo de un país. Se confirma la hipótesis de que todos los elementos citados en los SIGP y mapeo participativo actuarán como herramientas válidas para el fortalecimiento y la eficacia en la planificación sólo si están interconectadas y vinculadas entre sí. Se plantea una propuesta metodológica ante las formas convencionales de planificación (nueva ruta del planeamiento; que incluye el intercambio de recursos y determinación participativa local antes de establecer la implementación), con ello, se logra incorporar los beneficios de las metodologías participativas en el manejo de la IG y los SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) como instrumentos estratégicos para el desarrollo de la identidad local y la optimización en los procesos de planeamiento y estudios del territorio. Por último, se fomenta que en futuras líneas de trabajo los mapas de los SIGP y la cartografía participativa puedan llegar a ser instrumentos visuales representativos que transfieran valores identitarios del territorio y de su sociedad, y de esta manera, ayudar a alcanzar un mayor conocimiento, reconocimiento y valoración de los territorios para sus habitantes y sus planificadores. ABSTRACT A feature of participatory mapping and PGIS is to include the participation of the civil society, to provide qualitative information of their territories. However, focus is not only data, but also the effects that such practices themselves may have on the territory and their society. Access to this information is reduced in contrast to the increase of information disseminated through visualization services, geoinformation, and online cartography. Thus, the analysis of the real scope of participatory methodologies in the use of Geographic Information (GI) is necessary, including the comparison of different geographical contexts. It is also important to know the benefits and disadvantages of access to information needed for planning in different contexts, ranging from unnoticed rural areas and suburbs to influence on government programs on land management through local spatial knowledge. The analysis focused on the participation levels of civil society and the degrees of accessibility of the information (access and use) within the study of Participatory GIS (PGIS). In addition, this work studies GIT (Geographic Information Technologies), online cartographies (Geoweb) and platforms of spatial geovisualization, as resources of Neocartography. A participatory cartographic fieldwork was carried out in Bolivia. Several PGIS projects were evaluated in Northern and Southern countries (comparatively with the context of developing countries), and the results were analyzed for each these different variables. (validation, accessibility, verification,value, identity). The thesis considers that both factors (participation levels and degree of accessibility) affect the (i) validation, verification and quality of the data, (ii) analytical value for planning, and (iii) the identity of a place. The integrated management of all the above cited criteria constitutes an added value that PGISs can contribute to reach an effective planning. Also, it confirms the participatory dimension of PGISs varies according to the context, the centralization of its actors, and to sectorial interests. The resulting information from PGIS practices tends to be restricted by the lack of legislation and by the absence of standard formats, which limits in turn the diffusion and exchange of the information. All of this has repercussions in the effectiveness of a strategic planning and in the viability of the implementation of projects about the territory, and consequentially in the land development levels. The hypothesis is confirmed since all the described elements in PGISs and participatory mapping will act as valid tools in strengthening and improving the effectivity in planning only if they are interconnected and linked amongst themselves. This work, therefore, suggests a methodological proposal when faced with the conventional ways of planning: a new planning route which includes the resources exchange and local participatory determination before any plan is established -. With this, the benefits of participatory methodologies in the management of GI and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is incorporated as a strategic instrument for development of local identity and optimization in planning processes and territory studies. Finally, the study outlines future work on PGIS maps and Participatory Mapping, such that these could eventually evolve into visual representative instruments that transfer identity values of the territory and its society. In this way, they would contribute to attain a better knowledge, recognition, and appraisement of the territories for their inhabitants and planners.
Este estudo visa pesquisar e compreender o fenômeno social da Representação dos Trabalhadores no Local de Trabalho na região do Grande ABC. Inicialmente, através de uma revisão de literatura, traçar um histórico da comissão de fábrica e organizações semelhantes pelo mundo, observando sua prática nestes países e abordando administração participativa e o socialismo europeu e a sua autodeterminação. Na sequência abordar a comissão de fábrica no Brasil, narrar a história da primeira comissão de fábrica oficial instalada no país, na fábrica da Ford em São Bernardo do Campo. Segue estudo de tabulação de pesquisa de campo efetuada, com ênfase aos seguintes aspectos: constata-se a prática da RLT pelas empresas; constitui-se a RLT através de empregados indicados pelos trabalhadores, empresas ou pelos sindicatos de trabalhadores; regulamenta-se a RLT através de estatuto; efetiva-se a participação e influência do sindicato dos trabalhadores na RLT; a quais interesses atende a RLT, empresas, sindicatos de trabalhadores ou trabalhadores. A metodologia a ser utilizada é qualitativa, seguida de pesquisa de campo realizada em grupo, com entrelaçamento destes dados com a experiência profissional do autor. A conclusão do estudo é que a RLT é pouco praticada, seus membros são indicados pelos trabalhadores e respectivos sindicatos, prevalece a RLT regulamentada, havendo participação e influência dos sindicatos de trabalhadores. A RLT atende prioritariamente aos interesses das empresas, seguido dos interesses dos sindicatos de trabalhadores e por último, os interesses dos trabalhadores.(AU)
