852 resultados para Lleras Restrepo, Carlos, 1908-1994 - Fotografías
The California Department of Fish and Game's Natural Stocks Assessment Project (NSAP) collected water quality data at high tides on a monthly basis from February 1991 to October 1994, and during low tides from March 1992 to June 1994 in the Klamath River estuary to describe water quality conditions. NSAP collected data on water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, depth of saltwedge, and Klamath River flow. Klamath River flows ranged from 44.5 cubic meters per second (1570 cfs) in August 1994 to 3832.2 cubic meters per second (135,315 cfs) in March 1993. Saltwater was present in the estuary primarily in the summer and early fall and generally extended 2 to 3 miles upstream. Surface water temperatures ranged from 6-8° C in the winter to 20-24° C in the summer. Summer water temperatures within the saltwedge were generally 5 to 8° C cooler than the surface water temperature. Dissolved oxygen in the estuary was generally greater than 6 to 7 ppm year-round. A sand berm formed at the mouth of the river each year in the late summer or early fall which raised the water level in the estuary and reduced tidal fluctuation so that the Klamath estuary became essentially a lagoon. I hypothesize the formation of the sand berm may increase the production of the estuary and help provide favorable conditions for rearing juvenile chinook salmon.
Este año se cumplieron veinticinco años de la creación de la Asociación Argentina de Limnología. En 1984, en la vieja aula magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (en esa época esta unidad académica funcionaba en las instalaciones del Museo de La Plata) un conjunto de mujeres y hombres relacionados con esta disciplina concretaban ese ansiado anhelo aprobando los fundamentos de su formación y eligiendo su primer comisión directiva. Los años siguientes fueron de gran impulso concretando la realización de talleres reuniones, ediciones de boletines y una gran comunicación entre sus asociados. En 1991 se realiza la primer reunión internacional en la ciudad de La Plata con gran repercusión y convocatoria, posteriormente se hacen los congresos de 1994 y 1998 en la ciudades de Tucumán y Buenos Aires respectivamente. A partir de esta fecha comienza a diluirse la actividad de la asociación para desaparecer en los primeros años del presente siglo. No obstante, ya sin el marco de la asociación, se realizan congresos en 2004 y 2008, en las ciudades de Chascomús y San Carlos de Bariloche respectivamente, con singular éxito. Este archivo es una pequeña muestra de algo que unió a un grupo de profesionales con un objetivo común: el desarrollo y proyección regional de esta disciplina. A simple vista lo podríamos calificar de un nuevo fracaso, ya que tuvo el mismo fin de la ALOA (Asociación Limnológica y Oceanográfica Argentina), pero no sería totalmente cierto, ya que la magnitud de las últimas reuniones nos indica que el crecimiento de esta ciencia es importante. Por ello, me parece adecuado que dejemos a un sociólogo y un historiador de la ciencia la interpretación de este fragmento de la rica historia del “limnobios” en nuestro país.
625 p. : graf.
1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 210x297mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 55
9 cartas y 1 tarjeta de visita (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; 210x295mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 70
Sinopse dos trabalhos da Câmara dos Deputados, em 1908.
A subject of a change of authorised limits in 1994 for the discharge of liquid radioactive waste by the reprocessing plant Sellafield (UK) was an increase of these limits for certain radionuclides (3H, 14C, 60Co, 99Tc and 129I). It is investigated now how the radioactivity in marine biota from the North Sea and subsequently the public radiation exposure by ingestion has developed in the years since 1994. This is based on a compartment model for the Northeast Atlantic. Discharges of the reprocessing plants Dounreay (UK) and La Hague (F) are included in the assessment. It is deduced that about 60 % of 137Cs in the North Sea originate presently in the remobilisation of old Sellafield discharges from the Irish Sea sediment. A comparison with measured biota data shows that the model is conservative in the most cases. The public radiation exposure from ingestion of fish, crustaceans and molluscs from the central North Sea as the sum over 12 considered radionuclides has decreased from 1992 to 1998 from 0,13 to 0,08 μSv·y–1. For the southward and northward joined regions it was a little bit smaller with a similar decreasing trend.
Desarrollo rural en Espacios Naturales Protegidos: el caso del Parque Natural de Gorbeia (1994-2008)
Una de las funciones encomendadas a los Espacios Naturales Protegidos es la promoción del desarrollo rural. Se ha tomado como caso de estudio el Parque Natural de Gorbeia para analizar la dinámica socioeconómica de su área de influencia y contrastarla con los objetivos planteados por su marco normativo. Con ello se ha puesto de manifiesto que, por una parte, el incremento poblacional y mayor dinamismo económico en su entorno probablemente responda a razones ajenas al potencial endógeno del Parque; y por otra, que la reestructuración agraria así como la búsqueda de objetivos diferentes al explícito de desarrollo rural podrían dificultar en un futuro próximo la gestión territorial y conservación medioambiental de este enclave.
397 p.
Results are presented for the first 4 years data (1994-1998) of the Kainji Lake catch assessment survey, collected and analysed by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The following areas are covered: Methodology and alterations of the original sampling concept; Frame survey results - factors relating to the CAS; Catch assessment survey results - general; Gill net fishery; Drift net fishery; Beach seine fishery; Cast net fishery; Longline fishery; Trap fishery; and, Catch statistics from fisherwomen. (PDF contains 143 pages)
This report contains CTD profiling results from the seventh cruise to the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) site near the Island of Lanai. Data presented here were obtained on the University of Hawaii Research Vessel Moana Wave between 26 and 30 June 1994. Two types of data are reported: vertical profile observations of salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen taken from water samplers at those stations.
This report contains results from the third cruise of the Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (Fig. 1). A variety of spectroradiometric observations of the upper water column and atmosphere were made by investigators from the University of Miami, NOAA, CHORS and MLML. Data presented here were obtained by oceanographic CTD profiler: salinity, temperatllre, dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence; and by water samplers: total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen, salinity, and dissolved oxygen.
The investigations on the fecundity of cod from different areas of the Baltic Sea started in 1992. The samples were collected in ICES Sub-divisions 25 (Bornholm Sea). 24 (Arkona Sea) and 22 (Mecklenburg and Kiel Bay). This article surnmarizes the results of 435 analysed gonads from females of age groups 1 to 8 with total length of 24 - 116 cm of the years 1992 to 1995. The gonads were prepared and analysed according to the methods which were deseribed in Bleil and Oeberst (1993). The aim of the investigations is to estimate the reproduction potential of cod for different areas and years. For this reason the absolute and relative fecundity were analysed for estimating the dependence on the total length, for age groups and the weight of females. These data were estimated for the populations Gadus morhua morhua and Gadus morhua callarias. Preliminary results have shown that the absolute fecundity (fabs) is dependent on whole weight of the females. The influence of sub-divisions (SD) and years to the fecundity are very low. Additional to this data was calculated the population fecundity for the western Baltic Sea stock (SD 22 and 24). The numbers of produced ripe eggs within the western Baltic were estimated with 4055.59 x 10(9) for 1993 and 6949.85 x 10(9) for 1994.
This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.