Este estudo visa pesquisar e compreender o fenômeno social da Representação dos Trabalhadores no Local de Trabalho na região do Grande ABC. Inicialmente, através de uma revisão de literatura, traçar um histórico da comissão de fábrica e organizações semelhantes pelo mundo, observando sua prática nestes países e abordando administração participativa e o socialismo europeu e a sua autodeterminação. Na sequência abordar a comissão de fábrica no Brasil, narrar a história da primeira comissão de fábrica oficial instalada no país, na fábrica da Ford em São Bernardo do Campo. Segue estudo de tabulação de pesquisa de campo efetuada, com ênfase aos seguintes aspectos: constata-se a prática da RLT pelas empresas; constitui-se a RLT através de empregados indicados pelos trabalhadores, empresas ou pelos sindicatos de trabalhadores; regulamenta-se a RLT através de estatuto; efetiva-se a participação e influência do sindicato dos trabalhadores na RLT; a quais interesses atende a RLT, empresas, sindicatos de trabalhadores ou trabalhadores. A metodologia a ser utilizada é qualitativa, seguida de pesquisa de campo realizada em grupo, com entrelaçamento destes dados com a experiência profissional do autor. A conclusão do estudo é que a RLT é pouco praticada, seus membros são indicados pelos trabalhadores e respectivos sindicatos, prevalece a RLT regulamentada, havendo participação e influência dos sindicatos de trabalhadores. A RLT atende prioritariamente aos interesses das empresas, seguido dos interesses dos sindicatos de trabalhadores e por último, os interesses dos trabalhadores.(AU)
Cardiac hypertrophy is associated with altered expression of the components of the cardiac renin-angiotensin system (RAS). While in vitro data suggest that local mechanical stimuli serve as important regulatory modulators of cardiac RAS activity, no in vivo studies have so far corroborated these observations. The aims of this study were to (i) examine the respective influence of local, mechanical versus systemic, soluble factors on the modulation of cardiac RAS gene expression in vivo; (ii) measure gene expression of all known components of the RAS simultaneously; and (iii) establish sequence information and an assay system for the RAS of the dog, one of the most important model organisms in cardiovascular research. We therefore examined a canine model of right ventricular hypertrophy and failure (RVHF) in which the right ventricle (RV) is hemodynamically loaded, the left ventricle (LV) is hemodynamically unloaded, while both are exposed to the same circulating milieu of soluble factors. Using specific competitive PCR assays, we found that RVHF was associated with significant increases in RV mRNA levels of angiotensin converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 2 receptor, and with significant decreases of RV expression of chymase and the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, while RV angiotensinogen and renin remained unchanged. All components remained unchanged in the LV. We conclude that (i) dissociated regional regulation of RAS components in RV and LV indicates modulation by local, mechanical, not soluble, systemic stimuli; (ii) components of the cardiac RAS are independently and differentially regulated; and (iii) opposite changes in the expression of angiotensin converting enzyme and chymase, and of angiotensin II type I and angiotensin II type 2 receptors, may indicate different physiological roles of these RAS components in RVHF.
Recent genetic evidence suggests that parasitic protozoa often reproduce by "selfing," defined as sexual stages from a single, clonal lineage fertilizing each other. Selfing favors production of an excess of female over male progeny. We tested whether the proportion of male gametocytes of blood parasites of the genus Haemoproteus was affected by variables that could influence the probability of selfing. Proportions of male Haemoproteus gametocytes from 11 passerine host populations were not affected by the age of the parasites' avian hosts, date in season, sex of host, intensity of host's infection, or prevalence of parasites within host populations.
The functional influence of the frontal cortex (FC) on the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) was studied in the rat under ketamine anesthesia. The FC was inactivated by local infusion of lidocaine or ice-cold Ringer's solution while recording neuronal activity simultaneously in FC and LC. Lidocaine produced a transient increase in activity in FC, accompanied by a decrease in LC unit and multiunit activity. This was followed by a total inactivation of FC and a sustained increase in firing rate of LC neurons. Subsequent experiments revealed antidromic responses in the FC when stimulation was applied to the LC region. The antidromic responses in FC were found in a population of neurons (about 8%) restricted to the dorsomedial area, FR2. The results indicate that there is a strong inhibitory influence of FC on the tonic activity of LC neurons. The antidromic responses in FC to stimulation of the LC region suggest that this influence is locally mediated, perhaps through interneurons within the nucleus or neighboring the LC.
We discuss the influence of a uniform current j⃗ on the magnetization dynamics of a ferromagnetic metal. We find that the magnon energy ε(q⃗) has a current-induced contribution proportional to q⃗⋅J→, where J→ is the spin current, and predict that collective dynamics will be more strongly damped at finite j⃗. We obtain similar results for models with and without local moment participation in the magnetic order. For transition metal ferromagnets, we estimate that the uniform magnetic state will be destabilized for j≳109A cm-2. We discuss the relationship of this effect to the spin-torque effects that alter magnetization dynamics in inhomogeneous magnetic systems.